The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 23 – 1 Year

"Ruby~! Don't forget your spare clothes!"

"Okay, Mama!"

The pitter-patter of my excitable... daughter echoes down the stairs before coming to rest in front of me.

Her cute face set in her usual warm smile, Ruby leans down and quickly puts on her shoes before standing up and meeting my eyes.

"I'm ready to go, Papa!"

Her red eyes gleaming with excitement, she bounces lightly on her toes to further convey her enthusiasm.

"Let's head on out then." I respond.

A lot has changed in this past year.

Most notably, we had moved into an actual home.

One where Aqua and Ruby could proudly grow up in and with their own rooms.

And of course, there was another spare room in case of... expansion of the family, so to say.

And with Ai and I's 'activities' over the past year, it probably won't be too long before that comes to pass.

Seriously, who knew under that cute face she was such a beast in bed?

Thank god I can sterilize myself with solar magic, or Ai might have needed to take another nine-month break.

Because as she so arousingly says: "Do it inside, Cas~!".

Yeah... a beast.

But that's not all that's changed this past year.

It seemed that Ai had unlocked 'something' since we started being a thing, as her stardom has skyrocketed to the point where B-Komachi is easily the largest idol group in Japan.

So large, in fact, that they had finally gained that Tokyo Dome concert Ichigo and Miyako dreamed of, and would be performing there in about a month.

Sucks that I couldn't get there before Ai to relieve her stress, but our conversation after she heard the news quelled my worries.

----- 1 Week Earlier -----

"So... you got the spot, huh?"


Putting the final plate away, I glance over to my idol girlfriend, her hair swaying back and forth as she hums in happiness.

A happiness I could tell was genuine.

Weird, I thought she'd be pretty stressed, having to aim for such a lofty goal to fulfill Ichigo's dreams.

But then again, I could tell from the few concerts I went to that she seemed to genuinely enjoy standing up on that stage.

Perhaps my worries were misguided?

Did she actually want to be an idol?

"I'm so happy I finally got here, and now I can finally pay back the president." Ai says with a content smile.

'Happy I finally got here', huh?

But are you really?

Wasn't this idol business just a way for you to discover love?

I don't understand...

"What don't you understand, Cas?"

Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Fufu, yes you did~ Besides, I can read you like a book now that we've been together for this long. Once I learned your tells, you're really quite expressive... It's kinda cute!"

Placing down her phone, she grabs my face with both hands, forcing me to look her in the eyes.

"I could tell you had that silly goal to make the president's dream come true before me. But why would you do that?"

"Uhh, dwidn't wan do make you stwessed." I respond with some difficulty, courtesy of my still-smushed cheeks.

"Haa, silly Cassius. While I appreciate the sentiment, don't you think I have my own pride too?" She responds while shaking her head.

Relenting her hold on my face, she continues.

"Listen, the president was the one to find me and, well, set me on the path that made me the woman I am today. Is it wrong for me to want to repay him myself?"

Her serious face turns a little more playful, she gives me a peck on the lips continuing.

"Besides, it's not like I hate being an idol, you know? It's just the privacy stuff that's been making me... less eager, to continue my work. Plus, when I finally get to perform there and bathe the stadium in red, I'll be able to return home to my babies and say 'Isn't Mama so cool~!'?" 

"Yeah, I guess I can see that." I say.

Sometimes I forget how strong of a woman Ai Hoshino is, being able to live her life as a lie for nearly seven years straight.

Swaying her hips, she latches her arms around my neck while giving me an upturned smile, making my heartbeat hasten in a way only she can cause.

"Either way, I'll always be your idol..."

She then leans close to whisper into my ear.

"Especially in bed~"

Leaving me stunned at her sultry tone, she chuckles to herself before heading back to the living room, completely negligent of the state she had left me in.

----- 1 Week Later -----

Yeah... Ai's quite the woman...

But her career wasn't the only one to skyrocket, as it seemed my musical gifts from a parallel world had taken this one by storm.

It seems that the marketing tactics of the number one idol group's management are not to be underestimated.

But yeah, it really was quite shocking how popular our little group had gotten, and with the amount of people buying our songs, we had already gotten quite a profit.

At this rate, I doubt we'll even need to do any live shows to spread our influence, though Yuto yearns for the stage, so there's that...

Well, anyway, that was something to think about later, or at least when Ichigo forces me to do a show.

For now, it's Ruby's practice time!

Directly after our move, I enrolled Ruby in both singing and dance lessons to further her idol skills and eventually achieve her dream of following in Ai's footsteps.

...As much as I felt a little sick at the thought.

Is this 'fatherly protectiveness'?

I mean, it's the same feeling I get when I think of future Ruby delving into romance, so it must be.

Well, once she gets into the scene, Ai should be retired and relatively old news by then, so I can have her carry the Dagger of Summoning for any... incidents.

Opening the door, I give Ai a little wave before calling out to Aqua, who was reading on the couch.

"See ya later, Aqua."

Raising his head, he gives me a small raise before returning to his book.

Yeah, not the most childish child, but he had been getting a bit better lately.

Maybe the move made him rethink some things, or perhaps it was just Ai's insistence, but he now called her 'Mama'.

Well, sometimes.

He still used 'Ai' quite a lot, but old habits die hard, I guess.

But I do wish he could find something to do, either a hobby, an activity, or just a general passion.

While he loved his books, it still was just something to pass the time, at least that's how I saw it.

He was pretty good in that one movie, right?

Perhaps he could try acting?

Well, it's in his genes.

Unless he wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps, of course.



Picturing a grown-up Aqua with his perpetual straight face as an idol, I fight back a laugh as I close the door behind us.

"What's so funny?" Ruby asks.

"Nothing." I respond.

Nothing at all.

"So, did Maki say she was coming today?" I ask.

"Hmm... I don't remember. She usually has soccer today, but I don't know when it ends." Ruby replies.

While starting her journey as an idol at the studio, she made a couple of friends along the way.

With her emotional maturity and intelligence being so advanced, she got along with some of the older kids, around seven to ten-year-olds, but at least she was happy.

But once they start school... yeah, that's gonna suck for them.

Especially Aqua, he isn't really the social butterfly type.

Maybe it'll even out later in life?

 I mean, age gaps don't matter as much the older you get, so maybe once they reach high school they can form some true bonds.

----- Ruby POV - 1 Hour Later -----

Twirl, make sure to stay balanced, and coming out of the pirouette, extend an arm to the side.

Bending backward, ensuring my face is tilted slightly to the side in the reflection, hold and... turn.

And of course, just like Mama, end with a cute wink with a peace sign.


"Ruby! That's not part of the routine!" 

The teacher calls me out lightheartedly as the rest of the girls giggle at my mistake.

"Ah! S-Sorry, sensei!" I respond with a slight blush.

Whoops, got a little too into that one.

Must be the excitement from Mama's next concert.

To think that the little girl, the one I followed since the beginning of her career, would end up where she is today, performing at the famed Tokyo Dome.

And now she's my Mama!

Happiness, excitement, satisfaction... all those good-feeling thoughts pass through my head, but the one that sticks out the most is unmistakably pride.

Knowing how tough the road Mama took to get where she is today only enhances the feeling.

And with the fame of B-Komachi increasing, it's no surprise their center is quickly making a name for herself in the space.

Hmm, while idols usually only last until their mid-20s, Mama does have a really pretty face, and Papa to keep her looking young.

But even then, she could always do acting and modelling and stuff, the things she did before Papa when she needed some odd jobs.

Well, thoughts for later.

Mama's gonna be an idol for a while still, and when she does retire, it will be a new era of Ruby Hoshino taking her place!

Wiping the sweat off my face, I packed up my bag before heading out to the lobby where Papa was waiting with an odd expression on his face.

Weird, why would-

Before I could finish the thought, I finally listened to what was playing in the lobby.


It's his song.

Haha, no wonder Papa's feeling so weird!

While he hadn't placed his name or face anywhere near his music, that didn't stop his band's debut album from rocketing to fame.

But according to him, unlike me, he didn't really care about fame, and he would actually rather not be famous so he could still take her to things like school and this.

Even if he did do a live show, he'd wear a mask or something to keep his identity a secret.

I can still remember the warm feeling of love I felt when he told me that.

Anyways, it must be really weird to hear your own songs in public, especially with people around none the wiser.

"Ruby. Ready to go home?" Papa says with a smile, reaching his hand down to take my bag.

A bit impatient, aren't we?

"Sure, Papa! But, wait. I wanna listen to this song first." I say with an exaggerated wink, just like Mama does.

His face gains a bit of a red tint as his smile becomes strained.

"Of course you do..."

I'm definitely telling Mama about this.

Taking me into his arms, we then make our way towards our house while I decide to have a small nap in his hold.

An hour of dance is very taxing for a four-year-old!

Snuggling deeper into his shoulder, I catch a whiff of the coffee-scented soap he and Mama share, calming me down even further.

Mmm... I hope these happy times last forever.

----- Aqua POV -----

Nealy a year has passed since we moved into the house, a big change from the apartment, and a year since Ai has risen to stardom.

Seeing that greedy little girl I saw, truly saw, for the first time on the hospital roof grow into the woman she is today, I can't help but feel a warmth of pride spread through my soul.

And knowing that Cassius was there to help us, to help her, both in protection, love, and everything in between, it's left me contemplating my existence.

Who am I? What is my purpose?

...Maybe that's a little dramatic, but it's the gist of things.

From how happy Ruby has been with her new lessons and calling Cassius 'Papa', she seems to have figured it out.

...Or maybe she isn't smart enough to care...

Either way, she's taken to this new life like a fish to water.

Which just leaves me...

Who am I?

Am I Aqua Hoshino, son of the famed Ai of B-Komachi?

Or am I Gorou Amamiya, an orphan who killed his own mother at birth?

A question I've long wanted an answer to.

Before, I would only answer that I am Gorou, not only a murderer but a thief, stealing from Ai the chance of having a regular child.

But as the years have gone past, I can't help but notice some inconsistencies with that line of thought.

When I look at Ai, I feel that warmth, that love past the simple admiration that I had for her as an idol or seeing her as the avatar of Sarina.

The love a son feels for his mother.

Perhaps it was me naturally accepting the situation?

Or perhaps the instincts and the simplicity of the underdeveloped brain of a baby melded into my past life's memories.

I... don't know.

I was not a psychologist nor a neurologist, and even if I was, I doubt they could find an answer to this fucked up situation.

But I've taken something from how my new... father, acts.

Just go with the flow.

Until I can find out this condition for myself, I'll just try to make my mother and sister happy.

...Which is why I am now calling Ai 'Mama', as embarrassing as it is.

It makes her happy, and that's all I can ask for.

Now as for what to do in this life...

Do I follow my dreams and become a doctor?

I'm pretty sure I could destroy kids my age in academics, and as childish as it is, I can't help but wonder how I would be perceived if I unleashed my full intellect.

But why?

Whenever I think about the future, I can't help but think back to that film, with Ai and the redheaded brat.

It was just a few scant seconds of screen time, nothing special.

I knew I didn't have the talent for stardom like the other two girls in my house, the way they light up the room with a smile, it's... something else.

Something I can't do.

But I still couldn't get the small pang of exhilaration out of my head.

How I looked on the big screen, how Ai's eyes lit up at my acting... 

Well, I guess I can think about that stuff later.

"We're back!"

For now, I have a sister and a... father... sort of.... to greet.

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