The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 33 - 7 days, change and rise (5000 words)

>【It is still five thousand words, thank you for your monthly vote! Continue to break out, please support! Seeking a red ticket! 】

As Murphy taught through the barbaric guru, who is also a member of the “law” and Corian, who had dragon blood, the Lampard territory of Balice was re-entering a new track under Murphy’s plan. WwW. NgWeNXuE. M

The night watchman who has invested a lot of money for the training and research of magicians now has the most sophisticated team of wizards in East Ballice. In addition to Sunderland, the leader is also drawn from the “Phoenix” and two other colleges. Magister-level friends, faced with the conditions of near-infinite research funding and extremely high research direction, the magician laboratory of the “night watch” obviously has great temptations for the magicians of Balice.

Today, the internal rectification of Arantis has been completed by 30%, and more than 2,000 recruited engineers have lived and worked here with salary, and the excellent military industry has begun to turn from internal consumption to export profit because of its excellent quality. The profits are high, and the tax increase paid by the territory because of “dúlì” does not seem to have any burden anymore.

But when all this seemed peaceful, Andariel appeared frequently in Arantis, because no one monitored her behavior, so even Jeanna didn’t know what she was doing in recent times.

And the only one who can guess where she might be is Murphy alone.

After the abyss portal built by the Creman family in Arantis was closed by Della, there was still a small portal in the dark corner of the cave that was ready for transmission. Once Hydera and Sphinx received A call from a voice came here, and under the guidance of a black robe, he crossed the door and went to the dark abyss.

Today, Andalil also stood in front of this door, watching it silently.

Before that, she has been here five times-today is the first time. Unlike Murphy who came here to portray the phalanx that masked and concealed the portal fluctuations, Andariel’s purpose here is obviously not to view Murphy. Achievements.

She was hesitating.

After having a new life and faith, should she continue to hate the past yīn shadows?

The former mother of pain would like to open this door now to realize her inner plan for a long time-including how to develop forces, how to find those former enemies as soon as possible and conquer each other, and how to escape Solanda’s sight.

She knew very well that no matter how long she worked, she would not pose even a slight threat to the powerful existence of that purgatory-so this caused her to hesitate about all her next plans, whether she should be as Murphy said Like that, compromise between past and present?

Standing in front of the inactive portal, she hesitatedly raised her finger and drew a complex insignia and magic pattern in the air. It took a long time to construct a floating magic circle, but after all the construction was completed Andaril, who can activate it by just reaching out, has not touched it for a long time-“Soul Block Circle”, a high-level circle that can seal the memory of the soul as requested by the character.

Andariel looked at it stunned, and time passed. Until this circle gradually disappeared in the air because of the lack of elemental power support, she returned to God with a sigh, turned around and left, and finally her figure was hidden in Arantis’s. Buildings.

Not far away, Sphinx, who was licking his paw leisurely, squinted at the back with his eyes squinted, silent.

Three days later, above the surface of the city of Sisselin, Hegel, who was in charge of planning the reconstruction of several cities in the territory, suddenly received a very strange news.

Someone named Murpheus by name.

This is not common. Generally speaking, only Murphy’s intelligence personnel are found. The “night watchman” and the territorial government are completely separated. Although there is a connection between them, there is a clear division of labor, but Murphys Almost nothing has been involved in any decision that Hegel is responsible for, so where does this sudden “guest” come from now?

Hegel learned from the next man that the other person was a girl, and she came to the city of West Sellin alone, and spoke a Byzantine language-these clues immediately made the slow-headed Hegel immediately decide to see the visitor in person .

Outside the Earl’s Court, when Lilith appeared in front of Hegel as a simple and relaxed traveler, although he had never met, Hegel immediately confirmed the identity of the other party-after the noble ceremony, this territory The lord said politely:

“Welcome to Lampard territory as a guest, respected Miss Lankinus.”

“Hello, Lord.” Lilith, who glanced left and right for a long time since Hegel appeared, took off the hood above her head and asked suspiciously: “I came at the invitation of a friend, but it seems that he A little busy.”

In the warm sunshine of early summer, Lilith’s voice was soft.

The Yamida Mountains, which are always in a storm, seemed to suddenly stop the screaming cold wind today. On the seventh day after Murphy was knocked down by Corian in the form of a half-man and half-dragon, the Coslo Valley’s Two figures appeared in Taniguchi.

Seven days is only an ordinary week for the world, but for Murphy, who has undergone extreme training in the dragon field, it is like a world away.

Stepping out of the valley, Murphy was wearing a furry coat with a barbarian style. His shape changed greatly. He looked calmly at the snowfield in front of him, but it was like two people seven days ago.

His appearance has changed dramatically, and it can even be said that he has suddenly escaped the stage of “juvenile” which gives most people a childish impression-loose shawl long hair, messy stubble and a strong and muscular body make people unable to I believe this is a ten-year-old child-and behind him is Hydera, who also changes in appearance. When Murphy, who is no different from the barbarian, extended his finger to the sky, this same experience The tempered dragon suddenly flew to the sky, revealing its real body in a green light.

The figure similar to that of the pure-blood dragon extended to a length of 100 meters, the wingspan covered the sky, but Hydera had a dragon head, and Murphy jumped up and jumped on the largest head with long horns, one person and one. The dragon disappeared almost at the mouth of the Koslo Valley in a blink of an eye.

In front of this valley with two huge ice dragon sculptures, the barbarian Corian looked up at a person and a dragon that had gone away, without a word, turned around, and returned to the blue dragon who had a battle with Murphys. Into the deep and silent valley.

“Using the ultimate realm of the Dragon race to do this kind of thing, I can’t imagine the importance attached to him by the’law’.”

The guy who was still young in the Blue Dragon clan suddenly said.

Ke Li’an was silent for a while, and finally answered gently as he walked into the valley: “This is a’law’ decision.”

The expression of the young dragon clan fluctuated for the first time in a long time, but it quickly hid, and finally no more questions were asked.

In the distance, after experiencing the unimaginable training of ordinary people, Murphy did not have any expression fluctuations when he saw the sky again. Hydera’s flight speed is now extremely amazing, far more than five times faster than before, and now With its huge body, it no longer needs Murphys to release elemental shields to reduce the impact of high air currents. The strong and brutal strength allows Hydera to soar at such a height that ordinary birds cannot fly at all.

It didn’t take a few minutes for Murphy to come to the mountain wall where Murphy had placed the spirit of rìjīng.

For the jīng spirit who has not had time to decide where to go, something unoptimistic happened in seven days-the elder refused to use the “jīng spirit spring” because of his serious injury, and eventually died on a snowy night, Irindal Because of her strength, she had to become the new leader of the entire rìjīng spirit group. However, after taking over the remaining two bottles of jīng spirit fountain and “seed of Hida”, she had no time to take any action. stopped.

This is good news for the ethnic group, because the clear and windless weather is enough for the spirits to rush out of this cold area to think about other matters, but the whole team has just moved towards the south without half a day, and the ground suddenly crossed The huge yīn shadow made Yilin Daal instantly sweat out!

Having become the new leader, she immediately ordered the team to look for bunkers. She looked at the huge figure with a head across her head, thinking of all ways to lead the other party away, but just ran a few steps, Irindal He stopped.

She frowned, stunned stunnedly–because the extremely oppressive figure in the sky gradually overlapped with the Yalong that the memory had seen, although its body had become bigger and I did not know how many times, the number of dragon heads had changed, but the wings The ratio to the body and the long tail and breath of the bone spurs unique to the Abyssal Dragon have not changed much.

The dragon crashed to the ground. When the wings spread out, the faucet that opened its mouth at the same time had already left the few jīng spirit warriors to give up the attack after pulling the bow and looked at the next moment. The guy convinced Ilyndal completely of his judgment.


Irindal, who ran towards him, had no idea what words he should use to describe his mood-after Murphys left, Ilindal suddenly found that no one would ever occupy her heart for so long, the elder died of illness, The burden of survival on the shoulders of the ethnic group made her miserable and her heart dark, but the reunion at this moment made Yilindal suddenly feel the joy she had never had before.

This change in emotions allowed Elindal to finally determine where Murphy was in her heart.

But when she came to Murphys, the drastic change in the image of the guy in front of her made Ilindal stunned.

“you you”

“it’s me.”

Murphy, who had a beard longer than his hair seven days ago, nodded and looked at the rìjīng Ling in front of him. “No matter what happens, I am the Murphy you know, so don’t have too much doubt.”

Irindahl doesn’t know what to say-she is a senior intelligence officer of “creed” origin, who can distinguish anyone even the most subtle camouflage flaws, including disguise, makeup or any tricks, within one second. Murphy made her have to accept the fact

In these few days, Murphys’ body and facial features have grown to look like years later.

“I didn’t see the elders, and the jīng spirit fountain’s fluctuations were on your chest.” Murphy looked around the jīng spirits, who were horrified at Hydera, and looked back at Irindal. , Have you become their leader?”

Elindal nodded silly, still not speaking.

Murphy pursed his lips and said bluntly: “If you can think about it once again, I promise that I can give all rìjīng spirits a safe living environment, and—”

“I agree.”

Not waiting for Murphy to finish, Irindal directly gave a positive reply, and then took a step forward, only a few steps away from Murphy-the two stood almost face to face, Yilin Dahl looked up and looked at Murphy, who was half a head taller than seven days ago, and his heart was extremely complicated.

She can appreciate the difference between Murphy’s before and after. He has calmed down too much in temperament and expression. What is the secret? Eindal knew very well that perhaps no one would ever know, but at this moment she suddenly said, “But I have a request.”

“I try to be content.”

Murphy did not answer nonsense.

“Let me continue to be your subordinate.”

Crossing the Gilman Empire and the Fording Empire from the ice and snow north, Murphy took a total of half a day to ride Hydera back to Balice. When the dragon appeared over the city of Sisrin, it almost triggered the air defense of the magic group. Pre-jǐng and start the no-air barrier.

But after all, these are episodes. The first thing Murphy returned to Arantis was to write to the Earl Christina of the Night Watch Division and ask her to send a team to greet the impending entry into Fording along the Gilman border. rìjīng spirit team, messy long hair with a chinless beard with no image, the appearance of Murphys makes Sphinx meow for a long time-and when Murphys with his head thinking about things walks out of Asia In the office area of ​​Lantis, when preparing to return to the surface, he met Lilith who had just come to the ground to watch.

Murphy froze head-on. He was about to say something, but was interrupted by a sentence—

“Hello, uncle, do you know where Murphy is?”

Because the light was dark, and Lilith had just come down from the ground, her eyes narrowed to recognise her surroundings. When she saw Murphy, she asked out such a crying question when she saw Murphys. .

“he’s not here?”

Lilith wore a dress unique to Balichet. Murphy did not imagine that a knight wearing a plate armor would look so long and slender after changing a dress, but he quickly recovered and whispered: ” Yes, Miss Knight.”

“How do you know that I am a knight–” Lilith frowned at Murphys, but then screamed: “God! You are you”

She instinctively wanted, but had no sword on her dress, but had to step back a few steps, staring at Murphy for a long while, and then she seemed to understand what she saw.

“Long time no see, Lilith.”

Murphy grinned slightly-but unlike the previous smile, now Murphy’s expression is always with a lingering anxiety and yīn depression, this emotion is a sadness that cannot be disguised, Lilith as a female The child almost noticed something wrong at first glance. Without a word, she stepped a few steps forward, reaching for Murphy’s face directly.

This action seemed to indicate something, but Murphy just frowned slightly, and remained silent.

Lilith’s slender fingers crossed Murphy’s changed face. Unbelievable, he grabbed his beard that had not been cleaned, and crossed his chest that was far stronger than before, suddenly said: “You have changed .”


Murphy shrugged, without denying it.

“I mean I can feel that our distance has become farther.”

Lilith, who never spoke implicitly, sighed in front of Murphy, “I used to think I was close to you, I didn’t want to lose this opportunity, so I came from Byzantium because you told me After that I can’come here as a guest’.”

She lowered her head slightly, her voice getting lower and lower-“But you”

“I will always welcome you, Murphy opened his arms without hesitation, gently hugged the girl who seemed to be crying in front of her, and said softly: “As I promised. “

He was no longer the boy who was idiotly passive to the girl, and the behavior at the moment was not impulsive-what happened in the seven days in the Coslo Valley, Murphy did not intend to mention anything to anyone, But these experiences made him profoundly understand what he should cherish and who should not be hurt in his life.

What else should I do.

Faced with the sudden hug, Lilith was a little unbelievable, but after a moment of hesitation he took a deep breath and extended his hands in response-these two former alumni of Cauchy Cavalry embraced silently as if the whole Atlantis left only two of them.

“All this is true, right?”

Lilith gently wiped the corners of her eyes and asked, leaning on Murphy’s strong chest.

Murphy nodded gently, looking up at the dome of Arantis, revealing a glimmer of light, silent.

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