The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 45 - That man is back (5000 words)

>[It is still five thousand words, thank you friends for your support, thank you for your monthly ticket and support! 】

Seeing this letter here, Lilith felt a little excited in her heart. She looked up and looked for the entrance of Arantis and was ready to walk, but suddenly a large black shadow appeared above her head.

Murphy had returned from Buttigia, and jumped easily from the head of Hydera. Without any elemental power, he landed on the stone road in the Earl’s Palace, but he did not make a sound when he landed. In the Earl’s Palace room where the messenger was placed, he threw the handwriting that Hasselblad hadn’t written long before to the other party, then turned around and left, just seeing Lilith holding the letter. Color @虹*文¥学%网


Morpheus, who was very happy, had just made a big bargain from Hasselblad. At the moment, he looked not serious at all, and after “confession”, Lilith’s attitude towards Murphy seemed to be one step closer. She threw the letter in her hand directly to Murphys, and walked beside him, said: “You promised me something will be fulfilled!”

Murphy, who quickly read the contents of the letter, raised his eyebrows and said, “Is it a bit exaggerated?”

“Where is it exaggerated?”

Lilith is not a politician, nor does Morpheus have such a keen insight. She looked back at him with surprise, as if afraid that Murphy would refuse directly.

“The Competition Conference invited well-known knights from basically all countries on the mainland. The participants were all guys except the round table knights. Swordsmanship, magical competitions, riding, and archery, even Fording, would not be so extravagant at the same time. With so many content contests, it is possible to arrange more than two months for this time alone.”

Lilith listened aside, walking towards Murphy’s tower towards Arantis. She frowned and asked, “Isn’t it big?”

“The scale is too large, it will cause some unimaginable problems-more than a thousand top-notch guys are together, if any accident occurs, then it is not just the responsibility of resolving the dispute,” Murphy wrote the letter It was handed back to Lilith, and he stepped down the gravity circle. “Like Hasselblad, it was the same path that Byzantium should follow, but Edward III, as the monarch, also invited Caslandi and the Holy Knights of Gabriel , What’s the point of this?”

He shook his head and said with some helplessness: “I can’t understand his intentions. It may also be because my political sense of smell is not too sensitive. Perhaps it would be better to find out more about my father and Prince Hades–“

“Then do you agree or not?” Lilith interrupted Murphy’s self-talking as she walked down the tunnel, clutching her long dancing skirt tightly.

Murphy froze for a moment, and then immediately responded to what she was asking, raising her hand to release an elemental barrier, so that Lilith’s skirt no longer moved, he nodded and promised, “I will go.”


Lilith didn’t say anything, reached out and hugged Murphy, it seemed that she wanted to express her joy, but at this moment, the two reached the ground at the same time-and coincidentally, pushed Ashcandy to the side Anding Lille just hit them right.

Murphy was hugged by Lilith and had no time to react. Seeing Ashcandy in a wheelchair, he felt a little depressed in his heart, and gently pushed Lilith gently away. He asked casually: ” Ready to go up?”

Ashcandi nodded, and the little Loli next to him looked at Lilith and Murphy with a cold face, and kept silent, while Ashkandi smiled and said, “Are you far away?”

The haze that once enveloped her has gone away from this blood race, and even looks better.

“Take some advantage from Hasselblad. In the future, the territory will have the highest magic tower in the continent-if you are interested, it would be very interesting to stand on top and look down on the territory.” Murphy smiled and reached out Living Lilith who wants to move back, “Lilith, the daughter of Prince Rankinus, Byzantium will have a contest next, and my charges may be reduced in this feast. Are you interested in going with me? Look?”

Green Eye Ashcandy nodded and smiled and said hello, without any sign of dissatisfaction, but Lilith still had a little resistance in her heart, barely smiled and then stopped talking-obviously she didn’t have a big belly for the “love rival” ,.

“If I can, I’m willing to go.”

Ashcandi still spoke slowly at Murphy’s reply, she seemed to never be stubborn, there was no unnecessary nonsense.

“Okay, that’s after being prepared—”

Before Murphy finished his words, he was interrupted by Andaril next to him: “Morpheus, did you forget something?”

“If Miss Andariel is willing to go together, I will be honored.”

Thinking about how to adapt to this strange little Loli, Murphy performed a noble ritual, and made Andariel quite satisfied. “I will barely agree with you.”

Murphy turned his head to look at Ashcandy, who nodded, expressing his approval of his decision, and Murphy was relieved.

“Okay, go together.”

After five days, the royal family of Buttigia responded to Murphy’s proposal, and agreed to all the conditions beyond Murphy’s expectations-sharing the logbook and nautical charts, and shipping the first batch of the establishment of the Magic Academy Various materials and resources.

At the same time, the first batch of funding was directly in place three days later. The huge amount made Murphy understand why the “Magic Academy” is so rare on the mainland.

Dividing the area and constructing the magnificent magic tower, Murphy did not hesitate. Sunderland directly started to study the magic group’s most recent and ambitious goal: to establish a high-level magic academy.

At the same time, Murphys also gave a more difficult task-to make the magic tower to become the core defense building and pillar of the city of Sisrin, and to make the most effective and positive response when encountering foreign enemies.

In response, Sunderland, who had written three highly academic papers under Murphy’s “Dial,” readily accepted the task and led 76 masters to start a day and night study.

And Murphy held the logbook for a long time, expanded the map of the continent on the other side of the ocean on his map, and recorded all the valuable information one by one, including the one described as a “killer weapon” “Machinery.

After the information was processed, Murphy also received replies from his father, Duke Akar and Prince Rinkinus, about some of the issues raised by him a few days ago-all signs show that his concerns seem to be redundant, because the entire monarch In order to successfully convene this conference, Constantine freed up countless areas and venues and invested a lot of troops to ensure safety and efficiency, but the risks are still there. Both old nobles did not deny Murphy’s concerns. It’s just that they all expressed the hope that Murphy would come back.

In response, Murphy chose to pack his luggage and set off.

It is true that he hasn’t been back for a long time, and when he remembered the time he spent in Constantine, Murphy felt as if he had passed by. Especially in the calm night of Arantis, he would always sit beside Ashkandi, telling her stories that were funny or sad, and quietly coaxing the woman he loved to sleep peacefully.

What is happiness?

When Murphy was sitting next to the sleeping Ashcandi, he always looked at the magnificent tree of Hida and sighed gently-happiness seems to be able to watch the person he loves can sleep peacefully without any sense of crisis A solid sense.

But the time of so-called happiness and joy always seemed short-lived. After packing up his clothes, Murphy pushed Ashcandy, Andalil, and Lilith to the carriage outside the Earl’s Court. Three women and one man. A journey that is incredibly fragrant is about to begin-but the real situation is far from the harmony as imagined.

Andalil in a short short dress changed the traditional robe sacrifice style, she is full of beautiful women’s long legs and **** clavicle, but it seems that she has always been somewhat hostile to Lilith-obviously “age The pretty girls who are close to each other have some unspeakable emotions to each other, and Lilith, who has some emptiness in her heart, feels a little afraid of this blood family because she knows that Murphy likes Ashcandy, although in Murphy Opened up in front of him, he did not dare to say a few words to Ashcandido.

“We will arrive in Byzantium before dark, but we will say a few things in advance.” Murphy mainly watched Andariel talking. This little self-proclaimed nizi seems to be just right in the rebellious period after the big change of character. It’s calm and without any nonsense, but in fact there is some “Princess Disease”, often no one listens, “The Byzantine Inquisition does not allow any heresy to appear in the empire, so Andariel, your magic is best not to be in It’s there, I’m afraid I won’t be able to walk around.”

“It’s really annoying to know it.”

Andariel pouted and stood behind Ashkandi. She was very chatted with Ashkandi. She seemed to have recognized the “sister”, while Ashkandi grabbed Andriel’s arm against Mexico. Feith said: “Relax, I will watch her.”

“That’s the best.”

Murphy glanced at the sunlight above his head, then waved towards Hydera in the distance, but Sphinx jumped onto Ashcandi’s legs first, and then stopped after a few meows. Moving, Murphy had no choice but to nod his promised behavior of the abyss demon, and he jumped on the head of Hydera.

Hydera’s wings spread out, flying straight from the city of Sisrin, and the huge figure quickly disappeared into the sky-and behind it, Sislin, the city destined to rise rapidly, has already begun its new fast One round of expansion and rectification

Constantine is still as usual, the imperial power has far more efficiency in the city than the entire continent, and the influence of the Inquisition on the country since the spring of this year seems to have weakened again-with the Holy Pope Gabriel Unlike the high-pressure rule that holds heavy power, the Byzantine emperor seems to have been reducing the strong influence of religion on this country.

The nobles enjoyed the comfort after the war, with some sorrow or regret, but under the premise of the victory of the country, more than 90% of the nobles were happy-the new territory means new wealth and Status means new opportunities and changes, and with the grand celebration to be held two weeks later, Byzantium has become an indisputable fact that it is firmly seated in the first place on the mainland.

However, in the evening, the empire ushered in a “guest” who will have a great influence on it in the future-said to be a “guest” because the Imperial Religious Tribunal still hangs Murphy’s wanted order, and the Imperial Judiciary has decided The crime has almost eliminated the nationality of the “guest” directly.

Murphy stared at the bustling Constantine in the sunset, stunned.

Lilith did not overlook her hometown at such a high level. She sat beside Murphy, and she felt a sense of insignificance in her heart-along the way, she finally gathered courage and Ashcandy a few times. A short conversation is also the “first step” of friendship. The young Lilith found it hard to resent Ashcandy, who was always calm but calm in front of her, and had to learn to accept it silently in her heart.

Hydera landed in Andalil’s yelling and was just outside the city some distance from Byzantium. Murphy did not want Hydera to cause any panic-a hundred-meter-long abyssal dragon is definitely not suitable for appearing in the city at this moment. In the sky, since you are here to seek “atonement”, it is best to presume that nothing is troublesome.

“We can get there when it is dark-the Duke of Windsor House sounds a bit rusty.”

Murphy rented a carriage outside the city and led a group of people directly into Constantine. His words contained emotions, and Ashcandi looked silently at the bustling city outside the car window, I didn’t know what to say.

“I’ve been to the Duke’s Palace a few times after you left, but I just stayed in front of the door and left.” Lilith breathed the air familiar to Constantine, sitting across from Murphy, whispering: ” When you first left, Duke Akar was very dissatisfied with His Majesty’s ruling, and it was also negative for a long time. At that time, everyone was talking about whether the purple iris family would die, but I believe you will come back alive. “

“My recklessness brought these tragedies.”

Murphy sighed, and the feeling of returning home was wonderful. Once it was his own barrier, which resisted the blood attacks or hunts by blood races, but now it is like a strange quagmire, full or more or less Less hostility.

“It seems that your encounter is inseparable from me,” Ash Kandy, the green eye, turned his head suddenly and murmured at Murphy: “I understand that sometimes I can’t control myself to do certain things, but— —”

“With today, everything is no longer important.”

Murphy smiled, turned and handed a silver coin to the driver who had never entered the aristocracy, and said a word that made the other’s legs soft-“Enter from here to the Duke of Windsor.”

Constantinople’s Nobel district always looks deserted, but in the old days there was a shabby, unmarked shabby goods on the streets of noble carriages-and its direction of travel was still at No. 7 Stuart Street The other noble family members in the mansion were a little curious about what the carriage was for, and until Murphy walked down with the three beauties from the carriage, it was clear that Constantine was about to usher in an explosive topic of noble circles.

That “traitor”, is back

The reunion of father and son, there are some indescribable emotions for both Murphys and Duke Akar. There is not too much words or tears between men to feel sad. Just a hug and a simple greeting after meeting seems to be enough Express everything.

Later, Murphy’s introduction to the two women who came to the Duke’s Palace for the first time gave the duke, who was originally full of surprises, a headache.

“Pagan?” Duke Akar frowned at the little girl Andaril. “As long as you don’t take the initiative to find the Inquisition, there will be no one in the Duke’s House to find things, just”

He looked to Ashcandy, who was quietly sitting in a wheelchair. The woman who caused the same ultimatum in the sacred Gabriel Empire and the Inquisition seemed far from the imagination of arrogance or arrogance. There won’t be much emotion, but the things she has done can’t convince the Duke that the woman sitting in a wheelchair in front of her is the killer who made the empire talk.

“Ashkandi? Misrae.”

Green eyes lifted slightly, nodded to Duke Akar, and she couldn’t get up in a wheelchair. She quietly hugged Sphinx and looked at the father and son in front of her, not knowing what to think.

“I didn’t expect you to change so fast in a year or say–“

“More than a Murphy answered in a low voice, and directly changed the topic, “Lilith has not returned to the Prince’s Mansion, I will send her back later, as for Ashkandi and Andari Room

“I will arrange it properly, young master.”

Pafa, the housekeeper on the side, bent over to accept the task, and then bowed back.

“I don’t know if I’m the right choice to come back, but I think it’s time to make a decision on those crimes.” Murphy bluntly told his father: “The development of the Lampard territory has been on the right track, and Pakistan Liche’s royal exchange has brought me some news that may be useful, and you may be more interested than me.”

“What is it about?”

The Duke had to admit that now Murphy has grown up completely, and his words and deeds reveal the calmness and self-confidence that the old nobility would have.

“The continent on the other side of the sea.”

Murphy took out the logbook and chart, and gave it to his father gently. (..)

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