The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Schoolgrass Boy Leader, A Little Sheet51

After speaking, the chemistry teacher looked up and found Su Yan sitting honestly on the chair and looking at them.

It scared the teacher and made him cry.

“Su Yan, do you have a problem? It’s okay, it’s empty. I’ll give you an analysis when I’m done with all the teachers. ”

Su Yan, stand up. Soft voice.

“Teacher, I’m done. ”

As soon as she spoke, Yuan Xinlin and his chemistry teacher were shocked.

Yuan Xinlin’s first reaction is impossible!

Then, thinking about the level of Su Yan again, I think I understand.

This question is too difficult for someone who has never been trained to do it.

Su Smoke is probably all empty.

Yuan Xinlin looked at her as if she was a good girl. Her heart was soft and she couldn’t help but make a sound of comfort.

“It’s okay, you’ve been fine. Practice well, it will be fine later. ”

Su Smoke licked the corner of his lip and did not answer his words.

Chemistry teacher is completely different from Yuan Xinlin’s reaction.

After being surprised, the chemistry teacher flashed his eyes and suddenly thought of the question that Su Smoke had made that night for 10 minutes.

There’s this incredible idea in my head.

“Give it to me! ”

The talking room was a little exciting.

Su Yan handed over the paper in his hand.

The chemistry teacher looked at her questions carefully from the beginning.

In the other hand, take the answer to this paper, one by one.

The more you look, the more the teacher’s hands shake.

At the end of the day, the teacher looked up, incredible.

“You made it yourself? ”

Su Smoke winked.


Probably too excited to ask such a technology-free question.

Follow closely, the teacher points to the last two big questions.

“How come these two have only written the final inference formula, no writing process? ”

Su Yan thought about it. Soft voice.

“The process is a bit troublesome. ”

If she doesn’t say so, it’s a little quicker in the head than it says.

The teacher hastened to pull Su Cigarette in front of him.

“Come, write to the teacher. ”

Su Smoke nodded.

Pick up the pen from the side.

Write a few important arithmetic steps next to the question.

By the time she finished writing, Yuan Xinlin’s entire body had become stiff.

Incredible, more.

He is familiar with Su Yan.

How do you never know she’s so chemically strong?

When Su Yan finished writing, the chemistry teacher couldn’t even compare. He grabbed Su Yan’s arm directly and excitedly.

“You, would you like to compete in chemistry in a month? ”

Su Smoke blinked, reached out, pushed away the teacher’s hand, and kept his distance without a trace.

She doesn’t like people suddenly approaching.

But at this time, the teacher only cares if she will agree. As for the end of the branch, where is there time to focus?

After half a bang, she smiled lightly.


As soon as she promised, the teacher’s face glorified.

Looks a lot younger.

With the genius of Su Yan, the first place in this chemistry competition can still run??!

Two people came out of the teacher’s office.

Yuan Xinlin restrained his mind and revealed a helpless smile

“I never knew your ability to compete in chemistry was so strong. ”

Su Yan lifted his eyes and blinked.

“It’s okay. ”

She doesn’t feel anything, except… her head hurts a little when she just did it.

When you think about it, pull a strawberry milk sugar out of your pocket.

Strip, eat.

The smell of strawberry milk spread through her mouth.

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