The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 108


The next day I went to the temple for the ‘crowning ceremony’ in the morning.

Provide flowers and pray to the flower table mourning Your Majesty.

Even if it’s the story of The Novel, Your Majesty took care of me, too.

I think I’ve lost a spare person from the bottom of my heart.

May a new king, born in this country, be as kind as his predecessors, who can look over all his people –.

“The ‘crowning ceremony’ begins at 2: 00! Civilians to the garden! Nobles to the back seat!

The administrators of the Temple are nobles who hold the position of Temple Clerk.

civilians who are sent outside so that they can drive them away.

Well, they can also see the unveiling of the new king in the temple garden once the “crowning ceremony” is over.

The temple doesn’t have windowpanes or anything, so don’t normally look out of the garden.

“Yes, it’s good…”



Hold hands.

Lana, with a slight redness in her cheek, looked up.

Then he smiles happily.

“No, I’m not a little nervous anymore. I have you.”

“… Yeah, I’ll protect Lana no matter what happens”

The aristocrats go back.

After a while, the number of aristocrats in formal attire has increased.

When the time comes, the royalty of other countries will face each other.

Oh, and of course I hid thoughtfully from the person in the example of “Yellow Dragon Mesiresins”.

His Majesty Germain, Princess Rosalee, and Master Twa found out you were here, but no.

Niya, they laughed, so they don’t seem angry.

Maybe Brother Carl Rate told me he was good.

Don’t get nervous as soon as the kings come in.

Nevertheless, is the chief of the closed ‘Red Dragon Mishima Herdios’ still not here?

“Brother Fran”


“It’s me.”

Allefald’s escort, Cool Gun, shows up next to me.

The Chancellor brought in a slightly fat gentleman with red brown hair.

Put on a pair of glasses, bow down and sit down.

Some of them were stared at as “what side down,” but you have a flat face.

“Hehe… well, luckily we have all the actors.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later as planned”


Music begins to be played.

Prepared crown and scepter.

It can be our father standing in front of us.

Some seem to wonder why you’re not the Temple Chief here, because it’s the Chief Justice who’s better than the Temple Chief.

The Temple is part of the Justice Department.

Because part of the law was prepared by the Historical Xian Kings and the Guardian Dragons.

… So extra, my dad would have been busy, I guess, extra.

In the meantime, Alefald entered the room, wrapped in a cloak that reached the floor and pure white courtesy.

My father’s long congratulations begin.


Truth be told, I gave up on seeing this moment.

If Lana is next door, you don’t have to be seen.

That’s what I thought.

Oh, I miss you.


It was the prince who found me lost.

I was told that you were the ‘light’ that would be the ‘shadow’… well, that was the childhood I was hoping for.

… be the ‘king’.

Anxiety is great.

But now let’s just sincerely bless you.

Congratulations, Allefald.

“So, you… Alefaldo Arsezios, do you swear allegiance for life to Arsezios, the guardian dragon of this country and this country?

“I swear.”

A crown is placed on the head of Alefald, who kneels, and after he rises, he is brought with him the scepter.

I saw it directly from the front.

Perhaps Alefald is looking at me too.


Here we go, that’s the signal.

… I became king because of this, but it’s hard for me to be the first to do it, and so are you.

“The royal families of the nations who gathered here, and the nobles of our country, the people! Thank you! I am not ashamed of my father, I swear here to be the new king of this country!

I get a patsy applause.

Since there are more people outside the temple, the temple seems to be shaken by the voice of joy and blessings.

The bell above the temple rings to Alefald, who waved the Wang Wand.

The scepter, Alefald turned to one man.

“And! Let’s convict my father of poisoning a doctor on this occasion now! You poisoned this doctor, too!



Zawa, and the inside of the temple squirm.

The man Alefald pointed out with his king’s staff stands up.

Behind that, the person who was sitting in front of me and Lana also stood up, pointed out by Allefald.

It’s about you, Unilis Grain.

“!? Ha!? Elana Ruthfett!? How could you be here!? I should have banished you from the country then!?”

Gatan, and stood up was the girl with purple blue hair rolled vertically.

Even so, he is our classmate and former classmate.

A few knights block the aisle so as to surround the seat where she was sitting.

And front row.

The man who was sitting next to the Chancellor…… the fake Dr. Delhan is also seized by the knight.

Miss Lijuana and Cool Gun showing up next to Allefald. Three more idiots.

Well, this mastermind… Miss Unilis Grain is an associate of the Three Fools…

“Nah… chi, no… no, Starlet! I…!

“Unfortunately, we have all the evidence. Resistance is futile, Ulinis.”

“It’s not like you got it all together.”

“Shit, I told you I’d thank you later…”

“It’s our father’s men I’ve been collecting, so I promised him a reward or something –”

“I will! I will, so shut up!

Don’t really read the air because Cool Gun is a child .

But my father and his men got their expressions so bright, let’s leave them alone.

Starlet promised a reward so there’s no escape…… haha.

“Shit, I can’t believe it’s evidence… that stuff!

“That, can I say that? I know you were growing poison grass in the garden. And the fact that this doctor is a phony who cheated on Dr. Delhan’s name!

It’s cool, but I’ll show you a nod.

King Chaolain of “Purple Dragon Divaldios” rose up as Gho.

Knicks fingered man…… to fake Dr. Delhan, “Did this guy name our country Delhan?,” he says.

I guess so, I guess so.

Because Dr. Delhan is –.

“Stupid! Delhan is a woman doctor!


It is.

… Dr. Delhan is a female doctor.

I work as a watchmaker, but I can be quite an old woman.

Sure, I thought it was a man at first, too, so I went to see him and thought he was a young woman’s person, so I was so surprised.

That’s why Dr. Delhan is unforgettable once we meet.

Worldwide doctor with that one!

Clockmaker and business!

Young! Beautiful! Nice style! Too old to know!

… I’ll never forget it.

I’m not such an old man.

From the time I asked her about her gender, I thought that… that’s the thing, so everyone’s eyes on the spot are directed at Miss Unilis.

“Oh, woman…? Female doctor…? Delhan?”

That’s how I squealed, Miss Unilis.

Doctors can only be men in this country, so it’s normal for a lady who doesn’t leave the country to know.

Nevertheless, there is no longer room for that imposter to escape from being identified as King of the ‘Purple Dragon Divaldios’.

Of course, Miss Unilis.

“Ha! Ma, wait! You don’t know if I’m involved with a phony!?”

“You think you can still get away with it after all this?

“Huh! But Your Highness…… No, Your Majesty! There is no reason for me to poison the former king! Instead, it’s this woman who has her reasons! I’m not Elana Ruthfett and her father, the Chancellor!

And Lana, pointing her finger, sighs.

The Chancellor also stood up, arms up and looked at her.

Miss Unilis keeps bluing her face to the gaze that is poured from everyone.

“Unfortunately, me and your father have no reason to assassinate His Majesty the former king. I’m so full and happy right now, and your father is Starlet’s … raising your ex-fiancé, so it’s tough.”


“Uniris, I hear you were trying to impersonate the former king for poisoning the prime minister for me and let him lose his leg, but in vain. I will grab the Chancellor’s seat with my effort and strength!

“We need more effort to do that.”

“Ooh! I told you I would. Huh!

Cool guns, don’t cross spears.

“… but, but… I… I really can’t believe I’m going to kill…! The effect is only slightly dazzling…”

“It was this imposter who was giving you the medicine you gave him by replacing it with real poison.”


Cool gun peeks in, fake doctor.

The face that seemed calm has no shadow to see.

“I have no choice. The truth is, I thought I’d sacrifice a young lady full of the blackening emotions there…”


“Let me offer you my black blood. My eyes, my voice, my ears, my nose, my skin, my flesh, my bones… use all my parts…”

“What are you talking about!?”

“Hey, something’s wrong with you!

“Huh! Cool gun, Eufran! Get the kings out of here!

At his father’s direction, Cool Gun pulls the Allefalds away from the man.

I also gave instructions to the knights and put on the table the kings and princes of the nations that were in the temple, the princesses and the nobles of this country.

No way……

“No! That’s the spell of the Evil Dragon Summon! Everybody, run! The evil dragon is coming out!

Lana screams.

Evil Dragon, everyone said temporarily to the word “What are you talking about?” and stop the leg.

However, there was a scream when the black fluid overflowed from the fake doctor who was rumbling about the bump.

“… no, why! I’m not the sacrifice of the evil dragon, so the evil dragon doesn’t come out!? Why!

“Lana, back off!


“T, Master Twa, run away too!

The royals in the front row also seem to have finally escaped to near the entrance.

His Majesty Germain and Princess Rosalee are caught in the aisle!

I let Lana hold Master Twa and stripped His Majesty Germain’s cloak off the back of his bench.

“Oh, oh, Eufranc, thank you.”

“Please hold Princess Rosalie! Something’s wrong!”

“Sounds like it! Rosalie!”

“Ah… yes”

Opo, make a noise and the black water increases.

Overflowing with momentum that seems to fill the temple instantly, it begins to stretch toward the ceiling after swallowing up a fake doctor.

Lana said beforehand, “If I hadn’t been sacrificed by the evil dragon, the evil dragon wouldn’t have come out,” but… is this the corrective power Lana was worried about?

Destroying the temple ceiling, the bell makes a loud noise and falls.

I think it’s finally bad for the wreckage of the collapsing building and the screaming and escaping appearance of the citizens who were gathering in the garden.

I have no choice……


“Don’t move from there!

“This is it!

Avoid using two Blue Dragon Claws as an umbrella for debris falling to Lana and the others.

I have one more in my hand.

Before all the buildings collapsed, we could go outside… but outside, people fled and there was mayhem.

The Allefalds should have fled to the west side of the temple with their father and Coolgan escorting them.

But trouble… I have more royalty in charge.

“The royalty of other nations…”

“King Shaolain and Prince Clark saw him escape with the kings of Alefald.”

Exhale into His Majesty’s words.

So are the Kings all right over there?

“Lana, are you hurt?

“Wow, I’m fine… but the evil dragon…! Why, if I am not sacrificed, the evil dragon will not appear ——”

“Lana, that would be the story in The Story you know”

The sound of a building collapse.

The anger that directs the knights to the town the fleeing citizens.

In the meantime, Evil Dragon’s production echoed.

But ignore it.

All I see is Lana.

Hold on to Lana, who’s going to cry, this time……

“Let’s move on with the life you wanted. I’ll be right next door.”

“… franc…”

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