The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 119 - Ambush and assassination

> But soon Sarah took Deco and turned to the distance, and he could see that he did not want to cause any trouble at this time. Hiddink, who had not spoken, patted Corvin on the side, waiting for a few people. When I looked at Deco’s back again, he said, “Deco’s father can’t make waves now. The family behind Sara loses their support and they don’t need to do anything. They themselves understand the situation 1.//High-speed update// “

Among the few people, Hiddink is also a “celestial chooser”, but his strength is the slowest rise-because the light does not bring him more power, but a more flexible mind. Lilith is also very clear about this… she still has a few memories of the battles led by Hiddink. On the real battlefield, a wise general is far more useful than a hundred powerful soldiers. Hiddink’s existence, It allows an army to avoid numerous losses and increase its lethality several times.

“It seems that Deco doesn’t intend to do that. He is also a “celebrator”, which means that he will have his place in the possible military operations of the empire. I think no one would like to see the consequences of this. “

Lilith’s voice was cold, she understood that she could not be as free and easy as Murphy-if Murphy now hacked Sarah and Deco with a sword, I am afraid that no one would dare to trouble him, even Edward III Can’t really control what Murphys is doing, but at the moment Deco’s attitude makes her very uncomfortable, but before she thinks too much, the gate of the magic tower of the Panther School of Magic slowly opens and a magister walks out of the gate , Signifying everyone to enter in an orderly manner.

The team was very quiet. After walking into the magic tower, Lilith understood the reason why they came here-through some strength tests, these magicians recorded their current strength level and were ready to compare them after a period of time. And screening, the hundred or so characters present were young people with a strength of 7 or above. What is even more surprising is that the dozen or so civilians all had extremely high elemental talents. After passing the test, they were directly selected by the Pansell School of Magic Admission.

Lilith did not leave after the test of swordsmanship, strength, and agility, but found that Deco, who also participated in the test not far away, behaved strangely-their strength actually weakened a lot after the “Apocalypse”.

How is this going?

Lilith stopped and looked at Deco, who was testing her strength, and moved back quietly into the corner.

Sara in the distance is frowning and Deco is talking about something. The two former losers can no longer be as arrogant as before in front of Lilith and others, but their strength is still indisputable, even if they chase They can’t keep up with the terrible level of Murphys, but in the Byzantine Empire, they are still the masters of the young people.

Only at this moment there are some minor situations-Sara found that Deco’s power has declined a lot for no reason, and the strength test is not as good as some ordinary students of the Cavaliers Academy. What’s going on?

He asked Deco in a low voice, but unexpectedly, Deco was even slightly annoyed. He punched once again on the magic array used for testing with red eyes, and a “Boo” burst, the mage recording the data next to him His eyes widened.

Sarah was also taken aback, just now Deco’s strike strength was more than five times higher than his previous test data!

Deco, who left with a cold snort, didn’t say anything, Sara frowned, and looked away at the crowd that had come together because of the sound, and walked away-there was no Lilith’s squint in the corner. Eyes closed, I don’t know what to think.

After these tests, Lilith left with Hiddink and others. There was no shadow of Deco outside Pansell’s door. Lilith and these comrades who had fought side by side said goodbye. They stepped on the carriage of the Prince’s Mansion and returned to the mansion.

In the Panther School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that had just been tested, Floyd, the mage of the Holy Dome sitting in the principal’s office, gently opened the statistics and said nothing.

As a member of the Golden Compass Council, he was very busy during this time-the meaning of the magician is not simply to be a fort during battle. Masters such as Sunderland have spent their lives studying the true meaning of the elemental meaning. With unremitting efforts, Freud is certainly not as simple as being a magistrate for the Byzantine.

According to the news from the creed, the “continent” who were irradiated by the entire continent showed extremely high combat talent, and the speed of power increase was terrifying. Even civilians, they also jumped to the excellence of ordinary troops in a short time. The strength level of military officers, and those high-level professionals who have already achieved success, have broken through bottlenecks one after another and thoroughly improved the combat strength of the entire human race.

But this is not to be thankful. On the contrary, Freud is worried that this will bring a very unspeakable hidden danger to the human alliance-not all people who are favored by the divine light are believers, but these divine lights are in the human body After condensing into the “fire of faith”, only the deity who believes in the divine light can make this fire continue to grow and allow its strength to continue to increase rapidly.

This is a law that has just been summarized, and most people, including Lilith Hiddink and others, do not yet know the significance of this.

How to tell which deity you believe the fire belongs to? Freud looked at the parchment in his hand, which listed the names of the gods from the early days of the ancient Siga Empire, from the **** of war “Quice”, the **** of flame “Lana Luo”, the goddess of ice and snow “Ravenna” to forging The **** “Daogen” and the alchemy **** “Jacob” are quite different, and those who are chosen by heaven do not understand which deity their power comes from without contacting these names or gods, but once they are true The face… Even if he told his deity aloud, he would immediately raise an irresistible feeling of faith in his heart.

This is the power of the deity, which forces the human faith to some extent, and if you agree with this faith, you will gain more power, and if you reject this faith, you will be surprised.

Freud was worried about the believers who had been there in the Great Byzantium, but this happened. I am afraid that the pattern of faith in the empire will change suddenly. The Patriarch’s Holy Court has not yet reacted excessively. It is because the celestial beings did not do all the “faith awakening”, most of them just ate the sweetness, but once the faith awakening event occurred on a large scale, the belief dominance of the **** of light would collapse in an instant!

Edward III has been secretly discussing this matter with the patriarchs of several major parishes in China recently. It is an inevitable trend that the influence of the God of Light and his followers will be impacted in the following years. What we have to do now is to do our best Stabilize and cooperate with all human allies in unison-and Freud’s job is to analyze the strength of these talents and their impact1.

Everything is regular. Freud, as a mage, naturally wants to explore the essence under the surface of all things, but today, he has discovered something worthy of vigilance.

The information in the hand marked the strange performance of Deco, the son of Marquis of Karen, on the strength test today-in fact, this test is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Apart from the strength, there are several test methods to record all the body of the test subject. Out of the type of fluctuations, although this test is in the experimental stage, it can already allow Freud-level mages to see many clues.

Each celestial being, when he exerts his physical strength to the fullest, the fluctuations emitted are closely related to the fire of faith in the body. The celestial beings of different gods have different breaths, which is also currently in the sky. The elector judges the only credential of his belief without knowing it.

In this case, Deco’s performance made Freud feel a dangerous breath.

The breath he emitted did not belong to any known type, and showed a strange state of chaos on the circle record-this usually means that his soul may be experiencing some irresistible attacks.

“Monitoring all Deco’s actions while allowing Sara to reduce his chances of contact with him.” Freud’s power was not limited to the aristocratic council at all. The Pansell School of Magic he controlled during the war was the highest-level research department. It was even possible to execute certain orders across Edward III, and at this moment Freud ordered without hesitation to reach out and sign his name on the parchment.

“Yes, Master Dean.”

On the campus, all the deputies-even the professor at the level of the Magister, only called the Holy Master “Mage” as the dean, but after receiving the parchment, the professor said softly There was a message that caused Freud to raise his eyebrows: “The message just came from the Inquisition, he… is back.”


Lilith never thought she would be attacked in the inner city of Constantine.

When the prince-level carriage was driving on the deserted streets of the aristocratic area, no one appeared at all. The two front and back teams guarded Lilith’s safety as before, but suddenly found that there were several shadows rushing out of the street. !

The guards are of good strength. As the guards of the Prince’s Mansion, they are naturally brave men who have seen blood. No matter what enemies they encounter here, they can quickly react-draw a sword to meet the enemy, but these guards have discovered It wasn’t the assassins that attacked the convoy, but several creatures that looked like black wild wolves.

Hunter caretaker negligent?

The guards didn’t think about it. There was a royal hunting ground not far from the Prince’s Mansion. There were some sporadic wild wolves, but they couldn’t form a group of wolves at all. Wouldn’t these wolves stolen from the hunting ground?

Although the guards are not, they obviously do not think that these creatures in front of them are the “black fierce beasts” that made the border fighters frightened by the **** storms in the mainland these days!

The long sword slammed, the high-level swordsmen originally thought that their attack could directly kill these five or six black wild wolves, but when those black wolves opened their blood basins, they only found that they were underestimated- -Almost instantaneously, the three sword masters were slammed down by the black wolf, although the teammates who coordinated the fight immediately kicked away the wild wolves and stabbed one of them with the long sword in their hands.

These swordsmen frowned, because the resistance from the wrist piercing the wolf body told them that this was definitely not an ordinary beast-too late to react, and there were more than ten times on the street again for no reason. A black wolf with a similar head, the guard who had fallen down immediately became a disadvantage.

The swordsman who had just been knocked down lost his fighting power and fell to the rear of the team at this moment. Seven swordsmen cooperated to protect Lilith’s carriage. One of them immediately took out the magic alarm device in his arms and activated it, but this The deserted area above the streets is exactly one of the few roads in Constantine where defense is scarce.

It seems that the people behind these beasts have planned for a long time in order to ambush Lilith.

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