The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 406

Vol 3 Chapter 143: Dragon Trainer

Moriarty entered the Room of Requirement with breakfast, and the Vantra family woke up.

After fighting all night, everyone was starving and devoured the breakfast.

Moriarty felt that he was being watched by a resentful gaze, and when he turned around, he found that it was Lilith.

Lilith turned into a white snake in a hurry, and she can’t change back now!

Lilith climbed across from Moriarty, the snake’s head stood up, and her eyes glanced back and forth between Moriarty and the breakfast in his hand.

Obviously starving, Moriarty thought that putting breakfast on the floor or on the table would not be good, Lilith turned into a snake for herself after all.

Forget it, Moriarty shook his head, picked up the food and fed Lilith.

Lilith eats deliciously, and she feels good in her heart.

Moriarty touched Lilith’s scales from time to time during feeding. Although it was not as fluffy as a kitten or a puppy, it was also a unique experience.

Cool, firm, stimulating~



“Lilith, why don’t you change back and stay in my house as a small pet. There is a basilisk Shiva in the castle as your company.”

Moriarty said jokingly, but Lilith obviously didn’t like to live as a snake.

“Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss at them.”

What Lilith wants to express is this:

“You ********(`^??

But Moriarty’s attention was not here. He found that the snake letter was actually purple, which was strange.

And Lilith turned into a white snake, and as far as Moriarty knew, no magical creature was a white snake.

Moriarty smiled and said, “I’m sorry, Miss Lilith, I’m afraid you can only live as a snake for the rest of your life.”

After speaking, he deliberately ignored Lilith’s angry hiss and walked to Lillian’s side.

Lilian didn’t say a word, her head drooped, and she looked lost.

Diana had been comforting her for a while, but to no avail, Lillian wouldn’t take a bite of breakfast.

“I’m sorry about Merlin,” Moriarty said to Lillian. “The power of the immortal organization is beyond our imagination. Because of Merlin’s contribution, we can kill my mother-in-law and come back safely.”

Lilian remained unmoved, and Moriarty added: “But Merlin can still be resurrected, right? Only his black dragon incarnation died. In Avalon, Merlin said that his body might be in Dongying. ”

Lillian looked up at last, much better than Moriarty’s disheveled, dirty look the first time she saw her.

But time and virus magic left irreparable traces on Lilian, who had dark skin and an old face with wrinkles.

She said a paragraph to Moriarty in Elvish language, and Diana quickly translated: “She said that she and Merlin went to Dongying to check, and Merlin’s body may have been imprisoned in a mysterious place by a member of the Eternal Life Organization. stronghold.”

“That is, during the investigation, she and Merlin found Yejingyu. Merlin’s external identity is the pet of the ancient elf queen, so Yejingyu invited Lilian to join the eternal life organization.”

Diana translated Lillian’s words to Moriarty, finally letting Moriarty understand the reason why Merlin and Lillian were at the blood feast.

It also made Moriarty feel a little pressure.

Merlin’s body was actually locked up?

Among the remaining 6 members of the Eternal Life Organization, there must be someone who can rival Merlin!

Although the current Ye Jingyu is very strong, Moriarty is sure that he is not the opponent of Merlin.

Stress multiplies.

Diana rubbed Moriarty’s forehead and said thoughtfully, “I will take Lillian back to Avalon in the afternoon, and Eternal Life will organize you to discuss it, just send me a letter.”

Moriarty squeezed Diana’s cheek and nodded.


At this moment, Violet’s call came.

Little Tail’s eyes were wide open, and the blue pupils seemed to be filled with sea water.

“My parents are going to talk to you.”

Violet ran over in small steps and dragged Moriarty towards the Vanderbilt couple.

Moriarty talked with the Van Zhuo and his wife, and as expected, the Van Zhuo and his wife said that the blood family is not afraid of the revenge of the Immortal Organization.

“Don’t worry, the blood clan is not a goblet that shatters at the touch of a touch, Ye Jingyu wouldn’t think that Brother Cain would visit him.”

Queen Vandrao said this to Moriarty, the pride and confidence in her tone gave Moriarty a bad premonition.

People made it clear that Moriarty would not mention revenge.

And Moriarty didn’t like vampires at all. If Violet wasn’t too cute, she wouldn’t care about the Vanderbilt family.

Moriarty then asked about the Immortal Organization.

Queen Vandra said they didn’t know much about the organization either, because they could be said to have succeeded Dracula.

At that time, Dracula first became the Prince of the Blood Race, and he justly joined the Thirteen Blood Races, and then persuaded 12 Blood Races to join the Immortal Organization.

Still, Queen Vandra gave Moriarty useful information.

Queen Vandrao remembered to hear her father mention that when Dracula came to Vantrao Castle to persuade the Vandra blood to join the Immortal Organization, he was accompanied by a Hebrew.

And Dracula was looking for something for quite some time when he joined the Eternal Organization.

Moriarty basically understands what he said here.

It’s Hebrew again!

This was the first time Moriarty could not remember the Hebrews appearing.

Merlin, Salazar, Dracula, and Ye Jingyu have all met Hebrews.

Moreover, there are also the shadows of the Hebrews in the eternal life organization and the eternal life prophecy.

Thirteen vampires themselves are the most powerful vampire alliance, and they have the power of the Cain Brotherhood.

As Dracula joined the Immortal Organization, the organization absorbed the power of the Thirteen Blood Races and grew stronger.

What does it mean to be a member of an organization? Or is there a shadow of the Hebrews?

Not sure yet.

But Moriarty found out that there are big hands behind the scenes!

These hands crossed time, ignored the geographical space, and the purpose was obvious, that is, immortality.

The owner of these hands found a group of guys who also yearned for immortality and created an immortal organization!

The key is what are the conditions for attaining eternal life? Or why is the immortal organization sure that they can live forever?

Moriarty never understood this.

Moriarty stood up after talking to the Vandras, and now that Polly should have arranged for the centaurs, it was time to talk to Polly.

Hope she can solve this doubt for herself!

Moriarty said goodbye to the crowd and returned to the principal’s office.

Here Dumbledore is closing his eyes, looking exhausted.

Moriarty sat silently, waiting for Polly to arrive.

About 12 minutes later, Polly came in.

Dumbledore opened his eyes: “Let’s begin.”

Moriarty nodded, “Let me speak first.”

He briefly described the dark wizard of Dongying he met in Dongzang, Huaxia in late 1987, and it was also the first time he learned about the Immortal Organization.

Next, Avalon meets Merlin and Lilian and fights Dracula.

From last year’s attack in Hyprosai, he began to investigate and went to the magic house to track down the Tsukamura family during the summer vacation to discover Ye Jingyu.

Until this semester, the battle of wits with Hanyu Hefeng, the investigation of the blood banquet…

All told Dumbledore and Polly to remove the Slytherin tomb built by Salazar, and Moriarty also spoke out about the Hebrews throughout the entire immortality organization and immortality prophecy.

Dumbledore’s brows furrowed when he heard this, and he looked at Polly with sharp eyes.

“Respected tribal chief, what do you think of Moriarty’s conjecture about the Hebrews?”

Polly looked at Moriarty and slowly shook her head: “In my knowledge of the Immortal Organization, there are no Hebrews at all.”

“As I said before, I’ve been eyeing this organization for a long time.”

“In other words, the chiefs of the Centaur tribe have been staring at the Eternal Life Organization for a long time.”

Polly met Moriarty and Dumbledore’s inquiring eyes and said: “As you all know, centaurs are good at observing the stars, we can read some things from the constellations, the positions of the stars, and their movements~www. You can understand it as a form of prophecy, you can also think that we are prophets, in short, this is our special ability.”

“But what we read from the stars usually doesn’t turn into reality so directly.”

“We can’t see the future, we’re only peeking into the future.”

Moriarty thought for a moment, remembering that when he first entered the school, centaurs also predicted him.

In the plot, Harry Potter was also prophesied by centaurs.

In fact, the centaurs do have extraordinary abilities.

Polly said helplessly: “My last generation of chiefs, she saw a corner of the future where the centaur tribe was wiped out.”

“She seemed to see the man who killed the centaurs, whom she called the Dragon Trainer.”

(Dragon trainers remember, this is a foreshadowing. Don’t spoil it if you know it (??-w-`) still ask for a subscription, thank you)

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