The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 405

Vol 3 Chapter 142: Aftermath

Moriarty had the idea of Fudge’s assassination, and a chill rose from the bottom of his feet and rushed over his head.

Ye Jingyu’s revenge came too quickly, has it been two hours since the battle ended?

The answer is no, but the prime ministers of England and the East Ying Kingdom were assassinated one after another, and the Minister of Magic of the East Ying Kingdom was assassinated by a wizard from the Tuyumen family!

“Marcus, you go tell Leon,” Moriarty shouted to the valet who was serving on the side: “Leon lead the team to find Fudge! Immediately, quickly! After finding it, protect Fudge at all costs!”

Marcus went in a hurry, Moriarty was no longer concerned about breakfast, he walked quickly to the principal’s office.

The three assassinations, the determination to do what they said and the ability to retaliate, made Moriarty truly appreciate the power of the Immortal Organization.

Why is it said that the eternal life organization is powerful? Rather than the power of Ye Jingyu?

If Ye Jingyu’s men assassinated the prime minister and ministers of Dongying, then the Prime Minister of England was definitely not assassinated by Ye Jingyu’s men!

The Prime Minister of England was surrounded by the protection of the Ministry of Magic Aurors, Moriarty knew that.

And that’s what the Ministry of Magic has always done, and every Muggle Prime Minister is aware of the existence of wizards and magic.

The contact with the Prime Minister is the Minister of Magic, and when the Prime Minister steps down, the Ministry of Magic will send someone to erase the Prime Minister’s memories of wizards.

This unique relationship has emerged from the very first day of the Ministry of Magic and has been adopted and applied by the Ministry of Magic in various European countries.

In this case, it is almost impossible for Ye Jingyu’s subordinates to assassinate the Prime Minister of England.

The only thing Moriarty can think of who can help Ye Jingyu revenge against the British wizard is the Eternal Life Organization.

Moriarty was very concerned about the mother-in-law who was first smashed by Lillian and recovered, and then brought Yejing back to life.

The mother-in-law was unquestionably an Englishman, and the spells were ancient, uncommon and even lost.

With such a wizard, it is hard not to doubt that she has inheritance and organization. Moriarty thinks that the wizard who assassinated the Prime Minister of England may be her mother-in-law’s subordinate.

Among the six members of the Eternal Life Organization, Ye Jingyu is the boss of Dongying, with many disciples, and the demon monk was a famous figure in the Tsarist region. How many confidants?

The Vatican blood clan is the representative of the twelve blood clans, and Queen Vatican is full of confidence in their Cain Brotherhood.

Looking at it this way, it seems that every member of the organization has mastered a power!

Who dares to say that the mother-in-law and the Eskimos have no men?

And the Eskimos come from the North Pole, where there are few ordinary people, where would a serious wizard go?

No one knows the details of the Eskimos, and no one knows what cards the Eskimos hide.

Not to mention my mother-in-law. If the person who assassinated the British Prime Minister was really her mother-in-law, this would be a breakthrough.

Moriarty is confident that he is in England, and it is still easy to find a party.

Moriarty waited in the headmaster’s office for an hour when Dumbledore returned.

After dealing with the Aurors and reporters, Dumbledore’s brows were full of fatigue.

“This time Lockhart is going to be in the limelight, and Mr. Jericho Blanche, and a Merlin III Medal is indispensable.”

Dumbledore smiled at Moriarty.

Moriarty didn’t have the mind to talk about this matter, he said: “It’s not too late to talk about these things later, the revenge of the Eternal Life Organization came too quickly.”

Then, the two exchanged information.

They agreed that the mother-in-law was a relatively easy-to-find member of the Immortal Organization.

In England, Dumbledore’s disciples spread all over the country, as well as a group of old friends, and they have countless secrets.

And Moriarty’s pure-blooded family has a unique position and channel, and under the banknote ability, various news and intelligence come one after another.

The cooperation of these two forces is like an airtight net, which is cast across the whole country, jointly digging out the mother-in-law and finding the murderer who assassinated the Prime Minister.

Coupled with the help of the Ministry of Magic, Moriarty and Dumbledore agreed that the mother-in-law would be a breakthrough for the Eternal Organization.

“The Eternal Life Organization has retaliated, and we have to settle the Van Zhuo family and the elves,” Dumbledore reminded.

“Diana and Lillian return to Avalon, and the Eternal Life Organization can’t do anything to them,” Moriarty was not frightened, but said rationally: “It’s the Vanderbilt family who haven’t woken up for the time being, listen to Queen Fanzhuo’s tone, she is very confident in the blood family’s self-protection ability.”

Dumbledore pondered for a while and said, “I still can’t be careless. Ye Jingyu won’t be back in a short time. It’s my mother-in-law who needs to beware.”

“I hope to find clues as soon as possible.” Moriarty said noncommittally, “Actually, we are not very passive.”

Moriarty looked at Dumbledore with a bright smile in his eyes.

Dumbledore sat up, leaning forward, eager to know.

“The demon monk was a famous figure in the Tsarist Russia period. He had a perverted love and obsession with that land.”

Moriarty talked about Rasputin, the demon monk.

“It’s just that the Soviet Union has been clamoring for a split recently. This is a very good opportunity.”

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes alertly, he heard what Moriarty meant and asked, “What are you going to do.”

“First of all I’m definitely going to the Soviet Union,” Moriarty said with a smile. “It’s not accurate to describe my trip to the Soviet Union by what.”

“Accurately, what the demon monk wants to do, I just don’t let him do it.”

“Blocking the demon monk, and even killing the demon monk, is my goal this time.”

“The specific time, it’s summer vacation.”

Moriarty looked around the office, and Fox came back, looking at himself from the top of a cabinet.

Dumbledore crossed his hands, put his hands on the tip of his nose, and said solemnly: “Mr Moriarty, I recognize your understanding of magic and the use of magic spells, as well as…excellent fighting skills, ability to gain trust… ”

“These are things that many people will never be able to do in their lifetimes and are a valuable asset.”

“And you’re only 14 years old.”

Dumbledore smiled when he said that.

“I don’t mean to belittle your age, I just remind myself that you are still a child – a student.”

“Merlin is 14, I’m 14, Grindelwald is 14, Voldemort is 14…”

“We can’t do better than you together.”

“Is it necessary to go to the turbulent Soviet Union? Just for an old wizard who should have been eliminated by history?”

Dumbledore looked earnestly at Moriarty.

Moriarty knew that Dumbledore was euphemistically trying to persuade himself not to kill.

But Dumbledore’s idea is doomed to fail. How can he not die in a war with the Eternal Life Organization?

Moriarty replied to Dumbledore: “I think after listening to Polly’s account of the Eternal Organization, you will have different ideas, Mr. Headmaster.”

“Hope it’s not bad news.” Dumbledore frowned, and he also knew that killing or not killing depends on the strength of the immortal organization.

“Porley should be settling the centaur tribe by now, and we can take this time to make up for breakfast.”

Moriarty looked at a wall clock on the wall, and at 8:36 a.m., was in time for the last wave of breakfast.

“Then the Vandraghs may wake up, and after talking about them, we can listen to Polly’s story. To be honest, I don’t know much about Polly, but I am curious about her.” Dumbledore said with a smile. .

“Let’s go together.”

“Oh, look what I forgot?” Dumbledore blinked, “The final was interrupted for no reason. It is time to give an explanation to the teachers and students. I think they must feel sorry for you, and the first champion slipped under their noses. gone.”

Moriarty shrugged, “There’s nothing we can do about it. The league we host must be fair and just.”

“There is nothing arguable about withdrawing in the middle of the game. Fortunately, we can push everything to the dark wizard of Dongying.”

“Unfortunately, we can’t reveal more than we can only push everything to the dark wizard of Dongying.”

Moriarty’s remarks almost set the main tone of the aftermath work.

Dumbledore did not refute, this statement is the best.

The two walked out of the principal’s office together and came to the auditorium. At this time, the auditorium was filled with students. Except for Lockhart and Nicole LeMay, the other professors were all present.

“Professor, what just happened?”

“Headmaster Dumbledore, has our Deputy Headmaster been found?”

“Mr. Principal, what about the competition?”

“Professor Dumbledore…?”

After a night of fighting, Dumbledore was very tired at this time. Facing all kinds of problems, his face was even older.

But he still smiled and said:

“Don’t Ladies and gentlemen, don’t worry. Let me answer your questions one by one, first of all…”

Moriarty slipped away from behind Dumbledore, and Marcus greeted him, whispering, “Fudge found it.”

“Oh, protect.” Moriarty was relieved.

“What’s wrong?” Moriarty asked, seeing that Marcus’ face was wrong.

“Well,” Marcus said, curling his lips, “Leon found it at the Umbridge house, and it’s said that Fudge was there all night…”

Moriarty stopped, and he was in danger a few times last night, and for the safety of the magic world, the Minister of Magic actually slept peacefully at Xiao San’s house!

“This Fudge.” Moriarty sneered a few times, and continued to walk outside. When Lockhart grew up, he would let Fudge get out!

“Prepare breakfast for ten people and send it to the eighth floor. We are starving.” Moriarty instructed and went to the Room of Requirement.

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