The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 408

Vol 3 Chapter 145: The Full Picture Of The Prophecy Of Eternal Life

“You’ve got the point, sir,” Polly said to Moriarty. “Without this proof, I wouldn’t have agreed to Headmaster Dumbledore’s request to come to Hogwarts and design the Magic Canyon for the Five Schools. Not even here.”

Polly’s expression gradually became solemn. She said, “Following the line of goblins, we have investigated that all goblins are under the command of one person.”

“Of course, he could be a human, a goblin, or a magical creature.”

“But we prefer to believe he is a goblin, and we call him the goblin king.”

“Obviously, very few goblins know about the existence of the Goblin King. Most goblins still work in Gringotts step-by-step, or hide in the wilderness and forest.”

Moriarty and Dumbledore looked at each other lightly, and Moriarty said, “Is it possible that the Goblin King is the Dragon Trainer?”

“In addition to being a member of the organization, each member of the Immortal Organization also has an identity of his own.”

“The dragon trainer is a member of the immortal organization, and the fairy king is his original identity.”

“This possibility cannot be ruled out, and it is very likely.” Polly said with pursed lips.

Dumbledore listened patiently. His knowledge of the Eternal Life Organization was basically 0, and he couldn’t provide much advice when it came to the organization’s members.

Moriarty looked at Polly: “Please go on, tell me your proof, tell me what they’re looking for.”

“Okay,” Polly nodded and said, “What I say next, please keep the two of you secret.”

After receiving affirmative answers from Moriarty and Dumbledore, Polly’s eyes were deep, and she recalled: “It is not unreasonable for fairies to be spurned by wizards, they are greedy for money, dishonest, dishonest, and will betray their compatriots at any time. ”

“Based on these characteristics, the old chief quickly got a prophecy from an old goblin.”

“Prophecy?” Moriarty said meaningfully: “Eternal life prophecy?”

Polly met Moriarty’s gaze and nodded slightly, “Well, the prophecy of eternal life.”

“At the time, we didn’t know the existence of the immortal organization, and the appearance of the immortal prophecy did not attract much attention.”

“It wasn’t until more than 20 years ago that the Brazilian magic school Castrobuse sneaked into a Dongying man.”

“It’s the young Ye Jingyu. He was discovered by the centaur tribe of Castrobus.”

“The centaur tribe immediately reported to me, and I observed that Ye Jingyu only lurked for a while in Kastrobus before entering the Amazon rainforest.”

“There, Ye Jingyu used a kind of magic that has never been seen before, hunting down magical creatures and animals.”

Speaking of which, Polly’s eyes widened, as if she had seen a scene of incomparable horror.

“I saw with my own eyes that Ye Jingyu swooped on dead magical creatures, gnawing at flesh and blood like beasts.”

“Eat raw flesh and blood?” Moriarty said in shock, “Isn’t that the scene in the blood feast…”

“That’s right,” Polly said softly, “the blood banquet was held more than twenty years ago or even earlier.”

“Ye Jingyu ate the flesh and left, and then I suddenly realized that I wanted to understand the kind of magic he used that I had never seen before, elemental magic!”

“And it’s the dark element magic mentioned in the prophecy of immortality.”

“You mean, the Prophecy of Immortality mentions dark elemental magic?” Moriarty asked Polly, a look of inquiry and surprise on his face.

Polly didn’t understand why Moriarty was feeling this way, but nodded anyway.

Dumbledore also asked Moriarty with interest: “It sounds like there are many stories in it?”

“Well, yes,” Moriarty flashed a smile in his eyes: “I predicted that the Immortal Organization is related to elemental magic. Now Polly’s statement confirms this.”

During the summer of his second year, Moriarty saw the undead of Salazar, and at that time he raised the idea that the prophecy of immortality was related to elemental magic.

It’s a pity that Salazar didn’t care about the prophecy of immortality and couldn’t help Moriarty.

Polly looked at Moriarty with a little admiration: “You are right, if I hadn’t seen you fight Ye Jing Yu Sheng and Death with my own eyes, I would have suspected that you were a member of the Eternal Life Organization.”

Dumbledore took out a bag of candies from a drawer on the table. The wrapping paper was colorful, and he pushed the candy. “Two people, come on?”

Polly shook her head resolutely, and Dumbledore looked regretful: “Okay, I will serve you with coffee next time.”

“Where’s Moriarty?” Dumbledore said expectantly. “Perhaps you can tell us your story with the prophecy of eternal life?”

Moriarty picked up a piece of chocolate toffee and put it into his mouth, chewed it, and said, “Poli and I are in the exact opposite situation. I first learned about the prophecy of immortality, and then I noticed Ye Jingyu, and I learned about it through Ye Jingyu. to the existence of the immortal organization.”

Next, Moriarty briefly stated the prophecy of immortality he knew, and the legend of immortality described by Violet.

“Through these bits and pieces, it’s not hard to see two things.”

“1. The Hebrews are the source of the prophecy of eternal life. Regardless of whether the Hebrews are related to the eternal life organization or not, the Hebrews are closely related to the prophecy of eternal life, and there is a high possibility of forging prophecies.”

“Second, the prophecy of immortality is aimed at achieving immortality or becoming a god. It is a means of collecting seven holy relics, cooperating with keys, and then reaching the final goal in some unknown way.”

“I’m done.”

Moriarty finished eating the toffee, spread out his palms, and leaned back in the chair.

“It’s wonderful!” Polly clapped her hands vigorously, and looked at Moriarty with admiration in her eyes: “Just a few words can tell that the prophecy of immortality is related to elemental magic, I don’t know if it is our horses. People are too stupid or your talent is too scary.”

Moriarty smiled slightly: “It’s not about being smart or clumsy, the biggest difference between me and you is that I didn’t follow a clue to investigate.”

“You focus your eyes on the goblin. The distance is too close, so close that you can’t see the world clearly. When you look around, there are only goblins.”

Polly nodded thoughtfully, and Moriarty added:

“I have encountered Dongying dark wizards, blood ancestor Dracula, Merlin, blood clan, Ye Jingyu.”

“In the communication and contact with them, various information and intelligence have been collected. It is not difficult to find many lies and deceptions here.”

“So in the end, even though the prophecy of immortality and elemental magic seem to be unrelated, they have actually been inextricably linked.”

Speaking of this, Dumbledore also heard it. He smiled and said: “It seems that we have already made our own judgment on the prophecy of immortality. Chief Polly, please reveal the mystery, and let us verify the guess in our hearts.”

“it is good.”

Polly smiled sweetly, and Moriarty’s foresight and Dumbledore’s light-hearted humor relieved her unease.

“Moriarty said three versions of the prophecy of immortality, which contained deceit and lies. This is the true prophecy of immortality.”

“Find the eight magical sacred objects corresponding to the eight elements of wind, thunder, water, fire, wood, earth, light, and darkness, and with the keys, you can obtain the mystery of immortality.”

“The sacred artifact of the dark element has been obtained by the Eternal Life Organization, perhaps a long time ago – it was passed on to Ye Jingyu from generation to generation, so Ye Jingyu is qualified to hold a blood banquet.”

“Wind, thunder, water, fire, wood, earth, and light, seven magical relics left. And the key! This is what the Eternal Life Organization has been looking for for thousands of years!”

“We must find them before the Eternals!”

After Polly finished speaking, there was no response from Moriarty and Dumbledore for a long time.

She looked at them, wouldn’t she be frightened? This is how to do!

Just as Polly was at a loss, Moriarty snapped her fingers.

“There is no need to look for the water element magic relic.”

Moriarty smiled and took off a necklace from his neck. It was the Ice Moon Necklace that Moriarty and Lockhart snatched from the black wizard in the winter of 1988 when they fought against the dark wizard.

Moriarty understood the cause and effect, all of it.

“It is with it that I have the magic of the water element.”

Moriarty threw the Ice Moon Necklace to Polly said happily: “That’s great…So we only need to find 6 pieces.”

“I know where the fire element magic relic is!”

It was Dumbledore who spoke!

Moriarty and Polly looked at him together.

I saw Dumbledore lowered his head, barely able to see his eyes, only the reflective lenses.

After two minutes, Dumbledore lowered his head and heard a slightly low voice: “It’s in Phoenix Nest.”

(I want to apologize to everyone: Merlin’s partner, the queen of ancient elves, the fairy of the lake, it’s Vivienne, not Lillian! Those chapters of the blood feast are wrong, sorry.)

(In addition, the Ice Moon Necklace has been paving the way since Chapter 3, and now it’s finally revealed.)

Similar to the big boss behind the scenes at Hogwarts

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