The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 46 - Even if I am heretics, what can you do?

> At the time when the surprised Duke of Akar carefully studied the logbook, Murphy had already got on the carriage and was going to send Lilith to return to the Prince’s Palace in person. Obviously, there were also many nobles on the way, but Murphy With no intention of concealing anything, he generously stepped down from the carriage in front of the Prince’s Mansion and entered the inconspicuous courtyard with Lilith. M


As soon as she entered the hall, Lilith, who had been walking close to Murphy, saw the royal prince sitting on the main seat. The latter got up and looked at her daughter, but she did not blame her waywardness. Nodded and said, “It’s alive, that’s fine.”

It’s really the consistent style of Longinus.

Murphy wanted to laugh, but found that His Royal Highness turned his gaze directly to him-that always lazy gaze was like a lion staring at some prey, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze in a moment.

“Boy, have you changed a lot?”

His expression suddenly became ridiculous, and immediately got up and stepped forward to come to Murphys, saying: “Save the Byzantine cavalry alone, and he also carried the guilt that the military court could not be sentenced. You did it in Nale A few good things, but let me wipe your **** up to now.”

Lilith wanted to say something, but found that she didn’t know what excuse she should use to change the subject, and she didn’t know the temper of Prince Hades. Murphy scratched his head and smiled, “I can’t do anything because of what happened.”

“If you think you are strong, you can do it for nothing? Be careful that you will be dragged to the Inquisition to face the stinky face of those guys the next day when you come back. Let me look at your book—”

At the next moment, in Lilith’s exclamation, the prince suddenly drew his sword without warning and stabs Murphy’s body with thunder!

Murphy raised his hand almost instinctively, and then twisted his body slightly, so that after the blade was wiped against the clothes, his **** directly pinched the Naples magic steel dagger, and the other hand was cut in Hades almost at the same time. Prince’s wrist


The magic steel dagger fell to the ground, but was continuously bombarded by the easily disarmed Prince His Royal Highness-his strength is in the upper and middle ranks of the round table knight, and is of the “e” level, if calculated by the ancient Syca number At the tenth level and the ancient Sycaic alphabet level, the prince’s strength has reached an astonishing 15th level, and his strength ranks first in the Byzantine knights-it’s no joke to say that his hand is full of gold. The yellow light blasted into Murphy’s abdomen, and then followed by a series of crazy attacks and poured out towards Murphy without mercy!

Lilith was completely dumbfounded. She didn’t expect how her father would fight Murphy like an enemy!

But looking at the passive Murphy, there was no feeling of confusion at all. His hands waved two phantoms, but he completely took over all the tricks of Hades. The blast of the air wave crossed in front of him, but he did not put Any decorations in the room blew down to the ground, and disappeared as much as half a meter away from Murphy’s body.


A palm that could break any shield was shot on Murphy’s forearm, and even with no change in expression, Murphy flashed away from the prince and hit his knee in the abdomen. A punch that shattered the bones of the upper body did not retreat in half a step.

But until then the prince finally stopped, took a step back, changed his serious face and laughed: “It goes without saying that you are well trained by Ke Li’an.”

“Do you know him?!”

Murphy was very surprised. He could understand that the previous full-struggle was a “test” of the prince’s own strength, but it was unexpected for him to know Corian.

“You’re strange, plus the style of fighting, it’s hard to see it.” The prince smiled and patted Murphy’s shoulder, motioning him to sit and talk, “No wonder you dare to come to Byzantium to participate in this **** celebration I thought you were overconfident in yourself, but now it seems that I was a little surprised.”

The magic steel dagger returned, and the prince pointed at Lilith and ridiculed: “She has caused you a lot of trouble?”

“There is no trouble, and it has helped a lot.”

Murphy is not polite, it seems that because of Corian’s relationship, Murphy and his prince seem to be drawing a lot closer at once. The age gap gradually disappears with the change of strength. More importantly, he is in this prince. I found some rare sense of identity in my style of doing things.

“Less talk to me about these clichés and fight a few battles, so that she won’t learn everything. Since she retired, she hasn’t practiced swords or riding horses. What she said is bad for her body–“


Lilith stared straight at him, the prince pouted at Murphy, and made a “you know” expression, so he wouldn’t say much. Murphy scratched her face, not knowing what expression to face, and had to leave. : “I stayed in Constantine for a while. It’s not too early today. I’ll go back to the Duke’s House first.”

“Before leaving, remind you of one thing.”

The Prince’s words made Murphy frown slightly.

“The Inquisition will come to you as soon as possible. Of course, now you can choose to follow them, or use your strength to tell them that they are not troublesome.”

He then squeezed his eyes, “I personally prefer the latter way, with the premise of the grand ceremony held immediately, these **** sticks dare not provoke any tough guys-remember, your strength has two results, like me When it is so strong, the empire will guard you, alert you, and try to destroy you, but if this threshold is exceeded, they will treat you in a way.”

“Nearly flattering bastard, draw.”

The prince turned his head and said directly to his daughter: “So you don’t have to worry about what the empire will do with him. Just a few trials, I can be sure that this kid has crossed the second threshold.”

“I’m not worried.”

Although Lilith said so, she was relieved in her heart. She looked at Murphys slightly red. The latter just nodded and saluted the prince and left the prince’s palace.

“Why, leave so quietly for so long, and not ready to explain?”

The prince asked his daughter,

“Explain what, I can’t take him away from the woman,” Lilith always had some inexplicable jealousy and helplessness when she thought of the sacrifices Ashkindi and Murphy had made for her. Her father, she now knows that there is nothing to hide, and simply expressed her distress.

“That woman?”

Seeing that Murphys had left the Prince’s Mansion, Hades looked at his daughter with a smile, saying: “The victory of feelings and the victory of wars all need to pay a great price.”

All the way back to the Duke’s Palace in the carriage of the Windsor family, Murphy did not choose to take the nearest route. Instead, he let the driver change to another sparsely populated road. The shops here were closed at night, and the solitary carriage of Murphy did not. Equipped with any accompanying guards, so the noise made by the wheels rolling on the stone road looks clear and abnormal.

And not long after, there were some footsteps that should not appear outside of this pure noise.

The carriage finally stopped in a dark alleyway. At the request of Murphys, the driver did not get out of the car to observe the surroundings, while Murphy himself stepped off the carriage, turned around and looked towards the trailing carriage. Few people.

White robe, the mark on the chest is the obvious “sword of ruling”, which shows that they all come from the combat agency department of the religious ruling, and the intention is no longer necessary.

A group of six people, equipped with elaborate weapons such as long swords and staffs, marched towards Murphy, stopped in front of him, and said bluntly: “But is Murphy? Windsor?”

Murphy did not shy away and nodded, “I am.”

“By order of the Inquisition–“

The headed guy had just said half of the words, and he only saw a phantom flash in front of his eyes, and then he turned indescribably.

In less than three seconds, there were six unconscious religious judges in the alley. Murphys directly instructed the driver to pull these people directly to the entrance of the referee, and then he walked back to the Duke’s Palace.

Prince Longinus wouldn’t speak casually, since he said this, Murphy would have done it with confidence, and the clutter that these strengths didn’t even have, even the qualification for Murphys to pass the time, and the Prince The sentence is deeply imprinted in his mind. The ultimate strength means that he can ignore the threat of any imperial blood organization-this is not the ambition to seek power and usurpation, but Murphys is currently the most time-saving and labor-saving. Ways to avoid trouble.

The cruelty of the Inquisition means that he is already on the side of the royal family, and besides, there are several “ace cards” in the hands of Murphys. In the face of his majesty, he believes that he can face everything with ease. But when he returned to the Ducal Palace, Murphy knew that he needed to solve some problems today.

The high-end trial team of the “Sword of Ruling” has arrived inside the Duke’s Palace, and it seems that it is ready to let Murphys give an explanation directly.

When he stepped into the hall of the Duke’s Palace, more than fifteen clergymen of the Tribunal pointed various weapons in their hands at Murphys, and the Duke of Windsor inside the house turned to the one who did not change his color. The leader said: “Don’t you think you’re doing too much?”

“Excessive? We are only acting on orders, and you should understand that even if your majesty is standing behind you, but the ruling is shot, you are still not qualified to block it.”

The leader of the i-level strength looks serious, and he is indeed under pressure in the face of the Duke of Empire, but this is the above-mentioned death order, and he has to execute it-who let the news report that the “heretics” returned to Byzantium?

But he soon noticed that there seemed to be someone behind him, turned his head, and Murphy just walked into the entrance hall, looking at the white adjudicators in front of him, but he smiled directly: “Why, the verdict can’t wait?”

“I think you understand that it is much wiser to go to the ruling with us honestly than to make unnecessary resistance.”

The sound of drawing swords and drawing swords one after another, all the spearheads were transferred from the duke to the unarmed young man. The golden light peculiar to the magician praying filled the room, and he was obviously ready to fight at any time.

Murphy shrugged and said bluntly: “There is no need to fight here, is it? Constantine now needs tranquility and stability. I want no one to see the consequences of any disorder.”

He took a step back and continued: “I will follow you.”

This sentence made the Duke frown, and he wanted to say something, but found that Murphy waved his hand to signal his father’s silence-a group of clergymen immediately rushed forward to bring various imprisonment tools for Murphy, They did not expect that Murphy would actively give up his resistance. This act of “weakness and incompetence” in their opinion made many adjudicators relieved. The shackles dedicated to the ruling handcuffed Murphys hands. Then, with the enchanted chains, he tied Murphy firmly, and after these were completely completed, the leader did not even look at the Duke, and walked out of the Duke’s Palace with Murphy directly.

Under the dark night, the moonlight reflected the clean appearance of Stewart Street. Several carriages of the religious tribunals were ready to leave. More than ten members of the tribunal escorted Murphy out of the duke’s palace and directly thrust him into the high-level confinement. Inside the special carriage of the phalanx.

“You are really prepared enough.”

Murphy still did not have any resistance, and he sat in the “prison car” very cooperatively, but when the imprisonment circle was fully activated, and the adjudicators around him felt relieved, he suddenly asked: “I Say I’m going with you, but maybe something else would not want me to be taken away by a group of rude religious members.”

“You are already imprisoned, and unless you have the power of an angel, don’t think about escaping.”

The members of the ruling tribunal didn’t care about Murphy’s words. In their view, at this moment, Murphy’s wings were inevitable. He only needed to send this tricky but stupid guy to the tribunal to complete the task-as for other , Who cares?

No one will stop the carriage of the Inquisition, and even the Duke of Akar will have to estimate the consequences of openly confronting the inquisition, so the members of the inquisition did not care about Murphy’s so-called “admonition”, and the team immediately took Moonlight wanted to see the referee in the distance, and they adopted a completely neglected attitude towards Murphy in the imprisonment circle.

Regarding Murphy, he looked down at the imprisoned circle at his feet-level more than fifty, already considered a powerful presence in the imprisoned circle level beyond the banned spell, once activated, even at the “a” level There is no way to break free of existence, but these seemingly bluffing things are no longer an obstacle in front of Murphy.

Imprisoned by all kinds of shackles, he stood up and asked the leader in front of the carriage aloud: “Hey, have you heard of the’Dragon Knight’?”

“Dragon Knight?”

The member of the Tribunal, who had heard a little about Murphy’s deeds, was stunned for a while and then sneered, disdainful: “Do you want to say yourself? Can you be a real dragon knight by riding Yalong?”

“It’s a joke.”

While talking, he turned around, but suddenly found that all the members around him stopped moving forward.

With a frown on his face, he immediately looked at him and inquired, “What the **** is going on? You–“

Immediately, his words seemed to be swallowed into his throat, because in the moonlight, a huge figure appeared on the wide street in front of the team.

Hydera quietly appeared in front of the team. Fortunately, there was a church square on the side of this street. The giant Hydera stayed on the square, and six huge heads lay prone. , The twelve eyes looked at the convoy of the adjudicating court that was moving forward, and the gleaming teeth seemed to have completely filled the street

All the horses were scared and lost their souls almost instantly. They couldn’t help but want to run backwards. The driver tried hard to control them but couldn’t stop them. The god-rider horses who were riding alone led the owner to the ground and flew away. Nowhere to run—the entire team suddenly became confused, and no one could stand in the same place.

And when this happened, Hydera didn’t even make a sound, but looked at them lazily, as if staring at a group of ants.

“Yalong mounts cannot be called dragon knights, what about this time?”

Murphy had lifted the iron chain that was tied around his body when he lifted his hand. He reached out and pinched the fine iron shackles of the special magic circle on his hand, as if pulling the noodles, tearing it apart in a crackling sound. The pure iron knot twisted by physical force was thrown in front of the lead guy who stood up and hurriedly outside the imprisonment.

“Confirm that you have the ability to let me go to sanctions and come to me again. If UU reads the book, if it’s just this kind of petty play, you don’t have to find it yourself.” Murphy’s hands clasped in full Wen’s metal prisoner car completely ignored the powerful imprisonment circle, and his instantaneous muscles exploded, and in a “crunchy” sound, he easily broke this so-called imprisonment circle into a huge gap.


The remaining imprisoned circle of the imprisoned circle was taken away by Murphys, and it stopped working as if tearing a piece of parchment paper—because the energy nucleus of the circle cannot bear Murphy’s lightly. Strike, completely broken!

Stepping forward to the group of referees who were hurriedly preparing to fight like an enemy, Hydera’s six heads raised five at the same time, and the largest one in the center was low on the ground, obedient to Murphys. Step up.

He turned around and looked down at the group of guys who had completely lost their fighting courage and grinned.

“Even if I am heretics, what can you do?”

The Hydera faucet was raised, and the wings that were hundreds of meters wide spread out, instantly covering all nearby blocks. (..)

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