The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 109

Dragons and the ‘Holy Glow’

“But I can’t see this. The work of the Evil Dragon Faith, so I guess…”

“Ge, Your Majesty Germain……”

A dragon wrapped around a black jade that appeared in the former temple location.

Three eyes to the left and right.

Long tongues out and toward heaven, whimpering roar up.

I thought it was the size to fit in the temple but it still seems to be growing and my body is getting bigger and bigger……

“You, brother! Elana, sis!


“!? Farrah!? How did you get here…!

“Oh, I’m sorry, I brought you here!


In the sense of scolding, yelling.

And at a time like this!

“Because I was worried about your sisters! Farrah is here with you because she wants to keep your sisters company!


Here, and look at Ruth.

I know how it feels to be soggy but… ummm… not to not listen to someone with a ‘holy glow’ who so desires…

So, but–.

“Maiden of the Guardian Dragon… well, if so… can you summon Braczilios, Prince of ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’?

“Yeah, come on, huh?

“As it is, the people of this country die. Neighbouring countries, albeit others. If we don’t stop here, we might come to our country.”

“? I don’t know, you…?

Your Majesty Germain… Are you going to summon ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ with ‘Dragon’s Eye’…!?

This is Blue Dragon Arcedios, right?

… but… sure, keep it up…!

………… But Braczilios seems a little too big… ”

“You’ve seen it?

Don’t His Majesty Germain know how decadent Braczilios is, too?

Hold Master Twa and stare at him.

With a full smile……

“Yeah! Hey, about this town!

“All right, just Sergios! Let’s call it in!

I thought you were making the right decision.

And I mean……

“Are you calling me? Seriously? Have a guardian dragon from another country……!

“Evil dragons gain weight with the lives of people, the lives of creatures. If we stop here, we won’t be able to get our hands on it. And only those with Dragon Claws can fight it with their own hands.”


Ruth and Lana’s face tense.

Meaning of His Majesty Germain’s Eye.

Master Twa anxiously grabbed my shoulder.

The roar of evil dragons echoes the town.

Move to a more remote location, but the town is in havoc.

I’m not going to be able to get much movement.

Evil dragons, which you don’t know when to move out, are about the size of a temple.

When the whole town was wrapped in screams, Lana muttered “no” small.

“No, you can’t beat a human…”


“So, it’s okay! Arsedios is here. Because Alefaldo summons Arcedios, and Rijuana strengthens and protects Arcedios, so, Fran! Fran, don’t do anything!

Because that’s what happens in “Story” —— I guess.

Sure, I don’t have to go, and there’s some cool guns on Allefald’s side.

Ruth is here, too.

His Majesty Germain is also going to summon Sergios, so nothing I won’t have to do.

“Sacrifice… Sacrifice… Sacrifice, Mott…”

I talked.

I look up surprised.

Those six eyes stared at this one in a straight line for some reason.

They’re behind the building, and they’re finding out we exist.

“Hey, I’m sensing a flow of dragon power…. I’ll summon you. You can help me with complaints or post-processing, Euphrane.”

“Melancholy…. Well, fine… my provisional king. Let me help you.”


“Hmm, am I the provisional master? Sort of. It takes time to call. I have to convince you… to protect Rosalee in case.”


“If Princess Rosalee doesn’t tell you, Ruth will protect you.”


If Alefald’s “Eye of the Dragon” awakens safely, it will be as the “story” says.

So, what if I don’t wake up?

At least Allefald hasn’t been trained since childhood like me, Ruth, or Coolgan.

I hear “Eye of the Dragon” cannot be used unless recognized by the Guardian Dragon.

His Majesty told Alefald, “Be aware of yourself as Prince Wang. Then you won’t be able to listen to the guardian dragon for long,” he blamed.

Will you be able to correctly understand the meaning of the word to Arefaldo today?

Well, you’ll have to work hard before you swear, but it’s still the surest way to rely on His Majesty Germain because it’s not something you can handle.

So far, yeah.

“Take a good look, Rosalie. And Prince Twilight. What does it mean to go through your mind with a dragon –!”

His Majesty Germain’s right eye brings green light.

Negotiations commenced.

It is up to His Majesty Germain to persuade us whether Sergios will respond immediately.

“Eye of the Dragon”… Allefald… this country as king, you –.


The evil dragon started walking straight this way.

Breaking down the building, but getting bigger again.

The liquor becomes liquid, and its black liquid flows from the top to the body of the evil dragon, and seems to grow for that matter.

Is Evil Dragon liquid or something?

Well, whatever…



“Uh, I don’t think you have to worry too much.”

Lana and Farrah seem anxious, so Ruth tried to tell me that first.

“Yeah, I’m fine”

“But…!… Is that it?

Lana tilts her neck.

The size of the “Blue Dragon Claw” that appeared behind me is probably due to the fact that it is whiter and larger than what Lana saw earlier.

Because, Lana…… this is’ Blue Dragon Arcedios’.

“This is Blue Dragon Arcedios, so Arcedios is full of dragon power. Lana.”

“Don’t think I can keep it down by myself if it’s enough ”

“Oh, so light–!”

Stick out your hand as you walk slowly.

On six eyes, he busted two ‘nails’ and pierced them.

After a pleasant scream, the marching leg stops and the evil dragon holds his face with both hands.

I can sew the right foot of that stopped foot to the ground with one remaining nail.

Another flashy scream.

Pull out one eye and stab him in the left leg.

For now, the remaining facial nails push more to pierce the back.

Mmm, hard.

It’s like water, huh?

“Wow, Egg…”

I hear you, Ruth.

… Mm, Evil Dragon’s hand grabs the ‘nail’ on his face.

I’m trying to pull through.

Chip, strong……!

I try to crush him, but he’s more powerful over there… he gets pulled out.

Besides, the punctured eye is starting to heal.

Black liquid moves around like it fills a wound.

… this is… hey, it could suck.

“Sergios responded!

To His Majesty Germain’s cry, look back.

The wind keeps gathering in one place and the green light becomes a sphere.

Pong, and the wind plays.

It was the green shining dragon that showed up there…… the dragon…… whats up…… dude, small!?

“Ooh, ooh, ooh!

“Nah… what the hell is this? Fine!


“Or it’s adorable! Is this the guardian dragon of our country?!? Father!

“Cute !

And very popular with Chicks and Lana!

Talk to me!?

Yes, no, the evil dragon talks, so no wonder the guardian dragon talks?

No, but this feeling of size a little too unexpected after seeing Braczilios!

It’s only about people’s heads!

No, I can’t do this to evil dragons even though they’re so small…!?

‘Ah! There really is an evil dragon. How did you bring him back to life?…… hmm? But just because the surface looks like an evil dragon, the contents are different. But it’s dangerous. What’s Arsedios doing? – Dangerous. – Dangerous.

… and shut up.

No, he’s cute where he glides around.

Cute though!


Lana, not if you’re impressed with cuteness.

But I know how it feels. Gyakawa.

“Sacrifice, send over Se… Sacrifice!

‘… well, were you summoned only part of the surface in the wrong way? Humans, too. ”

I can’t deny anything.

“But the country pattern, the cells aren’t very strong. So, a maiden with a holy glow, help Cell?

“Huh? Oh, me?

Sergios flies towards Farrah.

Farrah, hidden in Lana’s arm, peeks into her face, though she seems interested in Sergios.

The Holy Glow of increasing the power of the Guardian Dragon… do you know who it is?

It’s a glow of soul, it’s a clean heart… they say all sorts of things… the truth is, what the hell is this?

“What am I supposed to do?

‘I just need you to pray for me. Holy brilliance is the cakera of primitive stars (stellars) scattered throughout this world… with its qualities, it shines’



What, that’s…

“The primitive star (Stella) is the divine power of the world where the mothers of the Cells were born. The power of purification. But I’m too strong to handle people. That’s why I crushed it and scattered it all over this world. If I had the material, I could handle it. God’s power makes the cells stronger. ‘

The power of God… Oh no, if I’d listened relaxed, I’d have stabbed ‘nails’ in my face pulled out.

You’re trying to pull it out by putting your hand on the ‘nail’ that’s poking you in the leg.

Well, luckily, Evil Dragon’s hands are blocked with ‘nails’, so we should attack and stop somewhere again in the gap where we let go of our hands……?

“I don’t know…… should I pray?

“Yes. If the child of Braczilios prays too, he will be stronger in the cell.”

“And Twa?

“Oh well… Lord Twa is also the one with the ‘Holy Glow’…!

Lana peeks into Towa’s eyes.

I forgot for a moment too, but Master Twa was also one with the ‘Holy Glow’.

Ugh, yeah, I’d rather you cooperate with Sergios as someone with a ‘holy glow’ than be summoned to Braczilios!

“Hey, what are you looking at? Cell, get better! So, okay?

“Yeah! Okay, okay, okay.”

“Cell, get tight.”

“Uh… Se, sel, be strong…”

The looseness of the conversation you hear from your back is going to make you lose strength.

Well, my “Blue Dragon Claw” is stronger for being in “Blue Dragon Arcedios” than when I was in “Green Dragon Sergios”.

Dos Dos Dos, and make a noise and six “Blue Dragon Claws” pierce the back of the Evil Dragon.

Those are Cool Gun’s “Dragon Claws”.


I can feel the waves in the dragon power of “Blue Dragon Arcedios”.

As Sergios appeared earlier, it aggregates.

The blue light rose behind the evil dragon.

From the waterway flowing through the King’s capital of “Blue Dragon Arsedios”, the water dances to be drawn, flying towards its light.

“! What, that light!

“Hello, did you do it,” Blue Dragon Arcedios “youngster! Hooray!”

Even at this distance, glare enough for Lana to cover her face with her arms.

Something tells me His Majesty Germain is tense… well, I know how you feel.

I got a little nervous, too.

“Ah, it’s Arsedios! It’s Arsedios! ‘

A small green guardian dragon gives his name as he flies around.

Blue-white, glowing snake-like water dragon.

It’s like everything in your body is made of water… that’s what it looks like.


Arsedios…… the guardian dragon of this country.

Did you summon him, Allefald?

You could have summoned me, Allefald……

… Right…

“Good luck with the cell!

“Please, Cell! Farrah takes Elana’s sister and Yu’s brother, Dear Rosalie… Yeah, guys, guys! I want you all to protect me……!


Is that what I’m protected from, too?

………… complicated .

“Yeah, okay -! I got a lot of holy light so I can hang in there!

Looking back and checking, Farrah and Towa’s eyes are glowing golden.

Is that the holy light?

Did you get a lot of that?

Mm, I still don’t know why.

But –.

“I’ll take care of the rest”

The moment Sergios flew away over my head, that’s what I called him.

Turn off “Blue Dragon Claws”.

I accidentally lost my knee power and sat back because I shredded my mind to use it unexpectedly.

Lana rushes over.

“Fran! It’s okay!?”

“Oh, yeah. Say something already.”

“?… Oh, yeah… yeah, right?




Straw and Farrah came running over.

And we all look up.

Two guardian dragons who started fighting evil dragons.

The Great War of Monsters…… and Lana muttered small.

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