The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 33

Chapter 32: Jericho’S Apology

Early on Monday morning, Moriarty came to the Room of Requirement as usual, and if nothing else happened, he would be able to get a pot of brain-refreshing pills today.

“Nymph, bring a cup here, and here is your share.” Moriarty pointed to the potion being brewed in the golden cauldron. There was a large pot.

“Oh, it’s a little surprise,” Tonks turned his hair into bubblegum pink, looking very happy, “Actually, I’m more interested in the ice magic you mentioned than the potion, you When will you show me? You promised.”

Moriarty was about to say something, but Tonks put out an index finger on her lips, she smiled like a little bear stealing honey, “I know what you’re going to say, but I’ve learned how to be a patron saint. Cursed, hehe.”

Saying that, she took out her wand and said, “God Guard!”

A large cloud of white smoke gushed out from the tip of the stick, and soon formed an entity emitting a faint white light, which was a white rabbit.

“Look, how cute she is, I call her Michelle,” Tonks hugged the white rabbit, squinting his eyes and smiling happily: “I can feel her protection for me, I feel any black magic now It won’t hurt me.”

“Obviously this is your illusion,” Moriarty poured a pot of cold water without hesitation, he licked his lips and showed a playful smile: “Don’t touch me in the future, unless you want the snake’s Nobuko licks your face.”

Tonks’ complexion changed, as if he had eaten booger-smelling Bibi Duo Beans.

She thought of some bad things, but because of the Patronus, she became happy again in an instant.

“With Michelle to protect me, I won’t be afraid of your snake!”

Moriarty reached out and touched Michelle. The Patronus Charm was one of the most powerful defensive spells today. He was also curious about the collision between ice magic and Patronus Charm.

So Moriarty agreed to the request to fight Tonks, but only tomorrow.

After the Buffy brain-enhancing agent came out, Moriarty separated them one by one, and kept the ones for himself, for St.

When she got Tonks’ portion, she drank it “gudugudu”.

“There was a potions class in the morning. I’ll try it out.” Tonks showed a determined smile.

Moriarty said while sorting out the tools, “Don’t underestimate my potion, you will definitely make a perfect potion, and maybe Professor Snape will give you extra points.”

“Oh Moriarty,” Tonks shouted, clutching his stomach, “I think it’s better not to drink it on an empty stomach, apparently it wakes up my stomach as well as my brain, damn, I gotta eat it something.”

Moriarty accompanied her to the auditorium, but found that the students all stood up with shocked expressions, while the professors’ expressions were very serious.

“What happened?” Moriarty walked to the long Slytherin table, Lilith said quickly when he saw him coming, “You’re finally here, who do you think that is?”

Moriarty looked in the direction she pointed out. Jericho was standing in front of Professor Snape, who was yelling at him!

“Just now, Jericho apologized to Keith in front of the entire school!” Lilith said beside Moriarty: “He admitted that Keith flew high because he cast a spell on Keith’s broom, terrible……”

Moriarty didn’t listen to what Lilith said next. He heard St. Peter’s angrily saying, “Shut up! Blanche! You stupid idiot who just wants to show off! How dare you do that? Do you think this is here? Is it America? You’ve tarnished Slytherin’s honor, and you should go back to your American homeland!”

Jericho didn’t feel any sadness or guilt at all, he smiled and said, “Yes Professor, you couldn’t be more right, that’s why I’m standing here!

No matter what punishment the school makes to me, I will accept it, and I will never hold any resentment! Because I know I can’t go wrong any more. ”

Jericho looked at the Gryffindor table again, his eyes locked on Percy: “I’m so sorry, I used your conflict with Keith to damage your reputation.”

For the first time, Percy was overwhelmed by someone’s apology.

And Jericho turned his head quickly, as if he knew he was going to be fired and said goodbye to everyone.

When he saw Moriarty, he bowed deeply: “You saved my soul, Mr. Moriarty.”

Professor Snape rushed to Dumbledore as if he couldn’t bear it any longer: “Slytherin Academy will not accept such a student, he should be expelled!”

“Quiet, Sev.” Dumbledore stood up and looked at Jericho sternly through the half-moon glasses: “In view of Mr. Blanche’s dangerous incident to Keith that may cause harm, Slytherin Fifty points were deducted from the academy and, of course, closed.

As for dismissal? I don’t think it is necessary. ”

Dumbledore smiled gently, looked at Jericho and said, “I’m glad to see your apology, and the real smile on your face. Your smile used to be like a mask, but Now, I see sincerity and bravery in your smile.”

“Hogwarts welcomes every child who has lost their way back. This is also a purpose of the school of the Big Four.” Speaking of which, Dumbledore glanced at Moriarty and was nodded in approval by Moriarty. .

Dumbledore walked up to Jericho and said softly, “So, boy, no one’s going to fire you. I’ll even give you fifty-one points for your courage and honesty, and for your victory over a Dirty soul, let us see an upright wizard.”

“Clap clap clap…” Moriarty took the lead in applauding, and the students also began to applaud. They nodded approvingly, expressing their approval of Jericho’s attitude of correcting his mistakes.

However, they quickly realized that after deducting the points that Slytherin taught Slytherin, Dumbledore only added one point to Slytherin!

“Haha, this joking old man!”

The students said so, even William and other Slytherins were satisfied with Dumbledore’s handling.

At this time, Moriarty raised his hand and said loudly: “Professor, it all started because Jericho and I wanted to practice Quidditch, and although we became players, we did break the school rules. , I think I should be punished and I beg to be locked up with Jericho.”

Before Sijiao could get angry, Dumbledore interrupted: “Very well, Mr. Moriarty, I respect your request.”

The auditorium was suddenly filled with noise, and Jericho’s eyes were red again, “I am impressed by your noble character, sir!” he shouted.

Marcus, as Moriarty’s sidekick, naturally wanted to follow Moriarty, so he went out and shouted, “I want to apologize too! It was me, I who slandered Mr. Moriarty and encouraged Lal. Bo stole Mr.’s boots and even tried to hit Mr. with a Bludger.”

The students let out a gasp of breath, which made Marcus extremely nervous, and he had no experience speaking in front of so many people, and he blushed: “But Mr. I’m fine…I think, I mean, if you’re going to punish Mr., punish me first.”

At this time, Ralbo appeared out of nowhere, and walking towards Moriarty, he said softly: “Jerico’s behavior touched me deeply, I want to apologize to you, Mr. Moriarty, sorry , I stole your boots, and I am willing to be punished for it.”

His voice was light, but his words were clear. The students from other academies looked at him in disbelief, looking at him and Marcus. What happened today, the little snakes apologized one by one?

Professor Snape looked shocked and angry, his roar echoing in the auditorium: “I don’t know, you two are… 50 points off! Lock down! If there is another time, I promise I will give it to you. An unforgettable memory for you!”

The students looked at Sijiao at this time in fear. Now he is like a dark wizard, but Moriarty understands his feelings.

Sijiao hates school bullying very much, and he doesn’t want his students to bully others or be bullied.

“Please don’t worry, Professor Snape, they haven’t done an unforgivable thing,” Moriarty smiled at the teacher, and then spoke to Ralbo and Marcus.

“I have already forgiven you, and I hope you know that if you make a mistake, it is more terrifying than others who can’t forgive yourself, that you can’t even forgive yourself!

And the most terrible thing is that you think you have nothing to be forgiven, that is, you think you are not wrong. ”

Moriarty’s gentle voice seemed to have a calming effect, making the auditorium quiet, and everyone looked thoughtful.

“Clap clap clap…” This time, Dumbledore applauded, and he kept nodding: “This paragraph is too good, even I can’t say it better, for this, Slytherin Academy Got fifty points!”

The students laughed again, Slytherin kept deducting points, and Professor Dumbledore kept adding Who is the dean of Slytherin Academy!

In a burst of laughter, Keith said cautiously: “Maybe I should apologize too? To Weasley? After all, if we don’t conflict, Jericho won’t have a chance to cast a spell, right?”

Everyone looked at him and then at Percy, whose face was as red as his hair.

He stammered: “It’s me… I should apologize to you. Oh, I should apologize first, not your fault. Uh, I showed off a bit that day. After all, our family has many brothers, you know.”

He burst into laughter in an instant, Charlie didn’t feel shy at all, he patted Percy’s shoulder hard: “You’ve grown up, Percy.”

The smile on Dumbledore’s face became brighter and brighter, and he looked at the smiling faces of the students with satisfaction. Everyone was so happy that he had to knock on the goblet to let everyone listen to him.

“Since you have made your own decision, then you should all go to confinement!

Our gamekeeper, Rubeus Hagrid, told me that he’s been understaffed recently, and you need to go to the Forbidden Forest to help him.

But don’t worry, I think with Mr. Moriarty here, a trip to the Forbidden Forest will be as easy as an outing and as fun as today. ”

Dumbledore winked at Moriarty, and then raised his voice a few degrees: “Now, let’s go to dinner! Quick! If you are late, the professor of the first class will deduct points! Hahaha…”

The students quickly sat down and ate breakfast. Occasionally, when they had physical contact with the people around them, they would smile knowingly. Everyone reflected on themselves and whether there were any mistakes that needed to be corrected.

Several pairs of usual rivals sat together, whispering words that others could not understand, such as William and Leon.

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