The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 367

Vol 3 Chapter 104: Daily And Letters

After the second round, one of the most wonderful things was the rush to find out what happened in the hour Moriarty disappeared.

You must know that Tonks and Violet disappeared together at that time!

Tonks was originally Moriarty’s admitted girlfriend, and Violet and Moriarty got very close recently.

The three people disappeared at the same time and appeared at the same time, which made many people think about it.

This also means that Violet and Tonks have become the center of attention.

Whenever the two pass through a public place, they will always be followed and booed.

Tonks handled this kind of scene with ease, but Violet couldn’t stand it. She made a vicious look at the little wizards more than once.

But it didn’t work very well, and the little wizards gradually found that as long as they didn’t talk about vampires and wizards, and didn’t disturb Violet’s sleep, Violet was usually quite cute.

Especially the two **** little tiger teeth, when they are exposed, people want to stick out their tongues and lick them.

Violet complained to Moriarty, and Moriarty explained to her that gossip is a social behavior of human beings, and there is an essential difference from the vampires who like to live alone.

Violet half understood, half did not understand, but soon people ran out of time to gossip, and took classes for a week in a row to make up for the classes that were missed in two rounds of competition.

The professors of various subjects seem to have assigned the homework accumulated for a semester.

The alchemy class and the potion class were the first to bear the brunt. A paper that was randomly assigned should be no less than 36 inches. The little wizards complained a lot.

It wasn’t until March that the tutorials returned to normal.

The weather has also become sunny, but every time they come to the outside field, the cold wind still blows their hands and faces aches and pains.

Here again there are two extremes.

Durmstrang, and the Magic House.

On the Quidditch pitch, Durmstrang students led by Krum played against Charlie’s Gryffindor team.

Durmstrang is located in the northern hemisphere, and students work with ice and snow all year round, adapting to all kinds of severe cold weather.

The cold snap of March was nothing to Krum, who flaunted his wizard robes and wore only a cowhide vest.

Charlie took off his wizard’s robe as if competing, and was shirtless, but after a while, his nose froze from the cold.

“So it’s a different Quidditch player.”

Lilith, who saw this scene from the window of the Transfiguration classroom, smiled at Moriarty.

“If you saw the Dongying students at the magic house, you wouldn’t say that.” Moriarty responded lazily.

Lilith became interested and asked, “What happened to the students of Dongying?”

“They huddled under the covers and didn’t want to move. A few students who liked to go to the library on weekdays also cuddled on the sofa and read books under blankets.”

Moriarty didn’t go out, but he seemed to know everything.

He added: “In March, in Dongying, cherry blossoms bloom, the climate is pleasant, warm and comfortable.”

“And in March in England, the wind is howling, and even the owl can’t deliver the letter in time.”

“So the people in the magic house can’t adapt to the cold here at all.”

Lilith said thoughtfully: “It’s no wonder that Professor Snape is making a warming agent, which was originally used by the students of the Magic Institute.”

“Miss has so many eyes and ears, how did she find out the truth?” Moriarty joked.

“I don’t want students from the Magic Institute! Our review standards are very strict!”

Although Lilith didn’t say it, Moriarty knew that the “we” in her mouth meant the Justice and Law Society.

After the five-school league began, the society began to develop abroad, attracting foreign little wizards.

Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, and Ilvermorny all have new members who have been absorbed by Justice and Law, but Lilith seems to dislike the students of the Magic Institute.

Seeming to see Moriarty’s thoughts, Lilith explained: “For me, gender, nationality, age, it’s not a problem, I don’t care about that.”

She smiled slightly, “But I will judge the situation. Now the students of the magic institute are not welcome. Of course, I can’t ask them. Why should I fight against the students of the four schools?”

“Win some, divide some, and attack some. Don’t you understand?”

Lilith winked at Moriarty, stopped talking and went.

Gee, looks like he understands.

Lilith’s ambitions were bigger than Grindelwald’s, and Moriarty kind of expected her to get it right.

After class, the students walked to the auditorium, and Lilith came over from behind Moriarty and approached Moriarty to ask a question.

“I thought about it for a class and didn’t understand, why couldn’t the owl deliver the letter in time?”

Moriarty gave Lilith a strange look: “Are you confused by the complicated literature? The owls can’t deliver the letters in time, because the strong wind always blows them off target.”

“It’s that simple?!”

Lilith patted her forehead, “Merlin, I think it’s complicated, oh, I’m going to be laughed at by you.”

She glanced resentfully at the smile at the corner of Moriarty’s mouth, and shrugged in frustration.

The two walked into the auditorium together and sat side by side at the long Slytherin table, which was extremely rare today.

Marcus reported that students were either in the library or in the common room, frantically making up homework.

“Everyone who can come here to eat is a scholar.” Marcus added quietly. Except himself.

A snow-white owl flew into the auditorium, it was Moriarty’s snow owl Poseidon.

“Goo~” Poseidon flew to Moriarty’s arm, called out softly, and sent a letter to Moriarty.

As Moriarty took the letter, he smoothed Poseidon’s feathers and said to Lilith, “Look, half of his feathers are tossed by the wind.”

“Well, you’re right, the owls are miserable.” Lilith sighed.

“Help me feed Poseidon.” Moriarty said, getting up and leaving.

“where are you going?”

“Go back to the dorm.”

The letter was from Old Foley and Old Flint, the “Old Foley Combination”, from the Soviet Union.

Something must have happened.

Moriarty walked back to the dormitory, and the three roommates were not there, but it was convenient.

Open the letter and read it carefully.

Moriarty smiled, and the treasure map was found.

However, it’s not easy to come by.

The old Flint group came to the Soviet Union, and the old Flint spread a lot of gold Galleons and gained a prominent position in the Soviet magic circle.

Old Foley secretly hired a large number of dark wizards to focus on investigating Simon’s treasure map and the situation in the Soviet Union.

After a month, Old Foley found the whereabouts of the treasure map.

After the treasure map was stolen by Soviet wizards, it was handed over to a magical institution called the “Internal Affairs Council”.

The reason why it is called an institution rather than an organization is that the Internal Affairs Council is directly under the Ministry of Magic of the Soviet Union and now cooperates with the Soviet government.

Old Foley asked the hired dark wizards to steal the treasure map back, but when they heard that the target was the “Internal Affairs Council”, the dark wizards quit.

Sure enough, he was rich enough to use a ghost mill. Old Foley spent 9,000,000 gold Galleons to impress these cowards.

Unexpectedly, the internal affairs will take the treasure map very seriously. The dark wizards and the wizards of the internal affairs started a war, and finally brought the treasure map over.

Old Foley, who now has the treasure map, boarded the passenger ship back to London, and will be back in two days, and old Flint is still in Moscow.

Old Flint is not without gains. He inquired about a piece of news, or a rumor, from the dignitaries he made friends with.

The origin of the Internal Affairs Council can be traced back to the 70 years, when it was not called the Internal Affairs Council, it was called the Orthodox Church.

In this Orthodox Church, there is a famous person.


This is the end of the letter from “Old Ferrer Group”. Moriarty destroyed the letter immediately after reading it.

Lying down on the bed with a gloomy Moriarty put his hands on his pillow and looked at the drapery above his head and fell into contemplation.

Rasputin, Moriarty knew.

He is a Muggle, but he once controlled the political power of the Tsarist Russian Empire. In addition, his behavior is quite evil, and he is called a demon monk!

But didn’t such a character die 70 years ago?

Internal Affairs Council…

Soviet Union……

After thinking about it, Moriarty really found nothing.

The Soviet Union’s affairs can be put aside for a while, but the Eastern Ying affairs have to be resolved.

Moriarty got out of bed, and tonight he made an appointment with Kunojo Satoru to meet in the corridor on the eighth floor.

(There was no update today, but yes, I am the supreme treasure brother, thank you for the reward, congratulations on becoming the helmsman, this chapter is added for you!)

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