The Ancients World

Chapter 276: Splitting up again VII

Chapter 276: Splitting up again VII

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

I don't like people bowing to me. That's the customs of this world, though. "I understand that there is extreme prejudice against new people right now, but I'm one of them. We aren't bad people. We don't purposefully cause these things to happen. They're out of our control, and we shouldn't be punished for that." Many that are bowing right now raise their heads and look at me. Thinking about my words. They're true, while it is our fault. It's also not our fault. The people of Gaia might understand that one day, but it won't be any time soon.

I toggle my wings off and sit back on the seat. I face the bar, and everyone begins to stand up and slowly leave the bar. I can hear them running away and shouting that I'm in here from outside. The bartender is the only one still lift. He comes back around the counter and tries to get into the flow of work, but with me watching, he's nervous. "I'm sorry... If I knew, I never..." He stops there as he sees my gaze. It's better to move on from issues than to talk about them. I was never in any danger, so I don't take any offense to it.

You could say that's arrogant pride. I have that sometimes. It's a flaw of mine and something I'm working on. I hear the voices growing outside, and that means people are gathering in a large group. Mostly poor and the sick, the desperate. I hear the door of the inn creak open and the clanking of armor. I turn around and see soldiers and officials from the church. They immediately bow as I make eye contact. "Your Holiness, it's an honor and a privilege to meet you." The head of the church here begins to speak.

I try to ignore all the formal and respectful greetings. I'm a casual guy and prefer casual conversations. However, this is impossible. "Quit bowing. I'm not into that sort of thing." They hesitate, but they slowly rise. Despite the churches whispering protests. "I don't know why you're here, so state your business." I look at them, and all I see are a bunch of men looking for an excuse to meet Slayer Zern, to meet me. These are hard times in The City of James. I look past them towards the open door, and I see poor people. Holding sick, waiting for me.

I have time to help them. Sally and Hailey are busy talking to each other. "Your Holiness, we were hoping you could heal th-!" The random soldier who decides to speak is instantly silenced with a hard punch to the face by the squad captain. The Official from the church looks at the random soldier as if he's the disease eating at the world. "I meant no dis!-" He's hit again, and the captain waves for the soldier to be taken away. He was asking me if I could heal the sick that are waiting for me outside. The captain and the church official both bow in an attempt to apologize.

I stand up, and I stretch my body. "I'm eternally sorry for my soldier disrespect. I'll accept any form of punishment you give." These guys are serious. I sigh, and I roll my neck. I turn on my divine title, and the aura immediately shifts. My divine title does many different things, and notifying people I'm near is one. I watch the soldiers and people from the church look at the amazing pearlescent glowing title above my head. Saying The Son of Arch-Angel Michael, Slayer Zern. I toggle my wings back on, and I begin walking towards the men and women in the inn.

They all freeze, thinking I'm going to do something. Instead, I walk past them, and I make my way for the exit. I make it outside the crowd of people is huge, and more are constantly joining. As soon as they see me, they get on their knees and start begging for help. Some even come forward to try and touch me. Before they can, the soldiers inside push the crowd away. "INSOLENT VERMIN!! HOW DARE YOU TRY AND TOUCH HIS HOLINESS!!" The fanatic of the church is yelling and screaming at the people that tried to come forward.

I place my hand on his shoulder, and he stops. Shocked that I'm actually touching him. "They're just desperate for help. Leave them be." He immediately has a look of shame and looks down towards the ground. As if every reason for living has left him. I turn towards the crowd and see the desperate looks. "I'll help whoever needs it, but I'm leaving tomorrow morning, so fetch as many people as you can. I won't be here long enough to get everyone." It makes me feel like I'm balancing all the wrong I've done by helping whenever I can.

I walk into the crowd and spread my wings wide. "Place all the sick and injured under my wings and in front of me." People immediately start to place disease and crippled people under my wings. There are some scuffles on certain spots too. I use my strongest healing spell and heal all the ones under me. Their bodies are restored, and they soon wake up in perfect health. The parents rush towards their children, and the children rush for their parents. Soon more start to try to put others under my wings. There is a?problem, though.

Desperate parents are soon arguing who gets to go next, whose child is healed before who. Fathers are on the brink of brawling, and mothers are on the edge of clawing at one another. "Don't worry." Everyone stops what they're doing. "I'll get everyone who is here and who decides to show up on time. If you're here now, I'll help. So please, no violence." They all stop what they're doing. I'm doing my best to stop the fighting. More bloodshed after what's already happened isn't good. These people have suffered enough, no reason to be the cause for more.

As Cera continues to heal the sick and crippled. Sally and Hailey are speaking to each other, and it's a conversation that can't involve Cera not yet. Sally is terribly scared to speak about what she want's to speak about. While she feels comfortable with Cera and knows that she can talk to him about anything. There are still many things Sally's afraid of Cera knowing about her. One of the things Hailey and Sally are discussing right now. Sally is doing her best to get the words out, but she is having a hard time. Her own frustration of her fear is getting to her, and she soon gets it out.

Hailey is someone I can talk to about this. Cera would listen and understand. He'd support me, but I'm not ready for him to know about this yet. "So, what do you want to talk about? I can see how hard this subject is for you. Whatever it is, maybe Cera is the one you should talk to." I shake my head, and she sighs. "Well, out with it. I promise I won't tell Cera if that is what you're worried about." I do feel really bad for not talking to Cera about this. I fiddle with my fingers and get the courage needed for talking about this.

I take a breath and level out. "I'm worried that I might be asking too much of Cera... That he's doing everything that I want done, and I'm not reciprocating... I know that he would tell me it's okay, but I'm not sure that this is how a relationship is supposed to work..." I'm worried that I'm causing an imbalance in the relationship. We're doing so many things for me. The last time we did anything for Cera is going to Zenith is see his mom. I have to ask Hailey about that cause they talk like they're from the same mom, but Amelia only has one birth child.

All of a sudden, Hailey starts laughing out loud. "Are you seriously worried about that? Cera hasn't told you anything about us new people, has he. How we get stronger and how we're different." I'm not sure how to react. He hasn't explained the way his people work... How they gain so much power so fast. Does that have anything to do with why he's so willing to help me? So willing to do whatever I want. "Look, you have nothing to worry about. Cera is the one to explain things to you, but I'll let you in on a little secret. We get quests that make us stronger, ones that you wouldn't have access to." There are more questions I have for Cera now, and I'll have to ask him the next chance I get.

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