The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 32 - Pass the assessment (5000 words)

>【Thank you friends for your monthly tickets and subscriptions. The five thousand words are still the same. 】

When Murphy made up his mind to take this group of elves out of the burning plain, he had begun to plan all the next roads for these aliens who could not have been with him.

All this, just because of Irindal.

The precious “Fair of Elves” was stolen directly by her and poured into Murphy’s mouth, which resulted in the hostility and estrangement of all Japanese elves against Irindal-but they are not stupid, unconscious elders and leftovers The group of young elves could never survive here for a few days, so when Murphy proposed to lead them out of the plain and provide a place to settle, no one dared to protest.

This is really a contradictory and headache group.

“Crossing the Yamida Mountains is difficult, and a group of elves may die. If there is not enough supplies, I think there may be only a dozen people who can finally reach the end.”

Irindal knew that Murphy wanted to take them out of this dead area, but she couldn’t help but think of the countless corpses on the road when she came. There are only 300 people in the elven group of 3,000 people. How long can they last?

“This mountain range was not formed naturally, I’m sure.” Murphy pointed to the tall gable that blocked the view in the distance-the steep mountain and the south when Murphy came here were exactly the opposite, which also meant Therefore, if the elves want to go back, they can only climb up and down the mountain, climb over the ridge and endure the cold wind.

“Surely what use are these? They are not you. Many elves will die even if they stay in this environment for a few more days. Famine, lack of water, temperature difference between day and night, or an obscure disease may kill them. “Erindal returned to her original state, but she understood that she and Murphy alone could not lead the tribes out of the mountains.

“I mean, if the entire mountain range was artificially premature, then its composition would be fundamentally different from the naturally formed mountain range-I studied the topic of “element composition” when I was in Byzantium,” Mo Fes looked at the back of the team, and along the way he had once again killed thousands of orcs who attempted to siege, and he gradually learned to control the energy of the soul. He also felt that his strength had stepped into a big step invisible. , So at the moment his words are full of confidence, “Don’t look at me that way, the mentor who taught me this knowledge tells you that you might not believe that you are a member of the’law’.”

The former intelligence executive swallowed hard and finally chose silence.

“Elements can’t be created or destroyed, they don’t live, they’re just different from forms-the earth walls made of elements are very different from the earth walls piled by engineers. Humans can imitate nature, but they cannot create nature because we were born in Natural.” Murphy pointed to the mountain with a huge oppression a few kilometers away, but before he could say anything, a slightly old word interrupted him.

“In this case, are you ready to transform everything in front of you?”

The elder who has been in a coma and hangs for life finally wakes up, but he can see the scene at this moment and the crystal bottle lost in his arms. He is not difficult to guess what happened, but with the imagination of Murphys, this elder may be violently thundering. On the contrary, the elderly elders of the Japanese elves could not see a trace of anger when they walked to Murphys in support.

“It’s not transformation, it’s just restoration.” Murphy narrowed his eyes slightly, but looked slightly alert. “I’m Murphy? Windsor, Irindal’s friend.”

“I don’t care about your name, surname, and identity. The only thing I care about is that you drank the fountain of elves.” The elder’s voice was weak and pale, as if he would be comatose again at any time, but the life accumulated for thousands of years Wisdom makes this discourse very important, “I understand that you want to lead us out of this Jedi in return. But, I want to say that the lives of all elves are far less important than this bottle of spring water -“

“Everything I did, has nothing to do with him. If you want to be harsh, it should be to me.” Ilindal suddenly stood in front of Murphy, with a firm attitude.

“What if I don’t just take you out of the snowy mountains, but find a reasonable, unthreatening, and safe territory for you?” Murphy gently put his hand on Irindal’s shoulder , A step forward, re-oriented the elder: “To live, not be enslaved by anyone, and be protected, this is all I can do.”

“I have counted the number of people who made this request from thousands of years ago to now.” The elder shook his head. “At first, I agreed and thought I had made the right decision, but I saw my territory. The young elves inside are always mysteriously missing, the threats to the ethnic groups are increasing day by day, the handicrafts being squeezed, lost, and the remaining treasures are lost one by one. I understand that human beings are always the ones who have driven elves out of the mainland.

The atmosphere of the conversation was suddenly silent, and Ilyndal also said nothing-she had been in the human world for so long, and she naturally understood that the elder’s words were true and false, and she could be sure that she had the same views as the elders about human beings. To until she meets Murphy.

But who can guarantee that this young man will not be the one she hates in the future?

“Money, power, this is not my goal in life. An aristocratic lord who sits on a large territory and exceeds the countless times of you will be bored to come to this place and die? What can this place bring me? Your spring saved me Life, and I just want to save your life now, as for the future, I will not interfere too much.” Murphy bluntly said after a long silence: “Now, you can choose to follow me out of this **** mountain, or next Bo was completely killed in the attack.”

He pointed behind him, and the smoke from the distance meant that a large number of half-orcs were running towards Li.

The pale-faced elder smiled bitterly. He reached out and touched the two remaining bottles of “Fair of the Elves” and the “seed of Hida”, and finally sighed, acquiescing Murphy’s behavior.

Murphy continued to lead the team forward without turning around, close to the snow mountain, which meant having water, but obviously this was not enough. When the team reached the front of the mountain, he alone resisted a large number of orcs from the entire attack, and Let the elves pick up the stinky clothes on the corpses that can be used as warm clothes, and pick up the “ration” that these guys carry with them-most of them are just dried meat jerky of unknown animals-after confirming that everyone is ready When properly done, Murphy stood in front of the towering mountain wall and raised his palm against the seemingly hard wall.

Everything is as expected by Murphys, the mountains of the Yamida Mountains are constructed from regular earth element spells-so through the reverse disintegration of elements, the strength of the earth and earth has changed dramatically. Murphys uses his elemental control directly from the mountain wall Above, a huge cave was “disintegrated”!

He then led the elves to move forward, and did not forget to re-use the earth element at the entrance of the cave behind to build a smooth chimney-shaped wall nearly 100 meters high to prevent the orcs from following the team.

A team of 343 elves followed Murphys for three days with limited supplies, and finally reached the other end of the Yamida Mountain with zero death. After walking out of the cave, Murphys turned back A large-scale “element cracking” was released against the entire cave, causing the entire cave to collapse completely, thereby cutting off the possibility of the orcs crossing the mountains.

And after all this, because of the severe cold and food exhaustion of the Yamida Mountains, Murphy alone cut a warm cave for these elves and hunted Ilindal from the forest dozens of kilometers away. Many giant elk and other animals and enough firewood-all his actions are like a knight demonstrated by a textbook, and as the only Japanese elf who is willing to follow Murphys, Irindal is getting along with Murphys. In the process of having a feeling I have never had before


He was like a bonfire that kept burning, devoting himself to the heat silently—Ilindal did not see Murphy go to the elves to ask for warmth or discuss issues with the elders who were seriously injured, but he said nothing. The round trip between the ice and snow has brought enough food and safe accommodation for the entire elven group to survive for ten days.

And after doing all this, Murphy simply said goodbye to Irindal.

This did not meet her expectations, but she suddenly lost her heart – it felt so bad that she couldn’t describe it but was extremely lost.

What can Murphy say?

He is no longer that stunned idiot, of course, he can see the emotional change between the two quietly, but he understands that his current task is not a guardian devoted to the elves, but to return to the valley and find The powerful barbarian defeated him.

It’s just that Murphy, who is thinking about becoming stronger, will not know how Ilindal poured the fountain of elves into her mouth, and then she will be treated ruthlessly by her fellow people.

After a silent farewell, Murphy found the Koslow Valley from the south side of the Yamida Mountains. After experiencing a reborn growth, he quickly came to the place where Kolian threw himself out, but here, he first Seeing Hydera shrunk.

The abyssal dragon lying on the snow is now covered with a layer of “membrane” of various runes, which makes its body lie down like a giant egg in the looming light, breathing calmly Calm, but Murphy could feel that Hydera in this “film” was suffering enormously.

Where did this pain come from? He had no way of knowing it, but Murphy frowned, knowing it because of the contract, and raised his hand to release a simple reconnaissance technique, but was stopped by a faint word in the distance.

“It seems that you are growing faster than I expected.”

Corian stepped out, “My promise is still valid, let me suffer, I will teach you things that even Minos can’t master.”

Murphy didn’t say anything. His body exploded in a cold blue light in the cold air. The power all over his body poured out like a volcano. The magic patterns on the surface of the body seemed to be broken by this energy. ——The next moment, his figure came to Ke Li’an in a space spanning several tens of meters in an instant, and a simple punch came out, fast as fast as thunder!

Ke Li’an, a barbarian guru and one of the “laws”, immediately fled and drew away, and the punch was wrapped in a vortex and directly bombarded on the ice wall, but he didn’t even hit a trace of his clothes. One blow made Ke Lian frown.

Murphy twisted and leaned forward, lifting his elbow in the rotation and hitting Corian’s chest, but he was firmly resisted by the other arm—


The powerful blow made Corian’s thick fur coat violently oscillate. The shocked expression had not yet appeared on his face. Murphy’s next blow came immediately-the knee jumped up. Slammed on the other arm raised by Ke Li’an, it made this savage life a big step back!

This is definitely beyond Corian’s expectations.

He didn’t believe that just a few days of killing would allow Murphys to make such a breakthrough, because it was totally unreasonable-but when the barbarian’s punch was blocked by Murphys with one hand, He had to admit that what happened in front of him was not fantasy.

Corian did not say anything about his double fists and swiped at the same time to force Murphy back half a step. The violent force from the blood of the barbarians made his figure soar instantaneously, and his physical fist was almost several times. When it comes to suffering, Rao is a strong and solid soul energy, but Murphy, who has just learned the first-level application, can’t use it to resist a powerful existence standing at the top of the world-as a member of the “law”, Ke Lian In terms of seniority, you can even sit on par with Della, not to mention the strength!

Della’s magic level caused Ashkandi and even Andariel to deflate, and Corian represented the ultimate physical strength. His fist was no longer a fist, but a “cannon hammer”. Regardless of whether it hits or not, the energy it brings is enough to strike any dragon!

It is knocking down, not knocking down.

The rumbling sound of Corian’s fist in the air was like a thunder. Murphys was suppressed when he flashed left and right, but at the moment he struggled to fight, he began to use his power as he taught, and at the same time Increased the intensity of the release of soul energy-the blooming brilliance carried Corian’s crazy gun hammer attack, and the fist hitting Murphys’s arm made him grind his teeth and frown, but he carried it hard, and immediately followed ‘S counterattack is no less than Colean’s coherent and smooth attack!

But after all, Murphy’s combat experience is far less than that of Koelian’s melee guru who has fought for many years. In the eyes of Kollian, Murphy was barely struggling for a few rounds, he was hit by the shoulder and his body was unbalanced Being knocked down with a punch and kick

“Good progress, but—”

Corian looked at Murphy lying on his back, and before he had finished speaking, he felt a sudden brightening of his eyes. The “blind light” that Murphy released with all his strength made the entire Koslow Valley a white piece!

“A true warrior will never rely solely on his eyes.”

Even though his eyes were temporarily blind, Ke Li’an had turned over and punched behind him decisively, sturdyly slamming on Murphy’s chest!

But Murphy, who flew out, had not yet landed. This horrible barbarian guru caught up with him who was still in the air at an incredible running speed, and swept Murphy away not far away. Ice wall


Murphy struck the solid ice wall, and immediately twisted to dodge, and Corian’s fist followed, directly exploding the ice wall into a big hole.

“This is your full strength?”

Corian looked up, but suddenly he saw a blue glow in Murphy’s arm.

This young guy stepped out in three steps, almost instinctively punching, but it was the first time that the three energies-pure physical power, soul power and elemental power-were perfectly integrated.

This unconsciousness seemed as if a punch from “Epiphany” had hit Corian’s arm, and the majestic breath that exploded immediately surprised Murphy himself.

He could even feel that the element particles were “dominated” by the soul energy at this moment, and broke through the muscle defense line of Corian, and even flew straight out with his huge body!


The loud banging sound was deafening, and even caused violent fluctuations throughout the ground, while Corian’s was directly buried by a large piece of ice wall debris that collapsed.

Murphy gasped, looking at the ruins in front of him, and asked aloud, “Is this qualified?”


The transparent ice clambered to the sides, and when Ko Lian slowly stood up from this large ruin, he suddenly smiled.

The fur coat was torn by the impact, and strong muscles were exposed in the air. Corian stepped out, and the momentum suddenly became extremely terrifying, just like two people just now!

His eyes began to show blue light, four bone spurs quickly grew on his shoulders, and two gray-black horns protruded between the white hairs of his forehead. Proud of a trace of achievement? You will not know that every loser always thinks he has done his best when he stops at the door of success.”


His footsteps caused Murphy to frown, because even if Corian’s body was more than double that of ordinary humans, he would not leave deep dents and cracks on the hard ice surface because of walking.

“When you think you are at the limit, you are often far away.”

With Corian’s suffocating and powerful momentum His physical changes eventually gave birth to a pair of dragon wings behind his back-but this is enough for Murphy to understand his identity and status

Murphy once again threw a fist, still a fist that was just enough to blow Corian away, but was blocked by one hand in front of the barbarian guru after his transformation. Corian was like driving away insects that flew to himself, throwing his hand The room has thrown Murphy more than ten meters!

Immediately, Corian, who stood on the spot, stepped forward, and the wings behind him suddenly shocked, almost instantly striking Murphy’s body across a distance of more than ten meters, making the latter instantly resemble a shell thrown by a trebuchet Disappeared as usual.

The power of absolute suppression, horror, so that Murphy has no room to fight back!

Murphy, who flew straight for nearly a hundred meters, landed and hit the stone wall at the edge of the valley before he could stop his body. When he didn’t recover, he raised his head, and the restored barbarian Corian appeared in him. In front of him, he extended his generous palm.

“I just let you know that you are still a long way from “powerful”, but what I said before is still valid, young man, you passed the assessment.”

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