The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 110


Lana, I hear that was a sight told in The Story.

The only difference is where Sergios flies around together and tears the body of the evil dragon apart under the pressure of the wind, let’s see.

But the evil dragon born in “Blue Dragon Arcedios,” the land of water, his body is like water, and Arcedios purifies the water with the power of the “Holy Glow” given to him by Miss Lijuana, and finally the evil dragon’s body disappears.

That’s what “Story” is all about –.

“…… was the divine power of the other kingdoms brought with the King Dragon Cleareus”

His Majesty Germain groans as he looks at its power.

The Holy Glow, which was mysterious……

“King Dragon Cleareus”.

The legend that it emerged from different worlds, created this world, became the continent of this world, and is still the root of all life in this world ——.

Guardian dragons are descendants of ‘King Dragon Cleareus’ and support this world by dragon power……

“Holy Glow” came to this world with “King Dragon Cleareus,” “The Power of Purification”?

It is too strong for people to use, so it can only be used by those who are crushed and scattered and have the qualities……

I think it’s called “the glow of the soul” or “a clean heart”… well, maybe that’s what it is.

Is that why it wasn’t a mistake?

Well, I also feel like I want to ask the guardian dragon some more details…

“… the evil dragon disappears”

Arcedios and Sergios.

Evil dragons disappear into two guardian dragon opponents.

After seeing it through, Sergios is the opposite of Arcedios… and returns to this one.

From that little body, how can you produce such a terrific wind?

Dragons suck after all.

That would blow one or two of the towns…… convinced.

“Obnoxious, obnoxious. Cell’s leaving.”


But it’s still loose!

Sergios, you sound like Mr. Twa!

Why is it so loose when it’s so amazing!

“Or thank you, Sergios”

“Thank you, Master Sergios! It was a pleasure to meet you. I really wanted to talk to you more…”

“Cell! Thanks -!

“Oh, thank you, Cell! It protects you and your brother and everyone…”

“It’s good because there were two people with holy glow. Twa’s from Braczilios, but Farrah’s gonna be in Sergios for me? Contract with Cell? Then the cell gets stronger. ‘

Farrah’s solicitation while I tell you I’m leaving!?


And why are you riding over my head!?

Point the long neck at Farrah, who’s a little under, but no, you know, it’s not heavy, why? Why are you on my head? Really, why?

Uh, Master Sergios?

“……………… Ugh, yeah. I’m going back to Green Dragon Sergios. Because” Green Dragon Sergios “has a family. Yu brother and Elana sister are leaving too… Farrah is leaving too…”

Just a little bit, Farrah let her eyes swim.

Do you care about Cool Gun?

… Speaking of which, His Majesty Germain knows that our coolgun proposed to Farrah…?

No, you don’t know?

… and, Shit, how much would I lie if I knew… Awesome – I can only see a future that would be a pain in the ass…

“Yay! Then come see me when you get back to ‘Green Dragon Sergios’! Let’s sign a contract with Cell! Hey! Oh, yeah! Then I’ll lend you Arsedios’ nails, and your cell nails, so give Farrah’s escort my regards. ‘


What do you mean?



“Yes, the pain… what is it now…”

My left eyeball hurt.

Ouch, what is it now? Ouch .

Looks like he was decoped directly by some eyeballs……

“You’re going home, I’m not going home. You’re annoying, you’re annoying!


Sergios flying from above my head.

It’s loose, the nori is light… it flew away like the wind and quickly became invisible.

Hmm, it still hurts and I can’t open my left eye……

I feel like I’ve been told something rash. Are you out of your mind?

It’s your fault, isn’t it?

Can someone please tell me it’s your fault?

“Fran, are you okay? Eyes, does it hurt?

“Ugh, yeah, something doesn’t open… Ouch…”

“Mmm… if Sergios’ words were true, would Euphran, you, Sergios have given you the ‘Green Dragon Claw’?

………… I want it back. ”

Wasn’t it empty ears after all?

His Majesty Germain peeks into my one eye, but I’m in pain and I can’t open it, so it’s useless.

I seriously don’t need one or “Green Dragon Claws” or anything.

No, well, now that I’m out of “Blue Dragon Arcedios,” and Coolgan has become the holder of the maximum number of copies of “Blue Dragon Claws,” I thought I had no choice but to lose my “Blue Dragon Claws.”

Still, well, I managed to protect Lana and Farrah… but I was hoping…

Come here, ‘Green Dragon Claw’ or something… seriously, I don’t need it. Hey, hey, hey!

“Oh, my God! When I get back to” Green Dragon Sergios, “I’ll have you guys become Viscounts!?”

“Uh, you don’t need it. Exactly.”

“Han! If it’s also” Green Dragon Claws “…… yes, be the adopted son of the Durtonil family! That way you will soon be in the Count’s throne…”

“Sire Germain, calm down for a moment! Fran doesn’t seem to be doing very well!

“Oh, yes, father.”

… the pain from my eyes is eroding my head.

It feels like I can only stand with one eye held down and my head doesn’t turn well.

It’s also a little tough standing there that Lana isn’t supporting me on the side……

“Fran, are you okay?… Oh, I don’t know what to do…! The temple is a mess…”

The area is also pretty much hit by Sergios wind.

Would the people of the town have escaped?


What about the Allefalds?

Father and Chancellor……

“Brother, are you okay?

“… Ruth, I’ll take care of the escort, so find my dads. And if you have a knight, bring him in.”

“Wow, okay! I’ll bring him right in, just wait for me, brother!

Against the number of dignitaries, it’s too little that the escort is just me and Ruth.

Ask the most energetic Ruth to secure a report and other escorts, then…

“Lana, Lana takes Farrah and Lady Twa…… isn’t Princess Rosalie cold?

“Well, I’m fine. Euphrane, you mustn’t force it too much! There’s blood in my eyes!


“Haaaa! Ho, really! Fran, you’re bleeding out of your eyes!

“Mmm…… oh, it’s true”

“True, not! Sit down! If it’s your daughters’ escort, I’ll do it!

“No, to the king. That’s a little”

“Yu! It hurts okay!?”

“You, brother! You’re bleeding !



The memories since then are actually blurred.

Somehow I feel like someone picked me up and took me to a room in the castle and slept mainly with Lana yelling at me… Well, how far would this memory go right?

I just thought if there was a guy trying to hurt Lana and the others in that condition, he would have killed them right in front of me, even if Lana and Farrah were there.

So I hope I didn’t kill anyone.

Because I think it’s very hard for those sweet kids to show you exactly where to take someone’s life.


“Fran, do you want some water?

“…, ……… here”


Some kind of luxurious ceiling, fluffy, huh?

I wake up my torso thinking so.

Windows…. dazzling outside.

Lana sitting in front of it…. dazzling.

“… Lana, are you hurt?

“I didn’t. Everybody’s safe. Nobody’s hurt.”

“… yes…”

A chair next to the bed.

Lana, sitting on it, offered her a glass.

Transparent liquid… water, they say.


Take it, take a sip.

I don’t think I’ve had it in a long time.

“I’ve been boggling all day, remember?

“A whole day? Were you bawling?

“Yes, I can’t have much conversation…”


Have another sip of water.

Tilt the glass, drink it up.

In the meantime, I think back… Hmm?

“I don’t remember very well”

“Yes… well, maybe I don’t have a choice…. I don’t know, but my stepfather said things like… the dragon power of the two guardian dragons mixed in my body and I wasn’t feeling well…”


Lana gets up from the chair and sits on the edge of the bed.

Then put your hand on my cheek and smile.

Beautiful, but I didn’t hang up somewhere… Oh well…

“Something to worry about, I’m sorry”

“I’m not mad because it’s not all your fault this time…”

If it was my fault, you’d be mad… scared.

… Mmm… it feels good to be stroked with your cheeks.

………… It’s complicated. ”

“Because I will not sacrifice evil dragons… I thought evil dragons would not be born…”

“Oh yeah……”

But evil dragons were born.

For the sacrifice, he became that fake doctor.

Speaking of which, what happened to that neighborhood?

Both the Chancellor and the Alefalds bit, I think the suspicion cleared up…

“The birth of the evil dragon could not be avoided…”



Is it possible that fake doctors are concerned about their death?

Small back with hands off cheeks and blurry looking out the window.

I put my forehead on that shoulder.

I’m not talking about that guy, can you just worry about me a little more?

“… it’s not your fault, and I think the evil dragon faithful deserve that death.”

“Well, maybe…”

“At any rate, this completely crushed the route to your death. You are no longer…” Villain Lady “in” The Story “”


I don’t have to turn around, and honestly I’d like to keep falling in like this because my body is still weak… but I still think this is all I need to be properly aware of.

Lana is no longer the Villain Lady Elana in The Story.

The fate was avoided by the one you handed down on your own, the ‘Edge’.

Lana is ——

“You are, now… just my wife”

……………… … right… ”

Keep your forehead off your shoulders.

Lana twisted her hips… and held my head tight.

“Right, right… I’m your wife, Euphran. Just Elana. Your…”

“……………… yeah”

Tighten up.

Small back.

I don’t know how she feels right now, maybe I can’t figure it all out… but this is the end of the line… no, this is the end of the line.

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