The Black Scepter

v3 Chapter 23 - Chess piece consciousness

> “The more unknowns, the greater the danger.” Murphys looked at the swordsmen who slashed ahead and cut off the blocking branches and leaves, and said softly: “But if you are more courageous, you will not harvest under the premise of saving life small.”

This is the value of a set of hunter’s rules. Unlike the conservative Sunderland, Murphy’s understanding of this unfamiliar environment is nothing more than “more danger”, “more opportunities for death” and “more The three basic principles of “prey” are silent and reserved.

“How is the night elf’s reputation?”

Murphy remembered the Japanese elf Irindal, who seemed to be a well-behaved person in his impression, but it seemed incomparable to the night elves.

“I haven’t done much research. The historical materials hold a contemptuous attitude towards elves and think it is a species that should have been eliminated by the world. There are few books in the current library that record the history of elves. It seems that since the last continent joint parliament 800 years ago In the future, there will be no more regular books mentioning the word’genie’.”

The Sunderland Expo group book is not fake, but it does not contain too much detailed information.

“Joint Parliament?”

“At the beginning, the various forces of the mainland were still a connected alliance. The elves were once the overlords of the continent. Later, due to the rapid development of humans, they moved to the north. However, the existence of the alliance is to fight against the barbarians who attacked the central continent. Established, the day elves and night elves are among them, but after driving away the barbarians, this fragile alliance quickly fell apart, and the elves have disappeared since then.”

This sentence made Murphy frown—Ilindal had news of her ethnic group’s change behind the quest of Sulfuras, did she also fight the battle that Sunderland said eight hundred years ago related?

The timeline is not so easy to sort out. There are too many minutiae, so Murphy cannot immediately understand the connection between these things. It seems that the wand on his back is related to too many important historical events and characters, but all this The details?

A team of men and women seems to be following the night elves to explore the underground world. In fact, until now, the so-called clues are still impossible to find.

Three or four hours passed quickly, and the elves walking in the front were slightly tired, but the elite teams behind them were not at all tired. The high-level swordsmen carrying the metal battle shields carrying dry food had the same physical strength. Even Khan did not make a few drops, the mages took turns to release the scouting technique to ensure that there were no dangerous creatures and targets around the team. This cautious attitude was maintained until the elf leading the way suddenly stopped in an open space.

There seemed to be nothing around, but after the scouting of the mages again, the several shields that were suddenly released let the atmosphere cross over!

“Keep calm, don’t pull your sword, don’t raise your wand.”

Sunderland is now more like Murphy’s effective staff. He generally follows Murphy and is responsible for directing local battles. After his orders were executed, several elves in the team were lifted by his personal wand. The body’s final “energy bondage”, and took three bows and arrows and returned to them.

This means that the three Rangers in the dark have completely restored their previous strength and have the ability to decide to fight back immediately.

But facing the principled wizard holding a magic wand, they did not raise their bows and arrows, looked at each other tacitly, and then made a few gestures to the surrounding woods.

At the next moment, Murphy only saw the normal trees in the field of vision, and suddenly stood out countless figures holding short bows, a rough number, and a circle of more than thirty or forty people!

They did not use the stealth technique like the assassin Irindal, but they would naturally fit into the surrounding forest environment and disappear as soon as the body remained immobile. This seems to be the genius of the night elves.

Countless arrows originally pointed to Murphys and his party, but slowly dropped the short bow under the gestures of the three elves. Sunderland stepped forward and said a few words to the leading female elf. The latter nodded, and then motioned the entire team to follow her.

Is there a trap?

“A small tribe, not more than 400 people in total, really want to fight, I am enough to cope.”

Sunderland calmly gave Murphy a peace of mind. In this case, a magician who can detect a wide range of enemies is really important, but this makes Murphy understand his ability to improve. importance.

He doesn’t need to rely on others all the time.

Perhaps it’s the human world’s swindle that made Murphy a little overly sensitive. When he walked into this night elf tribe, he didn’t see all the night elves armed, but he looked at his curiously dressed in animal skin. All kinds of young elves and an adult elf who feels like an unarmed civilian.

When the elf leading the way stopped again, the surrounding scenery had turned into tree houses that were hollowed out by huge trees. This seems to be the traditional architecture of night elves, and a male elf appeared in front of him at this time. Gusica said a few words. Sunderland took the initiative to negotiate. After a few words, he turned back to indicate that the team was waiting outside, and Murphy needed to go in as the leader and meet the elders of this tribe.

What kind of world is this?

Murphy raised his head with this question, and the flashing light at a height of a few hundred meters made him feel dizzy, and then he frowned slightly, trying to drive away the low voice from the scepter of Sulfuras in his mind, Stepping into Sunderland into this quaint wooden house.

He did not know that the scepter on his back was exuding a pale golden light, slightly dazzling, but it was firmly covered by the wrapped animal skin.

Fording Empire.

Christina already possessed the lordship of the bright side at this time, thanks to the Earl of Watley who had “accidentally encountered” with her but had died suddenly in the Byzantine battle. With the help of the helper of Stere, she completely released her hands and feet on the territory of Fording. She quickly used various means to win the territory that Earl of Watley did not value but only used as a trading chip. , A sudden news made this female lord very excited-

The newly acquired territories did not have much use value, but were suddenly discovered to have rare veins of refined iron ore hidden underground!

This is a big surprise. The refined iron ore is not an ordinary iron ore. A large part of this rare vein is used to supply the most elite soldiers and troops. Even in the entire Fording Empire, it is only the royal family and the The army of less than five noble lords will be equipped with iron ore forged armor. The toughness and resistance of this metal far exceed that of ordinary iron ore. It is an extremely important strategic resource for the military industry!

For Christina, this is a huge amount of immeasurable wealth-but she soon recovered from the surprise, how can there be so much wealth?

At the moment, she was nothing more than a chess piece inserted by Murphys in the Fording Empire. Although there was no excessive restraint from beginning to end, it was just that the housekeeper-style blood clan always kept no words beside her. She was a bit cautious, but her previous life was never going back.

Is this bad?

As a female lord that Fordin typically leans on her head and body, she is not a ligament to admit death. In contrast, Christina now quickly finds that she has been much better than before.

She didn’t need to look at any nearby lord’s face anymore. Instead, some actions of the other party had to greet the lord in advance. After Count Watley died in battle, his leftover territory was directly used by Christina. “The status was taken by spoilers, and most of them were robbed, and then this powerful little widow no longer claimed to be a baroness, but really set foot on the stage of power competition.

And, all the way ahead.

All the lords or officials who opposed her were dealt with by a variety of noble methods, the most fierce and the most palpitating, that is, the end of the two lords near Kostina’s territory.

The two nobles who were upset about this woman tried to use the assassination to kill her life. The result can be imagined-the crappy assassin was without exception Connor twisted his neck, and then Christina’s revenge let everyone know one. How terrible a crazy and angry woman is.

A Viscount and an Earl, the two lords took all their mistresses and heirs to death in a row within three days. The murderer could not find it at all, and even left no trace.

The so-called woman is not ruthless, and after such a series of events, no one dared to talk to Christina about unnecessary nonsense. More than eight lords who had been disdainful took the initiative to establish a friendly alliance relationship, even if some of them have ever been to this The guy in the widow’s big bed was still softly obedient.

In the eyes of the nobles of Fording, life is more important than the face of dignity.

It’s just that the news of the discovery of the iron ore concentrate was still kept secret by Christina under such circumstances, and even everyone near the entire iron mine was ordered not to leave the area for a half step, and at this time she received the Murphys from The letter sent by Ballice surprised her a bit, but at the same time she understood that she had not followed the wrong owner.

In such a short period of time, Murphy won a castle and a terrible territory, and he was only able to handle the incredible efficiency, but after safely escorting the teams from Byzantium to Balice, The letter told her an extraordinary news.

Balice is about to send troops to Fording.

At this moment, for Fording, who is already in the stage of weakening national strength, a battle against Byzantium seems to have caused it a lot of blows. The once-formidable Fording Iron Rider cannot break through the dense front. After several battles, he has suffered heavy losses. If you get anything cheap, if you get enemies back and forth, you will definitely be able to drink a pot from this strong foreign country.

Christina was shocked first, and then quickly recovered. Squinting the letter carefully and looking at the letter carefully, the expression that the politician would have undoubtedly revealed-after having given up the low-level political means of using the body as capital, her political talent was surprisingly high.

The letters are neatly handwritten and the payment is clear. The words “Murfis, the night watchman’s consul” are not the titles of ordinary letters. What is this reminding? Or what task was given invisible?

“When did the term “Great Archon” of Lord Murphy appear?”

In the face of Connor, Christina did not use the honorific title, but to maintain respect for Murphy.

Connor did not seem to be aware of this, but it quickly responded that this was a newly established title and replied: “It should start with this letter.”

“Balice is about to declare war on Verdin. Lord Murphy, as a lord in the shadow of Balice, responded to the request to fight against Verdin. What does that mean?”

The castle of Christina’s lord is far less than the tall tower of Balicesislin, but has the luxury and spaciousness of Fording. She is wearing a purple robe and sitting in front of the fireplace, holding the letter gently in her hand. , Looked up and asked Connor.

The status of the servant in the dark is strange. When he was delegated here, Murphy only said that let him be Christina’s deputy, and do not interfere too much unless necessary-then he seemed a little embarrassed, Respect for Christina? This lady is not as important to Murphy as herself, but now looking at her rising lordship strength, Connor has to admit that she does have the ability to be unique.

“For the intelligence of his Fortin army and a premeditated attack, as long as it is the night watchman who ultimately benefits, nothing else. It should be like this.”

He gave advice that is currently in the best interest of Murphys.

“Perhaps more than that.”

Christina once again picked up the letter and looked at it, “It takes time for true iron ore veins to be mined on a real scale, but the night watch’s army does not seem to support large-scale battles. Even if he doesn’t say, I think as a military Lord, it is necessary to train the two armies on the bright side and the dark side, then my task is very obvious in this way.”

“Holy Gabriel’s adjudication team has already followed I want to help the Archons to block some miscellaneous fish should be my duty. Of course, if you do more outstanding, you will naturally win him More trust, isn’t it?”

Connor seemed to be a bit against.

“I’m just a chess piece. I have to be happy every day when I am a chess piece. If I feel unfair and indignant because I am a chess piece, I might as well be swept out of the chessboard. What I have to do is nothing more than a part.”

Christina knew that the blood steward could not dispel her vigilance, and she didn’t expect to gain wholly trust in her. Everything in this world was the bargaining chip for trading—this is the world in the eyes of politicians, friendship? love? The chips are big enough to betray.

“People always see great players, but they don’t know that victory is made of great pieces. I agree with your choice.”

Connor responded faintly that he was also a pawn, but at this moment he found that he was sometimes not as correct as the woman’s mentality before him-the revival family? Or to achieve great vision?

Wait until you have enough capital.

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