The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 12

Chapter 11: Professor Snape Can Finally Wash His Hair!

Lockhart had to run around for this, looking for someone to ask.

Until the early morning of December 4, 1987, Lockhart knocked on the castle gate.

After being picked up by Luke, he went straight to the dining room, where Moriarty was having breakfast.

“Master, I know the reason why the Daily Prophet did not report on the Mutual Aid Foundation.”

Lockhart’s voice was dry, and Moriarty noticed that his image looked terrible.

He must not have slept well for several days because of this, two big dark circles hung on his face, and the hem of his embroidered coat was full of mud. Obviously, he was tired from running around these days.

Moriarty poured Lockhart a glass of milk, “Come on, Lockhart, drink it and speak slowly, put your heart back in your belly, with me there, any problem is not a problem.”

Lockhart “gudugudu” drank a glass of milk, his face flushed, and he took out a letter.

“Look, Master, Old Foley wrote to me early in the morning saying that the Mutual Aid Foundation was boycotted!” Lockhart gritted his teeth and said, “It’s Lucius Malfoy! He joined several pure-blood families to boycott your Mutual Aid Fund. Yes! That cunning Death Eater! If I say he should be in Azkaban, he’s bad!”

“Haha, don’t say that.” Moriarty was amused by Lockhart’s appearance.

The pure blood family didn’t put any pressure on him. He didn’t even read the letter from Old Foley. In fact, when he heard the name Lucius Malfoy, he figured it out.

“It’s important to figure out who is behind us, you’ve done a good job, Lockhart!” Moriarty praised, and then his eyes became sharp: “I’ve already prepared for the worst— – If the goblins are behind us, maybe I’ll try my best to abolish Gringotts first.”

Lockhart blinked and said thoughtfully: “So, maybe this move by the pure-blood family is not a bad thing for the young master. Can we cooperate with the pure-blood family?”

“I am delighted with the way you think about things.”

Moriarty gave Lockhart another glass of milk and even clink glasses with Lockhart.

After drinking the milk, Moriarty cleared his throat: “About pure blood, you need to remember that most of them are immersed in the glory of the past.

Have you forgotten the era of revival you proposed? When the times abandoned them, they wouldn’t even say goodbye to them.

Unless the pureblood family makes a change, my relationship with the pureblood family is only cooperative. ”

“I understand, young master,” Lockhart said with a serious face, ‘so what should we do this time?”

“Even if it is cooperation, I will not suffer.” Moriarty said slowly: “I asked you to create a mutual aid foundation with the intention of digging a hole for the goblins. Since the pure-blood family has emerged, let me They lost all of Merlin’s underwear!”

Moriarty said and left the restaurant, he took Salazar’s diary from Salazar’s bedroom, pointed to the notes on one page and said to Lockhart: “See, you go check it out yourself. Corner Alley bought these potion ingredients.”

“Wow,” Lockhart said in surprise, “Do you want to refine potions?”

“Yes, I want to refine the first of the 17 kinds of potions left by Salazar’s ancestors, and it is also a potion that has never been seen in the magic world, neutralizing potions!” Moriarty had already made Salazar After memorizing the diary, he introduced it skillfully: “This potion is like a weight, which can balance a tilted balance. It is used for those unbalanced potions, which can reduce the dangerous ingredients in potions, Also increases the properties of potions.

Salazar ancestors say that it can even neutralize the bad luck caused by taking too much phlegm. However, it is not easy to configure it. In addition to the ones that can be bought in the world, many raw materials have disappeared, but I think there should be the materials I need in the basement on the first floor. ”

After Moriarty finished speaking, he saw Lockhart, who had been stunned, “What are you still doing?”

Lockhart shook his head and stumbled away.

“He’s so weird today,” Moriarty sighed, “You mean Luke!”

The house elf made a pretentious comment, but he was not happy for long, and was sent by Moriarty to sort out the cauldron in a blink of an eye.

“Ingo!” Moriarty ordered to the goblin walking slowly: “Go to Knockturn Alley and buy vampire eyeballs, werewolf fingernails, the dew on the flowers when the dryad blooms for the first time, the discoloration Ghoul’s buck teeth…”

Many materials were only sold in Knockturn Alley, and Moriarty dared not let Lockhart buy them. Ingo the fairy was the most suitable candidate.

After dispatching his three assistants in succession, Moriarty walked towards the underground vault and found some of the most important materials according to the records in Salazar’s diary.

Luke put the cauldron, balance, vial, stove and other instruments into the room where Salazar refined the potion nine hundred years ago.

There were more than ten crucibles of various materials, large and small. Luke numbered them and placed them on the long table one by one.

Touching the scene, Luke shed tears emotionally: “Young master really looks like the old master…”

Moriarty recited each step over and over again, in case he made a mistake. This was the first time he had made a potion.

According to his school year plan, he would only try to refine the Neutralizing Potion and the other two types of potions after he entered Hogwarts. The pure-blood family’s targeting made him advance this plan by nine months!

An hour later, Lockhart came back first, and as soon as he entered the door, he couldn’t wait to find Moriarty.

“Master? Master? I ask you to allow me to give you an idea for a minute, my idea!”

Lockhart ran into the potion room and said out of breath, “When I was still in school at Hogwarts, I thought about making a shampoo!

I did that too – I successfully made a new shampoo using the egg yolk of the bird snake as the main ingredient, and I called it the bird snake egg yolk shampoo!

It can effectively lock the shine of the hair, I tried it, it really works!

But the fly in the ointment is that it has certain dangers… For example, the hair will suddenly grow longer, then go bald, and then grow longer!

Of course, this is only occasionally, I think it has something to do with the bird snake being able to expand and contract at will…”

Lockhart said a lot, the room was very quiet, he looked at Moriarty expectantly: “So? I thought about it on the way, I think adding a neutralizing agent to the bird snake egg yolk shampoo, Maybe it can neutralize the danger posed by birds and snakes! Young master? Do you think my thoughts are right?”

Moriarty seemed to know Lockhart anew, he understood why Lockhart acted strangely before.

I remember Gilderoy Lockhart said in his class that his greatest ambition was to eradicate evil in the world and sell his own line of conditioners.

There was a crisp sound of “ding dong” in his head, and Moriarty received a prompt from the system.

“Issued a mission: Refine a non-dangerous bird-snake egg yolk shampoo and give it to Professor Snape! Mission period, one year. Reward, an achievement lottery! Mission failed, obliterate the host!”

Moriarty was lost in thought, this time the task seems to be one, but it is actually two.

First, refining a new shampoo.

Even if the system does not issue tasks, Moriarty will refine this shampoo. He wants Lockhart to take the new shampoo to break the Potter family’s monopoly on shampoo, and then seize the market with the pure blood family. .

Second, give Professor Snape a new shampoo? ? ?

Moriarty didn’t know what to say about this mission. With Snape’s character, I’m afraid he would accept it when Lily gave him shampoo, and Voldemort couldn’t let him wash his hair when he came!

It seems that this task can only wait until the school starts, Moriarty sighed and turned to look at Lockhart.

At this moment, Lockhart was like a student who had finished an exam, anxiously waiting for the teacher to judge the paper.

“You never disappoint when it comes to fashion!” Moriarty raved about Lockhart: “No one else has come up with such a genius idea! Bird Snake Egg Yolk Shampoo Plus Neutralizer for sure It will shock the entire magic world!”

“Oh Master! Thank you!” Lockhart shed tears silently. He was a little transparent at Hogwarts, but he was eager to be famous and to be recognized, but no one could give him a single word of appreciation.

At the thought of the shampoo that people who once despised him would use it, Lockhart was happier than he was winning his fourth most charming smile award, and for some reason the first person Lockhart thought of was Severer Snape.

“I’m going to write to Professor Snape and recommend my shampoo to him! Haha, that’s fantastic!”

Lockhart is an actionist, and he was about to write a letter, but Moriarty stopped him: “Sober up, we haven’t started refining! Come and refine potions with me, you need to refine a lot of copies. Bird Snake Egg Yolk Shampoo, making sure I can experiment with the neutralizing ratio at will!”

If Lockhart were to write a letter to Snape, I am afraid Moriarty’s mission would never be completed, and it would be wiped out by the system that day!

Therefore, Moriarty’s tone was very stern, and Lockhart quickly put away the villain’s proud face and started to make shampoo in a hurry.

Luke, who saw this scene, smiled and bent down, but he was soon sent by Moriarty to sort out the hill-like materials.

“That’s right.” Moriarty glanced at the potion room, and now there was an atmosphere of refining potions, and he gradually entered the state.

The process of refining the neutralizing potion is not dangerous. The original intention of Salazar’s research and development was to eliminate the danger of most potions. When dozens of raw materials with lethal toxicity were added into the No. Gurgling” bubbles.

Moriarty simmered the No. 2 golden cauldron slowly. After 30 minutes of baking, he needed to pour the materials in the No. 1 golden cauldron into the No. 2 gold cauldron to squeeze out the essence of those dangerous ingredients.

It’s not an easy task, and perhaps like there’s no real justice in the world, Salazar’s recipe eliminates the calamity that dangerous ingredients can bring, but not the bad smell they bring.

The discolored ghoul’s buck teeth gave off a hot stench, which made the master and the second servant in the potion room almost spit out the breakfast.

“Luke, control the temperature of the fire to 44.43 degrees!” Moriarty said to the house elf, covering his mouth and nose, “It’s not even more than one degree! The dew of the tree spirit will react with the saliva of the black dragon.”

At this time, Moriarty regretted not learning fire elemental magic. The potion was closely related to the magic fire that made the potion, like a pair of twin brothers.

With the magic of fire element, he will undoubtedly make his control of slow fire and fire more delicate, instead of letting Luke assist him now.

This made Moriarty determined to learn more potions, and it was more than that.

The recipe left by Salazar was very complicated. Moriarty had to keep in mind the time each ingredient was added to the No. 1 Gold Crucible, and then poured them into the No. 2 Gold Crucible according to the order in the recipe to squeeze out the white essence.

“Lockhart, bring the balance, I want to make sure that the weight of the serum does not exceed 610 grams!”

Sequence, temperature, weight, Moriarty overcame one difficulty after another, and finally reached the final step.


Moriarty poured the essence into an ordinary crucible and stirred it up. This stirring lasted for fourteen hours and seventeen minutes!

Lockhart looked at Moriarty with admiration. There was an automatic stirring crucible that could automatically stir, but Moriarty insisted on stirring with his own hands!

“The speed and force of the automatic stirring of the cauldron are different from those of the ancestors of Salazar, and I can’t ignore any detail because of the hard work!

Lockhart, you have to remember that we sell the shampoo, and we must make sure that every step is the same as that of the ancestors of Salazar. ”

When Moriarty said this, Lockhart was inspired after hearing it, and decided not to rest, and seized the time to make a few more bird and snake egg yolk shampoo.

Luke shed tears of excitement and relief again, closed the door and quietly withdrew out, he can rest well, at least he doesn’t have to prepare lunch and dinner.

Fourteen hours and seventeen minutes later, Moriarty finally finished neutralization potion is complete!

Moriarty let out a sigh of relief, put down the spoon, and sat down on the chair, his arms drooping weakly.

Too tired, Moriarty was not too tired even after fighting the four dark wizards.

Lockhart had already collapsed on the carpet. He had made more than ten copies of Bird Snake Egg Yolk Shampoo, and he had been waiting for Moriarty.

He grumbled feebly, “Master, I’d rather go to fight with four dark wizards, go through an avalanche again, and don’t want to refine potions!

When I was in school, my grades in potions class were not very good, and I had a lot of opinions on Professor Snape’s old bat.

Now that I think about it, I really admire him, those potion masters—I don’t know how they persevered, they… they are so good! ”

Lockhart covered his forehead and eyes with his hands. He was famous, but he didn’t have the strength to match his fame.

“Come on, get up Lockhart, we’re still short of the last step! After today, your Bird Snake Egg Yolk Shampoo will be available!”

Moriarty struggled to get up from his chair. He looked out the window. It was about one o’clock in the morning. As for Lockhart’s feelings, he knew that any words of comfort would not have much effect on the poor man. .

Moriarty can only continue to explore in the magical sky, taking Lockhart to appreciate the charm of magic, changing him and shaping him.

The next thing is much simpler. The neutralizing agent perfectly eliminates the random expansion and contraction characteristics of the bird snake, and the bird snake egg yolk shampoo is no longer mutated and dangerous.

As if full of blood, Lockhart rushed into the bathroom with freshly made shampoo, and happily washed his hair with his own shampoo.

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