The Ancients World

Chapter 281: Talks of War

Chapter 281: Talks of War

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

The war is coming to Bellvia, and there isn't anything they can do to stop it. Queen Elenore and The Dryad people have been waiting for this for a very long time. I'm going to try and guide her in the arts of war, but I'm not a genius strategist. I know how to formulate plans, attack, defend. However, there are rulers out there that outclass me—one of those rulers being Gregory. I don't know if he's going to be helping Bellvia and if he is. That's going to be serious trouble. He's highly regarded as a master of tactical combat, and I know I'll lose if I go against him.

The meeting is going great, and now that our Generals are communicating, there is no longer a reason to be here. Not in the tent, that is. I stand up, and I look towards my wife. Tessa has gotten some sleep since we're left Zenith. Not being in a place she's constantly getting attacked has helped her mentally. It's also helped me too. Seeing my wife begin to look better eases my heart. The thought of Bellvia being the one that has done this to her replaces that ease with a burning fury. I walk over to her and hold out my hand.

She gives a tired and weak smile. She reaches up and takes it. I hold her hand, and we walk side by side as the meeting continues. We exit the large tent and head towards our private royal tent. I open the opening for her, and she walks in. I follow her in, and I take a breath of relief. "We'll let the Generals do what they do, so let's get some actual rest." I walk towards the bed, and I sit down on edge. Tessa joins me, and I wrap one arm around her. She leans her head on my shoulder and relaxes. The bags under her eyes are beginning to get better, but they're still there.

I run my fingers through her white hair, hoping to get her to relax more. Maybe even fall asleep. "Jackson..." She slowly says my name in a tired voice. "When this is all over... Will the attacks on me finally stop... Who's to say that Bellvia is the only one that'll try to take me or kill me... Ever since I got this power from Slayer Zern's feather, my life has been in constant danger..." I grit my teeth and hold in my fury. As a man, I want my wife to feel safe in our own home. She doesn't feel safe and is worried that after all this. It'll only continue with other kingdoms. I don't know what to say...

While King Jackson and Queen Tessa are in their private tent, Queen Elenore has decided to stay and watch the discussions. After all, she is new to ruling, and she wants to learn as much as she can about organizing troops, setting goals, and utilizing the chain of command. Many Generals are talking to one another right now, discussing plans and where to move forces. Queen Elenore is learning a lot in this meeting. The thing being, you can't win a war alone. She's silent and taking in every word that's spoken.

I clasp my hands together and listen as two Generals from my army and Jackson's speak. "We can combine our forces and set up blockades in these three areas, freeing up movements for the 12th and 21st divisions. That way, we can move our troops to the locations that King Jackson marked without the risks of ambush." This is the chain of command in action. King Jackson gave the order to capture specific targets. Now his Generals can talk and discuss with each other about how to get these targets once they're done with these discussions.

The officer in the room right now will all receive individual orders. Taking on separate tasks. "This is going to be a problem, though." One of the Generals points to an area on the map labeled as hazardous. "Due to the constant use of magical crystals in Bellvia, once they're broken and can't be reused, they dump them here. While they aren't dangerous to us or the environment. It has attracted large numbers of monsters, powerful ones too. Hoping to feel on the tiny scraps left in the crystals." I don't know what magic crystals are.

Only that they were made long after our people were cursed. "While this area is going to prove dangerous, maybe we can use that to our advantage." I raise my eyebrow at the prospect as one of the several Generals speaks. Everyone is waiting for him to elaborate. "If we know this information, Bellvia does too. We can use this if we clear the monsters out of the area and dispose of the magic crystals. We'll have a great foothold to move into the kingdom deeper. They won't check on the place due to it being filled with monsters." The idea is a good one, but many soldiers will die in the process.

The Horn of the Forest can be of some use here, and this is a perfect chance to test the item. "I know just what we can use to complete this task." I decide to speak, and everyone turns their attention to me. "We haven't used The Horn of the Forest yet, and I'd love to see the item in action. We'll use The Horn of the Forest to clear out this area." My idea is well received by many in the room. The Generals begin talking and moving to different subjects fast. Solving problems at a rate, I wouldn't. It goes to show the difference between us.

I'm learning more than I hoped to, and while I don't like the thought of sending my troops and people to die. It's something that everyone wants—revenge against the Bellvian Kingdom. "After the trade routes are locked down, we'll shift the 38th and 39th divisions to the city of Greenwater. Taking the port will guarantee that the forces of Bellvia suffer from lack of supplies." I understand the concept. Cutting off valuable resources that sustain armies is going to be detrimental for the enemy. After a stretch of time, they'll run out of everything. A new tactic I've just learned.

As the meeting continues in the tent, Bellvia themselves are having a war council in the capital. In comparison, their forces aren't as great as the combined efforts of Zenith and The Dryads. However, they have magical technology other kingdoms don't have—mages with magic exclusive to the Bellvian Kingdom. The war is going to be anything but swift and easy for Zenith and The Dryads. King Hermon is sitting in an extravagant chair as they look at the war map. They're discussing key locations that need to be defended.

I never imagine that my time as king would turn out like this. The actions of my kingdom's forefathers have come to bite me—the sins of so long ago bursting forth. We knew of the curse on The Dryads, and we could've lifted it. I decided that it was unwise because once free, they'd still want revenge and war. I did what I thought was best for my people, for my family. I have flashbacks to the day that Slayer Zern entered the royal palace and threatened my family and me. Grabbed my precious daughter by the throat.

Never has a king been so blatantly attacked, too openly threatened. What could I do? He's someone whose life is much more valuable than mine and my family. It's humbling, you know... To be a king, and think yourself at the top of the world. Only to be shown that you're nothing but dust in the wind when compared to real importance. "My King, we're going to have to give up two of the trade routes. Sacrificing two of them will allow us to reinforce the others enough. At least until the project is complete." I'm brought out of my thoughts.

I look at the man who spoke to me, and I look down at the map. I sigh at the realization. There is a big chance we won't even win this war, and I'm pondering a full surrender to save the lives of my people. I ordered the attacks on the Queen of Zenith, but I was assured that no one would find out. Gregory said that it was... Impossible... Gregory and Jackson... Enemies... Yet Gregory won't help me, and instead, has left me to fight along after convincing me to fight. I figure something out at this moment. Gregory played me and has caused this war. If that's what he want's, that's what he'll get—a war. I'll be sure to tell Jackson who it really was before I die.

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