The Ancients World

Chapter 280: Clear Skies

Chapter 280: Clear Skies

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

Sally and I walk towards the exit after spending an hour healing people and picking up supplies for the trip. A crowd of people is following us. Sally has her hood up. I don't. There is no need for one at the moment. The guards up ahead at the gate see me coming and move out of the way. As I walk through the gate, I look at the long line still trying to get into the city. Before anyone else can come up and ask, I toggle my wings on, and I let Sally climb on my back. I flex my wings and launch off the ground, sending people tumbling back as I do.

I reach the clouds and flap my wings hard. I adjust to the direction that I need to be in. The fresh air and clear blue skies clear my head. I take some time to admire the passing scenery below and the rolling hills and forests as we cover distances at high speeds. Gaia is enormous and thought to be a limitless world ever-expanding thanks to magic. Exploring all of it is impossible, but that won't stop people from trying. There is something that has been on my mind as of late—the Dice of Wayland. I still lack information on it.

Even though I'm carrying it around in my inventory, I haven't forgotten about the artifact, and I intend to learn more about it. "I feel bad for leaving those people... I can't imagine how hard it must be on you..." Sally talks into my ear, and her words bring up a subject I don't like to talk about. I can't heal everyone, save everyone. I'm only a single person. My abilities can't reach across all of Gaia. She's waiting for a response, wanting to know how I'm feeling or what I'm thinking about this sore subject. I know they aren't my responsibility.

When you have powers and gifts like mine, you feel almost obligated to help. "I pity them, Sally... So desperate for the power of another. It reminds me of something I wish to forget..." They remind me of me. I was so desperate for power and the chance to change the future. It was pathetic. I couldn't live with reality, cope with it. So I committed a grave act. I changed the future by going back into the past. I stole someone else's power. Blue Chaos is likely dead because of this. I stole another player's weapon. Pesticide was supposed to get The Witness, not me.

In a sense, I was like them. Except I took the next step and stole what others had. Something that gave me what I needed but also branded me as a thief. No one will know this, not anytime soon. However, knowing the truth myself brings shame. "The City of James used to be far worse when I was a slave there... To me, it's improved greatly, and I hope under the leadership of Kelly, it continues to grow..." Sally sees the good because that's who she is. She can see the change cause she was there when it was terrible. I can learn a lot from her. Learn to move away from the past.

My actions have consequences. Ones that I'll have to pay for one day, just as the James family. "When have a long journey ahead of us, and it will be the first time either of us sees The Elven Kingdom. I know that you don't want to talk about it, so I won't push anything. But if you need to let some things out, I'm here." Sally is going to have a hard time there. After all the things that have been revealed, it's hard to suppress the desire not to charge into the capital and cut the heads of the royal family. We need them alive long enough to answer our questions, though.

Sally kisses the side of my head, and I flap my wings hard again. "I'm feeling a cold rage inside... One I've never felt before... They took everything from me... I know it's wrong to want to kill someone, but I can't help feeling that I'll enjoy driving my blade through them..." Sally is starting to develop a dangerous habit. Bloodlust, one that I'm all too familiar with. Something I still have. Bloodlust is evil to many, but I think used in the correct way can really help the world. Sally is doing just that. Focusing her bloodlust on terrible people. Ones who have done her and others harm.

We've done what we've come here for, at least for now. We'll have to come back this way for the Fighting the Disease quest, but that's something that isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Doing these quests for Sally is more important right now. I glide at high speeds and notice that Sally is humming in my hear. I'm not going to say anything. Enjoying it is what I want to do. The melody is calming and filled with many emotions. I can feel her love, hate, joy, sorrow. Her voice is wonderful, and it takes my mind off all my problems.

As Cera and Sally travel towards their destination. The Armies of Zenith and The Dryads are meeting up for the first time. The war against the Bellvia Kingdom is going to commence soon. All the leaders are gathering to discuss where to strike first. A massive tent is made at the location of the gathered armies—one filled with officers and important personnel. The armies have a combined strength of 700,000 soldiers. The majority of them coming from The Zenith Kingdom. The Dryads are still replenishing their forces. Jackson is talking directly with Queen Elenore.

Elenore's beauty transcends what's been said. I sit across from her, and we are watched from all directions. The massive tent is filled with our officers and leaders. There is no hostility or a sense of awkwardness. Not between our troops or us. Instead, there is a sense of comradery, one created by the mutual hate we all share with Bellvia. The same desire to see it pay for its past and present crimes. "It's nice to finally meet you in person, Queen Elenore. I'm sad that war was the first time we meet in person, but I'm confident in saying neither of us really mind." She smiles and nods her head.

There is a steady silence. One that everyone knows will be broken with the discussions of war. "The first thing I want to say is The Horn of The Forest is ready to be used. My soldiers are ready for battle, and our healers are ready to take care of any wounded. You're much more experienced as a leader, King Jackson. I'm not going to let my inexperience get in the way of this war. I'll follow your lead and learn as much as I can in the process." She's going to be an amazing Queen. Her desire to gain knowledge in the art of war is there, and she's smart on how to gain that knowledge.

I can only hope that my children will end up being as wise as her, but that's a few years down the road. "I appreciate that, Queen Elenore. I'll do my best to spare as many lives for both our armies. We've brought artillery and modern magicians, as well as a substantial amount of troops. Let us bring this war to a swift end." Bellvia isn't going to take the war lying down. It's going to struggle and take as many lives with it before it falls. Both from our side and its own. "The first thing we need to discuss is our target for the beginning of the war." She nods her head in agreement.

A massive map is rolled along the giant table our generals, and we surround. It's a map of Bellvia and all its land. "The main target for the beginning of this war is taking out their supply network. We want to choke the armies of food and water before we actually battle. To do this, we need to secure these 8 trading routes and these 4 ports." I circle different parts of the map. "They'll be heavily defended due to how valuable they are for the war. If we can take these, we'll have a substantial advantage in the war." I finish the opening topic, and conversations begin.

Generals are communicating to others on who should move where. This is the beauty of a chain of command. I can issue the order, and the officers under me will discuss and plan around this order and how to accomplish it. Soon, the generals on The Dryad's side begin talking with mine. It's excellent to see both sides communicating. I look at Queen Elenore, and she nods her head with a look of gratitude. This war will only strengthen our bond with The Dryads.

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