The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Schoolgrass Boy Leader, Little 50

After that, Cheng Xingyang couldn’t help but ask Kang Yang

“You and Su Yan… no, it’s your sister-in-law. What’s going on? No, you’re the white man, aren’t you? ”

Cheng Xingyang was supposed to say random words, how could he know to step on the mine?

Kang burned his head, and his eyebrows were filled with a nasty breath.

Cheng Xingyang stunned, his subconscious moved to the side, swallowed a sip

“Me, I’m kidding. Are you kidding me? ”

After that, look at the silence that Kang Yang has always looked ugly.

Cheng Xingyang glared at him and smiled.

Oh, my God! Feng Shui is turning!

God will divide the suffering among everyone, except some who arrive early and some who arrive late.

Like the current turmeric flame, isn’t it right next to it??!

Like girls, like other boys.

What could be more painful than this?

Of course, he didn’t dare to really drop a rock down here before he got killed.

We have to hurry and hide far away.

Besides, Su Xiang went into the teacher’s office.

Chemistry teacher saw Su Smoke coming, his eyes lit up.

“Su Cigarette is here, come here! ”

Between words, it’s hard to hide the little excitement in your heart.

Su Smoke nodded and walked over.

The chemistry teacher took one out of the rolls and put it on the table.

“You do the question. ”

Yuan Xinlin put the chemical test on the teacher’s desk.

The question was inadvertently targeted.

was the subject of the last National Chemistry Competition.

He did, too. It’s harder.

Especially with the last two big questions, I can’t get a clue.

At the end of the day, the teacher clicked on two sentences to conceal the idea.

Su Yan grabbed the paper and sat in the chair beside him.

This chemistry teacher is also afraid of putting a lot of pressure on Su Smoke. Don’t forget the solution.

“It’s okay, if you can’t do it, it’s empty. ”

“Okay, teacher. ”

Su Yan’s soft voice should be heard.

Then he lowered his head and sat up.

Black hair dripped down and covered most of her cheeks.

Into the sun of qi, poured on her, on the test paper, lean body, clean appearance.

The name is Yuan Xinlin.

It wasn’t until the chemistry teacher shouted that Yuan Xinlin returned to God.

“Xinlin, this time in our grade, three people are selected to participate in the national chemistry competition. In addition to you, Gu Xiao, who is in your class, is also a personal choice, and Zhao Sen, who is in the third class, you are all good seedlings, cultivate well, the future is unlimited. ”

Yuan Xinlin has humility on his face.

“Teacher, thank you. ”

The chemistry teacher is also forty or fifty years old, his head is half bald, the sun shines in, and the bald roof shines out the light.

Just listen to him.

“Oh, by the way, how’s everything going with the exams I gave you? ”

“It’s okay, but it’s a lot harder than you gave me. ”

“Ha-ha-ha, let me tell you something. You guys are kind of naked this time.”

The teacher said, paused.

“There were also chemical experiments in the original chemical competition, but one student in the previous session was too nervous and had poor psychological qualities, leading to mistaken chemical equipment and serious explosion injuries. In order to prevent that from happening again, it was decided that this year’s chemistry competition had only written questions and that the chemical experiments would be partially cancelled. ”

Yuan Xinlin’s eyes flashed bright.

“Teacher, is it true? ”

“Why would I lie to you? ”

After that, the chemistry teacher reached out and patted Yuan Xinlin on the shoulder.

“Take these questions back and do it. Wait till they’re all grinded out. That’s about it. ”

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