The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 2112

Chapter 2111 Xiaoxuan, I hurt 46

The female cone is not confident.

The expression began to be afraid

“No, you can’t do this!”


“I can.”

The final god of the female cone is distorted, there is only one sentence.

“Soviet !!”

The voice falls, the body has fallen into a pattern of a cone.

There is no aura, as if it is a piece of iron.

Following, the golden knowledge is also dispersed from the half-air.

Sovietary treatment.

People looking at the scene.


“Is there an objection?”

There is no one in the scene.

Soviet nod

“Since you don’t speak, you will agree with what I did.”

After finishing, she bowed his head lie in the leaf of the leaf.

Follow, your eyes are alone.

“Nine main gods are both less, no need to make up.

Each of his duties.

as always. ”

Voice fall.

The five main gods lived in the scene, both hands closed.

As before, the previous walked.

Just compare the Soviet hood for the main gods.


Nine major gods, four fallen.

Only five left.

Handling this side.

Su smoke out of the palace of Ye Qian Ling.

It quickly disappeared.

The thunder that came out, slammed.

Finally, I still go back.

As long as his sister is dead.

Everything is said.

Where is the sauce?

Back to the abyss magic domain?

of course not.

She went to chaotic space.

Today, she inherits the power of the black wood.

It is fully capable of appearing in this chaos.

The surrounding fog is a piece.

She holds a black defender.

Standing there.

Don’t take a while.

I heard a laughter.

I saw that the white bearded old man touched the beard before the Soviethel.

The old man is very satisfied with Su smoke.

Where is it satisfied?

Old man opening

“You or the heir of heirs.”

Su smoke looked at the old man

“You calculate me.”

Old man.

“It is to be difficult to obstacle, not full of strength.”

Old man lifting eye, looking to Su smoke

“What can I become now now?

He is a soul to fly, and it is not destroyed that you don’t want to die.

And you are also. ”

I am willing to waste the soul.

Suffering from pain.

If the heart is as good, you can rebirth, inherit the stronger power.

Although it is said that the domain is now like this, it is not his plan.

But good, Soviet smoke has become his next heir.

Unable to change.

The old man is satisfied.

Su smoke smashed the fist, so half rang and released.

She opens

“Bullying the elderly, is wrong.”

White beard is in the old man,

“How do I think you still have to have?”

Soviet hooks raise hands.

Insert the black condition in an instant into this chaotic.

In the next second, the condition has brought countless thin lines and tied the hand feet of the white beard.

But very fast, the thin line disappears.

It seems that there is no longer.

Soviet smoke looks at him

“Before you die, I will not come back to this scepter.”

She suddenly talked, but also

“Before you die, you will not step out this chaos.”

White beard old stunned.

“You are imprisonment!”

Su smoke nodded

“Yes, it is imprisoned.”

She calmly admitted.

Let the old man don’t know what to say.

I am wide enough to see her.

“You, you, your strength is me!”

Soviet nod

“Use your strength to imprison you, very suitable, not conflict.”

After that, what is going to say.

Su smoke interruption

“If you don’t have other words, I have to go.”

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