The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 28 - Beginning of training (four thousand words)

> Andariel changed into a plain brown robe and walked in the streets and alleys of West Sellin. This was the first time in a long time that she wasted her time aimlessly on a meaningless walk 1 ,.

Despite being in purgatory for thousands of years and receiving the influence of a cruel environment, Andariel had to admit the correctness of Murphy’s words-she is no longer the mother of painful suffering, unable to despise the existence that she once disdain, Unable to think about what to do, in order to survive, she humbly dedicated her soul to Murphys and harvested a brand-new from Solanda’s vision.

On countless nights, Andariel’s mind always comes up with an idea: Should I seize the opportunity of this rebirth, and simply be an ordinary human being, seal the memories of the past, and pursue happiness?


She lowered her head and walked in a fascinating way. The restored bustling street was full of shops. The penniless Andariel stared at the bargain-hunting people talking about various topics. The carriage passed by. The guards drove the crowds in the way, and the noble riders were preparing for the spring safari. This secondary route reminded Andariel of the scenes she had experienced, and finally her eyes stayed in the blacksmith’s shop. On the furnace.

Fiery, magma, this is the biggest feature of purgatory. Andariel looks away in shock, although she is very powerful in front of Murphys or any outsider, but when she is confused to face her inner choices, this comes from purgatory. Women born in the human plane are vulnerable and abnormal.

Andalil, who returned to Earl’s Court alone, sat on a stone bench in the garden. Before he had time to pray, he saw a figure who had never appeared here before.


Jeana, who was supposed to be heavily armored, took off the exaggerated helmet of Kylegar’s holy armor in front of Andariel, and the bright blue soul face undoubtedly revealed, but in the past it was always silent and expressionless. Na has now undergone earth-shaking changes. Her eyes have the same look as normal human beings, either curious or surprised or calm, and joy and sorrow begin to appear on the knight’s expression. As now, she is a little hesitant. Standing not far from Andalil, it doesn’t seem to know how to start the conversation.

“You have changed a lot.”

Andariel’s initial intentions for Jeanna were vicious, “use” and “betrayal”, these words are rooted in her mind all the time, because this is rooted in purgatory, but with the occurrence of one thing and oneself The change in her heart now sees Jeanna, but she can’t produce any excess emotions-the same is the existence of an absolute contract with Murphy. Andariel can’t understand why Jeanna is so calm and natural.

“This should be a good thing, isn’t it?”

The tall figure Jeana sat across from Andalil. She apparently didn’t come here for gossip in armor. She asked straightforwardly: “Today is the first time you walked out of Earl’s Court , I wonder, did Murphys ban on you disappear?”

“He lifted the ban when he left.” Andaril told the truth, she didn’t even understand why Murphy did this, “Why, he ordered you to monitor me?”

Jeanna shook her head and said gently: “I’m just thinking about some questions about what you once asked me.”

Andariel looked up, and it seemed that at this moment all attention was focused on the knight in front of him.

“You told me that the pursuit of freedom is what everyone has to do, because’freedom’ is the most precious and only asset of man.” Jeana reached out and gathered her light blue smoky hair and looked directly at Andalil : “Now, I find myself somewhat understanding this vocabulary.”

This sentence frowned on Andariel-would a puppet-like existence really understand what “freedom” is?

“You should understand that after signing that contract, your soul can never be free from bondage. The so-called “freedom” is a joke in front of the soul contract. Do you think that even your own life is in the hands of others? ‘Freedom’?” Her tone sneered, but she was more lamented by her own destiny.

But let Na still have no extra expression changes. She looked at the girl in front of her who practiced almost every day in order to restore her strength. After thinking for a moment, she said: “The contract is just the contract, the soul is only the soul, but the “freedom” Not only does it mean that you have the power to exercise your own body and soul, I think if you understand it this way, most people in the world will not need to pursue any’freedom’.”

Andariel’s sullen expression was stunned.

“Morpheus lifted all your prohibitions, but you are still not satisfied with your own soul contract, so what is “freedom” for you? Seeing you walked on the street abnormally and returned home in a state of loss- I think you may have forgotten what “freedom” is, or maybe you have never owned it before, and a person who does not know “freedom” tells me to pursue freedom, is it ridiculous?”

Jeanna’s voice will always be the calm tone, but what she said is far beyond Andariel’s imagination-when a silent knight with a dull head and a slaughter machine becomes a self A philosopher exploring “freedom”?

She has forgotten the biggest change brought about by Jeanne’s current existence, and she will never know that Jeanne’s childhood is far more miserable than herself. “Freedom” is what Jeanne really wanted from childhood to big. .

“I don’t need your preaching to remind me.”

Andariel got up and left, but the sound of footsteps was more like fleeing.

Let Na look at her back, but raised her hand and gently touched the trace on her chest-Murphy spent a huge amount of gold coins to invite people to strengthen the armor. Not only is it mixed with some rare materials, but also let the blacksmith in this body Jean’s name was engraved on the armor.

According to the relationship between knights and lords in general territories, if there are engravings on the knight’s armor, there are usually only two situations: one is the name of the lord, which represents the loyalty of the knight, and the other is the engraving of the knight for this set. The name of the armor means that this armor has special meaning to him.

After Jeanna’s name was engraved, Murphy only said to her-“Be yourself.”

At that moment, the soul knight did not know how to describe her inner feelings. She only understood that she seemed to have suddenly jumped out of a huge yoke and walked into a new, unknown world.

“Pureblood dragons will not let a mortal know their names, so you don’t have to have any extra thoughts about the battle just now, you can fight, you can fight, you can’t fight, you can’t fight, that’s the fact.”

Cory Anmai walked in the huge valley on foot, without looking at the Murphys and Hydera with blood on his face-this Yalong from the abyss has evolved to the top of the Yalong system, but obviously it cannot There is no threat to this unsophisticated barbarian. His face was slapped and blossomed enough for him to remember for a lifetime. Fortunately, Murphy did not let it continue to entangle, otherwise it is estimated that he will be treated by cramps.

Who makes the other party a ten-level existence that surpasses Murphy?

“So, where are we going now?”

“It’s just to find a room that is more spacious.” Corian replied happily. “I’ll tell you how to get stronger. It’s that simple.”

Before long, he stopped.

Murphy raised his head, and the valley in front of him changed like a straight axe before a change. It instantly opened up countless times. It was like a huge round square. The eyes were still full of ice crystals. Space, straight up and down may exceed a kilometer away, as daunting as a huge extinct volcano.

This seems to be the end of the valley.

Recalling the scene depicted on the map, Murphy suddenly found that if he continued to move forward, he might walk to the other end of the huge mountain range-and what will be there?

The history book records that the mainland has been invaded by northern barbarians. The so-called “barbarians” are not barbarians now, but really barren “half orcs”. Their base camp is the other end of the northernmost mountain on the map.

“You are in a hurry to rescue the person you love?”

Ke Li’an turned around and asked abruptly.

Murphy nodded, not understanding why he asked so.

“So how strong do you think you need to be to save her instead of harming her?”

Corian seemed to know exactly what Murphys’ biggest barrier to saving Ashkandi was. The “monster” who lived in the mountains always had no politeness or nonsense.

“The shortest time, the strongest strength.”

Murphy replied simply, “I know this seems to be quick and fast, but I really don’t have more time.”

“that is all?”

Ke Li’an was not surprised. He gently opened his arms and asked, “No more requirements?”

Murphy is unknown.

“The shortest time, the strongest strength, very good.”

Heisel stepped towards Murphys as he said, his body suddenly exploded in muscles in these few steps, the situation was much more exaggerated than Heisel faced with the cavalry-Murphys raised his hand to think that this It was the other party who had to fight directly against himself, and the barbarian in front of him suddenly disappeared!

In the next moment, Murphy only felt that his body was lifted up by a great force, and the scene in front of him was turned upside down-strong, as if Corian, who could hold a fur coat ripped, did not know when he appeared behind him. Squeezing Murphy with both hands, he raised it to his head and took three steps–

“Will come back to find me when you think you can make me suffer!”

Corian directly threw Murphy into the sky like a spear!


This force erupted so terribly that the deep footprints that Corian stepped on when he stepped out were left on the ground, and Murphys drew a straight line in the air, and after Coryan threw him out, he found his body Unable to move because of the inexplicable prohibition, I can only watch the smooth ice wall around me quickly passing by, until

He was thrown out of the sky by Ke Li’an into the sky for more than a thousand kilometers, and flew out of the valley and out of the circular hole1.

This is simply incredible power. Murphy has never imagined that a person can throw himself—a young man of normal weight tossing out into the sky by physical force for more than a kilometer! It is not an exaggeration to say that Corian is the “Hercules” in the ancient Mythica!

But when Murphy was thrown out of this cave uncontrollably, and the vision in front of him was suddenly bright, the scene of the northern side of the mountain under the sun completely froze him. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The ground in the distance is not the silvery white covered by the snow and snow that came when I came, but a completely scorched black-the sky at the end of the field of vision is orange-red, because there are several volcanoes that seem to be erupting magma!

What the **** is this? !

His body began to fall after crossing the hole-the north-facing mountain wall was almost vertical, and Murphy continued to fall along this steep **** without touching even a little mountain wall!

Murphy, who was unable to move his body, finally recovered control of his body after falling for dozens of seconds, and Mofeis, who instantly condensed the elemental power, avoided the fate of falling into a meatloaf at the occasion of a great deal, but he was still on the ground It caused an unavoidable loud noise!


The dark ground was stepped out of a deep pit by Murphys. The air wave after the elemental barrier buffered exploded all the sand and stones around the ground, exposing the original dark brown mud surface.

Murphy raised his head and looked forward, gradually realizing why Corian had thrown himself in such a place.

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