The Black Scepter

v3 Chapter 24 - Consanas, a small surprise

>Balice border.

The borders of any empire are always in a deserted state, and Balice is no exception. The vast plains are so flat that even a dog can be seen running a few kilometers away.

However, on such an empty plain, there is a very strange figure.

The gray robe pulled up the hood at the beginning of the autumn, the simplest style of cloth, a leather wristband, a pair of old and muddy leather boots, only a backpack for walking tens of kilometers around the front and back. On the smoggy frontier, the not-so-tall old man with gray beard, his squinting eyes lifted slightly, seemed to be looking at the distant scenery.

“I haven’t been here for a long time.”

Varian Consanas’s footsteps looked a bit erratic, like any elderly man who was old, holding a simple wooden walking stick in his hand, his feet were shallow and soft after a fall rain The land is struggling forward, what is softly sighed.

There are many very famous families on the mainland, each of which has a huge influence and can even change the pattern of the mainland under certain circumstances-for example, the Queen of Ingeway who is trying to recover the country, rely on Is not just the royal family that has accumulated a lot of wealth under the “Blood Mary” tyranny but lost its people’s hearts, but the seemingly invisible Rothschild family behind it, which is described by the words “rich and enemy” Not an exaggeration.

And Rothschild, the giant crocodile, can only be said to be in the front row but cannot be said to be the best in the mainland.

In contrast, although “Consanas” has not been as dazzling as Rothschild in recent decades, it can still rank in the top ten on the mainland-this is a strange family, and its roots have been No one knows, Fording? Ingrid? Gabriel? Byzantium? Or Gilman, Isingale or Naler?

They lived in the shadows and were more mysterious than the blood clan that had disappeared from the encirclement and suppression. Perhaps the only evidence that allowed people to understand the tip of their iceberg was the existence of “creed”.

In the same invisible and shadowless organization, who is the true leader of the “creed”, what does it look like, or whether it is a man or a woman, and even most members inside the “creed” do not know, and there are only a few upper levels It is only to understand that their real leader has the surname “Consanas”.

Varian has not appeared in Ballice for a long time. Although he has enough ability to make all the news of Ballice appear in front of himself at the fastest speed, but at this moment he still walks all the way from the far north. Then come.

Speaking of this, it is more like a ritual, meticulous, without any sloppy, he did not ride even a carriage along the way, no matter the wind and rain or even the snowstorm that will exist in the northern summer season, he always uses this constant The pace is moving forward.

A cloud blocked the sunlight above the old man’s head. He raised his head and looked at the sky, and then gently raised his arm.

A black spot appeared in the distant sky. After circling a few kilometers above the sky for a few laps, the eagle swooped straight down. The eagle suddenly opened its wings when it was about to reach the ground, made a buffer action, and then stabilized Stayed on the old man’s arm.

The Hulda golden eagle, one of the few rare eagle species remaining on the entire continent, was once a pure-bred eagle that was raised only by the ancient Sicja royal family.

The wingspan is almost two and a half meters, and the sharp eagle eyes have crown-shaped quills. This is one of the reasons why it was once favored by the royal family-of course, its flight speed and attack ability are already in the “eagle” species. The top-notch existence, just want to domesticate such a daunting eagle, is too difficult for humans.

In history, the most famous emperor Constantine I of ancient Siga has one such Handal golden eagle, and none of the three emperors before him and the six emperors of the same period have the ability to tame the handal golden eagle. It also seems to illustrate the ability of the domesticator from the side.

For example, Varian Consanas, an unremarkable old man, when he walks indifferently in the silent plain, no one can imagine the huge “creed”, but only one of his countless resources.

At this moment, the old man lightly stroked the red-brown feathers with the faint gold thread on the golden eagle. The golden eagle with amazing weight stood on Varian’s arm with wrist brace, but there was no sway. The highest leader of the creed reached out and took off a yellowed parchment from its sharp iron claws, and raised his arm. The handal golden eagle was flying into the sky with a long eagle, disappearing in the blink of an eye. Shadow.

“Hegel? Grass, really a restless kid.” The old man looked at the parchment, pouted, and said to himself: “Youth is young, but your mind is still slower, Things that the dead can’t do, what else are you going to do?”

Seemingly remembering something, he threw away the parchment at random-the stationery shattered into a powder before it fell to the ground-he reached out and pulled out a quaint little book from his arms, turning it gently Turned over, the pictures on the top of the tarot cards still carry the old style of hundreds of years ago.

“Oh, old friend Yi Zuer,” this unremarkable leather notebook stayed on a set of “Fool” cards with a serial number of zero, and Varian sighed softly, “After so many years, you are still leaving me Endless troubles.”

West Sellin.

Light rain, dusk.

Jeanna’s body was quietly placed in a dark coffin, and the family guard of Windsor in the territory now stood neatly on this hillside, which is the highest and the highest in the view of the castle tower, to salute collectively.

Ashcandi sat in a wheelchair, silently looking at the quiet and flowery hillside and the already dug grave, without a word.

Compton and Irindal stood behind her, and behind them were several knights attending the funeral, including Brown, the former instructor of Murphys.

Looking at the sunset that was about to fall in the distance, Ashcandi, as the person with the highest right to speak here, nodded gently at the great sword master beside the coffin.

Brown and the three knights stepped forward to salute the closed coffin with the courtesy of the Byzantine army to officially grant the knight.

The drizzle fell on the shiny armor of Zheng, which wetted Ashcandy’s drooping black hair.

The first core member of the night watchman who was killed was lightly lifted by the four big knights at this moment, and was placed in the most beautiful flowers on this hillside. The bright flowers blooming in the mountains formed a dazzling contrast with the dark coffin.

No priest read the eulogy, only Ashcandi gently placed the flower from his side in front of her tomb.

Birth means death for others.

Jeanne de Francois, born in 1410, was buried in an autumn rain in 1433, died of an assassin’s attack, and died in the task of protecting Ashcandi.

She has experienced hardships and hardships that no one else may know. She never had friendship, affection and love in her life, and freedom is far from reachable. A life full of violence ended in violence. The whole life was full of irony for the word “free”. She has been sleeping on an unknown mountain so far. Her deeds are not as glorious as those of the imperial knights fighting on the battlefield. There was no medal to prove her honor even when she died.

There were only twenty-seven people attending the funeral, of which only Ashkandi had communicated with her, and the others had no intersection.

But she was accompanied by a set of heavily worn heavy armor, a broken standard sword and the endless loneliness.

When Ashcandi returned to the tower where Jeana destroyed the roof, the open-air Lord’s Hall was simply packed and left with undamaged furniture that had been wet by rain. After Jeanna died in her arms, Green Eye Ashkandi’s mental state appears to be dysfunctional-no one knows whether it is because of her heavy psychological burden, or because of the excessive energy consumed by eliminating those monsters.

With only Compton left beside her, she regained the silence of the past, and the original positive in her eyes began to become more and more diminished with the passage of time. It seemed to gradually return to the kind of melancholy when she first saw Murphy. status.

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Ashcandi saw one of the two letters left by Murphys—she could not tell which one was for her and which one was on the highest shelf, Because everything was completely chaotic in the explosion.

At this moment, Murphy has become the only hope left in Ashcandi’s heart. The letter in her hand is like the last remnant of the embers in the night-the invasion of the Hegel Lord Today, the night watchman without the core of his heart is at stake.

Opening the letter paper gently, the familiar font on it made Ashkandy feel a little strange, but after she read the letter, Ashkandi suddenly felt that the last trace of warmth in her heart was also wiped out.

The content of the letter is very simple, and a letter of simplification, that is, “In the event of a sudden crisis, Ashkandi Misrai has all the powers of the “Nightwatch Congressman”.”

The letter was formally signed, and there was a small line indicating that Ashcandi had the right to use all of his preserved Yizuer’s legacy-that represents countless levels of horrible magic scrolls and props-and all Everything was gently handed over to Ashkandi through this parchment, without any unnecessary nonsense or emotion.

Not even a reason was written.

Looking at the testament-like letter in his hand, Ashcandi was at the moment not feeling or moving, but at a loss.

The night watchman said it was big, but it was not small. It was no longer the child who was struggling in the cracks of Gabrieldine, but he had a firm foothold in Balice, with knights and magic groups. And the iron-blooded organization of a whole territory of resources, although it will take time to develop to the extent that it is positively opposed to the heresy and the sacred Gabriel empire, maintaining its normal operation is no longer as simple as it was.

Green Eye Ashkandi is not a politician with a ambition of king, nor a ruthless queen. She is just an autistic girl who has been lingering in her own world for too long and is unwilling to face the world. These enormous pressures that she could not bear were totally unacceptable to her fragile and melancholic.

It’s not the bad environmental pressure that usually pushes you to desperate circumstances, but the last breath you don’t have in your heart.

Why does Ashkandi have multiple personality splits? It was because she could not bear the pressure from the outside world and chose to completely escape from herself. The result is that a new personality is created to face When this term fell on her head, Ashcandi flinched instinctively.

She wouldn’t know that the letter that was supposed to be opened by her had disappeared with Jeanna’s last attack, but this letter was by Murphys beside the book of “Baliceton History” at the top of the shelf. Prepared when the red eyes queen appeared.

All preparations were completely self-defeating at the moment.


On the empty tower, Ashcandi, who was sitting in a wheelchair for one night, opened his eyes gently as the sun rose in the distance.

The movement gently sorted out the neckline and robe sleeves. The figure that had not stood for a long time in the sun stood up slightly, sniffed the cool air in early autumn, looked down at the letter that had not been put down in his hand, and then looked at the open lord The armchair in the hall where Murphy always used to sit quietly.

“Little surprise.”

Ashcandy blinked his black eyes and smiled strangely.

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