The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 118 - Message and test

[WWw.YZUU点m][][]Thank you [Yu Liu Liu Nian] for your friend’s monthly ticket, thank you!

In the distance, the seven warlocks no longer asked who came. They no longer knew how to attack the palace. The guys who came to attack the palace were not good at the moment, so there were several rays of light coming directly at a distance of thousands of kilometers!

This is a skill commonly used by illusion warlocks. Because it is light, the attacked person cannot dodge like a fireball, but the disadvantage is that the power is usually not comparable to the explosive spell used by the elemental magician- The seven rays of light pointed at Scarlett in an instant, but it was the messenger who was arrogant and abnormal before wailing…

He was originally in front of Scarlett. Those mages attacked when they didn’t recognize the guy. They didn’t care whether their beam hit the enemy or an ally. So the smell of the scorching fluttered instantly, and the seven beams swept. The envoy was instantly penetrated by the body because of the high temperature, and became a **** sieve!

The strength of the seven warlocks is all up and down at level 10. Dealing with such an ordinary man who is unarmed and dodging is really a spike. After the light penetrates, he strikes Scarlett instantly, but these mages did not think of seven. The beam was deflected in front of Scarlett’s body, and none of them even hit her!

There were several traces of burnt black on the ground, and Scarlett was unharmed. She looked at the sifted envoy with a disdainful expression, and with a wave, let this obscure thing roll into the open space in front of the palace— —The countless guards pouring out of the palace suddenly recognized this guy who was killed by the mage, and his face instantly became extremely ugly!

Obviously, killing the messenger and throwing it in front of the palace, this kind of provocation is completely intolerable for a country

The master’s Royal Guard immediately pulled the trigger of the CJ crossbow towards Scarlett. The dense crossbows flew straight away, but in the sound of “Boo Biao” in front of Scarlett, As if there was an invisible steel plate armor in front of her, the halo flickering all over the black widow suddenly brightened, and there were four or five floating halos around her body, each with a diameter of two meters to Three meters, densely cursed complex spells, as Scarlett’s spells flashed away, these auras instantly merged into one and spread out all around the next moment!

A burst of sound rang, and the weapons of the soldiers shattered without exception. The crossbow string of the crossbow broke, and even blinded the soldier’s eyes, not just the weapon, spreading in that light and reaching all nearby people. In an instant, all the metal items on them, including daggers, accessories, or helmets, shattered, and a strange buzzing sound from the light resonated with all the metal objects and aimed at Scarlett’s The giant siege crossbow is also destroyed!

After this skill, the warlocks in the distance had flown to the front, and another beam attack hit the lift, but those powerful warlocks who had already realized the strength of Scarlett in front of them did not expect to suddenly open the bat wings next to them. The woman flying in the air is the real nightmare…

A beam of light hit Ashcandi, but even her clothes could not burn a little bit. The seemingly powerful beam energy has no lethality in the face of this level of existence. The soul power alone has already been released. Enough to counter the so-called Skoda’s strongest magician’s forbidden attack, the seven warlocks hadn’t had time to raise their staffs for the next blow, Ashkandi had already passed by, and the fast one only left a ghost, Even the scenes of these seven warlocks

The follow-up lower-level magician did not know what to do from the palace magic tower, using the magic circle to bless the long-range attack on Ashcandi, but found that the dark queen was only a wave, and the huge magic tower with a diameter of more than twenty meters The end was cut off by a brutal force and collapsed!

The dust lifted up, and the soldiers rushed to try to approach Scarlett on the ground, but the 19th-level warlock walked towards the inside of the palace. There was no movement at all, just released by the halo around the body After a series of shocks, the ground here was plowed all over. All the soldiers who tried to get close were blown out. They could not get close to the 50-meter distance without weapons. They were retreated by the bombing. Can’t stop Scarlett from stepping inside the palace!

And above the sky, Ashcandi crushed all the warlocks or bows and arrows trying to attack her, slammed another magic tower, and painted a blood-red magic circle, carrying a whole body from it. Red blood-colored sword, split vertically in the air!

Weapons condensed with soul energy are far more terrifying than most physical weapons


Skoda Kingdom is not a luxurious palace completely has a scar that can not be covered

“Scarlett, is that enough?”

Holding a medium-blood long sword, Ashkandi asked not many battles, he didn’t put the soldiers who had seen her as a demon in his eyes, waved, and a distant one The siege crossbow aimed at her disappeared with half a wall…

Everything Ashcandi did was to help Murphy as a benchmark, but she also understood that she was usually not too light or heavy, so she had to ask Scarlett who had walked inside the palace.

And the latter suddenly felt that Ashcandi’s straightforward and unintentional touch was really cute-although she could kill 10,000 people without blinking, she was so “careful” because of some of Murphy’s ideas, perhaps This is why the young man he followed is willing to trust her unconditionally?

Thinking of this, Scarlett reached out to signal that everything was enough, and seeing her momentum, Ashkandi landed directly

On the ground, because of the slamming she just had, there was a huge gully longer than meters in length. This gully is amazing in depth and has a lateral width of more than five meters. All buildings along the way were split without exception, even including the branch. The Royal Conference Hall where His Majesty Erke is located-The two beauties ignored nothing but the Royal Guard, who was already incapable of the army, and went straight to the largest Royal Conference Hall, looking at the pale, paper-faced His Majesty and his body The guards who were prepared for sacrifices said bluntly: “I bring a few words for the Byzantine messenger Murphy, you can choose to agree or refuse”

The halo around her body and the long sword in Ashkandi seems to be dripping with blood. It has explained the consequences if Her Majesty Colk chose to “reject”, but Scarlett did not care about the reactions of these people. Go on, continue: “Tomorrow noon, Master Murphy needs to see enough people come to negotiate on the flagship of the Ingeway Empire”

Scarlett’s eyes didn’t stop on anyone, but she looked directly at the Skoda monarch in the middle of the crowd, “This is the message I brought to the master. I wanted to be polite, but Helpless, some people are too ignorant, if they are offended, I hope His Majesty the King will forgive me.”

Scarlett, who was not polite in her tone, nodded to Ashcandy. The latter’s indifferent eyes did not even look at Lord Kolk from beginning to end, turned around and left, and their backs have become ruins in this piece. Unusually prominent in the palace

Behind them, there are a group of Skoda soldiers like frightened beasts, and the prince of a country that has not had time to speak until now


Looking back to Byzantium

After the banquet, the Marquis of Karen and the main battle group behind him were completely misfired. Several heavyweight news made the interior of the imperial politics stable instantaneously. Such a critical moment, Edward III naturally could not let Marquis of Karen like this Unstable factors are chasing everywhere, just find a reason to stay in Constantine, known as “vacation recuperation”, the latter can only obey in desperation

After the banquet, the Panzer School of Magic suddenly appeared here with many strange faces that frowned at the original master apprentices.

This is the supreme academy of imperial magic. Strangers are never allowed to enter. Even Edward III himself must not enter the magic tower at will, let alone an inexplicable master-this may be the first time the academy has faced it since its establishment. Flood of strange faces

The identities of these people are very complicated. Most of them are young nobles of the empire, including descendants of old aristocrats such as Hiddink, Boozer, and Ke. The existence of more than a dozen civilian identities, for the apprentices of the Academy of Magic, “identity” is a threshold to enter this college, although there are no shortage of great masters in the field of magic, but the high cost of learning is not The civilian class can afford it, so the appearance of this scene has caused many college apprentices to stop and point their fingers.

Lilith in the team was expressionless. Today she did not wear a long skirt, but a simple and simple knight training suit. She had already learned some information from the housekeeper-Edward III from the territory of Murphys Lampa De received some news, and thus took the current measures. To put it simply, it is to gather those “natural choosers” together and undergo some tests and inspections at the Academy of Magic

Standing with her is Hiddink and The experience of fighting together makes them have a friendship that is hard for ordinary people. At this time, the few people did not talk too much. Hiddink is holding his arm and is guessing. The intention of Panser College of Magic, but Fat Boozer pointed not far away, making Lilith’s eyes narrow.

Sarah and Deco

The two culprits who had almost killed Hiddink and others were silent because of Murphy’s lesson and the recent acquisition of key voices by the Duke of Akar. They have tried not to appear in front of the public, but they suddenly appeared at this time, naturally It was because of the naming request of His Majesty Edward III. After seeing Lilith and others, Sara looked away unnaturally, but Deco did not cover up the hatred in his eyes. His eyes looked like a sharp dagger. Bilu

After realizing Deco’s obvious hostility, Coe took a step forward and stopped Lilith in front of him-at this moment, all the people standing in front of the square were “celestial choosers” and were killed on the battlefield. Sergeants, Ke, Boozer, and Lilith have all broken through the bottleneck and become level 10 knights. The three faced Deco’s hostile gaze without giving in. The two sides looked directly at each other, making the atmosphere in this square Suddenly it became subtle,

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