The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 13 – Explanations


Feeling movement on my chest, I look down at the beautiful girl that had used my body as her bed for the night.

Her purple eyes blinking open, she casts a glance at me with a dazed expression.

"Huam~ Cassius~?"

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

Taking a moment to look at the surroundings, her eyes soon become clear as she looks down at the dark spot on my shirt, right where her now-flushing cheek had been pressing against moments before.

I guess she drools while she sleeps, huh?


"Huh!? That wasn't a dream!?"

"What wasn't a dream?"

She looks back up at my face with her eyes widening and cheeks getting even redder.

"N-Nothing! Nothing at all! So it was a dream..."

Oy! What kind of dream were you having to react like that!?

"Well, anyways, how'd you sleep?"

"Ah, good! You're quite comfy~"

She then nuzzles her face against my chest.

Once again, cute.

I also couldn't help but notice how... comfortable she seemed.

If I could explain it, before when not using her facade, there was still some fear that she needed to force herself to look past.

But now...


She seemed quite happy.

Her physical affections alongside the natural happenstance of the male anatomy soon give rise to a certain phenomenon.

Morning wood.

Now, I just had to hope that-


Feeling her leg brush against my, umm, phenomenon, the tightness in my pants increases.


She cuts herself off as she seems to realize what had transpired.

Before it could get awkward, I push myself up to sit while placing the still-shocked Ai next to me.

"So. You fell asleep before I could explain anything about, well, me. Would you like to do it now?"

That seems to do the trick as her eyes regain their clarity.

"Huh!? Ah, um, yeah! I'd like that."

"Alright. Well, I guess I should start by-"

I'm interrupted by the sound of a rumbling stomach.

Well, even if she wasn't the only one here, Ai's reddening cheeks made it no mystery as to who was the culprit.

"How about I make breakfast first?"

Covering her face with her hands, she quickly nods her head up and down.

My poor Ai seems to have gotten overwhelmed with embarrassment.

----- 10 Minutes Later -----

"Now, I suppose it's about I talk about me."

Ai, Aqua, and Ruby all nod their heads simultaneously.

"Well... there's no getting around it. I'm from another world."

Looking at their faces, I can certainly see their shock, but not nearly to the level that I thought.

"You all... aren't that surprised?"

"Of course not, dummy! Where on this earth could you find magic anyways?"

The kids nod along to Ai's words.

I guess that makes some sense.

If they already accepted me having magic, another world isn't that insane.

"Anyways, I was born in another world, but I have memories of a world very similar to this one. One without magic. Though I don't remember myself in that world, only information. Like knowing songs without remembering listening to them."

Ruby and Aqua's eyes widen as Ai exclaims.

"So this is your third world!?"

"Yes, indeed it is."

Ruby then raises her hand.

"Yes, Ruby?"

"What did you do in the other world?"

"Ah... I was a hero."

Seeing all of their eyes shine with excitement, my face forms a frown.

"But a hero is not exactly like the storybooks. Being a hero, at least in that world, means being a pawn both for political and military matters."

Their expressions deflating, I flash them a smile.

"But I was, and still am, very strong. I even killed the demon king."

Well, Demon of Corruption, but same thing.

I then continue to tell them my backstory.

All three gave me a look of... understanding at my parentless origins.

I understand Ai, but what's with those looks, you two?

Anyways, hearing the familiar name and the bittersweet smile on my face, Ai asks the age-old question.

"Cassius... who was 'Lili'?"

Tilting my head up, I can't help but feel my eyes water.

I guess I'm not completely over her after all, even with Ai being with me.

Does that make me an asshole?

"Lili... Lilianna Van Clemonte. She was the princess of the Aspia Kingdom. And with our similar appearances, as children at least, I was bought by the royal family to be her body double, which is why I am so skilled at impersonating her."

Taking a breath, I continue.

"I then became her knight after displaying my combat prowess and awakening my solar magic, and eventually, she became my lover."

All three become shocked at my words, especially Ai.

"'Was'... what happened to her, Cassius?"

"Well, Lili ended up fighting a high-ranked monster, essentially a monster that had the will of the Demon of Corruption, the big bad guy. She won, but she also realized that she was my weakness. If they ever captured her, I would come running, even if it got me killed."

I can't stop the tear from forming in the corner of my eye, no matter how much I try.

"She wasn't on the frontlines when they fought, so hiding away wouldn't keep her safe. So, in order to not be the reason for my loss, no, her kingdom's loss, she killed herself."

The three stiffen at that, eyes wide with surprise and then promptly sympathy, although Ai looked a little... conflicted.

Well, I can't blame her.

While both of our exes had gone to the afterlife, they were two very different cases.

"I was distraught at her death. And even now I'm slightly sad that she chose the kingdom over me- no, over us. But I understand. And I fulfilled her dying wish in the end."

Ai then takes a deep breath before giving my hand a squeeze with a teasing grin.

"Sorry, Cassius. But you're in second place once again. Behind my babies, of course!"

An attempt to lighten my mood.

An attempt that works.

But don't think I'll let you do that without doing something in return~

I raise my head and stare deep into her eyes.

"That's fine. After all, your happiness is first for me."

A shocked face that soon turns beet red.

She's very cute when she's flustered.

"Um- Ah- Uh-"


Oh yeah, the kids.

"So what's this about 'solar magic'? It sounds special."

"Well, that's because it is, Aqua. You see, in my world magic could usually only have a specific use. Healing, enhancement, water control... stuff like that. But solar magic can heat, do light element attacks, heal, and enhance. The only one that can do more than one. It also was the only magic that could kill the Demon."

All three of them nod in understanding, with the blush on Ai's cheeks slowly fading.

"B-But Cassius, what about those swords and that dagger that appeared out of nowhere?"

"Ah, that."

Standing up, I then reveal my inventory.

A floating white rack, with nine slots filled with weapons of different styles.

Swords, a spear, daggers... there's even a whip and a staff.


Hehe, yeah, I had the same reaction.

It is indeed very cool, isn't it?

"Well, anyways. That's that."

I then return my inventory to... honestly who knows where, but it was no longer visible.

I then tell them my story with a bit more detail, a brief timeline of events from when I gained consciousness at four and gotten betrayed at, well, a little over a week ago.

Silence descends after I finish and I notice the same oppressive aura coming from Ai.

She's... scary when she's mad.

Very scary.

"So they not only made you fight at 12 and used you like a tool. But afterwards killed you off once you saved the world! Those motherfu-"


Her previously cloudy eyes return some clarity as I grab her hand.

Not only are her kids here, but it also would hurt my soul to see a pretty girl swear so vulgarly...

Actually, it might make me aroused.

But I don't need that right now.

"Ai, it's all in my past. What's done is done. And as for them killing me... honestly, I want to thank them as it led me to you."

While I didn't say anything about that interdimensional god as they hadn't asked, and I really didn't want to explain, I simply told them I transmigrated here with my fake past and all three were accepting of it.

A little too accepting...

...This won't suddenly turn them all to the occult, would it?

"Uuu~ Cassius~ It's not fair when you say something like that..."

I got to witness another cute face of my Ai.

Though Aqua and Ruby are both staring at me blankly, their eyes begging me to stop flirting with their mom.

Clapping my hand, I try to dissipate the awkward atmosphere.

"Well! With all that done, how about we take advantage of your weeklong vacation?"

Seeing their faces still marred with confusion, I internally sigh.

Guess I have to spell it out for them.

"Let's go on a family outing!"

----- Aqua POV -----

"Let's go on a family outing!"

Oh. That makes... a lot of sense.

Wow, for us to not come to that conclusion on our own, we really do have a weird family dynamic, huh?

And considering Cassius and his... everything, I doubt we'll be ordinary any time soon.

But yes, we should definitely do some more family stuff, especially considering that Ai had finally overcome her past and her life was no longer in danger.

While Ruby had gone to bed quite quickly last night, I, on the other hand, had stayed up until Cassius' return.

...Which led to me overhearing about Ai's insecurities and my now-deceased father.

My new... stepdad? Yeah, stepdad.

He's not someone to mess with, huh?

"-ua. Aqua!"

Hearing my name being called by Cassius, I break out of my flow of thoughts.

"What? Sorry, I wasn't listening."

"Where did you want to go, little man? There's the beach, an amusement park... heck, we could even go somewhere overnight if you wanted. Though Ichigo would probably want to know beforehand."

"'Somewhere overnight'... like the mountains?"

I've always loved the mountains, hence why I returned to work at that hospital in Takachiho after my residency there, and I still do to this day.

Haa, I guess you continue to influence me even in this life... don't you, Sarina?

"Definitely!" He responds.

"That... sounds good."

Plus, I really don't want to see how those two lovebirds would interact at the beach.

I have a feeling my already diminishing sanity would crumble.

But then again, staying somewhere overnight wouldn't be that much better, would it?

"Umm, but Cassius, I don't think Mama has that much money."

Ah, and there was that.

"Ah, Ruby~ Your words hurt Mama's soul~"

Yes, my twin sister was a bit blunt, wasn't she?

But she was right that our financial situation didn't allow us to take a trip like that.

At least not yet.

With Ai taking some extra modelling gigs, TV show appearances, possible acting roles, and of course the growing fame of B-Komachi, money would eventually not be that big of a problem.

The keyword 'eventually'.

"Haha, don't worry! My 'past' as a world champion got me quite a bit of disposable income."

"But Cassius... that's your money..."

"Ai. We're together now, right? So what's mine is yours. Plus, I gotta make a good impression on who is essentially my kids!"

I would have a better impression of you if you stopped flirting with my mother in front of me, Cassius.

But, seeing the pure joy clear on Ai's face, I can't really be that mad at him.

"I-If you're sure, Cassius. So mountains? Where to?"

Ai's also excited, huh?

"Well, I'll get my laptop and we can look. We can either go to the actual mountains or stay somewhere with a mountain view. I've always wanted to see Mt. Fuji." Cassius says.

"Oh, me too!" Ai responds.

"Can we get a place with an Onsen!?" Ruby says excitedly.

Well, at least both of them are happy.

----- Cassius POV -----

So tomorrow, we'd be going to Hakone for not one, but two nights.

Quite exciting.

Now I just needed to call Ichigo to tell him about our plans and book the train tickets.

But I could do that later.

Actually, I should probably get the train tickets now just to be sa-

I'm interrupted by my phone buzzing.

Looking at the unknown number, I hesitantly accept the call.


"Cassius? Is that you?"

Huh? No way right?

"Ichigo? Is that you?"

"Yes, it is."

Speak of the devil.

"What's up? Actually, how did you get my number?"

Did I give it to him and forget about it?

"Not important. As for 'what's up', I have a favour to ask you."

"I'm listening."

"Since you're together with Ai, she's more likely to answer you truthfully. Who is her ex and the father of her kids?"



"Uhh, why?"

"Listen, I'm fairly certain the fan you fought off didn't find the address on his own. Someone gave it to him. I had been racking my brain trying to find out who would have the means and the motive, and the only possibility is her ex. So please, tell me."

...I didn't take him as a detective.

But man... what do I say?

I guess I'll just tell him.

"I already know, it's Hikaru Kamiki."

"Really! Thank you- Wait. Hikaru Kamiki?"

"That's what I said..."

Why is he so shocked?

"Like the Hikaru Kamiki that died last night?"


"He was on the news this morning! They found his apartment burnt to a crisp from an electrical fire!"

Oh, they actually bought that shit?

Well, yeah, I suppose heat magic wouldn't be up there on the causes of death.

"Well, yeah... that one is- no, was her ex."

"Crazy... Well, I guess I won't have to worry anymore, eh?"

"Indeed. Well, if that's all..."

"Yes... yes, that is all. Have a good day."

"You too Ichigo. Oh wait, there was one thing!"

Almost forgot, this is the perfect time to tell him!

"What's that?"

"Ai, her kids and I will be going to Hakone for two nights starting tomorrow. Don't worry, everything will be paid by me. Anyways, see ya!"

"Okay... Wait, wha-!"

Ending the call, I put my phone down and stretch my arms.

Cool, so 'telling Ichigo about our plans', check!

Might as well book the train tickets now and get everything over with.


With school starting up, I'll be changing the updates to once every four days, if not by the next chapter then soon.

I do have a backlog of chapters in case I hit writer's block or don't have any time, so there should be no worries about a hiatus.

Thanks for reading!

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