The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 95

Winter is also coming

It was the middle of December.

The snow hasn’t fallen yet.

But the temperature’s still dropping and we need to keep it cold.

“Ha… my breath is so white.”


Lana, who was wearing gloves, approached me with a tweezer.

The livestock has been cleaned, so the scattered hay collection is next.

Ask the hay to become fertile in the field if it is dirty.

… where you don’t normally plant anything in the sense of resting the soil, or if you freeze it, you put it on a bad field.

Something about protecting soil and crops around here.

Other things Lana planted in the spring, sprinkled hay on prunes and coffee trees to protect them from the cold.

Mr. Coolow taught me how to do it.

“… Lana, isn’t it cold?

“Heh? Uh, oh, yeah, it’s not cold. … Fran is…”

“I was so hot because I was so moving…”

“Well, I can’t help the kids anymore.”

Yes, it is.

Earlier this month, all the children moved to a new child care facility, built a five-minute walk from us.

I commute to our house vigorously every morning, from taking care of livestock to taking care of the fields, from studying to playing, well until now I have lived a similar life and go back into the hot springs.

It was those days, but it was just getting cold, so we had dinner in our own establishment in the morning, and we only came to our house during the day to eat dinner and go home, which made us switch to life.

Hot springs will be walking, and my body will be cold.

If that happens, I get a cold.

“Earthpipe that hot spring water so it flows into a children’s facility? I wish I could fix it.”

“Talking about waterways?… I think I can do it if I want, but I’m not sure I know how to fill a waterway in the dirt, it”

“Um, yeah…”

Lana says she wants to pull hot water from the hot springs so that the kids don’t have to come here to put it in the hot springs, and then she also wants to pull hot water from us and go into the hot springs every day.

I don’t have to know if it’s the developing ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ of the waterway, and in ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ it’s a little difficult.

The reason is that the technique of construction of the waterway is a little suspicious for Mr. Coolow and the others.

More importantly, hot water from a hot spring is not the same ingredient as regular water.

It wouldn’t be impossible for a vendor of “Blue Dragon Arcedios”, a bee’s “water pro”… but the folks at “Green Dragon Sergios” looked a little… subtle.

The hot springs are prone to rot.

Anyway if it’s normal water…… and even Mr. Coolow turned away, so a little.

Then how about iron?

What Lana suggested was that this also looked financially and technically disgusting.

Speaking of iron, neighbor ‘Black Dragon Braczilios’.

Master Twa asked me to come visit him, and I’ve talked to Regulus, but it’s too expensive to do it ‘individually’.

And after all, there’s information that “iron is also rusty with hot spring water”.

So, stone?

In stone processing?

“Black Dragon Braczilios” should also be good at processing stones.

And the suggestion was frustrated with Mr. Glyce’s phrase, “How do you carry stones?”

… Right, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Such super weight, you can’t even carry it in a regular carriage……

Speaking of stones around here, it’s iron stones rolling into places like the wilderness beneath the cliff, but how do you lift that up so far?

Install a device for it?

How many chains do you need that can’t be broken?

Ask the craftsmen to come and pay for all the places to sleep and food stays. How much is the total?

Not realistic…… very……

Anyway, if you’re a nobleman —— no, we’re noblemen, too –… it’s kind of a long way to go for ‘individual’.

“To get into the hot springs every day…… I knew Leggles was right, I had to build a long crossing from us to the side of the hot springs and create a hot springs facility to accompany it……!

“That’s quite a distance, too, and it takes a lot of money, time and labor. Well, maybe it’s still more realistic than building a waterway.”

“You think a hundred pieces of gold will fit?

“It’s going to stick out.”

“That’s right… the Leggles seem to want to make it a business… but given the maintenance and operating expenses and all that, there’s nothing to spread your hands too far. In the first place,” Blue Dragon Arcedios “and” Green Dragon Sergios “don’t seem to be that close, and it looks like we could use some customers.” The Village of Dagan “near” Green Dragon Sergios “is being rebuilt, isn’t it?

“That’s right…”

Ugh, and sigh.

Lana seemed a little worried, “Fran? I was looked up, but there’s something Lana can’t tell me about all this.

In fact, when Princess Rosalie was just born, her engagement story with then six-year-old Alefald was holding up.

It seems that Princess Rosalie was too young for Arsedios’ majesty to shake her head vertically.

Two years after that, at the behest of His Majesty, Alefald and Lana…… Miss Elana is engaged.

The story that His Majesty Germain was leaking dissatisfaction about why he couldn’t do it with our daughter can actually be famous.

As for His Majesty Germain, there was an implicit claim that “Blue Dragon Arcedios” would take too much ice from “A Thousand Caves” in recent years, so we should also keep the royal portion of “Green Dragon Sergios”.

His Majesty himself does not speak, but it is a story that the minister had told him.

But the ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ side ignores it.

The grievances on the ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ side had accumulated.

Well, that icebreaks in an instant with Lana giving ice with the freezer to the ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ royal family.

His Majesty Germain, he was such a feat that he thought he could welcome us into the country unconditionally.

Now I’m like, “What a small thing to think of as icy, wahahahahaha!” and it seemed enough to make me laugh at the dinner party when I took Farrah… but I felt pretty critical.

But when I think of the character of His Majesty the King of “Blue Dragon Arcedios,” the mystery remains as to why the “Blue Dragon Arcedios” side snuck out the ice so much every year.


But I’m not the king of such a personality, not the one who sticks to it until I subtly get along with other countries.

A mystery.

“… if this becomes like a border town with the ‘Green Dragon Sergios’ side…”


“Yeah, it’s nothing. I’m just worried because your father hasn’t written to me lately. … Dragonstone balls are also a troubling question about how to deliver them.”


The item has been certified as valuable, so I can send it when it is obnoxious.

Well, if you don’t know how to use it, it’s just ‘some beautiful balls’.

I have a great deal of trouble getting lost or stolen from the delivery guy.

Though of course there are many excellent delivery providers who rarely do that.

Still, I think things are just things, hey……

“Well, as Leggles said he was going to ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ in the New Year’s Grand City, I’ll leave the balls to you then!


“The problem is!


“… it’s a cafe menu…”

“Go back there.”


And a new problem that haunts Lana’s head.

That’s the cafe menu.

Not too much, less would be better.

But Lana said, “You can’t use my knowledge if you’re too little!” Apparently.

They want to serve a lot of menus from Lana’s previous life, but some of them are too avant-garde to be ugly with ordinary people.

‘Parfait’ is among the things you have made…… that one, there is none.

It was too sweet for me… No, Lana said, “You don’t have to eat it, because it’s definitely too sweet for Fran!” Even though you said so, I’m the one who challenged you…!

And the ingredients are very difficult.

Lay the cookies crushed below and step on top of them with cream, chocolate sauce, cream, cookies…… and finally ice cream, cookies, chocolate sauce……

Five pieces of copper coin is a good place to look at profitability.

Krana just said, “It’s…!,” he held back.

Unfortunately, those are what the nobles eat… they should not be sold for five very copper coins.

It takes a lot of work and materials.

At the standard of living of ordinary people, five pieces of copper coin would be the market as the price of a meal out.

Compared to that, five pieces of copper coins are cheap enough for a parfait.

Though, Lana says, “I can’t believe there’s no parfait in the cafe!” It seems that Lana’s world in her previous life was normally sold by Array because she was screaming.

I think you’re out of your mind.

“Well, coffee and tea, milk is classic as a beverage, so as to definitely add these three”

“And cookies, scones and chiffon cakes?

“Right. Cookies will be sunny for you, and you can sell them for takeaway like cookies for scones. Chiffon cake can be sold out if you can enjoy variations… I think”

“Hmm, because the customer base is too mysterious ”

“Oh, yeah.”

In the meantime, it is the artisan apprentices at Dragonstone School who are likely to come as guests.

And the instructor group, well… will come.

And then there are the women who work at school.

It’s a little far to go from town, but wives and young girls who like new things will come to visit.

Whether it settles is a subtlety.

Simply put, bad traffic.

Civilians have one carriage in the family, nothing like that.

Thirty minutes in the carriage, on foot of a woman it could be close to an hour……

Lana seems to be aiming to look like “a safe house, a shop where people she knows like only regular people get together and just have tea,” so when you say what you want, it’s going to be what you want, is it?

“… if you’re not too focused on the amount of customers, what if you get through it because it’s like a recommendation for the day?

“Um, well… blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I

“The idea is Lana, though.”

“It’s not Fran who makes it”

“I can only make what Lana thinks.”

“Wow, I’m just saying what I want in my last life’s memory.”

They stare at each other in a way that stares at each other.

Somehow I get embarrassed and turn away.

Lana is cute.

And then let’s not do this topic because it will be parallel lines.



I was just finishing the cleaning, and I heard a unique squeal.

When I look up, the Brazilian bird Lean comes to my shoulder.

Brazilis birds are blackbirds that live only in ‘Blackdragon Braczilios’.

He said he was a small bird, but had the intelligence of a three-year-old or so.

For this reason it is treasured as a messenger bird —— mainly Lord Twa… This is how Twilight Braczilios, the king prince of neighboring Black Dragon Braczilios, appears from time to time as a pre-liaison when he comes to visit us.

“Oh, not Leanne. Haven’t seen you in two months? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?… means…”


From the vial that was at Leanne’s feet, take the letter.

Elongated. It was written on it the day after tomorrow.

I generally get a day’s respite, so during that respite I contact Waz in “The Town of Exi”.

“The day after tomorrow.”



“Speaking of which, did you know about the Kranas, Master Twa?

………… What do you want me to do?

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