The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 2113

Chapter 2112 Xiao Yu, I hurt 47

White beard old


I have been half a day.

Soviet nod

“It seems that you have not said.”

I don’t give him a chance to open for half an opening, and I will disappear.

White beards stared at the place where the Soviet smoke left,

“You come back !!”

However, it shouted for a long time, no one responded.

Soviet smoke is really gone.

Tiandao heirs appear.

On this day, there is naturally a series of chain reactions.

The sky hangs a long gold rainbow.

There are only several few people standing at the top of the pyramid to feel the changes in the day.

The power of gestation this day seems to be more abundant.

The last serve of the Soviet Sweeper, became the news of the heirless heir.

If you don’t have three days, you have already underground underground, and you know each other.

The experience of this Lord’s legendary life.

There is also the fate that can only look up with the miracle. In addition to envy, there will be only to admire.


When the Soviet Union is returned to the abyss magic domain, it is already three days later.

The first thing in Su smoke is of course a domain.

The result did not find someone in the sleeping hall for a long time.

I found the Anxus who came around when I was in a hurry.

Anzhen gesture respectfully

Soviet girl. ”

Soviet nod

“What about others?”

He, naturally, the domain.

An is a good body.

His is a little unnatural.

“Respect for him ······.”

I want to say.

Su smoke

“I don’t know if I still can’t say it?”


“Respect the Lord in Jin Xuan Temple.”

Nice to the Su smoke, I am going to find someone.

After you are hesitating, open

“Soviet girl, the mother of the lord, there is a father.”

Soviet foot will stop.


She took the clothes cuff.

I don’t know why, it is a bit nervous.

Even if there is no change in her face today.

Follow, Anzhen will also

“The father of the Lord wants to give relatives with the princess of the lord.”

Su smoke



“Respect the father’s meaning is intended, hey, hard work.”

There is no such thing as Su smoke.

Anzhen explanation

“Respecting the Lord is also awkward, don’t marry.”

The voice fell, and the saucer ran to Jin Xi Temple.

I just thought to see his parents very nervous.

I have no nervous mood now.

Soviet smoke.

An An Pan came in from the door.

Two people are right.

“Why is the old Lord to do this?”

In fact, the father of the dance is the old man, and they are very uncomfortable.

After all, I looked at the face without any changes.

The father and son can fully refer to the appearance of the father and son.

The old word is three words, I always feel old.

It is like a person who is shouting.

Can be careful.

I don’t know how long the old monsters are gone.

Shouting the old respected Lord also shouted him.

The face is revealed, and some helplessness is

“I heard the Lord to bother the old people in the Millennium Phoenix fruit.”

Austria, yes, the Jun Domain from the Junxi to restore the body to the Soviethey, borrowed one of the medicinal materials.

This medicine gave his hand in the first two days of seeing Su smoke in the Jun Dynasty.

This is not.

The medicine did not have a day.

Junxi will arrange the princess of the princess of the Dynasty to the Jun Dynasty.

That is, the Soviet Union is beginning to see the day.

The professionalism of the princess of the Ming Dynasty is just complete.


“I really will force the owner to kiss the princess?”

Anzhen looked at An Yi

“Give relatives are not necessarily true, I want to be true, I should be true.”

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