The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 71

episode amerie


What a strange creature…… Amélie.

“Amélie, what are you doing?

“I’m just looking at you ”

“Oh. …………

Sure… well, the butterflies do fly.

Straight from home to the east side, there is a livestock house, which is equipped with grazing land to surround it, but a little more east from there.

There is a small flower garden in front of the river that goes in the direction of a hot spring, a forest on the ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ side of this river.

It’s Amélie’s favorite place.

So I’m much more confused when I’m done helping out with the ranch.

“I don’t have any flowers for Luna.”

“Uh, Luna’s flowers… right”

When I was just here, a tiger came lost… but it was blooming near that address.

The child tigers I was just taking will be growing up, so I can’t get close now.

I’m sorry for Amélie, but could you give up on Luna’s flowers?

“Hey, I don’t have any flowers for Luna, I have some nice flower words.”

“Flower words?”

“Let’s.” I want to have a great time with you. ”


I want to have a great time with you.

I want to have a sweet time with you.

With you…………….

“… yes…”

Well, one, two, three, four tigers… I don’t know what to say.

Bring about three strains appropriately and plant them around here, and Amélie will take care of them, too, yeah.

I’ve never done anything like this, like a lover… so I’d like to try… but I can’t think of anything specific.

Let’s just try something that’s not flattering about what flowers say.

“Ah, Fran!

I’ve been running waving my hand at someone I was just thinking about.

I don’t want you to run because it’s dangerous.

What would you do if you fell and were injured…

“Oh, you were with Amélie.”


“What’s wrong? What can I do for you?

“Yeah, you know what! I was wondering… if Fran could make me a phone.”


You haven’t heard anything in a while, Lana.

No, of Lana’s previous life…… er, a tool that doesn’t use dragonstones.


That sounds strange this time too.

“What’s it like?

“Personally I would also like a cell phone…… let’s start with a landline that can be used between stores!


Hmm, was I wrong to ask?

Cell phone, and fixed… I can’t understand why…

No, you’re saying you can carry your cell phone?

I guess the stationary wax is fixed to something and can’t move because, well, I can guess from the name… too little other information to grasp the full content at all!

“And if you send a phone call to your father, you can pay more attention to your father than you can to your letters!

The prime minister is supposed to be cautious with a sparkling smile.

Well, your Majesty’s condition doesn’t seem to be as fragrant as ever.

Alefald has a headline as Prince Wang…… I think His Majesty can work hard if you show up now, don’t you?

Well, that leaves us with little information about ‘Denwa’ as such – hey.

But the fact that you even came out to the presence of the Chancellor in “Blue Dragon Arcedios” is a dragonstone tool that allows you to keep in touch with people in the distance?

Deliver the letter in an instant, or something?

No, I just can’t do that…

“… Oh, and, uh, when the fixing is done, I want my phone too. Wherever Fran is, I’ll be in touch… I can hear your voice…”

“Hmm? What?

I couldn’t hear the last one because my voice would be smaller and smaller.

What do you mean?

“Nah, nothing! Oh, uh! Yes, I’m fine in my spare time! In your spare time!

“… nothing good… can you tell me a little more about what it’s like?

“… no, but Fran is pretty good-looking and my ears could die…”


Sometimes from just now I turn around with Boso…… what the hell –?

“Well, that’s fine! When you die, Fran will take you on the road!


Explosives or something?

I don’t want to make such a dangerous thing!?

“… hey”

“! Hey, Amélie”

What the hell do you want me to make, Lana?

Driven by anxiety, Amélie comes to my feet and hiccups.

Lana messed with my hair a lot the day I came to the ranch, and Amélie, who was fond of “Twin Tails” that tied it apart left and right, became all this haircut from then on.

She’s cute and she looks great.

Maybe Lana would be cute if she had this hair too.

I’d like to have a look.

“Are you kidding me?



“Hey, now…”

“I didn’t say it. I didn’t say it! I didn’t say good-bye! No, I told you, but I didn’t say anything about Fran!… No, I said… But look, I don’t think I have a voice fetish or that kind of attribute!?”

“… Huh? Ha…?

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

In the meantime, humans are something that moves your face and hands at a tremendous rate……

Just Lana?

Bumble your hands left and right while you boom your neck like that…… won’t it make you sick?

“I’m going to get dinner ready!

“Ah! Lana!? We’re going to have lunch…”

Prepare dinner instead of lunch, already!?

What the hell kind of hands-on dishes come out?

Oh, I’m getting a little excited.

“… ah”

After all, it remains almost mysterious about ‘Denwa’.

I don’t know what it is, ‘Denwa’.

Just guessing from the info Lana was saying earlier, it seemed like ‘something to get in touch with people far away’… Den… Den…

Unlike “washing machine” or “fridge,” it’s a pattern one with no hints at all on the name.

“I can’t help it… Amélie, I’m going to the woods to check out the trap”


“… Amélie, are you haunting me?

“Hinataki, you’re blurry.”

“… yes. You have to get into your house before it gets cold.”


And I say and sit back.

… Somehow, he’s a strange kid.

Girl, is this girl the only one who relaxes?

Well, I know it’s fun to be confused, so if you’re ever gonna be home again, you can let me in.

Well, I’m not actually setting a trap or anything, but I step into the tiger’s territory.

It is a forest on the ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’ side, not crossing the river.

It is easy to understand that the pasture is surrounded by all-directional forests, but considering the river as a single line, it is divided into four areas.

River-facing area on the ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ side.

This is where Lana and Farrah ran into Cars.

‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ side, ranch area.

That’s where the hot springs are.

River-facing area on the ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’ side.

It’s where wild cocoa and coffee beans grow.

‘Black Dragon Braczilios’ side, ranch area.

Coming up, tiger territory.


I get a slightly deeper sigh.

I have no choice.

The tiger is a beast…… the tiger I had seen before was somehow nostalgic and peeked into his face for a few days, and after being fed, he stopped coming near me.

It was a really trivial number of days, but that was with the child tiger.

The kid tiger should be pretty big by now, too.

I don’t really want to get into the territory.

But, well… there’s also the possibility that you might accidentally encounter a poacher or something.

If the poachers are wandering around, keep them tight and hanging for now, while the bandits are coming… if those little boys run into each other and get hurt or kill them, they won’t kill enough.

That’s mutual misfortune, isn’t it?



“Hey, what the hell, Temeye!

“Idiot, don’t freak out, look closely, you’re alone! Surround and tie up……!

In this way.

If I encounter it, I will be in a state of collision.

I mean, I didn’t know you were really a poacher……

It’s also a shame to show “Dragon Claws” to just three people.

And this one is on the ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’ side, so it’s hard to concentrate.

So a knife is enough.

Let’s not have him lick the blood muscles of “Bailey” who was doing the Royal “Shadow” in centuries.

I was Alefald’s Shadow.

Techniques for packing distance fast.


Along the way, he twists his body slightly while eating his palm bottom to the jaw of the man who was in the middle to distract him as he circles and throws it in the air and thrusts it towards the man on the right.

If you grab the hand of the man on the left who is distracted, throw it toward the two of you, and pull the rope with your empty hand… yes, with the end.




All I have to do is glue it around appropriately, get the weapons and medication I had, make them take off their shoes, pants, and underwear and throw it away at the river.

Yeah, I wouldn’t dump it in the river, would I?

You can’t destroy that naturally.

Burn it together later.

Leather shoes and cloths burn a lot, so when you go away a little and set a trap, at lunch camp.

Huh? These guys?

Come on, what happens?

I don’t think I’m going to town because I have a rounded lower body.

The closest ‘village of Dagan’ has also flown from here on the ‘Blue Dragon Arsedios’ side… I don’t know.

“Oh, my God! Give it back! Are you kidding me!? There are tigers out here!

“Huh? You’re here to poach that tiger, aren’t you? I know, but what is it?

“Nah! Well, if you know what I mean, give it back! In this situation, if a tiger finds you, they’ll eat you!

“Poaching is a crime, and under the” Green Dragon Sergios “law, poachers are sentenced to veterinary killings, right? Same thing.”


“Green Dragon Sergios” is very easy for plants to grow on the other hand, and the forest also grows at an amazing rate.

Wildlife manages the forest to a certain extent.

In fact, there are wildlife around here, so it doesn’t mean they’re so busy that they can’t get their hands on them.

And then naturally more herbivores.

It is the carnivores that will manage that even more.

The so-called beasts.

However, the fur of those beasts was popular with the nobility of “Blue Dragon Arcedios”, and “Green Dragon Sergios” had a lot of headaches everywhere because of poachers.

The nobility of “Blue Dragon Arcedios” proclaims “Solemnity” each time, but nothing was solemn at the time he was purchasing what poachers were bringing.

Coincidentally, the ‘Bailey family’ and the royal family even banned it by law, but that’s also a breeze where it blows.

Well, that background makes the treatment of poachers in ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ the most cruel.

If poachers are captured, the executions that the ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ royal family protects as an endangered species and feeds live red lions who are invested in breeding activities are adapted.

I think it’s a natural result because I deserve it.

So this little filthy threesome didn’t know what to do with the tigers here.

‘Cause the results are the same.

It is the difference between the red lion or the tiger, between the bellies.

“Oh, no… wait, hey… please…”

Well, I guess the place where Luna’s flowers were was a little more river.

Oh, but what about at times?

Is it blooming?

Well, if you look at the leaves, you can tell about which is the flower of Luna……

“Oh, hey! You’re lying! Are you seriously leaving me alone!? Hey! No, no, no!

I can hear the river spiral.

When you get around there, don’t even get more bird voices.

Going a little further down the river……

Oh, there it is.

It’s Luna’s flower.

There are no flowers on it. And buds.

It’s really just grass, if you only saw this.


Fair enough.

If I replanted it over there, I would wear buds any day.

If you’re a flower speaker, well, I just can’t tell you… if I plant it near the house, it doesn’t feel like it would be profitable to be close to it, does it?

“Ah, it’s Luna’s flower”

“You happened to find it yesterday. I planted it.”

The next day, Amélie, who came to the flower garden as usual after her morning job and breakfast, quickly noticed the Luna flowers she had planted yesterday.

You’ve never sparkled your eyes before, and you’ve seen me happy.

I’m glad you liked it.

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll take good care of you.”

“Yeah, let it be. Good luck with your old lady.”

“………… yeah, yeah?

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