The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 407

Vol 3 Chapter 144: Goblins And Gringotts

“Dragon Trainer?”

Moriarty and Dumbledore said in unison, and they exchanged a look, Dragon Trainer, literally understandable.

Tame: tame, domesticate.

Dragons in the magic world refer to Western dragons and fire dragons. I don’t know if there is a dragon Moriarty in Eastern mythology in the magic world. Anyway, he has never seen it.

A dragon tamer means a person who tames and trains dragons.

But what kind of person can be called a dragon trainer?

Moriarty’s two pure-blooded families, the Foleys and the Flints, have larger dragon farms.

And they merged and opened a huge dragon farm in Romania, and there are many dragon trainers and fire dragons in it.

In the plot, Charlie Weasley worked in a Romanian dragon farm after graduation, and he had to deal with fire dragons.

And familiar with the habits, characteristics and physiological structure of dragons.

Could such a person be called a dragon trainer?

Listening to Polly’s tone, it doesn’t seem so simple.

Polly saw Moriarty’s thoughts, and she nodded lightly: “In the corner of the future, the dragon trainer has trained a group of demon beasts.”

“The army of monsters is raging on the ground and roaring in the sky, but it is strange that they rarely hurt people, and they seem to be looking for something.”

“You mean looking? Does that seem counterintuitive?”

Dumbledore adjusted his glasses, and his words were puzzling: “The army of beasts reminds me of the mythical story between demons and angels, and when placed in the world, it is enough to give anyone a devastating blow.

If there really exists such a large army of monsters, it is hard for me to imagine what kind of thing can make the army of monsters choose to seek instead of killing. ”

“Agreed.” Moriarty nodded in agreement with Dumbledore.

“Well, I thought so too at first,” Polly said calmly. “Other centaurs also thought it was strange, oh yes, by the way, the largest centaur tribe is in the Brazilian rainforest.”

“I didn’t tell you about this before. Now we are comrades in the same trenches. I will tell my details myself, and you can check it out.”

Polly also knew that both Moriarty and Dumbledore were wizards of status, and it was not very difficult to find out their origins, and it was much better to find out their own than others.

The way she did it also reassured Moriarty and Dumbledore.

Polly continued: “Under conditions that all centaurs disagreed with, the old chief made a divination. She paid the price of time and life, and finally got a result.”

Polly rubbed her eyebrows rarely, closed her eyes and seemed to see the deceased old chief, and a sadness was revealed.

Moriarty and Dumbledore exchanged glances again. Centaurs are good at divination and observing astrology. It can be seen that the old centaur chief must have paid a huge price.

This is even more exciting, and a great fear follows. What will make the old chief pay the price of time and life?

Polly opened her eyes, her beautiful black pupils were emotionless, she said slowly: “Goblin!”



Moriarty and Dumbledore said at the same time that it was all too surprising.

First the dragon trainer, then the goblin?

Dumbledore quickly reacted: “A dragon trainer is a goblin?”

Moriarty followed: “If the goblins are dragon trainers, the hypothesis that the army of monsters is looking for something can be established, and every wizard knows that goblins are the most greedy creatures.”

Meanwhile, Moriarty remembered Salazar’s diary.

The third page above reads: Never trust goblins!

Is there any connection between this?

Polly nodded to the two of them: “I’m glad you can think so much. After making the divination, the old chief began to investigate the dragon trainer and the fairies.”

“She found out that the goblin rebellion was an organized and premeditated plan to divert the wizard’s attention. I don’t know what the result was, but I’m sure there was someone else behind the goblin rebellion.”

Polly sighed: “Mr. Moriarty, including Dumbledore, I know you are all outstanding students in the history of Hogwarts, and you naturally have an instinctive trust in the knowledge in books.”

“But who says history in books is real history?”

“Who can guarantee that the history we see is the real history, not what others want us to see?”

“Take the goblin rebellion in the 18th century. The fuse was that a group of young wizards pushed a goblin, nicknamed Sloppy, Lara, into a pond in the village.”

“Lara himself also became the leader of this rebellion. You learned this in the history of magic class.”

Moriarty has a very good memory, he said: “Not only did he learn, the sloppy ghost Lala was even printed on the cards of the Chocolate Frog, and my classmates had hundreds of such cards, and he even thought about a handful of them. It’s on fire.”

Dumbledore asked Moriarty nervously, “Didn’t your classmate burn the chocolate frog card with my picture on it?”

“No no, your card is very popular among the students,” Moriarty replied politely.

“Oh, thanks Merlin!”

Dumbledore exaggeratedly said: “I wouldn’t be sad if I was removed from the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts, Chief of Wizengamore – just don’t remove me from the Chocolate Frog card.”

Apparently Polly couldn’t understand such a joke, she was a no-nonsense centaur, her face tensed and her lips pursed into a slit.

“Things related to the fate of mankind are in front of you, and the two of you are still in the mood to joke.”

Moriarty smiled and said, “Okay, okay, let’s believe what you said, everything we discussed is based on the immortal organization.”

“And the goblin may be an important member of the immortal organization, or organizational structure!”

“Because of what?” Moriarty’s eyes flashed with light, “If the Immortal Organization is a large organization that spans various countries and engages in various activities with the goal of immortality, then it must require a lot of money!”

“Where do these funds come from?”

Moriarty knocked on the table, “Do the members of the organization pay?”

“We have all seen the 6 members of the blood banquet – Ye Jingyu himself has to support a large group of dark wizards and mother-in-law, even if he has the strength of an ancient family, he can’t support it for ten centuries, right?

The demon monk is alone in Tsarist Russia, and the probability of relying on the organization is higher than feeding the organization. The Eskimos live in the Arctic Circle. What profitable industries can provide funds for the organization?

The vampires are self-contained, they don’t give large sums of money to the organization, and Dracula is quite respected and feared in the organization, I don’t think the organization will force the vampires to provide funds. ”

“So it’s almost impossible for members of the organization to pay funds.”

“Then the question is, where is the source of funds for the immortal organization?”

Moriarty looked at Dumbledore and Polly with a meaningful smile, and exclaimed, “Goblin! Or… Gringotts!”

Polly’s eyes widened. Gringotts provided funds for the Eternal Life Organization, which she and her compatriots had not found out after decades of investigation, nor did she expect.

Dumbledore’s eyes were changeable, flickering, obviously thinking fast.

Moriarty was not in a hurry to say the following, but left them enough time to think.

Even the greatest white wizard, Dumbledore, has a moment of powerlessness in economics.

Moriarty has long had criticism about goblins and Gringotts.

Gringotts is essentially the bank of the wizarding world, and it is also a monopoly leader!

Needless to say, how powerful the bank is in the Muggle world, but wizards and Muggles live two lives, so most wizards don’t realize the horror of Gringotts.

Wizards are used to depositing their money in Gringotts, which is known as the safest place and has had no problems with previous Goblin Rebellions.

As a result, the wizards always thought that the goblins would have nothing to do with Gringotts.

This also has the characteristics of the goblin’s love for money and greed for money.

In the words of some pure-blood householders: Give those goblins a little gold, and they can’t wait to kneel down and lick my boots.

Is it actually true?

If the goblin wants to do something to the wizard, it can easily cut off the wizard’s economic lifeline, and the goblin doesn’t even need to pay a copper price!

Moriarty had an idea about goblins and just didn’t understand why goblins didn’t.

Now Moriarty figured out, what if the goblins were for the greater good!

Wizards can endure humiliation and take risks for the greater good.

Who says goblins can’t?

Ten minutes passed quietly, Moriarty looked at Polly: “Everything we say is hypothetical – dragon trainers, goblins, armies of monsters are looking, Gringotts provides funds, obviously That assumption works.”

“Now, a fact is needed to prove that all assumptions are established.”

“That is, what are the members of the Immortal Organization going to do? Or…what are they looking for?”

(About goblins, chapters 5 and 6 of the first volume of this book are foreshadowing, and about Gringotts, the foreshadowing is laid in chapter 10 of the first volume of this book.)

Similar to the big boss behind the scenes at Hogwarts

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