The Boy raised in a Dark Elf Village

Chapter 23: The Approaching Menace

Things has become hectic in the Dark Elf Village in the next few days. The moment she'd returned, Krul had informed her people about the danger, the Black Dragon, that is to come in the imminent future. She then issued a mandate to every villager to be vigilant and to not roam far away from the village as a precaution for their safety.

Afterwards, Krul worked with two of her disciples, Clara and Velpa, to create a powerful barrier around the village with its defensive strengthened to its utmost capabilities. Hoping that it can at least withstand the Black Dragon for a few moments, should it ever appear before the village.

So while the village is on high alert, Yasil is currently watering the plants in Lucy's garden at the back of her house.

"Umm Lucy, I'm done watering the plants now." Yasil said to the air, knowing that Lucy would hear him.

She then appeared before his eyes and inspected the plants. "Hm... you did a good job." she said with a satisfied tone, marking his task completed.

"Now then, do you mind helping me feed the animals that have come here? They aren't dangerous, so you don't have to worry about getting hurt." she asked the boy, holding her hand out so that she can transport together with him to the location rather than just walking there.

"Sure." Yasil replied. "But is it alright to do something like this now? Master said that a Black Dragon will be coming to this forest soon. So shouldn't we prepare for when it comes?" he then asked, holding a concerned look on his face, feeling anxious from the uncertainty of when the Black Dragon will appear.

"You have a point..." Lucy agreed with Yasil's suggestion. "So how exactly are we supposed to prepare, hm?" she then asked, putting Yasil in a state of silence as he does not know how he should answer that question.

A Black Dragon is coming; danger is coming. Yet, what can two people do against that? Set up a barrier? Ready their weapons for any upcoming combat? Stay a vigilant watch? No. Yasil knows that none of that would matter against the Black Dragon, despite never meeting one in his life.

As a matter of fact, the so-called preparations had already been done long ago by Lucy, whose body and senses are connected to the entire forest they reside in. Thus, allowing her to know if the dragon has appear yet or not, so that they can run when the time comes as that would be the only option they could do.

After rationally thinking about it, Yasil calmed down and helped Lucy feed the cute and small animals that came to her home. Cuddling with them on the grass, while they ate the fruits grown in the garden Yasil was watering earlier.

"Fufufu. They really like you, huh." Lucy commented, seeing the animals cuddling all over the boy

"You think so?" asked Yasil, feeling unsure if he should be happy or uncomfortable about it, as he has never interacted with animals in such a way before. Mainly for the reason that he hunts them, rather than care for them. Making him somewhat guilty for killing their kin as he pats the animals' heads.

Watching Yasil feed the animals with the fruits in his hands, Lucy took out the delicacies made from her nectar and tapped the boy on the shoulder.

"Say ahh, cutie~"


Yasil was taken aback for a moment, but quickly complied as he opened his mouth and consumed the sweet delicious treat exploding in his mouth.

He has tasted Lucy's nectar raw from the jug before. Yet somehow, eating the delicacy was way more delicious than that.

As Yasil relishes the first, another was shoved in his face.

"Say ahh again~" Lucy demanded, which Yasil happily did so.

But before the treat entered his mouth, a menacing roar disturbed their moment.


Loud and deafening, Yasil was forced to cover his ears while Lucy's face turned serious.

The animals that were all over Yasil had immediately ran away, with a few fainting from the roar alone.

"What the hell was that?" Yasil questioned, his ears still ringing and unable to hear clearly.

Without answering, Lucy looked up with a serious glare as the ground they are sitting on suddenly became darkened by the shadow above them. Causing Yasil to look up as well, whose eyes then widened in shock by what they have laid upon.

With a wide length of about 25 meters, the shadowy figure made its appearance and landed the ground next to the two of them. There, they could see its height; approximately 10 meters tall, possessing jet black scales, menacing wings, blood-red eyes and golden horns.

It's here... It's here, all right. The Black Dragon, here in the flesh. Appearing before the Boy and the Dryad's eyes out of nowhere.

To Yasil's surprise, all he could do was to stare blankly at it in the eyes, as if the being he is facing is death itself.

As for Lucy, she was surprised for a different reason: She didn't noticed its presence.

Despite her body and senses being connected to the entire forest, Lucy was unable to see or notice the Black Dragon's figure until it had roared and showed itself right above their heads. Leading her to believe that it can hide its presence completely and very well in fact.

"Yasil, we must leave now." she said, speaking the boy's name for the first time as she grabbed him on the shoulder.

However, her words were not heard by Yasil, whose eyes are currently locked with the Dragon's, as the two continued staring at each other until Lucy called out to him again.



The boy looked away. Causing the Black Dragon to spread its wings and roar to the sky as it then spoke for the first time.

"Yippee, I've von!"

"What...?" Yasil and Lucy twitched in confusion.

"Oh? Vere ve not doin' a staring contest, hooman? Is zat not vhy you vere staring?" the Black Dragon asked with a peculiar accent, which confuses Yasil and Lucy even more as their jaws were left wide open.

"Erm, hello~? Hooman? Und ze tree lady? You two listening?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Umm..." Yasil stuttered on his words, as the Black Dragon had move its face closer. Making him nervous as he knew that one word wrong and he could very well end up dead.

But before he uttered another word, Lucy did so on his behalf.

"O Great Black Dragon, may this Dryad ask for what purpose have you come here?" she said, hoping that they can do something about the Dragon since it can speak.

The Black Dragon raised its head. It scratched the back of its ears with a silly smile on its face. "Ehh~ Great? I don't zink myself as zat zough, hehe." it spoke in a modest tone, embarrassed by the respect Lucy is displaying towards it, despite only meeting for a first time.

"You can speak to me in a more casual manner, tree lady. Same goes for ze hooman too." it said, surprising Yasil and Lucy with its friendly nature, easing their nerves a bit.

"In that case, why are you here, umm..."

"Draconia. Zat my name."

"Right. So Draconia, can you tell us why you have come to this forest?" Luc reiterates her question.

Draconia tilts its head. "Hm? Am I not allow here?" it asked, clueless as to what it has done.

"Well, you are kind of disturbing the peace of the forest right now, you know." said Lucy, pointing to the unconscious animals beneath the Dragon's feet.

"Ah." Draconia gasped, realising the damage it has already caused as it curled up in shame and said, "I'm sowwee..." apologising to the Dryad.

"Oh, don't worry. The animals here aren't dead." Lucy remarked. "They were just knocked out by the sudden roar of yours." she added, making the Black Dragon even more ashamed of its actions as its face turned red.

"So, would you mind answering the question already?"

"Ah. Yes... Erm, vell... you see... I vas looking for a new home." Draconia answered.

"Is that so? What happened to your old home?" Lucy then asked.

"It got destroyed by... scary hoomans." Draconia answered again. "Ah. But zat doesn't mean I zink all hoomans are scary." it added. "I know zere are cute hoomans! Like Yaya, next to you!"

"Don't call me cute!" Yasil suddenly snapped back. "Also, who the hell is Yaya?!"

"I think that would be you, cutie."

"Yes, it is! Cute hooman's name is Yasil, so Yaya for short!"

"It's still two syllables! You're not shortening anything! And how did you know my name!?"

"Tree lady said it earlier, didn't she?"


The topic about Yasil's nickname was put aside then, as the conversation returned to the subject of the Black Dragon's purpose in the forest with a much more relaxing air around their chat.

"Anyways... Draconia, you came here in search for a home, did you?"

"Yes yes. Vhile flying invisible in ze sky, I saw zis big forest from afar and decided to check it out. Zat's vhen I saw Yaya, tree lady and darkie in the forest and vanted to hi. But zen you all vanished. So I vent looking for you all for a few days until finally, I found you and Yaya here!"

"And that's how you have appeared before us out of nowhere... But why make your presence known to us in such a way? Thanks to that, you have knocked out the animals here and could have cause cutie here to be deaf."

"Yeah... My ears are still ringing by the way."

"Uuh... Yes... I'm so sowwee about zat. My papa told me zat I must always make an epic entrance to give a good first impression to others. So zat's vhat I did, but... maybe I shouldn't have done zat."

Draconia lowered its head in shame again, as Yasil and Lucy sighed thinking what now?

The Black Dragon whom Krul was afraid of, had turned out to be a rather patient and modest kind. With a strange accent to boot.

"So erm... Can I stay here?" it then asked the two, who looked at each other and began telepathically communicating about what they should do.

"What do we say?" Yasil asked Lucy.

"I don't know, cutie." Lucy replied. "Draconia doesn't seem to be a threat as Krul made it out to be. But on the other hand..." she turned her gaze to the unconscious animals. "...It is a threat in another way." she said.

"But I will feel bad saying no to its face. Besides, what if rejecting Draconia leads to the forest's destruction. Then what?"

"Mmm... you have a point, cutie. Although I doubt it will ever do that, we still can't risk angering a Black Dragon who is a potential menace to the forest." Lucy remarked, agreeing to the boy's notion.

"Lucy. It's not a potential menace, it is a menace!" Yasil retorted.

And in the end, they both came to an agreement to allow Draconia to stay.

"Sure. You can stay if you want, Draconia. However, I ask that you lower your presence or something. Because right now, you're kind of frightening the wildlife here by just sitting there." said Lucy.

"And your body is a bit too big, no offense. Could you like... shrink in size or something, so that you won't ruin the trees here on accident?" remarked Yasil.

"Of course! Of course! Zat I can do!" Draconia agreed to their terms with a cheery smile on its face.

It then absorbed the energy it was naturally emitting to reduce the level of its presence. Afterwards, it used a certain spell that causes its body to sparkle as its shape began to change.

Standing naked before the pair's eyes now, a tall woman with black scales on her arms and legs, looks right at them. With jet-black hair, blood-red eyes and golden horns, the woman showed no shame in exposing her large chest and mind-blowing ass.

"Wait... You're a woman?"

"Yes. I never said I vas a man, did I?"

Draconia spoke once again. But unlike the deep and coarse voice she had in dragon form, her voice in human form is a lot more feminine and mature, yet young at the same time due to the way she talks.

"Well anyways, we need you to get dressed. Oh, and by the way, my name is Lucy. Hope we can get along well."

"Ou! Nice to meet you too!"

"As for you, cutie, would you mind informing Krul of what had just occurred? The roar from earlier might have cause her and the village to be on high alert."

"Already doing it, Lucy. Master sounds rather shocked by the news though..."

"I see... Well, I'm sure she will come to accept it eventually. Now then... please follow me, Draconia. You can live in my home for the time being. So I'll be showing you to your room."

"Okie dokie! Lead the way, Lulu!"

And so, the menacing Black Dragon, Draconia, has become a resident of the forest.

Thank for reading. 🍫

Draconia has the fantasy version of a German accent by the way. If you couldn't tell...

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