The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 81 - "Harvester" and the little girl

If interpreted according to the “illusions” that Murphys has always understood, then these “fantasies” are false and untouchable, and everything just seen by Murphys-including storms or blizzards or the vibration of the ground But with Tianlei, they all really affect the existence of their senses. []

He could feel the coldness of the rain hitting his face, the tingling of sand and dust, and the suffocation of the volcanic ash-but when he was convinced that these things were false with a very firm willpower in his heart No previous feelings.

“A wide range of spells can make enemies face their unbearable fears. Before the Augustus attacked those enemies, this kind of torture could have made people with unwilling will fare.”

Prince Ozra saw that Murphy had overcome the influence of the illusion just by blinking, and there was something wrong in his heart-to be honest, when he first saw these, he almost scared and almost sat on the ground, but it was finally in front of him. The man was a Byzantine envoy, and the prince did not have such a big revenge to humiliate Murphy.

“It’s very realistic, but I want to know how it works.”

Murphy looked up at the sky overhead with some curiosity-after the mage withdrew the spell, the things he had just seen had completely disappeared. Murphy sniffed, the smell of sulfur from the previous volcanic eruption, The sea odor of the tsunami pavement and the dust smell of the dust storm also disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

“Byzantine magician, so-called magician, is it so called?” Prince Ozra does not seem to be familiar with the Byzantine spell system. “Unlike the magician, the magician of the Augustus royal family does not use those spells… For example, the burst attack of your dragon.”

Murphy understood that this was a spell different from the traditional elemental system. He nodded, but remembered the spell released by the mage when he was sneak attacked outside the mission’s station-a low level but he could make himself a trick. There are not many skills, Murphy asked: “So this kind of spell is mainly to attack people’s hearts?”

“Sure enough, it is the strongest warrior, and he came to the idea in one sentence.”

His Royal Highness pointed to the grassy road not far away: “If a team of soldiers is attacking from the front, as long as a spell, they will see that the oncoming fire is no longer the army that originally fought with them, but the fire is overwhelming. Rain or landslides, enemies whose morale collapses will naturally not have any resistance. Our warlocks will make all enemies shudder. Perhaps you think these warlocks are not as powerful as magicians, but in fact they are not.”

After saying this, he pointed to the haystack on the grass as a target, and at the moment the warlock raised his hand, a ray of light shone directly on the haystack, exploding it into sky fragments.

And this is just the beginning. The grassy straw did not fall as slowly as Murphys imagined, but in the next ray of light it became a needle-like shape, and shived toward the ground— —After the sound of “pop”, Murphy noticed that these straws had put together an inexplicable pattern.

“French circle?”

As soon as his words fell, he saw that the pattern was again a white light rising into the sky, and he was shocking!

“If there is anything above this light, then it will undoubtedly become ashes.”

After Prince Ozra’s words were finished, he looked at Murphy with pride, thinking that boy, no matter how powerful your elemental spell is, how powerful you haven’t seen anything like that?

He talked eloquently: “Mentu is the royal chief warlock of the Augustian Empire. If it is ranked, it should be three levels higher than the Byzantine “Magic Master”. [叶*子] [悠*悠]”

That is more than a level. Murphy thought of this, but he could not judge the true strength of the other party, because professionals of different systems simply had no way to compare and reference in their minds.

But he thought for a while, and suddenly said: “I want to do an experiment, do not know if this warlock can cooperate?”

He remembered the situation where the spell could not be released in the enchantment when fighting with “Karl”. The special feature of the field was that the “rule” was stipulated by the caster. In the face of Murphy, he could also have both “forbidden magic” and “weightlessness”. The “Kar” of the xìng species clearly surpasses his real strength, and Murphy also understands that he can do the same “forbidden” in the field-but only for those who are much lower in level. Effective, if evenly matched, then it is a fantasy.

So he wanted to understand whether the spells released by these “warlocks” would not be affected by the “forbidden magic” field because of the different systems.

Prince Ozra did not know Murphy’s true strength and “field”. He did not have any taboos or jǐng vigilance. After communicating with the nearby warlock, he nodded immediately: “No problem.”

There was no nonsense in Murphy, who was not competing and strong, and raised his hand to open the field. Because Ozra stood close, So xìng directly enveloped the prince of the Empire like the “translator” next to it- -There is only one of the areas where Murphys is best at restricting him the most handy, that is, “double the gravity”, which is ten times as large as the original gravity. Ordinary people simply cannot bear it. Fortunately, Murphys is not for fighting. Control, the effect of “doubled gravity” in the field fell back to less than double.

But only that, Prince Ozra and the translator who looked at the white scene in the surrounding fields were still scared. The face was almost the same as the environment!

At this moment, His Royal Highness thought that Murphy also used the skills of a warlock and looked up. He looked for the possible landslide tsunami, but found that the white space was blank or blank-involuntarily. Before he fell down, he found that his body had become extremely heavy out of thin air, and he almost fell directly to the ground!

“This is my field, and I can change the combat environment here, such as gravity.”

Murphy explained the sentence, and immediately began to raise his hand to add the element of “Forbidden Demon” in the field.

The face of the warlock Mentu changed, but apparently as a high-level warlock of the imperial empire, his body would not be able to sustain it. He didn’t lose his gaze, but the cold sweat on his forehead made him feel a little strange in this space.

“Can you use the spell just now?”

Murphy ended his action and made a request to the prince-and Prince Ozra wiped his sweat and said something to the warlock next to him. The latter nodded and raised his hand to release, but suddenly wrinkled in the next moment. Frowning.

Then, the blood on the old man’s face faded almost instantaneously, and in a blink of an eye he became even paler than Prince Ozra!

He stared blankly at his palm, completely demented.

“What are you doing?”

Prince Ozra didn’t understand what was happening, but was puzzled by the warlock’s failure to obey the order. He asked him in Augustus.

“I…my spells failed…”

The old man seemed to be unbelievable, and raised the staff in his hand. It was seen that he was using his full strength to release a spell, but nothing happened except for the slight tremor of the staff tip. []

Ozra suddenly seemed to understand what, the moment the idea was generated in his mind… he found his body became very stiff-lips trembling and turned his head, he seemed to know Murphy again It’s the same – but before he can speak, the suffocating space disappears completely.


Taking a deep breath, it seemed that the prince had never lost his breath in his life, but what had just happened had made him unable to look at his image at all. This prince, who had previously thought of frustrating Murphy’s sharpness, completely cut off the similarity Idea!

Where is this **** human? ! Wouldn’t he be the messenger of the goddess Mar? !

He inevitably imagined a scene where countless armies were armed with the most advanced crossbows and scimitars of the August Empire, countless warlocks held staffs, and armed with high jīng dense war machines like the “Golden Beetles”. In a city, the world suddenly went blank. All the soldiers were slanted due to the change of gravity. The mage who lifted the staff found that his spells were completely out of function… and a dragon descending from the sky alone covered the whole earth… .

Ozra gave a clever look, and his cold sweat almost soaked his shirt. When he raised his head again, Murphy next to him looked at him with concern, and asked, “His Royal Highness, is there nothing?”

“it’s okay no problem!”

Stretching his hands and wiping the cold sweat of his forehead, the prince didn’t even know what to say for a while, and he froze for a long time before he remembered the request of Murphys. Can all the mages in the range be unable to cast spells? How big can its maximum range be?”

Murphy raised his eyebrows, and apparently understood what the other party meant by asking this question. He could naturally frighten the other party in this impossible war-problem-“If the strength of the mage is the same as this old man, it can probably cover this. The Royal Palace.”

Morpheus psychologically weighed it. The old guy in front of him should basically be the existence of the top three warlocks in this country. The field he has just released because of the addition of a relatively unfamiliar “forbidden” element, the largest range can also be in the diameter. It’s about 500 meters, but if you change the simple “double gravity” element, it is estimated that everything that covers the palace is really a matter of course.

Murphy’s answer softened Ozra’s knees, but his tenacious nerves quickly adapted to Murphy’s abnormally strong strength. Suo xìng patted his chest and grinned reluctantly: “It really is not I thought that Byzantium had such a powerful warrior.”

Shrugging, Murphy didn’t know what to answer, but he had already submitted a satisfactory answer for Edward III-as for what the other party would use to repay, Murphy secretly thought about the “night watchman” and got a lot of money. Subsidized.

………………………………………….. ………………………………

As Murphy prepared the next “cooperation” based on the powerful and jīng mechanicals he saw, he also got in touch with the “black widow” and expounded his views and needs in a concise manner.

It’s a must to shop around, Murphy doesn’t want to be an injustice. After all, except for the things that Byzantium wants to buy, all the things he wants to buy are out of pocket-as for the tens of thousands of pictures taken by Longya at the auction house A gold coin sounds like a lot. In fact, it can only be used as a knocking brick for yourself. Don’t think about using it for anything else.

Scarlett, as a half-breed race, although on the surface, her strength is not strong, but she has really penetrated into several economic lifelines of the Augustus Empire-in a “confession letter” written by the other party, She admits that she secretly has control of the 20% rare ore veins of the empire. At the same time, the entire intelligence network is no less than that of the royal intelligence agency. Those werewolves are second only. The blood races and dark creatures behind her who have not met are the real “heroes.”

army? Scarlett knew what she was facing, so her army was not a soldier with a crossbow in the August Empire, but a dark creature with superhuman strength, including what Murphy had expected. The werewolf in the middle, and there are countless powerful creatures that have never appeared in the light.

Seeing the word “Molong”, Murphy felt that this “black widow” was a bit scary–but he also suddenly remembered the plans he had come from, and after thinking about it, he thought There is not much conflict with this mixed-race race, but he will not immediately promise anything, but just write out these feasible plans, waiting for the reply from Prince Ozra.

The day after returning from the armory, the prince did not let Murphy disappointed and brought him an invitation to meet the emperor in the palace. The time was tomorrow.

But just as Murphy was ready to meet with His Majesty, he suddenly received a message that made him squint-the soul knight who had a contract with him in his mind, Jeanna, suddenly went from normal state. Fall into silence.

It’s not that the soul is floating, but that it is in a coma.

Immediately, Sphinx, who served as Murphy’s “eye” in Lampard, sent him an image in his mind.

More than forty knights in front of Earl’s Court are receiving Joan of Arc assistance.

In this regard, Murphy directly chose to inform His Royal Highness that he needed something to postpone the meeting-the latter was surprised to think that Murphy was playing a big name, but thinking of his previous performance, he could only choose silence.

Facing both the Byzantine mission and the sudden crisis in Lampardne, Murphy did not hesitate to choose the latter—because he knew that the things he had once told him seemed to have begun to happen.


Jeanne studied “Theology” in his room as usual. This innocent little girl didn’t care much about Murphy’s sudden departure. After all, in her eyes, she lived in Murphy’s home, And everyone is always going home, isn’t it?

Whenever the figure of that guy appeared in his mind, Jeanne would always pray for him silently, hoping that Murphy would return safely without any danger. Although her daily life was slightly monotonous, she was already used to it.

When you are a magician, you must understand that your strength is not increased by killing like a mercenary or warrior, but is gradually accumulated by repeating prayers, which is mild but slow. A magician may spend his whole life and can only wander beyond the threshold of the V level, but this does not mean that prayer will not bring other things to these magicians-in Jeanne’s view, one’s achievements are far from It is not possible to judge by looking at one’s own strength alone. What matters is whether everyone holds a heart of “dedication” rather than “soliciting” in the world.

Closing “Theology”, the little magician walked out of the room, because of his professional relationship, Murphy’s room for Joan of Arc was not Arantis in the ground, but the Duke of West Sellin Mansion, obviously the bright sunshine here will always make this little girl smile a lot-but Joan’s smile, which always hung on her face, suddenly disappeared when she walked out of the room.

In the distance, a cavalry regiment galloped from the street, the headed knight panicked, and Joan in black robe immediately understood what seemed to be happening, and quickly hid aside—no one would ever On the main street of Lampard, especially the road in front of Earl’s Court, it is so crazy to ride a horse, not to mention the people in front of them are still wearing a standard armored guards.

A group of twelve cavalrymen, all lords and guards under Hegel, is more powerful than the city defense team of the city of West Sellin. They wear the recently produced high-quality armor with magic effects in their hands. The weapon is also with a faint light-Jeanne suddenly found that they were all covered with blood…

A group of people rushed into the Earl’s Court before stopping at the door, turning over and dismounting, and rushing straight into the Hall of Lords, holding a blood-stained parchment to report to Hegel.

This step should not have happened. It stands to reason that all the news should be handed over to the intelligence department under Irindal’s management, but obviously the incident happened suddenly, and it was too late to find those scouts to screen and pass on the information.

Some Jeanne, who was worried about the injuries of the knights, turned their heads after releasing a “soothing mind” spell for the remaining cavalry, but saw another team rushed to it-one team was on the ground for emergency transportation. Wounded carriage.

There are wounded!

As a magician, Joan of course will heal spells, although not as good as those clergymen who really have the title of “priest”, but at this moment she certainly understands that healing wounds for these warriors in Murphys territory is not There will be any mistakes.

Taking a small step, Jeanne, who had never loved words before, was no longer the little girl who would only blink and stay silent when she talked. She clearly understood the duties behind her profession-“Sergeant, how many The injured?”

Although I told myself to work hard to calm down, Joan’s voice for the first time talking to strange soldiers was inevitably soft, but the determination in the words revealed no doubt that, according to the usual practice, if an injured person is injured, he will never be directly pulled to Earl’s Court Come-here is not a church, nor a battlefield treatment center, but when the headed cavalry saw Jean, a black robe of the magician, he wiped a handful of blood from his face and turned to disembark. : “The knight of the 3rd Cavalry Squadron, ordered the captain to transport the wounded to Earl’s Court.”

He looked at the little girl who was shorter than he had some doubts in his heart, he continued: “It was the order made by Captain Na Knight, she said that our soldiers can only be treated by you .”

This sentence obviously has a disagreement, let Jeanne who Jeanne knows of course, heard that it was the original ruling knight of the heretical ruling of the Holy Gabriel Empire, and later died in the form of soul to support the powerful battle for Murphys Existence, her strength is the number one strongman in the whole Lampard except Murphy and Ashcandi. Although she is indifferent and long in charge of the patrol and clearing missions outside the territory, her word of mouth is in the Lampard territory. There is a very appropriate name-“reaper”.

She is a war machine, never rests, never burns out, the cavalry who follows her on missions changes three rounds a day, but she does not even drink a sip of water. For humans, this is a powerful and great deterrent. The existence of force, at this moment she ordered the knight in her hand to come to Earl’s Court to find a magician to treat the wound, then no one dared to question her order.


The knight in front of Joan of Arc looked suspiciously at the reality in front of her, and couldn’t help thinking: Did the “reaper” grown-up ask himself to find it, was such a little girl?

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