The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 14 – Hakone

"And here we are!"


Thankfully, our place for the next two nights was only a few-minute walk from the train station, so we didn't have to rent a car or anything.

"So pretty~"

Looking around, I had to agree with Ai's enthusiasm.

A beautiful view of Lake Ashi with Mt. Fuji standing tall in the distance, piercing the clear blue sky...

Very pretty indeed.

And while the place was near the city, or rather, town, it was on top of a small isolated mountain surrounded by trees, so privacy won't be a problem.

The best of both worlds.

Speaking of the town, I'll probably need to run down to the convenience store for dinner soon.

"Well, let's check it out." I then say.

Entering the code on the door, I then open it to reveal a large room, meant to be the kitchen, living, and dining room with a mix of traditional and modern styles.

A large window also gave us a beautiful view of the lake and mountains, the light illuminating the room in a soft yet warm glow.

Very nice.

Watching the other three, I can't help but smile seeing their eyes light up in unison.

"Go on, make yourselves comfortable. I'm gonna go set up the onsen."


Ruby then runs over to one of the two bedrooms, dragging a reluctant Aqua by the hand.

"Hehe, they're awfully excited. Did you need any help with the onsen?" Ai says while taking off her sunhat before looking over at me with a smile.

"No, it should be easy. Though I would like to know what you all want for dinner. I'll be heading down to the convenience store after."

I then set down my backpack and started towards the fenced backyard.

"Sure. Oh! I was wondering... What are the sleeping arrangements?"

Looking over, I see Ai with her head turned away while twirling her finger around a strand of hair.

"Well, there's a room for the kids and one for you, while I'd be on the couch. Or you could stay with your kids while I take the other bedroom. Either or." I respond.

"That so..."

Why does she sound a little disappointed?

"Yeah... anyways, the bathroom is on the left."

With that, I made my way to set up the onsen.

There were absolutely no ulterior motives causing me to complete this task so soon, none at all.

----- Ai POV -----

With Cassius gone to get food and everything unpacked, I decided to take advantage of the beautiful backyard.

A stunning view with a clear sky, a light breeze cooling contrasting the sun's rays perfectly to leave me in comfortable warmth, and a cushioned outdoor reclined chair I was currently laying on.

I had rarely ever gotten the time to relax with my jobs, and certainly not like this, either needing to wear a disguise or staying inside on my days off.

I never expected it to feel so... nice, to just forget about all my responsibilities and not keep up my veil of lies.

In fact, I had likely never been truly relaxed like this in my life.

Even as a child, the trauma of my abusive mother was a constant weight on me, and then there was my frantic hunt for love.

But now, my mind felt... empty.

In a good way.

"Huam~! When's Cassius coming back Mama?"

And then there were my two balls of sunshine.

My children whom I could now look at without any guilt of not saying 'I love you'.

Without worrying about not being a good mom.

A truly welcome change.

"I don't know sweetie. There may not have been something we wanted at the store."

Meeting my eyes, Ruby then pouts cutely.

"Hmph! He should show a little urgency!"

Before I could comment, Aqua speaks up first.

"He already brought us here and is getting us food. Don't be a spoiled brat."

That was... a little harsher than what I would say, but thank you nonetheless Aqua.

"Don't be silly! That's the bare minimum to be with someone as beautiful as Mama!"

"You're right Ruby, she's quite an amazing woman, your mother is."

Feeling something cold against my cheek, I look up to see Cassius looking down at me with a bottle of juice pressed against my face.

Thoughts running through my mind, I can't decide whether to thank him, deny Ruby's words, or ask him how it went.

"I had to run over to the next store to get what Aqua wanted, so I at least deserve this, no?"

Before I could gather myself, I feel Cassius' lips against mine, the sweetness, softness, and warmth all making me feel giddy inside.

Separating with a thin strand of saliva connecting our mouths, Cassius then gives me a small smirk, making the tightness in my core even tighter.

"Don't look so upset Ruby, I even got your favourite steamed buns."

I cast a glance over to my daughter whose frown has changed into a look of expectation, a small trail of drool rolling down the corner of her mouth.

She changed her tune pretty quickly.

"Hmm, the bugs will get bad after the sun goes down... so I guess hiking will have to wait for tomorrow."

Unnoticed by anyone, Ruby flinches slightly at Cassius' words.

"Well, let's eat before it gets cold."

----- Cassius POV -----

After dinner, Ruby pulled Ai along to her bedroom and promptly outside while wrapped in a towel shouting 'Onsen! Onsen!' while Ai carried an unresponsive Aqua over her shoulder.

Quite a funny sight, especially with the little guy keeping up his stoic face throughout it.

Anyways, it also meant that I was currently alone, and since there were no dishes to be done, I decided to go on the laptop I had brought along.

I still was struggling to mix the parts to the song I had recorded, and I doubt Ichigo was very eager to give me those contacts of people in the music business right now after my little surprise vacation.


Interrupting my frustration, I hear Ai call my name.


Setting down the laptop, I make my way over to see the three who were standing around the onsen.

"What's wrong, Ai?" I ask.

"Umm... is it supposed to be so cold?" Ai responds.

Raising my eyebrow, I dip my hand into the water to discover that it was indeed cold.

"No. The site said that it may take a while for the onsen to warm up. I guess it hasn't been long enough."

Glancing back, I can see Ruby and Ai visibly deflate.

"Don't worry. Remember, I have magic."

My hand alighting in the golden glow of solar magic, I dip my hand back into the water and heat it up to the point where steam starts to rise.

"That should be good." I say.

"Yahoo! You're the best Cassius!" Ai responds.

I then feel two mounds press against my back as Ai's head rests next to mine.


Control yourself, Cassius.

My mind is a temple.

"No worries. Now, I'll leave you three to it."

Standing up, I start making my way back inside before I feel something tug against my shirt.

Looking back, I see Ai glance up to meet my eyes, her cheeks slightly flushed.

"I-I don't mind if you join, Cassius."

Dangerous words.

Before I could respond, Ruby interjects.

"I mind!"

"Ruby! Why can't he-" Ai then says.

"It's fine Ai."

My hand holding onto her own, she turns to me as I look up and down at her figure which was tightly wrapped in a towel, yet giving me a clear view of her smooth thighs and delicate collarbone.

"Looking at you right now is a treat enough on its own."

Ignoring Aqua hiding his face in his hands, I see Ai's eyes widen.

Pulling her close, I wrap my arm around her waist, tracing my palm around her lower back while my fingers brush across her exposed upper thigh.

Just seeing her like this is alluring enough of a sight, imagining her with her hair wet and water trailing down her naked body...

Yeah, I definitely can't stay here.

Especially with the kids around.

Lowering my head, I catch a whiff of her coffee-scented shampoo as I breathe lightly against her neck, causing her body to shiver in my grasp before I whisper into her ear.

"Besides, I don't think I could myself back if I joined."

"Eep!" Ai exclaims while covering her face with both hands.

Separating, I notice Ruby staring at us with twitching eyes.

Yeah, I should take my leave.

"Have fun~"

----- Aqua POV -----

Watching Cassius walk away, leaving Ai a blushing mess, I can only sigh internally.

This is young love, I guess.

Though I really wish they could discover 'privacy' and 'decency'.

"W-Well, let's go in!"

It seems that Ai's recovered as she begins to undo her towel, reminding me of my current circumstances.

"W-Wait, Ai! I-"

Now, what's a good excuse to get out of this situation?

Seeing Ruby's glare, I definitely can't stay here.

Ah! I can use that!

"I want to go in with Cassius!"

Pausing her undressing, Ai gives me a curious look.

"Really? Not that I mind, but why?"

Hmm, I can use her bashfulness to my advantage here, as much as it pains me as a fan to say it.

"He'll be my dad soon, right? I should get to know him."

While it wasn't a complete lie, as I definitely wanted to know more about the guy, it was more for the sake of not seeing Ai naked.

Her face returning to its previously crimson state, she stammers out a response.

"O-Oh? Y-Yeah, I guess he might be... W-Well if you're sure..."

"I am."

With that, I leave the two girls to themselves as I enter the house.

"What's up little man? Forget something?" Cassius raises his head at my entrance.

'Little man'...

While certainly childish, it does have an oddly nice ring to it once I look past the embarrassment, much like how Ai affectionately calls me her 'baby'.

"No, I wanted to go into the bath with you."

He then raises his brow.

"That so? Well, I don't mind at all."

I walk over before sitting next to him on the sofa.

Looking at his screen, it seems he's having trouble with... something.

"What're you working on?"

"Oh, this? Just trying to make a song, but this mixing stuff is really difficult. I definitely will need Ichigo's help."

"Are you gonna join Ai at Strawberry Productions?" I ask.

"If they'll have me! I'd need to show him something good if he's gonna make an all-new music department just for me." Cassius says.

So he really is doing music... I wonder how that happened.

Well, I did want to get to know him, so might as well do it now.

"Why did you go from being a hero to a musician?" I ask.

"Hmm, I always played songs on my off time. In fact, it was my only hobby. After the war, I planned either to be a travelling bard or settle down in Lycath Point and open an orphanage. Before I was, you know..."

"Killed." I finish his sentence.

"Uhh, yeah. Exactly."

'Open an orphanage', huh?

He does seem like the type of guy to do that, and I can't imagine the amount of orphans there must've been from that war.

From what he described it involved all of the civilized nations where he was from.

"What was 'Lycath Point'?" I then ask, my curiosity growing.

"How to explain it... In my mind, it was the prettiest place in the world. The ocean to the east, the rocky mountains to the north, the Great Forest to the west, and the plain expanding to the south. A meeting of four biomes. It was warm and had snowfall in the winter... much like Japan actually."

It's hard to imagine such a place, but then again, it is a fantasy world.

My curiosity piqued, I ask yet another question.

"What's the 'Great Forest'?"

"Uhh, basically a big giant forest. Like spanning the whole continent big. Wait, do you know what a continent is?"

Of course I do, but I think it'd be funny to have him explain it to me.

"No. What does that mean?"

"Yeah, uhh, continent... You know what an island is, right? Well, it's kind of like that-"

And so, while Ai and Ruby bathed in the onsen, I talked with who is likely to be my new stepdad in the meantime, mostly satisfying my curiosity about his past world.

I was expecting him to get annoyed at all my questions, but he faithfully answered each one of them, sometimes bringing up pictures on his laptop to visualize.

Yeah... I could see why Ai fell for him.

Aside from his looks, he had this air, this aura around him that drew you in.

A natural charisma just like Ai, but slightly different.

Maybe it was a trait of being a 'hero'?

He was essentially his world's greatest figurehead, so I imagine he needed to have some charm.

"We're back!"

Ai then walks in, thankfully wrapped in a towel, with a sleeping Ruby in her arms.

She probably stayed in there too long, didn't she?

Yeah, my stupid sister is the type to do that, especially having Ai with her.

"Okay, do you need any help with Ruby?" Cassius asks Ai.

"No, I can put her to bed just fine. Have fun you two~!"

With her closing the door to mine and Ruby's room behind her, Cassius then gets up.

"You can go ahead, I'll get us each a towel."


While he does that, I soon find myself sinking into the pleasantly warm bath.

With the stars dotting the now-black sky, I can't help but stare at Mt.Fuji, illuminated by the soft moonlight as its shadow stretches across the calm lake.

"How beautiful..."

"I agree."

Jumping in surprise, I look over at Cassius with a glare.

"Haha, sorry, sorry. You were just so out of it. I didn't even try to sneak up on you."

Setting down the towels, he then reveals his entire body, one that I can only stare at in envy and pity.

Envy at the defined musculature, making it seem like a Greek god had descended.

And looking at his... umm... 'sword', I pray for the safety of Ai in the future, as much as I don't want to think about that stuff.

And pity at the various scars lining his figure.

It seemed that his old fight recordings in this world didn't carry over his battle wounds, so it was slightly surprising to see his body lined with scars of various sizes.

While it may be seen as 'cool' and 'awesome', as a doctor, I could tell that some of those scars were old.

Too old, for a young man like him to have.

"Jealous~? You know, I could train you to have some of these babies in the future."

Snapping back to reality, I see that Cassius is giving me a smug grin while flexing his bicep.

"You wish. I was just wondering what those scars were from. Especially that big one on your stomach." I respond.

"Oh, this one?"

Sitting at the edge of the bath with his legs in the water, he points out the large off-coloured skin that nearly covered half of his abs.

"Hmm, I think I got hit a few times here. But the biggest would've been getting impaled by a Minotaur. A big monster that had a head like a bull while standing on two feet. I think it punched right through me the first time I fought one." He says.


The fuck?

He then turns to the side, showing off a similarly shaped scar on his back, lining up with where the other one had been.

"Yep. Solar magic is quite cool, but even that couldn't completely heal it."


That is quite a bad wound.

"...How old were you? When it happened." I ask hesitantly.

"Ah, that was right when they started invading, so I was a little over 12."

Impaled at 12, from being forced to fight in a war as the central figure.


"Ah, well. It wasn't that bad. I didn't make a mistake like that again after that."

He then gives me a small wink.

...Yeah, I think my new father needs Ai just as much as she needs him.

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