The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 24 – Final Concert

----- Ai POV -----

It was time.

The concert president Ichigo has always aspired to make, the concert that would cement B-Komachi, and therefore myself, in history.

...And also the concert that would be my final performance.

Not that anyone else knows that, of course!

And hopefully, this will be the last time I'll need to lie, and then I can leave all this deceit behind me.

It's been about a year since I found my love, and in that year, I've learned a few things about... well... a lot.

How to give natural affection, and how to receive it.

How to cry and leave my emotions bare to my partner.

To trust, to kiss, to f- ahem, make love.

But most importantly, I've learned about myself.

And as it turns out, I really am a selfish girl.

Because you see, my love... it's not something that I give out lightly.

My love is reserved for Aqua, for Ruby, and for Cassius.

Maybe Miyako and President Ichigo too, but either way... 

The crowd, the cheers, the fans... I hold no love for them.

So even after finding the love I sought for... I still lie.

Just like I will tonight.

But maybe... just maybe... I'll try a little harder.

Try something different.

I should go out with a bang, no?

Plus, mixed into the sea of fans, my family would be watching me, and I know just how much my babies 'idolize' me, hehe.

And with Cassius... well, I guess I'll try to bring out his lust.

Yeah, that'll be good.

And I know just how to do it too, as long as I can single him out in the crowd.

They're supposed to have front-row seats, right?

"Okay, girls! You're up! Knock em' dead!"

Hearing the giddy voice of the president, I take a small moment to compose myself.

Breathe in... breathe out.

I'm not necessarily afraid of messing up, not only have I done this so many times before, but for a perfect idol like me, a small mistake would be looked at as endearing rather than with disdain.

But giving off that charisma... no, going beyond that, that's what's making me anxious.

Imagining Ruby and Aqua running to greet me at the door, a loving smile forms on my face.

Perfect. Let's do this, Ai!

Leading the others behind me, I jaunt across the stage, skipping lightly to give off the vibe of an excited schoolgirl while still holding the image of a performer who knew how to move her body.

A small wink, a squint of the eye, a loose strand of hair being tucked behind my ear...

"Hello everyone! Thank you for coming~!"

A clear voice that echoes clearly throughout the stadium, causing a resounding cheer to follow suit.

My actions... my optics... they're perfect.

Perfect, just like always.

But... 'just like always', huh?

Didn't I want more?

But how can you go past perfection?

I need something more, something... brighter.

Something to absolutely stun the masses, make them happy, and make them only see me.

Only see me... make them happy...

Thinking like that, I can't help but picture my sweet daughter.

How she shows off her singing after a fun class, when she dances with me when I'm practicing, her dazzling smile...

It's different from me, who always wears a veil of lies on stage.

Whether it's fabricating my act from nothing like before, or using my experiences of love from home... it's all lies.

Ruby... doesn't need lies.

She's just... that loveable.

She's honest and doesn't need any acting to show off her charisma.

Maybe that's it?

Pondering lightly, I think back to when Hikaru came over and Cassius showed off his acting skills for the first time.

How naturally he became 'Lili', now that I know him so well, the separation between the two is even greater than before.

And Hikaru, for all the... colourful words I could use to describe him, he was a hell of an actor and a hell of a liar.

So how did Cassius pull it off?

How did he so seamlessly lie to an expert liar?


It's that simple, isn't it?

Stupid Ai, the 'Lili' persona he wore wasn't a simple persona.

It was him impersonating her!

Dammit, of course that's what he'd do as a body double, how could I forget!?

So, impersonation.

Hmm... yeah, let's try it!

Think, Ai. 

What makes Ruby, Ruby?

I can't completely copy her, and nor do I want to, I just want that pure, honest excitement she effortlessly radiates.

So... how does Ruby feel about being an idol?

It's her dream, it's what she's been working toward at the performing arts studio for the past year.

How can I channel that?

What excites me...

Closing my eyes, a small hand enters my vision, and then another one.

A child- no, a baby swaddled in my grasp, its rosy cheeks and the tuft of dirty blonde hair enhancing its silly yet charming smile.

A shock runs up my spine as my heart pounds painfully in my chest.

My breath nearly hitches as my eyes begin to water.

In sadness? No.

Happiness? Not quite, but close.

It's just pure... emotion.

Pure... excitement.

...Ah, so this is how it feels.

I look up toward the crowd, their faces, young and not so young, all wearing wide smiles of exhilaration.

A sea of lights, overwhelmingly red.

The heat, the cheers, the eyes... all looking... at me.

Ha... hahaha!

So this is how you feel, my dear daughter.

Raising my hand in the air, the sea of people cheer in response, causing my nose to itch.

Is it pride? Excitement?

No, it doesn't really matter.

"Are you ready~?"

Because right now, possibly for the first time... I'm up here, having fun.

The music starts while my head tilts to the side, my eyes searching through the crowd while I bring the microphone to my face.

Oh, Ruby, you're gonna be big, a true star that will take the entertainment world by storm.

But for now...

"Let's get this thing started!"

Mama's gonna steal your thunder, at least for a little while.

----- Cassius POV -----

The first thing I thought entering the stadium, was that it was big.

Very, very big.

Jesus, a place like this would be an assassin's dream.

Just a quick slice of the throat, and then easily blending into the crowd.

If you play it right, they wouldn't even find the body until-

"Whoa! Mama's coming! Mama's coming!"

Whoops. Forgot, I don't live in such a violent world anymore.

But still...

"Ruby, that's supposed to be a secret, genius." Aqua's harsh scolding brings me back to the moment.

Looking up at the two who were perched on my shoulders, I give both of their legs a little squeeze.

"Don't worry, Aqua. I don't think anyone would take you seriously, and even if they did, there are seven girls up there." 

At my words, Ruby gives Aqua a smug smile while crossing her arms, causing me to give her leg another squeeze, a little tighter this time.

"But that doesn't mean you have to shout it to the world, Ruby."

Her smug smile grows strained, as a hint of red appears on her cheeks.

"S-Sorry, Papa."

"It's fine" I respond.

Suddenly, the crowd's fervour increases as I see Ai and the other girls make their way over.

A frilly pink skirt, with a belt wrapped tight around her waist.

My eyes drifting downward, I notice the subtle glimpse of her thighs before being cut off by white tights, highlighting her legs all the way down to her pink boots.

And then there's- Nope! 

Eyes up, Cassius! 

Not the place or time.

Tracing upward, there's her matching upper portion of her outfit, this time white fading into a darker pink, all with the naturally ruffled look.

Her thin yet toned arms finished her white gloves, the bunny hairpin pulling back that entrancing hair.

And then there's her face.

Oh boy... isn't that a pretty sight.

"Are you ready~?" 

Finishing her words with a sultry wink, the crowd erupts, either in happiness, anticipation, or both.

But- hmm?

Over the past year, I've taken the kids out to a few of Ai's concerts, and being my perceptible self, I could instantly tell.

Something was different.

It was subtle, something practically imperceptible to the eye, yet even the average fan could feel the change in her energy.

The way she moves her hips... her crinkled cheeks... it's not as picture-perfect as before, yet it's still great.

A little smoother? More natural?

I... couldn't really tell.

But, if there was one word I would use, it was more emotional.

The childish giddiness she brings to her facade was not as forced, her cheerfulness a product of her movements rather than something that needed to be pronounced.

It was... stunning.

And I could tell everyone else in this stadium agreed.

But still, what happened?

She had told me she supplants the love she feels for us and the natural expressions that come with it into her facade, but did she take it a step further?

Does she love all her fans now?

No, that's not it.

It's more like she's... impersonating someone.

But who?

Acting so happily up on that stage, who could-

"Go, Mama! Oh. I mean, go Ai!"

...I see.

So decided to impersonate her daughter, huh?

"Let's get this thing started!"

But holy moly, that persona really works well with her, huh?

Well, with anyone cute enough, it could probably take them places.

And with her natural dancing talent and pure drive...

Looking up, I see Ruby's eyes shine with pure glee as she frantically waves her red glowsticks back and forth.

...Yeah, she's gonna be a star.

Haa, that'll definitely cause some problems in the future, but for now, I guess I'll just enjoy the moment.

Ai starts singing as her eyes scan through the crowd, soon landing on me and the kids.

Following that, she sends me a sultry wink while slowly running her hand down her leg in time with the music.

...Yep, just enjoy the moment.

----- Aqua POV -----

The beaming lights, the subtle red glow, the pounding base and the echoing cheers.

Yes... now this is a stadium.

No wonder Ichigo wanted this so bad, it's an atmosphere you can easily lose yourself in.

But wow, is Mam- Ai ever knocking it out of the park.

That natural charisma that I was entranced with, the charisma that reminded me so much of 'her'...

My previous allusion was somewhat broken, as I now knew that Ai's charisma that she showed on stage was fabricated.

...Not even mentioning the trauma of her 'nighttime activities'.

But anyway, I was once again, wrong.

While the charisma she showed on stage was fabricated, she still held a certain, otherworldly charm to her.

One that was only amplified once she overcame her past.

And how she translated that into her stage performance...

Well, it's no miracle that B-Komachi became so popular.

But this... was something else.

A different charm.

If before her eyes sparkled, now, they truly shined.

And, as wrong as it might be to say it, she looked just like Sarina.

An honest smile to spread happiness to the world.

While M-Ai did enjoy that part of being an idol, it wasn't quite to the level of Sarina.

She had... a different aura to her.

An aura Ai was projecting effortlessly right now.

And the crowd was loving it.

Oh Sarina, if only you were still here...

You would definitely be the best idol around.

But, while it's not nearly as fulfilling, it's nice to see a part of her being emulated on a stage like this.

Even more so the fact that it's Ai doing so.

But... why?

I can clearly see Ai and Sarina up on that stage, and I understand why...

But why can I see Ruby there too?


Well, it's her daughter, so of course Ai would look like her.

But it's not only looks, is it?

Whatever, I shouldn't think too deeply about that.

For now, let's just enjoy the moment and... ignore the glances Ai was obviously sending Cassius.

Seems like I'll be trying to sleep early tonight as well.

"-Unya oi. Fu-Fu-Fu~!"

And that's the show, at least I think so.

They've been using 'Sign wa B' as their closer for the past shows, so it's to be expected.

Haa, another great performance.

As expected of Ai.

""Thank you all for coming! We love~ you~ all~!""

A collective lie, but it warms my heart knowing that Ai's words rung true for me.

The lights dim as the idols make their way off the stage, each waving their hands excitedly as Ai follows behind, microphone still in hand.

...Did she forget?

Or maybe it's a venue thing?

She usually leaves the mic on the stand, why would she-

"Thank you guys once again for your support! You really made my last show a great one! Sayonara!"

Ah yes, a final send-off, how-


Excuse me, what?

----- Ai POV -----


Wiping the sweat off my face, I turned back to President Ichigo, who was currently having a... moment, so to speak.

Hmm, should I go oblivious? Or maybe ditzy.

Whatever, let's do both.

"Huh? What're you talking about, president?"

My words seem to stop him in his tracks.

Wow, I didn't know someone's eyes could twitch so much!

"Deep breaths. Hoo. Haa. Okay, Ai." He says, looking intently into my eyes.

"Yes?" I respond, now brushing through my hair, making sure any glitter or confetti doesn't tangle anything.

"The way you worded your send-off, it sounded like a retirement announcement. Do you understand how that could be a problem?"

Tilting my head to the side, I think about how best to explain to him.

"That's because it was a retirement announcement."

Oof, that was a little too blunt, Ai.

"Huh? B-But, hah!? Why!?"

Well, that is the question, huh?

It's difficult to explain.

After all, this is the president's entire life, while I on the other hand... well, I have other aspirations now.

But how could I express this... right?

He doesn't deserve a halfhearted explanation, and despite my teasing, I do feel a little guilty of messing everything up for him.

But, hmm-

"Knock knock! Ai, you in there?"

Hearing Cassius, my lips spread into a smile as I go up and open the door, seeing my two kids held in his arms, both with absolutely shocked expressions.

Perfect timing!

"Sorry, but they really wanted an explanation. Don't worry, though. No one saw us." He tells me with a shrug.

Cas doesn't seem that surprised about the whole thing, if only a tad confused.

But then again, I guess that should be expected of the one who saw through my facade at first glance.

"No, it's fine. Just get in here."

Pulling him in, our short chat seems to have awoken President Ichigo from his stupor.

"Y-You! How did you get back here?" He asks while pointing at Cassius.

"Mah, just some magic is all."

Oh, so he's not even hiding it, huh?

"'Magic'? Seems like I'll need to review security for tonight then." President Ichigo says with a scowl.

Well, I guess Cas really doesn't need to hide it anyway.

"Yeah, but I'm guessing you have some more... pressing issues right now." Cassius returns.

That seems to return President Ichigo to the problem at hand as he pulls out a chair and rests his face on his hands before releasing a short sigh.

"That's right. Ai, please tell me, w-"

""Why are you quitting!?""

Hearing my two babies yelling in sync, I hold back the chuckle that was threatening to break out.

So cute~!

But that even makes me more sure of my decision.

"Why indeed... Well, I suppose I should explain that, shouldn't I?"

"""Yes! Please!"""

Fufu, now... where to start?


I want to say a quick thanks to everyone who's commented, well, ever on my stories, but especially in the past few weeks.

I read every comment across all four platforms, or at least try to, mostly to answer any questions or see any corrections that need making, so I see all the support and thank you greatly.

Between uni, finding a co-op, and getting engaged, life has been... hectic. And writing my two stories has been tough. Not writing itself, mind you, going through two years of uni with labs and weekly learning journals, I can bullshit out 2000 words an hour, easily.

But these stories are not simple bullshit, they're passion projects, ones that need me to think deeply about connected events, character behaviours, and so on. So it's definitely been hard, and seeing the comments, whether it be a simple thanks, eager review, or contemplation of the future events, all make this payless, well... hobby worth it. Or at least somewhat so.

Anyway, thanks again!

Also, either in the next chap or the one after, the long-awaited idol dress hanky-panky arrives.

And maybe, Aqua gets some inspiration?

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