The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 96

Facility Name Determination

It bothers me!

Personally, I think it would be nice to have more friends with Mr. Twa.

But is it good to have more civilian friends!

No, my kids are just good kids!?

Honestly I was worried that waz alone would not leave a scratch on each other’s minds……

And the fact that Master Twa is coming means Miss Loriana is coming too.

If she sees Farrah…… “Black Dragon Braczilios” will find out that “Green Dragon Sergios” also showed up with “Holy Glow”!

“Black Dragon Braczilios” If the royal family finds out, the engagement of Master Twa and Princess Rosalia… uh, I only have signs of trouble just thinking about it –

“I’m a little nervous about letting you meet the kids.”

“On the contrary a little”

“Right. At least for now, you should stop letting Loriana see Farrah rather than Towa.”

“Yeah…. even though the relationship between” Black Dragon Braczilios “and” Green Dragon Sergios “sounds good, I don’t want to get weird cracks in it.”

Yeah, yeah, and I nod at Lana.

Well, anyway, if Master Twa’s coming, you’ve decided to go to town for today.

“What do we do? Going to town like this?

“Oh, yeah. When I shopped, I stopped by the children’s facility on my way home … Speaking of which, I’ve been wondering for a long time… is it a children’s facility or not tough? Let’s name it.”

“What? Name? To the facility?”

“Yes! Be friendly to everyone in the area…… er…” Midori Garden “!


“… because it’s a little too cheap… yeah, let’s make it a ‘Leggles Garden’ where we’re still constructing the cost of running the facility. Leggles can be better publicized by the same name because he runs the Chamber of Commerce, right?”

“It’s funny, but not better after you get an acceptance for the Leggles?


… Why Doya Face?


“Lana, hey”


Remove the muffler you were doing.

I put that on Lana’s neck.

My ears and nose are slightly reddish.

Instead of being tense, maybe he was strong enough to deceive the cold.

I’m late to notice.

“What, um…”

“Warm up. I think it doesn’t smell like sweat because I was removing it while cleaning…. I’m bringing Lucy in now, so give me a minute.”

“Huh… Oh, thank you”

Because it’s hard for Lana to catch a cold.

Now, just connect the carriage to Lucy and go back to the arch gate.

Lana waited for me with her purse from inside the house.

When I go to the side, something rushes over.

“Hola, Fran”


“Ma, I borrowed your muffler, so I’ll lend you my hat. Running forward will make your ears cold with the wind. And I brought your other muffler, so put it on properly. And gloves!


Put it on, while Lana turns the muffler around my neck.

Even gloves……

“Oh, thanks……”

“… be, nothing…”

That’s sweet.

And cute.

Can I kiss your forehead?

“Lana…… can I kiss your forehead?

“Become!? Then why do you do that?! So, because we’re running out of time to go out! Come on, let’s go!


I’m afraid not.

Well, you can say what you want.

I rode Lucy and left to make sure Lana got in the carriage.

Something about Lucy giving me a “I wish I could put Lana behind you” look, but it’s a waste to go to town and not buy anything?

It’s not like I don’t have anything to buy at all.

Without the children and less food consumption… I thought at first… our table is as busy as ever because we come to eat properly day and night, and the consumption of food is almost the same…

The best is meat.

We’re all growing up, so the meat we were buying as a prep was pretty instant.

The meat that was tight in the store’s large freezer has already been reduced by more than half.

I want you to guess how we felt when you realized that.

And the consumption of flour naturally……

Especially the three boys have a surprising appetite.

Let Lana say, “Fran will eat quite a bit too…” but I think Lana’s rice is bad.

—— I arrived in the ‘town of Exi’ while I thought of it as something like that.

“Lana’s at Leggles’s, why don’t you talk to him about the name of the facility earlier? I’ll do the shopping. Just flour and meat, okay?

“Thanks, I will. Uh, and Yushaw and sugar, please. I don’t even have tea leaves for tea, so that’s it! And then… eggs.”

“Either way, I’ve got some errands for Wazz, just fine”

“Yeah. Let’s go to Waz’s together. And then we’ll talk to the Leggles about the money!

“… come on in”

It was going to be some spectacular scene, so I put Lana in front of the Chamber of Commerce and waved.

I guess when it comes to talking about money this time of year, it’s about wheat bakeries.

The wheat bakery started by Lana as the owner and Leggles funded, at the end of this town.

The original Pannomi bakery was declared a grand war, and they compete in sales every month.

I haven’t heard the details, but I won a series of fights without being at a disadvantage of location, etc.

The reason is the variety and ease of taking home, not to mention the softness and deliciousness.

The variety seems to be popular among them.

Sandwiches in particular are loved as a very easy and voluptuous lunch for working old men.

Plus jam is very popular with the town’s wives.

They say war begins when raw cream and custard cream made of ‘raw cream and cream specialty’ from dairy manufacturers are packed in bottles and sold.

… Well, these two are usually tough when it comes to making them at home…

“Mm, meat and flour. All right. And then you said,” Yushaw, sugar, tea. ”

Put what you asked for in the carriage and remember what you were told.

Meat and flour are definitely for children’s facilities.

… consumption is true, fast.

Well, eat a lot and grow up.

“Hey, Euphrane! If you’re here to buy meat, you can buy our meat too! It’s the meat from your rack, I’ll make it cheaper!

“It was the bore that I tailored, and I didn’t tailor the rack apart… Well, then a kilo of loins.”


Amount I don’t know if I’ll keep it for two days if I take it to the kids.

Can I buy you some more?

“Oh, and Clawbear’s meat is still there.”

“You’re incensed, aren’t you?

“Well, to make him have it. The smell has been removed properly. Recommended for booze knobs! I like this cunt !

“… then, one…. What kind of alcohol would go with that?

“Well, I think it fits more or less anything… but it’s a good idea to drink with a wheat ale. Yeah, that’s better than being too classy.”

“I see.”

The wheat ale is Lana. It’s called “Beer!” That’s the thing. ”

I’m a little bad at being shy and bitter.

It’s patchy in my mouth, and Lana says, “I don’t like this throat throat! ♪ And I say fisted, but throaty means drinking the pussy in that mouth, right?

I don’t even like ‘natural carbonated water’ in our neighborhood, so I kinda like the wheat ale.

But Lana likes it, and I often hear people say that the taste of alcohol changes in the dishes.

If I make the dish novel, I can drink it deliciously…?

With that hope, I bought a claw bear smoked – note that when I heard about the area, it was the neck area.

Once again, I feel the horror of my passion for human flesh.

“I bought Yushaw, I bought sugar, I bought tea… and then I bought a wheat ale…”

Okay, okay, I don’t forget to buy it.

After confirming that, when I go to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, I am passed to a room with Lana and Leggles with a hazy face.

I don’t know, I don’t have good feelings for this smile.

“Tired. Have we finished our discussion?

“Yes! Disappointing things!


Nevertheless, does that mean that it was a very meaningful discussion for both of us because Leggles seems to be in a good mood?


“Not so fast? It’s only been two months, right?

“I’ve lost some of my customers’ legs, but a large number of inquiries have broken my heart about whether they are selling wheat bread directly…. Well, sure… if the regular tells me every day,”

Wow, pathetic.

“So I decided to sell the recipe…. I was a little pathetic to hear you talk about, so give me a little discount. All right, fellow students!

“I also feel extra sympathy is quite a mount for them, sir. If you look so tired, mah…”

Wow… super pathetic…

“And we’ll decide on the name of the children’s facility for the Leggles Garden!

“‘Leggles Chamber of Commerce Children’s Garden’ to be exact, yo. I need to order a sign, sir!

“… that’s right…”

I am well placed to advertise the Chamber of Commerce.

No, that’s Leggles around that incorporates both Lana’s thoughtful names.

“And then I got in on a menu consultation. Coffee, tea, soda water, milk! Make the drinks these four, and the food menu is toast, except for the hot cake, in the mood of the day! And sell out your daily cake!

“What? The, uh, mood of the day?

“Yes! I’ve stopped thinking deeply!


I accidentally look at Leggles.

No, I’m not winking, I’m asking you why you came to that conclusion.

“If you’re Elana, I thought that would be better, yo. Besides, I don’t expect many customers from town, so, Sho?

“Sort of.”

“Then two fixtures that you can make right away, and enough yo-yo for one treat that looks like you could make a souvenir. Well, I think there’s room for development around there, including talking about employment, because there’s some talk going on about removing children from” Red Dragon Mishima Herdios “again. Wah….” Purple Dragon Divaldios “also hears a few stinking rumors… ducks that would help if they would accept refugees or something”

“?… of the King of the ‘Purple Dragon Divardios’ and those with the ‘Holy Glow’…”

“Ala, I know you very well, sir. Yeah, yo.”

I can tell without telling everyone.

King Chaolain Divaldios is still unmarried, even though he will be thirty-one next year.

And those with that country’s ‘holy glow’…… Tim Lucault is a level lady lover scratching Brother Carlate’s fiancée.

… and more importantly, Tim Lucault is engaged to Princess Murphy, King Shaolane’s youngest sister.

… Can you understand that?

The story that the area was causing the distortion has been around for a long time.

A pile of trouble emanating from Tim Lucault’s lady lovers.

That even takes time to marry from King Shaolain.

In the first place, even though she’s my sister’s fiancée, she’s got her hands on a warrant from another country.

Though other countries cannot be strong against their patron dragon lovers with a ‘holy glow’, complaints to the ‘responsible’ to be controlled… the bitter bitterness arrives…

King Chaolain is too pathetic to even look at.

“… it’s okay. If the two” Purple Dragon Divardios “also meet those with the” Holy Glow “of” Blue Dragon Arcedios “…”

And Lana tells him with her head in her arms.

Hmm, does that mean that the two “Purple Dragon Divaldios” are also “personnel whose opposite is the case”?

Lana is the Prince and Three Fools of “Blue Dragon Arsedios”…… Ng, Starlet, Knicks, and Cars said, “The other way around – the personnel”.

And some of our cool guns.

It’s a little hard to believe, though.

“Oh, such a beautiful girl no?

“The Prince of” Blue Dragon Arsedios “and Sanba of the Duke’s house… she is a beautiful girl to the extent that she bones your sons out. If you see him, the man will fall more or less irresistible!

“What? That’s just scary d… Euphrane, you were well safe, sir.”

“Fran is a mob!


Sounds like a mob, me.

I also asked because I don’t really know what this means, “and a lot of other things!,” he explained with his thumbs up.

… I’m still not sure… what’s going on?

Although it would certainly be the other category of Allefald’s ‘friends’……?

“Well, I’ll never see you again! Fran’s gonna be fine!

“That’s true, too, sir. The royal family of” Blue Dragon Arcedios “has decided to marry you, Sho? The beloved. Then Fran will be fine.”


Yeah, yeah, you don’t have to worry. I’ve never talked to Miss Rijuana, and I know Lana’s the cutest girl in the world, so I’m fine.

There’s nothing to grab but Lana. Definitely.

… Is this what Alefald looks like?

I see, if Lana had been approached by another man, she could certainly want to kill him.

Oh, man, of course.


Even those with the ‘Holy Glow’ of the ‘Purple Dragon Divardios’.

Well, we won’t see each other again.

This is a civilian… not a country nobleman.

“Lana, it’s time to go see Waz. They could be selling out eggs…”

“Oh, yeah. Bye, Leggles. See you later.”

“Eye, go away.”

Waz will look forward to seeing you again with Master Twa for a long time.

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