The Black Scepter

v4 Chapter 82 - Light, that 1 step

>Thank you [Holy Light Fools You] [Mo Yan Mo Wang] Friends’ Monthly Pass! Thank you for not wanting to be a rookie!

But Jeanne had nodded to check the situation of the wounded in the carriage behind her. Her small, round face was tense—because she found that these knights were not suffering from ordinary skin injuries… It seemed that the blood scab that should have gradually solidified on the wound bitten by the beast did not appear. On the contrary, there were dark spots near the skin.

This is not a toxin. Jeanne almost noticed at the first sight what these wounds were caused by… The dark creatures described in the books, which possess the endless erosive energy in hell, cause this. Wounds, if they do not purify the attached dark elements in time, I am afraid that these injured cavalry are not as simple as being disabled or dead.

Their reason will be lost, and the body will be completely mutated due to the invasion of dark forces, directly becoming an unimaginable monster!

These continents that have not appeared in the past 100 years are only recorded in the classics hundreds of years ago, and almost all of them appear in a single case-Jeanne knows these things completely because of her orthodox education experience ——All the books of the Prague diocese. The little girl almost turned it over. Don’t look at her young age. The historical events recorded in the theological books Joan of Arc did not forget.

Jeanne looked at the 17 injured knights in front of him, and immediately felt a strange-because these knights are not powerful, but they are all members of the elite **** team, and their battle losses are compared when they perform their tasks. It is extremely low for other border patrol regiments, because these knights will only dispatch and follow the knight commander “Reaper” to let Na perform the task, but now these lying knights look one by one. It’s pale and her eyes are closed, it should be a state that only appears after a serious injury. However, after some inspection of Jeanne, he found that the wounds on the knights could not reach the knights wearing heavy armor.” To the extent of “serious injury”, even some knights are only scratched on the arm and there are no wounds on other parts of the body, but they are also unconscious.

In the Parish of Prague, Jeanne didn’t touch so many patients at once-the monastery would occasionally come into contact with the residents who were seriously ill in the city. This kind of skin-opening wound obviously made Joan’s heart uncomfortable, but she almost overcame her inner obstacles and raised her hand to start the magical release-


A ray of light shone on these wounded knights under the efforts of Jeanne d’Or. Their wounds did not immediately improve, but the little black spots gradually dissolve and disappear like ice cubes in the sun.

Seventeen knights, even with the strength of Joan of Arc I-level magician, still spent more than half an hour to completely “purify” one by one. From this, we can see that these knights are “contaminated” to an extent beyond imagination. ——According to common sense, if these knights are infected with the common “plague” or low-level “curse”, Jeanne only needs to wave his hand to make their physical pain disappear, but now…

“Thank you very much Master Archer!”

The skeptical knight before him solemnly saluted his comrades who gradually recovered their blood color back to the knight’s barracks, and then whispered: “You saved my comrades, in my opinion, you are an angel.”

This is a compliment from the heart. Balice’s faith has always been a bit confusing, but in Lampard, there are obviously a lot of believers in the **** of light. After the salute, the knight hurriedly mounted and followed his comrades in the eyes of Jeanne Returned to the barracks.

After just a series of purifications, Joan of Arc was finally relieved-she didn’t even have the energy to find a place to sit and rest, gently squatted down, and reached out to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

The sacred lights made her extremely tired, but could save the lives of so many knights, Jeanne had an indescribable joy in her heart.

It was only soon that she discovered what she encountered… It seemed to be just the beginning of a series of events.

………………………………………….. ……………………………….

Hegel frowned at the knight who drove straight back from the border. He knew the name of the other party-“Fadier”, the eldest son of a Baron Barriche, since he took over Lan After the power of Lord Lord of Pad, the boy who had not participated in any war under the protection of his father had the courage to propose to join the Lord’s Cavalry Regiment. His strength grew rapidly in more than half a year. Seeing sooner or later, he will become more noble than his father.

His eyes have the enthusiasm and hope unique to young people, as well as the longing for the future-but today, Hegel sees despair in the eyes of the other party.

Hegel, who has participated in countless battles, understands that emotion, just like a cavalry charge facing the enemy alone, his eyes lost their glory and died, like a graveyard full of smog.

“You said to let Captain Na’s cavalry regiment lose?”

Hegel repeated in astonishment, he didn’t even dare to imagine the deep meaning revealed in this sentence-the cavalry regiment led by an “a” knight was defeated… which means that the enemy is beyond the power. Jeanna’s tolerance.

“Master Lord…Lead Commander Na was not defeated. She ordered to retreat because the knights encountered something that was difficult to resist–” It seemed that she did not know how to describe it. The young Fadiar swallowed hard and said hardly : “At first, we were just simple herds, maybe because of the approaching winter, and the wolves that hunted in groups or something, but the patrol cavalry was suddenly taken by these things and was suddenly exploded when we were ready to break through. The guys pulled the horses one by one…”

“How many people lost?”

Hegel narrowed his eyes. Obviously the knight’s description prevented him from matching anything he knew—but this time the Cavalry Regiment was the first time large-scale damage occurred in a long battle, saying It is impossible not to be distressed.

“Twenty-seven people.”

Fadir pursed his lips and recalled the fighting situation when he could not help but had a cold war, “They are not ordinary animals or Warcraft, our knight was knocked off the horse and stood up to resist, but fell to the ground in a short time. ..”


“At first I thought it was, but then when the team of Captain Na met these guys, the knights who were rescued did not get poisoned. The captain said that it was “dark corrosion”.”

This sentence made Hegel suddenly raise his eyebrows-“Dark Corruption” is a dark spell, and the orthodox magician will not, usually only with those summoners and necromancers who have affair with the abyss and even in the shadows Of those guys. It stands to reason that the dead enemies of these guys should be the religious lunatics of the sacred Gabriel Empire. According to the current situation, it is a group of non-Warcraft and non-beasts who attacked their knights. At present, it is likely that they are ” summon monster”.


Before he could say anything, the door of the lord’s office was suddenly pushed open-in fact no one would be so reckless. Hegel couldn’t help but stunned, but when he looked up, he saw the intelligence officer Irindal’s anxious. face.

“Emergency information, I need to notify Murphy!”

Hegel was stunned. She had never seen such an expression by the intelligence consul-the forehead was sweat, there was some dirt on her face, and the original neat clothes were covered with wrinkles. Seeing it in the past is just a look back from the battlefield.

“What happened?”

Hegel looked out the window, and not far away Sphinx was leaping straight from the eaves, onto the newly arrived carriage in front of Earl’s Court…

“Let Na be hurt.”

………………………………………….. ……………………………….

In fact, when Murphy suddenly decided to postpone the meeting with the Emperor of Augustus, he knew that some trouble was inevitable.

How will the invasion of other planes proceed? Angel Plane, Purgatory Plane, Sinking Plane, Abyss Plane-Will these planes he walked through directly open a door and swarm in?

It is estimated that this is unrealistic. First of all, the “rule” is a huge threshold-but similar to the last time that “Karl” mutated into the abyss lord, Murphy couldn’t help but feel the indescribable crisis. And now, the crisis has become a reality. Sphinx transmitted everything he saw to Murphys. Among them, the first thing that reflected in Murphys’s mind was to let Na lie with her eyes closed. Scene of receiving Joan’s treatment in the open space of Earl’s Court.

And when Murphy rushed out of the only entrance of Arantis through the teleportation array, Jeanne was outside the Earl’s Palace for the third time using purification to try to eliminate the dark erosion on Jeanna’s body.

The sudden appearance of Murphys caught everyone off guard, but apparently he was not surprised when Hegel appeared. The only calm lord explained the current problem in three sentences-Jeanna did not like The knights that Joan had purified before improved immediately. On the contrary, the dark energy that corroded her body showed no signs of being dispelled by the power of light.

And now, all signs indicate that the soul knight’s “injury” is getting worse, but no one understands to what extent a soul knight can be injured…except for Murphy.

He didn’t say anything. He first took Joan of Light gently, and the latter raised his head in sweat. Because of Murphy’s height, Joan of Sudden Suddenly felt a sense of dizziness when he looked up. It took only four seconds for her to reflect who the person in front of her was—the devoted magician immediately disregarded the robes soaked in sweat and thought that Murphy described the results of her ineffective efforts. It was clear and clear that Murphy was surprised by this, but after telling the magician that she had done her best, Murphy let the little magician who had been out of power to take a rest, while he himself Reaching gently held Jeana, who was in a coma.

The soul knight in front of him did not wear the armored helmet, and his long blue hair was like a substance scattered on the humble flat carriage-it can be seen that the knights used it directly from the front to save the knight in time This carriage will let Na drag back.

The knight next to him also brought bad news-the cavalry who had been killed before had become… a group of crazy monsters.

Her arms were hanging down weakly, and Murphy stretched her hand to hold it, still the kind of illusory illusion, but Murphy noticed a very obvious stroke on the armor of her arm. Marks, and the sturdy armor on the body also broke several marks.

This is not a normal injury. Being able to break through this set of armor means that the opponent’s strength is comparable to or even beyond Jean—he continues to perceive Jeanne’s body, and then notices the appearance of the blue skin A little black rune mark.

Murphy narrowed his eyes and almost immediately noticed that the madness from purgatory was spreading in Na’s body, and she could see that they were suppressing these forces, but as a pure soul body, Na suffered from these crazy dark forces The serious erosion is even worse than the ordinary knights.

No one knows why, because the first knights purified by Joan of Arc have been awakened and there is no harm except for the wound, but Jeana is obviously not so lucky. The power in her body is full of chaos, and Murphy can almost Feel the burning sensation of the hot breath of purgatory.

There is no doubt that the attack from purgatory has started now.

But he did not see mass casualties. The death of the 17 knights was still due to carelessness. Now the territory has to face a group of inexplicably powerful “herds” and monsters that have become dead knights. Si didn’t make a judgment immediately, but reached out and tried to drive the dark invasion with soul power.

He is not a priest or a magician, but apparently, at present, Na’s soul is confronting those dark forces in the “deep” realm, and the success or failure is obvious-if she does not resist, it is estimated that the knight’s soul will completely drift away If you carry it in the past, it is estimated that there will not be much injury.

“Wake up.”

Murphys seemed calm, but in fact he had no bottom of his mind-this time the problem was very difficult, he could only rely on his only strength to make efforts.

There were many people around, including the third batch of fourth-wounded knights and Irindal and others. Jeanne had been busy purifying other knights, while Irindal looked a little stunned and did not know where it came from. Murphy held Jeanna’s arm in one hand, and his frowning, unconsciously reminded Irindal of her last encounter in the extreme north… but then she shook her head.

What are you thinking about?

Ilindal, who shut up and didn’t speak, suddenly noticed something wrong, but couldn’t say it-she didn’t feel it because of some ridiculous ideas in her mind, but she did feel something strange in her perception.

Looking up and looking around, she also saw Murphy raised her head with frowns and looked at the sky.

Lampard has been rainy all these days, and even when the rain stops, he can’t see the sun, but at this moment, when Murphy used soul power to expel the dark power in Na’s body, the sky suddenly penetrated. After a little golden light.

“this is…”

Murphy didn’t understand what was going on. He just felt the state of freezing in the surrounding space for a moment. It was like the time was still suddenly. The sound, breeze and breath in the perception disappeared, and only the top of the head was gradually broken. The little light in the clouds…

Eventually, with a thunderous thunder, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to spread to the surroundings in an instant, and the dazzling light radiated the earth, and the intensity far exceeded the brilliance the sun can bring.

This light even made Murphy close his eyes helplessly to avoid the stimulus to the binocular instinctively, but after closing his eyes, Murphy suddenly felt a warmth-at the same time, beside The disgusting dark breath in Na’s body started to evaporate like ice and snow poured in boiling water, and completely disappeared in less than ten seconds!

This light continued, and Murphy gradually adjusted to the light and opened his eyes, but he saw a scene that surprised him.

………………………………………….. ……………………………

at the same time.

After Ashcandy watched Murphys return directly to Balice through the teleportation array, the bloodline in the wheelchair in the daytime could not help but worry, but the thought of Murphys returning to the extremely powerful defense of Lampard Then, in her heart, she was not as nervous as she had imagined. Andariel looked a little out of the window, seeming to be bored by Murphy’s sudden departure, and she proposed to push Ashkandi out for a stroll.

In the face of Andalil’s request, the soft-eyed Ashkandi will naturally not obstruct anything. After all, there are no enemies here, and as a special envoy, he also has a series of diplomatic immunities. Go out and experience exoticism. Of course not What a bad thing, and wearing a veil with Andariel, the two walked out of the resident hotel and took to the street. Naturally, Captain Pierre would not let the two women go to the street alone, and specially dispatched four powerful sailors to look after the ten. A few meters away, but did not disturb Yaxing who was hanging around.

It can also be seen that Pierre is a careful person, but he wouldn’t think of the existence of those two. After all, most people confused by Ashcandi’s disability image will not make anyone think they are What threats will it pose.

Especially when the two came to the temple that they were interested in before, the guards with scimitars around the temple didn’t even look at them for an extra second.

Looking up at the huge goddess in front of him-Goddess Mar, Andariel has a complex expression.

At this moment, her heart was supposed to be filled with piety and tranquility, but somehow, Andariel found that her fingers were shaking again.

“Inexplicable fear?”

Ashkandi Her expression was a little strange, and she seemed to understand why Andariel had this situation.

The latter lowered his head and gazed quietly at his trembling palm, but his heart forced himself to calm down-“This is the temple, Andalil.”

She said to herself inwardly, “This is where you started everything, this is where you have everything, but why are you afraid?”

Andariel would not know that although the sealed memory made her mind unable to think of anything about these beliefs, the body’s memory of this idol-like instinct was like something carved in the bone, leaving her a little confused Measures, I do not know how to respond.

“Face it, Andariel.”

Ashcandi’s voice suddenly rang in front of Andariel. The little Loli, who was looking at the statue before him, gave a clever look and looked down at his trembling hands. He took a deep breath.

Immediately, a step was taken.

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