The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 32

Chapter 31: Brothers And Sisters In The Library

Moriarty and Jericho entered the castle and found a secluded corridor.

“The reason why Keith’s broom was lifted into the air was because you moved your hands and feet.” Moriarty said bluntly, with a firm tone.

Jericho appeared to be very calm as if he had been prepared, but he kept his head down and never raised his head since Moriarty called him over.

“You really want to ride your broom and fly freely. When you see Keith’s anxious appearance, you cast a spell on his broom.

I think that spell should be a kind of magic unique to the Blanche family. Lilith said that you are a sports family. If it wasn’t for this incident, I didn’t know you would cast spells silently, maybe even without a stick. ? Although it may only work for that kind of magic. ”

Moriarty saw that Jericho still had no intention of speaking, so he continued.

“The effect of the mysterious spell was obvious, something happened to Keith, and Ms. Hooch was distracted. We practiced our skills as we wished and became Quidditch players.

As for Keith’s safety? You’ve already thought about it, you know I’m on the spot, and I’m not going to die.

And no matter how you look at it, this is an accident, and no one will suspect you. You’ve already found a scapegoat, Percy Weasley.

Who made him quarrel with Keith and said those words, there is no better person than him, right?”

Moriarty’s tone turned cold. If Keith and Percy didn’t quarrel, maybe Jericho would really cast a spell on one of Gryffindor’s students!

“I know that you are not as sunny as the surface, and there are some special Slytherin qualities hidden in your heart.

It doesn’t matter, I’m not against unscrupulous means, but we are only in the first grade, and you are only 11 years old! Practicing your game isn’t worth the dirty tricks of your classmates, even if it’s your favorite Quidditch. ”

Jericho suddenly raised his head and twitched his lips: “Mr. Moriarty, I…”

He choked suddenly, and Moriarty saw that his eyes were red.

“If you have to carefully calculate even to solve such a trivial matter, relying on those shady means, then what will happen in the future?

You want to be a Quidditch national team player, or a scumbag who hides under a cloak. After Moriarty said these words indifferently, he turned around and left, Jericho needed a person to think calmly.

When Moriarty returned to the common room, a large group of little snakes gathered around. Leon shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene. He wanted to establish authority, but the little snakes in the first and second grades listened to him. Riati’s words.

In the evening, Jericho and Ralbo returned to the dormitory very late, and Moriarty didn’t say anything to them.

The next morning, Moriarty rarely slept an extra hour because it was a weekend.

After getting up, Moriarty went straight to the library. He wanted to return a few books, and by the way, borrowed some ancient rune books, and he had a sidekick by his side, Marcus Flint.

But after entering the library, they separated.

Marcus bit his head and nibbled at a copy of “The Species of Fire Dragons in Britain and Ireland”. He also knew that reading books about fire dragons might arouse suspicion from those who were attentive, and he borrowed the “Hippodrome Psychological Handbook” as a guise.

Moriarty found the Advanced Rune Translation on a bookshelf.

A gentle and soft voice came from behind the bookshelf: “Mr. Moriarty, are you going to replace Professor Bathsheda Babrin as the new Professor of Ancient Runewen?”

Gemma Farley walked out from behind the bookshelf, holding a copy of “An Easy Guide to Ancient Runes” with a bit of resentment in her eyes.

Moriarty shook his head and smiled: “Professor Babrin has a deep research on ancient runes, while I am biased towards practice.”

Gemma nodded knowingly. Although she was acting cute and delicate, she was actually a very bold girl. Moriarty remembered the topics Gemma and Lilith talked about at the sorting banquet.

Sure enough, Gemma’s eyes seemed to have light jumping, and she showed a sweet smile: “I just happened to be stumped by a few questions, can you help me?”

Moriarty was sure to see the challenge in her green eyes, but how could he agree so easily, he offered to exchange Transfiguration notes with each other, Gemma’s Transfiguration remained ahead of the third graders .

Gemma snorted: “What a man who doesn’t want to suffer, just wait, I’ll go get it now.”

After Gemma retrieved the notebook, she found Moriarty sitting quietly on the table reading a book, not seeing the shadow of the Transfiguration Note.

“Moriarty, are you kidding me?” Gemma pursed her lips in anger, her cheeks puckered together, she felt a little baby fat.

Moriarty unceremoniously took the note from her hand, opened a few pages and replied casually, “Actually, I don’t have any transfiguration notes at all, because there is nothing worth recording.

But I didn’t mean to play tricks on you. I sent a letter to Transfiguration Today, and you will see my theoretical ideas on it. ”

“Aren’t you kidding me, are you sure they will accept your manuscript?” Gemma’s expression suddenly became more solemn. She put her hands on the table and leaned down to meet Moriarty.

Moriarty stepped back a few inches, avoiding Gemma’s warm eyes, and said, “Can’t be more sure, you’ll see it next Wednesday, but I don’t think it will help you much.”

Elemental transformation is a shortcut that Moriarty came up with for himself. It may give some inspiration to legends like Dumbledore and Voldemort, but for Gemma, it is very difficult to apply elemental transformation in actual combat.

However, Gemma didn’t think so. She sat down beside Moriarty unwilling to admit defeat. She opened the borrowed book and read it, but she muttered, “Do you underestimate me? Humph…”

Suddenly she raised the corners of her mouth, as if she had seen something interesting in a book.

“I’ll take your word for it, but now—” Gemma said to Moriarty, “I think you don’t mind if I ask you a few questions?”

“Okay, just ask, it’s better to make me feel like I’m in a third-grade class.” Moriarty almost read Gemma’s notes, and there was nothing worthwhile except for Professor McGonagall’s demonstration of Animagus. concerned.

Gemma bluntly asked a few questions they had studied last week, trying to stumped Moriarty.

But Moriarty couldn’t get over every problem, and in less than two minutes, he solved it all.

Gemma admired him a little and said with a smile, “Seriously, Moriarty, why do you always feel like you know everything?”

Moriarty shook his head lightly. He wasn’t Dumbledore, so he wouldn’t spend time telling the little wizards about his experiences or instilling chicken soup.

Seeing that he didn’t want to talk more, Gemma smiled instead, but no matter how she looked at that smile, there was a hint of anger in her smile.

She pouted and hummed: “You and Lilith enjoy talking, but you don’t want to talk to me for a while, Moriarty, do you know that everyone says that you are inseparable from Tonks in the morning and Lilith in the noon. .”

“It’s just the little commotion of the boys and girls, don’t worry about them,” Moriarty said, looking like someone who came over, “Did they still say that I stay with Jericho in class and have Marcus by my side at night? ”

Gemma smiled, “You have found it too, everyone is starting to focus on you. Many people regard you as their idol, and the girls even gave you a rather domineering title.”

“Domineering?” Moriarty looked at her.

“Yeah, they like to call you on Quidditch permanent sparkle,” Gemma held her chin and tilted her head, as if she saw Moriarty flying on the field, and her voice became somewhat ethereal: “Forever, nothing in the world will remain the same forever, but they think you will, isn’t it a very domineering title?”

Moriarty wondered: “Isn’t it a shining meteor?”

“That’s what Lilith gave Gemma sat up straight and leaned close to Moriarty:” Tonks said the word meteor is unlucky, so he changed it to permanent, you see, I said that you only have Lilith in your eyes! ”

Moriarty didn’t avoid her eyes, he raised his voice slightly: “That’s just your opinion, in fact, I only see magic in my eyes!”

This time he said a little more: “For example, ancient rune – you know my boots, the reason why it can run with Ralbo is because it is an alchemical item with a speed increase function, and I wanted to add another function to it, bounce.”

Gemma seemed to regard Moriarty as a professor, and she took out her pen and wrote down all these words.

Moriarty didn’t stop her, and continued: “So I just need to learn about bouncing and movement in ancient runes.

As for how to make it, that is the knowledge of other courses. Get it, Gemma, I’m just taking a part of what I need from different courses, whether it’s magic or whatever, as long as it’s learning, it needs to be targeted. ”

Gemma nodded earnestly, “I will reflect on my study method, thank you very much for your teaching? Although this sentence is a bit strange to my junior, I am serious.

In addition, in order to express my gratitude, let me tell you a ~ secret! ”

She moved closer to Moriarty and whispered, “Professor McGonagall has a Transfiguration club, as for the name—sorry I can’t tell you right now, but I think you’ll find out soon, McGonagall There is no reason for the professor to let go of such a genius as you, looking forward to meeting you in the club.”

After speaking, she waved to Moriarty and walked out of the library with a blushing face, but she didn’t know that Moriarty didn’t take the club to heart at all.

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