The Black Scepter

v3 Chapter 22 - Curtain call, bleak soul

> Yi Zuer who proposed “Conservation of Elemental Energy” once published a paper anonymously, which caused an uproar in the magic academic world. The specific content is complicated and redundant, but in short, that is, the energy in the world will not appear out of thin air. It does not disappear from scratch, it can only be transmitted from one object to another, or transferred from one state to another.

For most magicians, this new theory is unacceptable.

But for some of the most cutting-edge magical giants, there has been a polarization. Even though the Golden Compass does not care about this crazy magician, there have been countless debates on his theory, and today there is no People can prove it with a perfect theory-and one of the unique phenomena is that the magicians who insisted on the correctness of Yizuer have done profound research on the subject of “soul” without exception.

They unanimously believe that when the soul is uncontrollably transformed from its original state to the generalized “energy”, the resulting changes are dramatic and unimaginable.

And this phenomenon is happening to Jeanna now.

After the body of the Demon Worm shattered because of Ashkandi, the energy that escaped let her power change dramatically in an instant!

Stepping out, let the decorative dagger in Na’s hand slowly emerged from the light blue mist. The suffocating oppression burst out suddenly, far exceeding the strength of the high-level knight she had before!

Holy Grail Knight?

The two “Irindal” felt oppression at the same time, but none of them made extra actions, but the next moment let Na have already shot, and her pupils showed a clear blue. With a simple vertical split, she tried to resist her “yi” Lindal “understands… the knight in front of him is beyond the scope of the holy knight!


An unprecedented rage sounded, and the dagger crossed a lightning arc in the space, but the target of the attack was the Irindal standing opposite Ashkandi-the blade in the other hand disappeared The strangely appeared scimitar tried to block, but the greedy assassin was greeted by a terrifying blow wrapped in strong soul energy.

Silent and invisible, the whole Lord’s Hall was quiet for a moment after Jeana’s blow.


Half of the scimitar fell to the ground, followed by pieces of the body that had fallen to the ground.

Then there were all kinds of debris in the house that were cut into pieces by the force carried by the sword-painting frame, metal armor, solid wood furniture and even the glass of two windows.

The dust fell, and the tower representing the thick bluestone fortress was penetrated by this sword.

Without blood, the assassin was split into two halves by Jeana, and after the opponent fell to the ground, it turned into black **** like ashes, leaving no body.

“Bu Tu’s alchemy puppet?!”

The real Yilin Daal exclaimed. The butterfly blade in her hand had disappeared from Ashcandi’s neck, but before she could continue to speak, the air suddenly showed more than three different weapons of different styles. The goal is uniformly directed at Ashkandi in a wheelchair!

Irindal was behind Ashkandi, unable to rescue, but Jeanna stepped out in one step, and appeared in front of Ashkandi almost instantly. The dagger in her hand had not yet waved, and three weapons hit her directly. In front of you!

A long dagger, a short sword, a prismatic thorn, and a sharp blade reflecting the enchanting cold light, but when stabbing at Jeanna who was in front of Ashkandi, an invisible barrier blocked them. go ahead!

The magic shield, which is not the condensation of magic elements, is bound by the standpoint constructed by the soul energy.

“Soul Realm Enchantment”-This powerful enchantment built with soul energy suddenly burst into dazzling light, while resisting the attacks of three close to i-level assassins!

Let Na look pale. Obviously it hurt her a lot, she screamed, she lifted her sword and cut it, the sweeping sword gas made the huge floor-to-ceiling window crash into the blasting sound, with a dodge assassin Instantly became ashes!

It’s just a one-shot spike, without any extra confrontation or roundabout!

But the number of assassins is beyond imagination, and she is not waiting for her next attack. The other three assassins who also wear black bows on their backs appear again. The three batches of attacks before and after clearly prove that the other party has exerted all their strength!

This time, Compton couldn’t help at all, and was forced to retreat to the door to be unable to support. The remote Windsor Guard did not receive an alarm. This kind of assassination without elemental fluctuations failed to attract their attention. It was only when the window suddenly shattered that someone noticed the condition of the Lord’s Hall, but it took at least two or three minutes before the sword master rushed to the tower.

It seems that this is enough for the Assassins to succeed.

Let the light around Na’s body gradually begin to dim, even if her personal force is absolutely superior, but under the premise of protecting Ashkandi, she can no longer take advantage of her wide open sword art, and she is besieged by siege. Beastly guarded by Ashkandi, madly wielding a sword, attacking at all costs, almost ten seconds, let Na Terror’s explosive power almost make the entire Lord’s Hall collapse because of the wall crack!

Irindal and Compton have long been hiding aside. In the presence of the Knights beyond the Holy Grail, they can only be a burden-the assassins almost died every time they let Na wield the sword, but they still attack desperately, There is no room for compromise at all!

“This is a dead man?”

Irindal, who has retreated to the corner of the room and is short to avoid Jeanne’s terrorist attack, recognizes the group of assassins from the “creed”-“dead”, for ordinary nobles, refers to the family who can be the owner A loyal guardian who spares his life with all his loyalty, but in the creed, the word “dead” does not only represent the member who lives for the “creed”.

Its existence is a sign that there has been no goal for the creed to use the real “dead” for more than three hundred years on the mainland. If the ordinary assassin assassinated three times and gave up the task is the “benevolent” and “forgiveness” of the creed founder , Then the existence of the “dead” is entirely to eradicate those final measures that are extremely dangerous to the creed!

Once the “dead” is used, it proves that the creed will not give up any chance of killing the target, and there is no limit to the number of times until the target dies.

Not many people have been killed by the “dead” in history, but after listing them, it is enough to deter any underestimated creed-King Charles VI of Fording and the 19th Pope of the Vatican Holy See Altini I, the most famous Hilsa among the co-administered emperors of the ancient Sica empire, and even Prince Charles, who was once Engeway The “deceased” who besieged Ashcandy!

Trapped beast still fighting.

Jeanna’s soul enchantment has begun to show unstable flashes. She is like a flame burning violently in the dark. Although it is hot, there is a moment when it burns out-when her eyes gradually lose their brilliance, those two The **** hands of the sword were so slippery that they couldn’t stop the last assassin’s attack. The nearly exhausted female knight released the dagger.

The brittle sound of the metal falling to the ground and the sound of the sharp blade piercing the body sounded at the same time.

Is this the end?

Looking down, the knight looked at the short blade that pierced his chest. His always indifferent face suddenly had a trace of ridicule.

Reaching out to hold the other person’s arm holding the short blade, let Na’s mouth pick up, with a pale face and a smile, there was never a relief.

A faint blue light flickered in front of her arm, condensed instantly, and then slammed out in front of her.

The dazzling light, the deafening loud noise, the shock that is difficult to resist.

The civilians outside the entire castle collectively saw the strong light that burst out from the main tower of the castle… and the half-wall that disappeared into ashes in an instant.

The seven-to-eight-meter-high stone tower above the lord’s hall tilted and collapsed, and then spread out in the subsequent impact and completely flew…

Under the moonlight, Ashkandi in a wheelchair was unharmed.

But in front of her, the knight who blasted the last assassin into the ashes with the tower wall fell down backwards.

The dark golden long hair fluttered gently in the night sky, and the dazzling starry sky that she had not looked up for many years reflected in the godless eyes.

Ashcandi no longer ignored the fact that his legs could not be moved, suddenly fell forward, and then clenched his teeth to get up, struggling to reach the woman who nearly burned her soul to the ground for her She found that… Jeanna’s soul has entered the final dissipation stage.

“My task…has it been completed?”

Her words whispered softly and eventually became inaudible.

Jeanne de Francois, who killed all his life, sighed lightly at this moment, and the eyes that were always cold and numb closed gently, like a curtain that slowly fell.

The once knight of the heresy ruling, now the night watchman consul close guard, and finally ended in a sad assassination in this strange assassination.

Ashkandi, who was always looking at her, gently held Jeanna’s palm.

Covered with calluses, rough and cold.

The dim light of the Soul Fragment converged in Ashcandy’s palm until it became a light spot that could not be observed in the eyes of others.

“My task… just started.”


Murphy’s heart throbbed a few times for no reason.

He reached out and pressed his chest lightly, his feet slowed for a while-the whole team stopped at the same time because of his movements while silently advancing.

“Keep going.”

Facing Sunderland’s questioning gaze, Murphy made a forward gesture, but his gaze was more gloomy.

Sulfuras’ scepter helped him gain the allegiance of the Meeks family and the allegiance of the Hollier family. High-level Warcraft such as Sphinx and Hydera also surrendered to their feet, even allowing the heresy to rule The high-level knight who walked out knelt on one knee in front of himself.

However, one after another, Murphy felt a deep crisis-Hydera disappeared, Sphinx fled, and just now, Jeana also lost her spiritual connection.

Will there be another one?

Compto, Connor? The scout of the Hollier family?

But Murphy, who was under the ground, felt that he was really helpless. It was better to say that the scepter in his back was dragging himself into an inescapable trap.

Passing through a hidden and intricate labyrinth, the place where Murphy and his party came to belongs to the second floor of this huge underground world. The UU reading book is not bound by the elves leading in front, while the latter two are Surrounded by high-level swordsmen, this is already the maximum “friendliness” that Murphy can make under the current conditions. The elf walking in the front seems to be very familiar with it, and his pace is not fast or slow Led the team forward.

After passing through the long and narrow tunnel, the eyes are suddenly bright-no longer the deep black of the first underground world, this huge space that is almost as large as the upper layer and even more than it is not completely without any light, but A faint light shone on the high dome.

It feels like the walls above the head are covered with countless fireflies. A little bit of starlight fluctuates like breathing, illuminating this comfortable climate space. Murphy looked up and saw the dense dark jungle, and It seems to be closed here, but it seems to have a special ventilation channel, so that the breeze blowing in the forest is mixed with the familiar smell of grass.


Sunderland originally thought it would only be a hidden place of the size of a castle, but never thought it was like an iceberg, with only a small corner on the surface.

It seemed that the road to explore Sulfuras’ scepter and Yizuer seemed to be getting harder.

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