The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 47 -   Unshaven Master (5k)

>【For a long time I haven’t asked for a red ticket. {Rainbow Literature Network aihonGwenxuom} I hope you can support the red ticket, and the friends who watched the piracy also hope to have the time to cast a red ticket, thank you! 】

The next day.

Waking up in the bedroom, Murphy stared at the slightly strange ceiling for a long time-the last time I saw it, it was almost nine years apart for Murphy, and the difference may only be understood by him. What is it, his dreams are always full of tired, inertial, unconscious battles, so that when he wakes up, Murphy will feel like he is alive again.

The seven years of blankness in which the torture brought him not only the powerful strength and strong character, but also the suffering and grind unbearable at this age.

Facing the dawn, the first thing Murphy got up was to walk down to the balcony and look down-from here you can directly see the guest room where Ashcandi and Anding Lille live, and when you see the familiar figure sitting Murphy was relieved when he smiled at himself in a wheelchair.

There were no more members of the Inquisition outside the door of the Duke’s Palace, and in the city of Constantine suddenly began to circulate rumors that a dragon appeared inexplicably. As for the members of the Tribunal who witnessed all this, they remained silent.

At breakfast, Duke Akar looked at the far more lively dining table in front of him, and he felt a lot of comfort in his heart-Andariel asked this question, and always quarreled with Murphys but always under the wind, and finally was Ashken Di Dang’s eyebrows smiled. Although this scene was slightly different from the Duke’s expectations, it was still one of the few scenes that made him frown.

“The logbook is of great value. Some time ago, the fleet of Byzantium had just returned, but the harvest seemed not optimistic. Your confidential document may be an important existence to save the morale of the fleet.” The Duke gently gathered the sun. Dyed blonde hair, “I will submit it today, and last night”

“I didn’t hurt anyone, rest assured that my relationship with the referee will not be frozen,” Murphy smiled and continued: “Those who encounter extremes must always use extreme methods to deal with them, but this often results. It will be very good, for example, they are now suffering from dumb losses, but they also know that they can no longer afford the Windsor family.”

“This is an excessive thing. The referee’s influence has dropped dramatically in the past two years because of the war. It is estimated that there is a suffocation and it will make you frightened that there will be a rebound.” The old duke said. Still shook his head, “Forget it, my way of thinking is destined to be bound by hands and feet. Now you don’t have so many boxes, you can do anything, so don’t be like an old guy like me. Be trapped in a cage.”

Duke Akar remained as always, so that Murphy could always feel his concern.

“What is the Inquisition doing? It doesn’t sound very powerful?”

Andariel suddenly interjected next to him, looked at Murphys, and then looked at the old prince again, “They were scared to move when they were scared by Murphys?”

Duke Akar raised his eyebrows with a smile, “I think any institution on the mainland suddenly finds a pure-blooded dragon sleeping next to the headquarters, and will not choose to actively provoke the owner of this dragon-unless they think they are It is necessary and capable to face the anger of a dragon.”

Andariel wrinkled his nose and leaned towards Ashcandi’s position, looking at the quietly crouching fold cat at the dining table and whispered: “Is Hydera so terrible? Last time I saw it Finks ran by the tail”

Murphy and Ashcandi smiled at each other, and didn’t say anything more.

After dinner, the sensitive Ashcandi hung out in the back garden of the Ducal Palace with the help of Andariel, and the Duke went to the palace to discuss the chart with Edward III. Murphy knew that he was not here to kill time , Got up and went to Pansell School of Magic.

When the carriage with the purple iris emblem appeared outside the Pansell School of Magic, it did not attract anyone’s attention. After all, this is the Empire’s First School of Magic, and the giants are everywhere. However, Murphy, who is preparing to enter the college Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the guard at the door-because he had not made any appointment with Dean Freud.

“Oh, I am an envoy of the Balice Empire’s’Phoenix’ School of Magic, and I hope to have time to report to Dean Freud.”

Murphy directly changed the Byzantine language of the Pali incision, because the guard did not pay attention to which carriage Murpheus came down from, so he was suddenly fooled by this calm and calm young man who exhaled the strongman’s breath. Immediately turned to inform the Dean—and soon, Dean Freud allowed Murphys to enter the academy.

Compared with the three pillars of the magical academy I have seen, Pansell can no longer give Murphy any surprises. On the contrary, he is planning to build a magic academy and a magic tower in the territory. What I am observing is the structure of this magical academy-as the magical core area of ​​Constantine, the role here is not simply to teach and educate people, the main tower itself is a magic tower full of countless magic circles, which is At the core, the starting points of several large-scale legal arrays throughout the city are gathered here.

Murphy naturally understood that the magic tower that Lampard was about to build must be the same, so when he came here, he naturally sought the dean of the college-of course, the reason is not important. The name “Phoenix” is also enough for Freud to pay attention to-when Murphy came directly to the dean’s office, the dean who waited for a long time did not seem to be surprised that the so-called “ambassador” was a certain Liche returned to the Byzantine guy.

“You may not know that the members of the Golden Compass Council usually keep in touch, so don’t use this crappy lie on other magicians.”

Freud and Murphy are considered “brothers”. After all, Murphy is also a student of the “rule” of Parliament Della. With this relationship, the polite words can naturally be omitted-especially this magical college The dean has always been in favor and appreciation of Murphy’s actions.

“After all, I need to save some trouble, last night–“

“Huh, the Inquisition can be regarded as a broken tooth and you have to swallow it. I have to say that your dragon is really scary. The name of “Dragon Knight” is already deserved to you, I think Based on this alone, your majesty will not let go of any opportunity to forgive you.”

Freud smiled and poured a glass of “Mu Lu” from the office in Murphy’s hand with a smile. The liquid like wine is not wine and has a soothing effect. Each bottle is worth a lot. The magician in the imperial capital also received a lot of influence in the political environment-Murphy readily accepted, of course, he did not come here to drink any precious beverages or gossip, just took out a piece of parchment paper and handed it to The dean of the Academy of Magic.


Freud reached over and took his eyes, slowly scanning the parchment, but his brows were gradually wrinkled-for a while, he looked up: “You are going to build a magical academy for such a big project?”

Murphy nodded, then smiled and stopped the other party’s words: “I didn’t come to ask for those raw materials or resources. In fact, you also see that if you want to build a defensive core that can shelter the entire territory, I don’t think there is a more professional existence than the Pansell School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The monarch of Balice will provide resources, but obviously these architectures and technologies are not something my group of magicians can do casually.”

“A plan.”

Freud raised his eyebrows, “You have to understand that this involves more than just the Panther School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although I will protect your interests, the secrecy of these technologies is for the empire.”

Murphy didn’t talk much, just took a fruit of the tree of Hida from his pocket and put it gently on the table.

The shining fruit made Freud stunned, and almost instantly he thought of countless contents-when he finally spoke, his tone had become extremely shocked.

“You planted that tree in the territory?!”

Murphy nodded and said bluntly: “I exchanged a fruit for the resources to build a magic academy. Of course, I did not put it here for the same purpose.”

He smiled, “I can increase my strength by one point. As for those confidential things, I will not ask for them. I only need a rough structure.”

Murphy gently pushed the fruit forward, and then said: “How to deal with it, I think you will have more ideas than me. In short, it will be beneficial to Byzantium, isn’t it?”

Not waiting for Freud to say anything, Murphy retired immediately-“I walked around the college, and if there is any news, I have been in the Duke of Windsor.”


Apparently Freud tried to control his shock, and after watching Murphy leave the Dean’s office, his first action was to look at the fruit.

“Revival of the Sun Elves?”

Murphy came to the Panther School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for another purpose-he wanted to see what the stubborn kid Clavi he knew at Tarrens College was doing.

Walking in the hallway of the magic tower, Murphy stared curiously at the dazzling array of magic figures and portraits of the magicians hanging on the wall. In a robe, he was not like any student or teacher in the college , So all the way also attracted a lot of curious eyes.

But most of the students hurried past Murphy.

“Hello, may I ask Clivi here?”

Murphy stopped a girl who walked with her head down, who seemed to be a freshman, shook her head and hurried away—and Murphy asked several students about the master, and the results were all So.

A puzzled Murphy figured out where to find it, but he turned into a common room unconsciously-and at this time the students in this hall seemed to be discussing heatedly .

Murphy raised his head in amazement and found that he had gone the wrong place, but before he turned around and left, he was attracted by the issues being discussed by the group of colleges in front of him-there is a very high-level demonstration circle in the common room, usually This is the method used when the lecturer demonstrates the principles of the elements or explains the method of painting, but stands in the common room, usually for students who have doubts in the class to continue to discuss academic issues with others.

At this moment, a very complex defensive magic array is drawn on this demo array, which contains at least more than six different types of defensive arrays. It can be seen that it should be regarded as one of the cutting-edge arrays of the empire. Highlights the magic level of the college students-at least Murphy has not seen such a complex magic array in the book, and at the moment these students are not discussing how to draw it, but are studying how to use such a magic array The smallest cost is eliminated.

Obviously they understand that the best way to improve the formation is through the baptism of war. A group of people is constantly improving the formation to resist another group of people’s endless offensive means.

Murphy stood curiously behind the group of students and observed their every move—compared to the method of improvement in killing a blood from actual combat, Murphy was not used to this pure academic discussion, but obviously He has not surpassed Freud’s spell level and he will not be stumped by this kind of small problem. Looking at the students who have worked hard to change their minds, Murphy already has all kinds of things in his heart.” answer”.

Finally, the party responsible for cracking the circle made breakthrough achievements, and the students who improved the circle faced the other party’s attack plan and thought hard about the answer. It seemed that the defeat was fixed.

Murphy, who was holding his shoulders to the side, had no intention of preparing to talk. He found an inconspicuous position and sat down, looking at the blushing appearance of these academic wizards with interest-but one figure interrupted His thinking, just when the confrontation between the two sets of masters came to a halt, a small but sloppy master walked past the common room, his robe dragged on the ground, his hair was messy and greasy, nothing The sense of presence did not attract anyone’s attention. At this time, he looked up and saw the scene of the argument in the room. Then he did not hesitate to step in and stood for a few seconds after standing on the defensive side who was discussing the countermeasures. He raised his hand and changed a few details of the circle, then looked up at the offensive side: “Continue.”

The two groups of people who had had a heated discussion seemed to immediately limped down. After the modification of the formation, it almost became flawless immediately. This time, the attacking students were dumbfounded.

The short mage did not continue to waste time, and turned to leave, but was just a few steps away and was dragged by the exclamation behind him.

He turned his head and saw that on top of the huge demo formation, the defensive formation, which had been constructed purely by theory, showed an identical real formation in the air.

This is a fantasy for all students. This legal system, which has been perfected by them for several months, is being modified or rebuilt every day. Not to mention the time and effort of research, even if it is direct painting, they It is believed that even the “Sacred Dome” Master such as Dean Freud needs to spend at least one day to paint it finely.

But in fact, it is indeed a real real circle with a diameter of ten meters in front of all the students. It took only seven seconds from construction to completion-Murphy stepped up and walked in front of the demo circle. This huge The defensive circle has been completely constructed, and after he took out the crystal core he carried with him and started it, it shimmered.

This means that the phalanx was successfully drawn without any errors.

Immediately, he activated the crystal nucleus of the magic circle and adjusted the energy output power to the maximum, and an egg-shaped ball curtain instantly covered the magic circle.

Obviously this is a defensive shield that may only exist in theoretical discussions-because its level exceeds seventy, so it can only be simulated with the help of a demonstration array and cannot be drawn by students. Now when it is really in all When people appeared in front of them, the strong breath and fluctuations had shocked the students to speak.

Murphy turned his back on the short mage who had just improved the formation, and then the action he made made everyone in this common room stunned-he raised his palm and directly slammed the ball. .

The scene of the annihilation of the elements suddenly showed that there was no explosion or fluctuations. With the palm of Murphys touching the shield of the circle, the unbreakable barrier seemed to everyone to melt and dissipate instantly like ice and water poured in boiling water.

In less than three seconds, the entire circle collapsed and disappeared above the demonstration circle.

Without relying on any medium to condense the elements directly in the air and engrave the magic circle, Murphy’s powerful strength is beyond doubt, so when he turned around and looked at the short mage, everyone seemed to notice The humble young man does not seem to be a student of this college.

“Clivi, long time no see.”

Murphy smiled and looked at the unkempt guy. The latter froze for five seconds before asking quietly, “Murpheus?”

As if the stunning blow just shown by Murphy was still flashing in front of his eyes, Clevey reacted that the person in front of him was the alumnus of the original Tarrens student, and his voice trembles-“Are you back?”

“As you can see,.”

Murphy looked at the students who were still stunned all around, pointed to the demo formation, and then sketched the phalanx that had just been annihilated: “The meaning of defense is not how much damage can be resisted, but what it can do. How long will your counterattack delay.”

“Remember, in real battles, no one will rely on defense to win.”

Having said Murphy walked directly out of the common room, grabbed the silly Cleve and walked to the side corridor, laughing: “Why, I haven’t seen you in more than a year, it seems that even Can’t speak anymore?”

It took Clive a long time to recover and looked at Murphy and said: “You are indeed Murphy, but you have changed beyond my imagination.”

It seems that this guy thought of it, and this guy made Murphy continue in a very unexpected way: “Pansel’s ban has recorded one of the contents of the “domain” about time and space.”

“Hey, that doesn’t matter.”

Murphy wanted to laugh a little, but looking at the guy in front of him who seemed to indulge in the sea of ​​books, he felt that everyone seemed to have changed unconsciously-although Crive in front of him was still weak, he also He was a lot taller, with no logo on his chest in a black robe. He didn’t even wear the school logo of the Pansell School of Witchcraft, and his lips were tight. He was obviously unspeakable.

“How does it feel to be here?”

Clivi looked up at Murphys in front of him. The two feelings of strangeness and familiarity were intertwined. He replied aloud: “Not as good as expected.” (..)

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