The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 70

side allefaldo

It is the building on the other side of the crossing that Alefald heads toward as he buzzes his heels and makes his grand strides.

That’s mainly the administrative hub where the civilian does his job.

Alefald must also go there and remember his political affairs.

… Yes, it should be.

We should have been involved in the administrative division at an earlier stage.

Starlet and Knicks walking behind can gradually distance themselves without following Allefald’s fast feet.

That was somewhere similar to their current relationship.

“Will the Earl of Ditaliere be there!

Alefald opens the door to the Justice Department room with momentum.

Those who were working open their eyes and check with the visitors in confusion.

And the man sitting in front of the biggest desk in the deepest part took off his glasses and stood up.

“This, Your Highness… you come to a rare place. What can I do for you? Please call me if you need me…”

“… No, I’ve come to apologize”


“I’m sorry”

And he bowed his head, and said unto the prince, The men of the place shall be plucked out.

The prince.

The second greatest man in this country bows his head toward the minister, albeit older.

Wonderland would be like this.

Inside there were even those who had lost their hips.

“Whoa! Your Highness! What are you going to do! How dare you bow your head to such an earthly style!

It was Starlet who shouted.

If you can squint hard at Alefald with your head up, you’ll keep your mouth shut.

But I can’t go back to the words that have already come out.

“… about my ex-fiancée, Elana. If your son had moved, it would have been irrevocable. I sincerely apologize for the way you kicked me out of the country.”

“!… to the Chancellor more than I do…”

“Whatever, I’m going after this. But I’d like to ask for one first.”

Apologize to the Chancellor.

I was also surprised by the words.

When Count Ditaliere tilted his neck and urged him to do so, Alefald narrowed his eyes.

I really want to put it in my mouth.

But it was ruined.

Because I don’t own it anymore.

“I want excellent proximity. A man of good faith…. of ‘claw holding’.”

“… Huh!


Cut, I noticed signs of starlets with red faces and Knicks frowning.

Still say it off.

And the last condition.

If I had heard this from the king sooner… my father would have planned the graduation party… no, the treatment of that man would have changed since before then.

Alefald lowers his gaze just a little.

My father didn’t tell me about the Bailey family protection because he understood his stupid son so much.

I was stunned when they told me that in the morning.

I shouldn’t have let go of me, if I were…


The suggestion was that Count Ditaliere showed difficulty in silence.

I can’t help it.

It was due to Allefald’s fall that I lost the eldest son I had associated with and put on since I was so young.

Yet it’s not what people say about bringing in something even newer.

I know that.

That’s why I said my apology first and bowed my head.

It is a serious matter in this country.

Still did.

The Prime Minister, who has to face this aftermath, is more mad than he is.

I really want an appointment before I do.

The Chancellor put a cross spear in me and I can’t get the proximity…

(as king, unfavourable)

People’s emotions, etc. were the same from nothing, but if they lost their array because of it, they shouldn’t have failed to think, look, and try to perceive more.

I can’t help saying that now, but what I lost was too big in me.

As the ‘King’ –.

If you realize it, its cavity grows deeper and deeper and spreads with tremendous momentum.

… I don’t understand the minister’s mind.

I never thought about it, but when I think back to what my father looked like, what a compassionate man he was.

Always calm, smile…… I can send flowers and letters for the minister’s birthday and also quickly answer who and who are married and how many children.

I guess the Chancellor and Count Ditaliere are still in “Blue Dragon Arcedios” because they are that king too.

I mean, because that king, Allefald’s father… is the ‘king’.

How great is that…

(Said I should have noticed sooner…)

Betrayed… the only thing that stunned me about the depth of the thought behind that act of betrayal was that emotion, never again.

“… it would be good… Your Highness may be able to use it now”

“However, since you are still young, you may say that you are a rampage horse. I can only guarantee the quality, though. … it’s up to His Highness.”

“Thank you”

“………… just really young. It’s just been nine. … or not, not very impotent…”

“I know.”

When I heard about the age of nine, I followed three men.

That man had six younger brothers, but count from above, three boys.

Very young indeed.

Still, we’ll have to build a relationship —— this time —— that we can trust and trust.

I don’t belong to me anymore.

I’m not coming back where I hung up on my father, the Count.

“The Dragon Claw Holder” is needed by the King.

So we have to rely on his brother.

I haven’t had a proper relationship with you, it’s my fault.

“So, Your Highness…”

Say thanks again to Count Ditaliere before leaving the Legal Department room.

Starlet and Knicks, who were not available on the spot, also left the room about Allefald.

And it was Starlet who called Alefald in a weak voice.

The usual clear face is nowhere.

“You can’t just disappear this time, Starlet. It’s already in my father’s ear.”


“You’ll also know Count Ditaliere in that way. The Chancellor will know.”


It was Allefald who told the king.

It was all written in a letter that the man bracketed on his leg.

You could have crushed it.

However, Alefald told my father without hesitation… and consulted him.

What should I do?

I don’t know how —— I don’t have to lose anyone.

My father smiled very calmly as he looked ill.

“And Knicks. I have proof of your wrongdoing.”


Stare at the gnawed child’s face.

Sure, they are lovers, but I thought they could make a good distinction between public and private.

If it’s just a mistake, you can rub it on the one below.

Yeah, that’s what Alefald thought up until now.

“Hey, what’s up?

“Ritzfeld can’t go against me.”


Knicks with an adorable face, its proud shape distorts.

If you give me Ritzfeld’s name, what a light tail.

And then if Cars doesn’t even imitate it sooner, it’s not impossible to end it with everyone’s mouth shut…

“It doesn’t matter, people make mistakes. Starlet, get me the right report by the end of the week. Knicks, I’ll take Ritzfeld, I can use it…. Cars is a sermon when he gets back…”

“… Won’t you punish us”

“It’s easy to punish, but when I find out you’ve committed a foolish act for yourselves, I can’t help but think of Lijuana’s grief.”

Yes, both Starlet and Knicks did this because they wanted to be with Rijuana.

But this time it’s a crime that doesn’t skip the house or the country.

It was an act of not looking around at all to kick their ass.

How sad she will be if it finds out for her.

That’s what they say and I wake up.



“I know how you feel. You must love Rijuana as much as I do, huh? Then give it to me. I must make this country more prosperous and protect the happy life of Rijuana…. the time you have with your rifana… let’s adjust. But promise me one thing. That’s all.”

I’m proud to say I’m the one who understands her charm better than anyone else, but maybe they thought so too.

If she has so many thoughts, I’m sure she’ll promise, capture them both directly from the front.

“What do you think Rijuana will cry… don’t do”

“… the rifana… crying, things…”


The two leaned down.

It looks like something I regret and reflect on from the bottom of my heart.

I didn’t expect this to change my behavior… I honestly don’t really think so.

Alefald understands that these guys are probably rotten too, including himself.

That rotten part will have to be slowly scraped off and corrected.

I proceeded with that in mind and after coming all the way to the crossing of the courtyard where it was blown out…… I look up into the sky.


He laughed with his nose and pointed his toes at those with the Chancellor’s office.

(I’ll be king… franc)

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