The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 366

Vol 3 Chapter 103: Round 2 Ends

In the afternoon, the game continued.

“Flour Delacour vs Violet Vandragh!”

Furong’s supporters cheered for Furong, and many boys were also worried about Furong. They saw Violet’s terrifying aura, and they felt that Furong was not an opponent.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Fleur comforted her supporters and looked towards the last row of the auditorium and saw Moriarty.

Although Moriarty is sitting with Violet now, Fleur knows that if Violet hurts herself, Moriarty will not sit idly by.

In the last row of the audience, Moriarty said to Violet: “Your opponent, she is my friend, she helped me a lot, don’t hurt her.”

“Hmph.” Violet pouted and muttered, “What if she hurts me?”

It was Tonks who answered the question. She laughed loudly: “Hahahaha, Furong hurt you? I’m afraid Merlin will lose his teeth when he hears it.”

Violet glared at Tonks slightly, so annoying, hum.

“I can help you a lot too.” Violet didn’t go away, she stayed by Moriarty’s side, and seemed to be in conflict with Moriarty.

help me?

Moriarty smiled noncommittally and said nothing.

On the surface, he and Violet were two people now.

There are actually three of them!

The princess was still attached to Violet, and it was unclear whether she was an enemy or a friend.

Not getting the answer she wanted, Violet walked into the arena at the urging of Lockhart, her face frosty and puffed up.

Violet, who shot in anger, quickly defeated Fleur, listening to Moriarty’s words, and did not hurt Fleur.

Lockhart announced the results of the game quickly, and the two women walked towards Moriarty at the same time.

It’s just that Violet is bad, and she wants to hear Moriarty praise her.

Fleur was lost, and she wanted to hear Moriarty comfort her.

Tonks smiled and said that she was going to sit in the front, in fact, to leave room for Moriarty to play.


Moriarty sighed, touched the top of Furong’s head, and said thoughtfully, “Recently, I must have suffered a lot for the competition.”


Furong felt that all the hardships she had suffered these days were worth it, and she shed a string of tears with grievance and joy.

If it weren’t for the audience, Fleur felt that she would have thrown herself into Moriarty’s arms.

Violet watched from the side, and it was very delicious.

She said awkwardly: “Hey, you have suffered a lot, do you know that?”

Moriarty said helplessly: “Are you referring to sleeping in a coffin in the first round, or do you mean that the total time of two duels does not exceed ten minutes?”

“I…” Violet was at a loss for words, so it seemed that she was neither suffering nor tired.

Wait, I can’t be pitiful compared to Furong!

Violet rolled her eyes, regained her indifferent and arrogant demeanor, and banged out a coffin.

“When it’s time for me to play, call me.”

Violet lay in the coffin and went to sleep.

I love to sleep hard, I want to sleep hard! I sleep every day!

I’ll leave it to you to be tired, and come to Japan for a long time! snort!

Moriarty looked at the coffin with a funny look, and Fleur also said with a smile, “Van Zhuo is also very cute when he is angry.”

While the three of them were talking, the game went on for several more rounds.

Now it’s Moriarty’s turn!

“Moriarty vs Tokugawa Yuya!”

Moriarty was about to get up, but heard the double ponytail jumping up from the seat like a rabbit and waved his hands again and again, “Abstain, I abstain!”

Another abstention!


The audience continued to despise and booed.

The twin ponytails didn’t change their face and heart, Moriarty and Violet were the two she couldn’t beat no matter what, so why didn’t she abstain.

Lockhart agreed to abstain and said, “The next duel is Tonks vs Jericho!”

Tonks stood up with a “crash” and said loudly, “I’ve been waiting, Blanche! Come and beat me!”

Jericho was expressionless, but his teeth were hurting, and since pouring dirty water on himself, the last thing he wanted to see was Tonks.

Tonks is almost the eldest sister of Hogwarts girls, for Helena, she will definitely not let herself go.

Jericho walked slowly into the arena, thinking about countermeasures, but Tonks didn’t give him time.

At the beginning of the duel, Tonks launched a ferocious attack, as if his opponent was not Jericho, but a dark wizard who did evil.

The audience from far away was also frightened when they saw it.

Jericho didn’t want to get serious with Tonks, so he went downhill and chose a relatively gentle spell from among the many evil spells – the stun spell, and caught it with his body.


Jericho collapsed on the ground, and a trace of doubt flashed in Tonks’ eyes. Is Jericho so good?

She wanted to fight a little longer, but Scrimgeour quickly announced the result: “Blanche loses his ability to compete, Tonks wins!”

Tonks was a deadly play, and Scrimgeour didn’t want Tonks in Azkaban, otherwise their department would be missing a good Auror.

“Cut,” Tonks snorted unhappily, “I’ll charge a little interest first, and I’ll have a chance to beat you up.”

Jericho, who was in a coma, apparently couldn’t hear him, and Lockhart arranged for two students to carry him away, and Professor Snape to release the curse.

“The next game, Thomas Haydn vs Linda Gemma!”

In the duel, Thomas defeated Linda with a Disarming Curse, but after the game, Thomas invited Linda to dinner, causing a series of booing from the audience.

Time gradually passed, and the duel was coming to an end. Most of the games in the middle were relatively fast, except for the game between Moriarty and Kunojo Satoru, which was eye-catching.

Jiu Neng exerted the four elemental magic to the limit of his own, and still could not defeat Moriarty, and could not even cause Moriarty a little bit of damage.

Moriarty said that Jiu Neng’s magic was not elemental magic at all, and Jiu Neng didn’t say anything, but Professor Yuangu rushed to the edge of the arena to rush to Moriarty’s theory like breaking the defense.

Obviously this is not in line with the rules, Lockhart and Professor Flitwick Professor Gentani dragged away together.

Moriarty looked at the silent Jiu Neng and whispered, “If you want to know what real elemental magic is, come to me in the corridor on the eighth floor of the castle at 12 midnight next Tuesday.”

There was a strangeness and a smile in Jiu Neng’s eyes, and then he glanced at Moriarty and announced his abstention.

Lockhart, who came back, found that someone abstained again, and invited out the next duel contestant with a smile.

“Tonks vs Michaelella!”

Different from the past, Tonks was a little more solemn this time.

Putting aside the two perverts Moriarty and Violet, Tonks knew that Michaelella was his biggest opponent.

Michaelella was not careless either, the wizard he was going to face was almost an Auror!

The biggest feature of Aurors is their professionalism. Every spell is precise, and every trace of magic power will be used just right and will not be wasted.

The two were ready for a hard fight, and just as they thought, they fought for 1 hour and 34 minutes!

The audience cried feast for the eyes, but suffered Tonks and Michaelella.

In the end, Michael Lara struggled to win at the cost of a paralyzed left foot.

In order not to affect the follow-up competition, the five principals suspended the competition again, arranged for the audience and players to have dinner, and the remaining duels were held in the evening.

After three hours of rest and adjustment, at eight o’clock in the evening, the secret room was full again.

Everyone knows that the round robin is coming to an end, and there are not many games left, so I cherish it.

Only Lockhart, as if nothing happened, changed into a dark blue wizard robe and said with a smile: “Duel at night, look, our competition has also reached this stage.”

“Under the romantic moonlight, engage in the most noble and traditional duel of wizards!”

“The first duel of the night, Jericho Blanche vs Victor Krum!”

The audience agreed that Klum would win, and only Moriarty thought Jericho would win, but he couldn’t tell.

As a result, just as Moriarty expected, Krum was prepared for Jericho’s curse – imprisoning the void, but Jericho played a new trick again.

He imprisoned the air behind Krum, letting the air in front of him knock Krum flying.

Fortunately, Krum’s physical fitness is excellent, otherwise he will be knocked out.

Then Krum repeated his trick, dragging the game on for two hours.

However, Jericho is not Michaelella, his physical quality is no worse than Krum, or even stronger!

At the second hour and 54 minutes of the duel, Jericho surprised everyone by knocking out Krum.

Almost 3 hours of duel, the time came directly to 11 o’clock.

But the wizards didn’t get any sleep, not even Violet, who was always sleepy, she slept enough during the day.

In this way, the strength of the top players is very clear.

Moriarty and Violet are unique.

Michaelella defeated Tonks, Tonks defeated Jericho, Jericho defeated Krum, and also lost to Michaelella in the previous duel.

Although Krum defeated Michael, but in terms of hard power, he was still inferior to Michael.

As the audience discussed, Lockhart announced the final game.

“Moriarty Slytherin! Vs Violet Vanderbilt!”

The little wizards at Hogwarts were excited, especially the little snake. They had seen Violet and Moriarty fight, and Violet lost.

now what?

In the end, Violet lost.

Violet has used a lot of vampire magic, which is eye-opening, but still can’t shake Moriarty.

The prince’s wife did not possess Violet this time. Moriarty guessed after the game that she might be afraid of being exposed.

Moriarty had already discovered that the prince’s wife was secretly meeting others, and the prince’s wife would not appear in a short time.

Just like that, the last duel was over. Lockhart clapped his palms and said with a nostalgic look: “It’s really exciting! The 1v1 round robin is over!”

“Next, I’ll announce the standings.”

“Moriarty Slytherin beat 24 other players, 24 points! 1st place.”

“Violet van Gogh beat 23 contestants and accumulated 23 points! Second place.”

“Michaela Capet defeated 22 players and accumulated 22 points! Ranked third.”

“Nymphadora Tonks, 21 wins in 24 races, 21 points!”

“Jerico, 20 wins in 24 fights, 20 points!”

“Krum, 19 wins in 24 games, 19 points!”

“Juneng 17 wins and 17 points!”

“Charlie Weasley, 16 wins in 24 games, 16 points.”

“Tokugawa Yuya, 16 wins in 24 battles, with 16 points.”

“Brian Walker, 15 wins in 24 games, 16 points.”

“Hubble Monte, 14 wins in 24 fights, 15 points.”

“Naruko Uzumaki, 13 wins in 24 games, 13 points.”

“Flour Delacour, 13 wins in 24 games, 13 points.”


After a long list, it was almost 12 o’clock after Lockhart read it, and Dumbledore hurriedly ordered the students to go to bed.

But the little wizards couldn’t sleep, excitedly discussing the duel all day long.

(Three updates! Nearly 8,300 words! This time, the update for the Dharma protector He Jiajun has been completed.)

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