The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 11

Chapter 10: Wand And Gringotts

Moriarty took the wand, without feeling anything special, he mobilized his magic power, then waved the wand in his hand, and a green snake head appeared in front of Ollivander.

Ollivander shook his head lightly: “It doesn’t seem to be a problem, but I know that it wasn’t the wand that chose you, but that it couldn’t resist you.”

“Try this one,” he quickly took out another wand, “thirteen inches long, yew, unicorn tail hair.”

The unicorn is a holy magical creature. Moriarty used the unicorn wand to release the snake head, which turned white.

“Still not. Ollivander glanced at the white snake head. Although the unicorn played a role, the color change had already involved Transfiguration. If Moriarty didn’t learn Transfiguration beforehand, it was because he was too gifted. All right.

“If you want to get a wand that will last you a lifetime, you have to open your heart to the wand, be like a child who can’t use magic, otherwise no matter how many wands you try, the result will be the same.” Ollivander said and hugged Get a bunch of wands.

In the next thirty minutes, Moriarty tried dozens of times, and each time he could easily cast a little magic, and those wands were as good as pet cats in his hands.

After some attempts, Ollivander sighed in disappointment, and Moriarty said intriguingly: “You seem to be testing whether I have a pure heart by choosing a wand. Can you tell me why? Sir.”

“You saw it, okay okay, you’re really smart.” Ollivander walked up to Moriarty and said seriously, “Although there are enough wands in this room, they add up to all of them. Not as much as that wand—the one in the hands of the greatest wizard of all time, Dumbledore.”

Moriarty guessed that the wand he was talking about was the Elder Wand from the Deathly Hallows, but what does this have to do with him? Moriarty listened patiently as he continued to explain.

“I have to admit, Lockhart didn’t miss out this time.” Ollivander said slowly: “You are very talented, Mr. Moriarty.

So I want to study wand science with you. If you have any doubts, you can ask me,

Oh, of course, all the wands you make are yours. ”

Ollivander added eagerly: “I want to see if you can make a wand stronger than Dumbledore’s wand!”

“You want me to learn wand learning with you!” Moriarty understood what Ollivander meant, but he shook his head and declined.

Wandology is a very special kind of magic, obscure and difficult to understand, and requires a lot of experiments.

Moriarty couldn’t learn from Ollivander. For him, wand learning was just a shooting star in the magical sky, worthy of appreciation but not a goal.

Ollivander was very sorry, but he was still unwilling to give up. He solemnly took out a wand and handed it to Moriarty.

“Eleven inches long, holly, phoenix feathers. Beautiful and supple, this wand is a brother to the wand of the unnamed man, and they both contain a feather from the same phoenix.”

Ollivander seemed to have grown old all of a sudden, he whispered: “You are a descendant of Slytherin, I was afraid that you would become like that person in the future, so I didn’t take out this wand at first…

Oh look, look at what I’m talking about, of course you don’t, right? ”

Moriarty ignored the old man’s self-talk and felt offended by putting him with a guy who had his nose cut off.

Moriarty raised the wand in front of him to examine it carefully, there was no doubt that it was the wand used by Harry Potter.

“Ding dong~ A magic wand that fits the fire element magic has been detected. The host’s possession of this magic wand will increase the level of the fire element magic.”

Hearing the prompt from the system, Moriarty had a bold idea.

Since there is a magic wand that fits the fire element magic, there must be a magic wand that fits the water element magic!

What Moriarty needs is such a wand, does Ollivander have it?

Thinking of this, Moriarty deliberately used a holly wand to release a freeze spell on the door of the store, adding a few beautiful ice patterns to the door.

Ollivander saw the ice magic revealed by Moriarty, and a strange look gradually bloomed in his eyes, and his voice became high-pitched: “Merlin, I forgot that you can use a magic circle to summon ice snakes! Aha, think Get up! That’s right, that’s it! Maybe it’s the best wand for you!”

Ollivander searched for a long time from a pile of boxes and came over with a white box.

“Twelve inches long, cedar wood, as to what the core is, unfortunately I don’t know – it was made by my ancestors when they traveled the world five hundred years ago, and since it was made, no one has used it It casts a spell!”

Moriarty opened the box and saw a creamy white wand lying there quietly. He had a hunch that this was the wand he was looking for.

“Ding dong~ A wand matching water element magic was detected…”

Hearing the system’s prompt, Moriarty raised the corners of his mouth and gently picked up the cedar wand. A chill ran down his fingers, passed his wrists and arms, and finally flowed into Moriarty’s heart.

Moriarty didn’t feel the slightest abnormality, and the system’s voice came from his ears again: “Congratulations to the host for upgrading, now he is a 27th-level elementary wizard.”

Up two levels, not bad.

Moriarty held the cedar wand in his left hand and nodded to Ollivander: “This is a good wand.”

Ollivander was also very excited: “Yes, I can see that it chose you this time, seven gold Galleons, if you want to take it away.”

“Of course I will take it, it will be my faithful companion, and not only it, I will also have the holly wand, make a price, sir.”

Moriarty raised his right hand and waved his Slytherin wand at the messy wand. The wand on the ground, the wall, and the open box all returned to their original positions.

Only the holly wand was left floating in front of Ollivander, waiting for his decision.

Ollivander frowned and tried to explain to Moriarty: “Each little wizard can only buy one wand before school starts.

If a wizard’s wand is damaged or lost, Ollivander’s Wand Shop will provide him with a second wand.

But no one has ever been able to buy two wands at once. ”

Moriarty was unmoved, his plain eyes almost saw through Ollivander, as long as the chips are big enough, anything can be sold.

Ollivander was quickly defeated in the battle of eyes.

“You are really difficult to deal with, and if you don’t know how to learn about wands, I’d like to call you Mr. Moriarty!

Well, I can give you the holly wand, but I hope you have time to learn about wandology, it’s not too difficult for your talent, okay? ”

Ollivander put the holly wand into the box and gave it solemnly to Moriarty.

And Moriarty put an emerald from the purse and put it on the table after putting the box into the exquisite bag with the Unmarked Stretch Charm.

“The Slytherin family has no habit of owing favors. No matter how much the holly wand is worth, I think this gem is enough to pay for it.”

After Moriarty finished speaking, he took back the purse and said to Ollivander, “Goodbye sir.”

Walking out of the wand shop, Moriarty was shocked to find that the wizards in Diagon Alley were all looking at him, and seeing him holding the wand, the wizards burst into cheers.

“For Slytherin! For magic!” the wizards cheered.

They understand that Moriarty’s return to England and the significance of getting a modern wand is extraordinary. Maybe it is really like what Lockhart said, an era of magic renaissance is coming!

Moriarty nodded to the crowd, impeccably aristocratic.

“Luke, I have an important task for you.” Moriarty took out a list and handed it to Luke, “According to the above requirements, buy everything and send it back to the castle.”

“Yes, my young master!” Luke walked towards the Lishen Bookstore target, where it was his first target, Moriarty wanted to buy all the magic textbooks for grades 1 to 7.

Entrusting the procurement to Luke can save Moriarty more time. He was about to take Ingo home, but found that Ingo’s eyes were on a towering snow-white marble building. superior.

It was Gringotts, the only wizarding bank in the UK.

“Don’t even think about it, Ingo. I won’t take you there, because the Slytherins never store their wealth in Gringotts!”

While tidying up the castle, Moriarty found some of Salazar’s diaries, not the diary, but the other scattered diaries.

The above records Salazar’s hostility to fairies. He believes that it is necessary to permanently eliminate the race of fairies, otherwise fairies will bring disaster.

Although Moriarty is not as stubborn as Salazar, he is always wary of fairies in his heart.

Unexpectedly, when Ingo heard Moriarty’s words, his eyes widened: “Master will take me there, and I will give Master a reason that he can’t refuse!”

Obviously, Ingo’s words had a hint of rebellion. After he finished speaking, the golden shackles quickly became smaller, making his legs and wrists black.

There was a sharp pain in Ingo’s legs, and he fell to the ground severely. He couldn’t resist the punishment of the golden shackles until Moriarty said with his staff to the golden shackles, “Stop!”

The shackles gradually became larger, and Ingo was saved. He lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

What happened to Ingo caught the attention of wizards and Gringotts goblins.

Lockhart proclaimed the vault of Slytherin Castle to the crowd in a dignified manner. After hearing the sour sighs of people, he was very happy, as if the vault belonged to him.

And the goblin in the scarlet-gold uniform standing next to the gate of Gringotts had an ugly face, and his skin was flushed with anger.

I don’t know if it was because of Ingo’s punishment or because of the Slytherin castle’s vault.

Moriarty guessed both. Gringotts controls the wizarding world’s economy to a large extent, but his vault is an exception, and the wealth inside will never be stored in Gringotts.

This is enough to make the goblins madly jealous, and once the goblins target Moriarty, Moriarty will be constrained for a part of his time and energy.

“We have to find a way to keep these goblins busy…” Moriarty pondered, the Harry Potter world is an incomplete magical world, and taking finance as an example, the wizard’s financial system is full of loopholes.

Voldemort has worked hard for more than 50 years, just to be the village headman.

Moriarty thinks that Voldemort may never have thought of changing his mind, but Tom Riddle must have thought of it!

Although I thought about it, I couldn’t do it!

Because of monopoly.

Ollivander has a monopoly on wands, the Foley family has a monopoly on book-related businesses, goblins have a monopoly on financial circulation, and the shareholders of St. Mungo’s Hospital have a monopoly on shampoo Monopolized by the Potter family…

Voldemort can capture Ollivander, kill the Foley family heir, conquer the Ministry of Magic… but never get the knowledge and privileges of the monopoly.

That kind of privilege is not as powerful as Dumbledore and Voldemort, but it is like an eternal truth, passed down from generation to generation.

To break the monopoly, Moriarty believes that there must be knowledge and privileges opposed to the monopoly.

It happens that in the financial field, Moriarty has the capital to break the monopoly.

That night, Moriarty called Lockhart to talk in detail.

Early the next morning, Lockhart announced at Lishen Bookstore that he would use the money earned from the new book to set up a “Hogwarts Mutual Aid Foundation” and deposit the money in Gringotts that day!

Looking at the grinning face of the goblin, Lockhart couldn’t help sneering in his heart, but on the surface he made a distressed look, claiming that the Mutual Aid Foundation was to help the little wizards at Hogwarts to improve black magic Defense.

The reason given by Lockhart is that the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts changes every year. Without a complete curriculum system, the little wizard will undoubtedly make many detours.

Some senior wizards expressed a deep understanding of this, so Lockhart won the favor of the student community, and once again increased his prestige.

This time around, however, Lockhart didn’t make the front page of the Daily Prophet, which didn’t even cover the Mutual Aid Foundation.

Moriarty had a hunch that something was wrong. Lockhart was so hot during this time that he might be targeted.

Then who is it? Ministry of Magic?

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