The Ancients World

Chapter 277: Splitting up again VIII

Chapter 277: Splitting up again VIII

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

I finish healing the current group around me, and that should be the rest of the people. All the ones currently present, that is. I look around, and there isn't desperation anymore, but happy smiling families. Free of suffering from disease and injury. I needed this... To reach out and help. Sometimes, taking time to help others can really help yourself. I look towards the church officials that have all gathered and their on their knees praying. To me, it's weird and unnatural. To them, I'm the grandson of The Almighty Father.

I'm divinity walking around, sharing what I have. To them, basking in my very presence is an unimaginable gift. I don't like that they do it, but I can't stop them. It's wrong that they do this. I'm not as Holy as they want me to be. One day, they might all learn that. I turn around and make my way towards the Inn. I toggle my wings off, and I unequip my title. Making me look like an ordinary man. "Your Holiness, allows us to take you somewhere that is more accommodating to your position." A sister of the church voices out to me.

I turn and look at her. She's got a kind voice and a pleasant face. "My companions are staying here. One of them already paid a large sum for the room we're using. It was expensive, so no point in wasting it." As soon as those words leave my mouth, the guards and church members stare at the bartender who's in charge of selling rooms. He looks at them in fear. "Don't blame him. I'm sure if he knew at the time. He would've been more willing to rent the room out at a reasonable price." His own hatred for players has come back to bite him.

That isn't something he should be put to death for, so I should cover him. I walk into the inn, not bothering with continuing any more conversations. It's been several hours since I started helping these people, and Sally and Hailey haven't come out of the room once. They're either still talking or waiting for me to get done with everyone. It would've been hard to miss the noise from outside. I climb the stairs and head for the door. I open it, and Sally and Hailey are sitting across from each other. Playing a regular game of cards.

I bet if Sally had a deck, she'd play some of The Shattering with Hailey. I still have yet to get to mine. "What're you playing?" Sally lays down her cards and stands up. She walks over to me and gives me a big hug. I'm hoping they were able to help Sally talk about whatever it was she wanted to talk about. "It looks like a game of 5 card draw?" I didn't think that games from earth would appear in this new world, but we're sure to bring some things with us. Hailey stands up and walks over to.

She waits for Sally to stop hugging me. "I'm going to head out early, and I'll meet you guys at the southernmost border of the Elven Kingdom with Jasmine." I smile at her, and she does me. It sucks that we have to split up again, but it's not going to be forever. "You ready to go, Emerald?" She calls out to her magical beast, and the little green striped tiger cub pops its head out of the backpack and meows. "It's been really great, Sally. I'm glad that my little bro found someone he can be with." I feel a little embarrassed when she says that. Making me sound picky for no reason.

I stop hugging Sally and move to hug my sister. Before she can protest, I already have her wrapped in my arms. Instead of fighting, she hugs me back. I stop after a couple of seconds and pull away. "I don't need to tell you to be safe, sis, but watch your back out there. It's a big dangerous world." I put a sincere tone at the end of my sentence. The original plan was to have her leave in the morning, but since it's already dark. This is fine too. I pet Emerald's head, and Hailey turns around with a smile and leaves the room.

Leaving Sally and me here all alone. I turn to her, and Sally has a bittersweet look on her face. I feel the same way. "I really hope it isn't too long until we see her again at the city located at the border crossing." I agree with Sally on this point. We barely got to spend a day together. Now she's already leaving again, but that's how life works. People separate and spread out, meeting up every now and again. "She's really awesome, and while you two don't have much in common. I can see the family resemblance." Sally wouldn't say that if she knew Hailey from the old future.

I walk over to the bed, and I take a seat. I'm not physically tired, but mentally I'm ready to crash into a nice deep nap. "Hailey is a great sister, and while we haven't always agreed on certain things. We'll always be there for one another." I look at Sally, and she stands up with a smile and comes and joins me. "I'm curious to know what you two talked about, but I know that you're not ready to talk about it. If you were, you'd have brought that up first instead of how cool my sister is." She takes on a relaxed expression and leans her head on my shoulder.

I don't think she's going to be talking, but I know she wants to. She's just scared. "Can I ask you something?" She hits me with a question and she's heavy with hesitation. I tell her that it's fine. "Hailey said that the reason you're okay with doing all these things for me is that you get something out of it too. That you somehow gain strength from it..." I take back the nice things I said about my sister. Sally is asking questions I'm not ready to answer. But I will. I'll show her instead of telling her. I pull up the quests and make them visible to NPC's near me.

[Revenge Against the Eleven Kingdom]

[Description: Now that Sally's Revenge against the James family has been completed, the hardest quest regarding Sally's past is about taking Revenge against The Elven Kingdom.]

[Objective 1: When the time comes, Sally will bring up getting revenge against the elves and the Orvello family. (Hint: This will occur during the time of Fighting the Disease quest.)][Completed]

[Objective 2: You can either hide the information found about Orvello and her mother from Sally, or you can tell her. Each choice has a different impact on her feelings towards you and her family. (Hint: You have until Sally brings up getting revenge against the elves directly. So if you intend to tell her, do it as soon as possible.][Completed]

[Objective 3: When Sally wakes up, ask her how she's feeling.][Completed]

[Objective 4: Head to The Elven Kingdom's Capital City, Zernox.][In progress]

[Objective 5: Make the royal family and nobles pay for their transgressions against Saliandra. How you do this is up to Sally. So listen to her.][In Progress]

[Reward: Unknown]

[Difficulty: Legendary]

[Dark Truths]

[Description: Find out why the Orvello family has forsaken and doomed both Sally and her deceased mother. Revenge Against the Elven Kingdom is directly tied to this quest. So the more you complete and figure that quest out, the more this quest will develop and change with it.]

[Objective 1: Once inside The Kingdom of The Elves, locate the Orvello family. Once you have this information, bring it to Sally. (Hint: Sally doesn't know where the location of her family is since she's never met them.)][In progress]

[Objective 2: This quest will be affected by whether you tell Sally about her mother and the betrayal. So if you want this quest to progress, it's wise to tell her as soon as you can.][Completed]

[Objective 3: Once you ask how Sally feels, she'll want to talk about her family and what to do.][Completed]

[Objective 4: Once the Orvello Family is located. Take Sally to them so she can question them and get answers that she needs.][In Progress]

[Objective 5: Get the Orvello family's location while in the capital elven city of Zernox. How this is done is up to you.][In progress]

[Difficulty: Legacy]

[Rewards: Unknown]

She looks at the holographic quests in shock and then looks at me for an explanation. "Us new people have a special connection to something called the system. We can receive quests and rewards from the system, and get more power from it. Quests can be given through people, items, and class upgrades. That's how I got these quests. I got them from you." She looks back at the hologram and brings her hand up to it. Trying to touch it. "So... What do you think?" This is the first time she's going to be seeing this, so I don't know how she's going to react.

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