The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 29 - Genocide

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“Why leave it?”

In the Koslo Valley, a sudden figure asked Corian, who was standing there—and not far from the barbarian guru, Hydera looked tremblingly over his head, and just wanted to fly up and follow Murphy. Ke Lian grabbed his tail and threw it on the ground, so he squatted aside and dared not move. WwW. NgWeNXuE. M

The dragon family who had fought with Murphy before appeared suddenly in front of Corian, and asked his question indifferently.

Facing this powerful dragon family almost unknown to the mainland, Ke Li’an didn’t have any unexpected look at all. He was relaxed and familiar for a long time without any precautions.

“I didn’t come here to tell you the old story. If you choose this place, there is naturally something I have to do.”

“Oh? A surviving “Dragon Descent” came to the Koslo Valley just to practice an ordinary human?” The other side whispered, “I even want me to support you, his bloodline is worth so much trouble?”

“He doesn’t have much time, nor is’us’.”

Corian just recovered the sentence calmly, and then stopped speaking, and the man who turned into a dragon looked up at the direction of Murphy’s disappearance, shook his head, and turned to disappear.

This is the territory of the Blue Dragon, and Ke Li’an is the only dragon descent with blue dragon blood. For thousands of years, there have been countless people who want to come here to “slay the dragon”, most of them died in extreme environments, a few died from the siege of countless sub-dragons, and there are very few who really let the pure blood dragon take shots-more The important thing is that the person who can let him shoot and stay alive to go out alive has not been recorded since ancient times.

No one knows what the connection between the dragon and the entire continent is. Some people say that the dragon clan used to be the dominator of the world, and some people say that the dragon clan was the guardian of the world. But in the eyes of the barbarian Ke Li’an, the dragon clan is already a heavy and old enough The pride of Stepping exists, and their glory is old.

Although there are three dragons among the members of the “law”, this cannot hide the huge decline of the entire race’s influence on the mainland pattern.

The general trend cannot be stopped.

“Little guy, you may not know what your master will face next, and what will become-but in the end, you still have to match his strength, right?”

Colean called Hydera out of his body dozens of times bigger than himself, but he didn’t feel any disobedience at all, and after he said that, Hydera squatting on the spot seemed to have a hunch and raised his head. Going around.

“You are a potential abyssal dragon, but you just need someone to inspire you.”

The status of the barbarian guru is far more than Murphy’s imagination. When he turned away from this flat square, Hydera’s body was split apart-the six-headed sea-blue Yalong appeared Here, and pounced on it!

“Oh, first of all, you need to understand what despair is.” Corian said silently: “Then you can learn more.”

Murphy looked at the billowing smoke on the horizon and took a deep breath.

This does not belong to the human world, there is no civilization here, because everything in front of us is linked to “barren” and “primitive”.

Countless tiger-eyed creatures rushed in madly after they noticed the existence of Murphy-and the identity of this group of guys was beyond Murphy’s imagination: Cyclops, Keklops!

They are by no means what they saw in the underground arena, but each body is half larger than the one they were killed by themselves1! Even more frightening is that they actually exceeded 300 in number, and all of them were armed with weapons and acted quickly.

But in the field of vision, those guys who crossed the horizon in the distance also rushed like crazy


Murphy had no choice but to leap forward and started the challenge with his strong strength

But after three days of endless fighting, he began to feel weak.

Three days and three nights, he never felt that time passed so slowly that every minute at this moment seemed to have passed through a century.


From the beginning to the end, Murphy found that he had never escaped any battle, from one battlefield to another battlefield, from encountering a group of enemies to encountering another group of enemies, the idea in Murphys’s mind has changed from the original ” “Persist in fighting this battle” becomes “God bless you after finishing fighting this group of people and let me rest”-this transformation has meant for a human being alone in the so-called “burning plain” He is about to fall into a predicament shrouded in despair.

This is not a Hookshire forest covered by forests. There, Murphy can perch on tree trunks, find water, and get fruit to feed his hunger-but here on the scorched soil where there is no grass, he can only face one. Batches of wild beasts rushed forward, including Cyclops, strange-looking half-orcs, extremely high-level Warcraft, Yalong flying in the sky, and even blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes.

Murphy’s crystal filament energy has long been exhausted. His eyes have extremely heavy dark circles. The top is broken into pieces, revealing a black magic pattern. The two sacred guns in the hand are covered with various kinds of blood. The scroll has been exhausted. At this moment, his fingers are sore and unbearable, and his legs are weak.

But even so, he still has to face an endless opponent-all the creatures here, as long as they see Murphy, they come straight as if they smell a **** shark, without fear of any threats or sacrifices , Going forward and succeeding, like moths fighting fire.

what is this?

Murphy wanted to question aloud, but he had no strength to shout,

His body is like steel that has been forged countless times by a hammer, and he has endured pain in the quenching time and time. At first, he clearly thought that this was Ke Li’an, “the barbarian guru” who had strong strength for himself And the measures taken-but after three days and three nights, Murphys gradually moved to the other extreme with red eyes.

He began to feel…it was all trapped by Corian and even Minos. He was thrown into an abyss that he couldn’t extricate himself. There was no retreat, no choice, he could only sink deeper and deeper.

So he began to hate everything.

From the passive defense at the beginning to the active offensive, Murphy turned from a shield to a terrifying vortex, strangling all the moving objects close to the field of vision-hunger, and swallowed the sickening raw meat. When thirsty, he swallowed blood directly.

He was like a demon in hell, tearing off the creatures who rushed over from unknown circumstances with his hands-until the end, Murphy’s magic pattern disappeared again unconsciously, which made him The power is as endless as a blowout, once again bringing up an endless killing catastrophe!

But in the end, Murphy, who had advanced strength, suddenly stopped like a machine without power.

Looking back, the wilderness behind him is full of blood and corpse residues, including tens of thousands of all kinds of Warcraft, more than 300 cyclops, and countless “half orcs”-including life There are huge tauren, centaurs who can use bows and arrows, orcs who are more than twice as strong as ordinary humans, and eagles who have wings and poultry gimmicks…

Murphy no longer knows how much blood his hands are stained with, and he doesn’t know how much his own heart has changed along the way-from the frustration of being forced to defend, to the bloodthirsty bloodthirsty to break through the bottom line, and then from Sober in chaos…

“What did I do?”

He breathed dry air in his mouth, and his body has been in a state of peak fighting even if he is now in a fatigue period.


Murphy sat on the ground with his buttocks covered with blood wounds. He felt that his body was as heavy as lead, and the consequence of severe overstretching was… he fell into a coma directly the next second.

On the silent wilderness, lying among the corpses of the earth, lies this murderous young man, like the evil sacrifice of some religions.

The night of the Burning Plains is never as peaceful as any other place on this continent, but it is also full of irritability and restlessness.

Like a beating heart beneath the ground, the volcano at the end of the land is always about to explode. The thick smoke covers the starry sky. The black land is not grassy. It seems that there are never any plants growing here, only the ground The bones left by the decaying corpses, when touched lightly, will shatter into smoke.

But on this hazy night in the moonlight, an uninvited guest on the Burning Plain ran fast following the traces on the ground.

Eindal Moonshadow, the Japanese elf who once served as an intelligence chief in the city of West Sellin, now appears in the Burning Plains, an area where few humans can reach, for her only long-term wish.

Find your own ethnic group.

The decline of the Japanese elves is obvious to all humans on the whole continent, but few people stand out and are willing to help. In the end, this once great race had to embark on the “exile”-they were not exiled by humans, but self-exiled, because This race found that the vast human world had little room for themselves, and they chose to retreat from the unwillingness to take the initiative to fight.

Where to retreat?

The clues of the city of Sisrin brought Yilin Daer to the far north-and in the ice and snow, the intelligence officer finally found the traces of the elves living on the ice field with his own skills, and pursued all the way. With her tenacious perseverance, she crossed the entire Yamida Mountains, but what she saw along the way was shocking.

There are not many roads to the other end of the mountain range, and each of them almost challenges the physiological limit-the barbarians are reluctant to come here because they know that it is meaningless to conquer this mountain, and only the romantic travellers in mankind Will try to cross the mountains, and more are the “warriors” who find trouble with the blue dragon.

However, the countless corpses that Irindal saw along the way have proved the horror of this mountain-and what makes her heart tighter is that there are countless days of elves in these corpses.

Over the mountain, the oncoming burning plain and the unimaginable and dangerous half-orcs made Irindal stunned. She had never imagined that there was such a region in the world, but the traces on the ground clearly told her to The hunted ethnic group also survives in this rough land.

With her outstanding ability to disappear, Irindal circumvented the wandering orcs, and she drove at night to find the humble camp at the end of her vision after a few months of walking alone.

It is the camp of the Japanese elves.

It’s hard to imagine how excited Andaril’s mood is-the years of quest have finally come to fruition, and she thought she might not find a clan in her life. She could hardly believe that she really did it, but when she stepped away When he entered the camp and was intercepted by the security guards, he found that the difference in the living conditions of this group was far beyond Iindal’s imagination.

Judging from the traces on the other side of the mountain, this may be the largest and last group of Japanese elves, there should be at least three thousand people, but when she entered the camp, she found that there were only six hundred people here.

Soon, the Japanese elf who had been out of the group for a long time saw the elder of the current group-an old and weak old elf.

Her conversation with the elder was very short, but the result disappointed Irindal

This is the last ethnic group of the Japanese elves. The once-thousand-thousand population was reduced to six hundred due to the severe cold when they crossed the Yamida Mountains, and the battle and hunger after coming here. All elves could not see any way out. They I have nowhere to go in this crisis-filled land, and I can only passively greet the battle from the Orcs again and again, consuming the population 1, again and again.

Perhaps, until the last person.

Eindal may have some understanding of why they would stay away from humans even if they were wise to completely eliminate the genocide-because this elder elder who may be older than the total number of years of the Continental Empire does not shy away from telling her a fact

The only remaining three bottles of the “Fair of Elves” and the “Seed of Hida” are in his body. These things are invaluable to the elves. They mean the hope and meaning of the elves’ survival, but Human beings, these things mean power and strength-the “spring of elves” is said to be the spring water of the lake that existed when humans did not yet exist in this world, giving people eternal life with supreme power and allowing the soul to never dissipate.

The “seed of Hida” is the only proof of the prosperity of the Japanese elves. Once the seed is watered with the “spring of elves”, it will grow into a giant tree that provides shelter and living space for the elves.

Putting these two in the hands of human beings will completely distort the original functions and become the source of countless disasters. Their effectiveness and status are no less than the “Savras Scepter” that Murphys used to have.

Irindal didn’t know how to describe her mood. Her original joy and excitement was completely smoothed out by the pessimism of the ethnic group, and she didn’t wait for her to come up with any ideas. This temporary camp sounded the unique alarm of the elves.

The attack came from the Orc.

The elves standing on the temporary outpost started shooting towards the distance with their bows. There were flying eagles in the sky, but the number of elves was too small. The sleeping elves just had time to pick up their weapons. Of the Orcs have already broken into the camp!

The elf sentinels standing in high places were torn into pieces by more than ten sphinxes, and then the group of guys flying around to occupy the air control immediately began to dive and attack. Most elves on the ground used bows and arrows, but their skills The masters are less than a hundred, and the rest are all young and old. Although they are armed with weapons, they can’t get a little cheap in front of this group of powerful orcs.

“Boo 1,!”

The green light flashed, and the elder elder held the cane to fight against the clan resistance. His strength came from the mother of the earth. He reached the level i. He was the main backbone of the entire team’s resistance, but the exhausting battles over the past days made the elders sharp Minus, the elderly he has now reached the limit of his body, and his pale face bombards waves of enemies-more than 150 sturdy beasts, 17 tauren and more than 20 The attacking team of the famous Eagles is really difficult to resist. Even though Ilyndal, a superb assassin, is a rare attacking force, the fate of the entire camp being razed seems inevitable

Eindal jumped from a tauren who was more than three meters high with two daggers. The neck of the latter had been cut by her, and the blood sprayed soaked the surrounding land like a fountain, but Gasping for breath, she found that there were more and more enemies around her—after the block, her attack delay became more and more large, and even her robe was cut into several places by the opponent’s brutal weapons


This is the current plight of the elves-only a hundred people actually seem to have combat power in the seemingly more than 600 people, and these elves were mostly killed by the half-orc-thick orcs in the first face-to-face charge. Although bows and arrows have a lethal effect on these guys, when the powerful elves die, those young elves who cannot pull the hard bow can no longer let the arrows penetrate the thick skin of the enemy.

This war seems to have doomed the destiny of the Japanese elf community.

Irindal, who flashed from left to right, killed seven taurens, but the more than 100 strong orcs had broken through the lines of defense that the elves had built with their lives. , With red eyes, he looked at the scene in front of him, completely desperate.

Could it be that the clan you have found so desperately will be wiped out like this?

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