The Boy raised in a Dark Elf Village

Chapter 24: Distrust

A few days later after Draconia's entrance in the forest, things have somewhat calmed down as the Dark Elves in the village has heard the news about the Black Dragon's wish to stay in the forest as a resident, rather than to destroy it.

While some, or rather, many of the Dark Elves still have a hard time believing it, the fact remains that Draconia came to the forest in peace. Somewhat...

Now sitting before the Chief of the Dark Elves, Krul, whom Draconia refers to as darkie, Draconia nervously clenches her hands between her thighs while Krul eyes the Black Dragon up and down with much fear in the back of her mind.

Meanwhile, Lucy is seated in between the two on the table with Yasil embraced in her arms somehow.

The silence around them is suffocating. With everyone in the house either being anxious or afraid, except for Lucy who is calmly patting Yasil on the head while he glances at the Dragon and his Master sitting across each other.

"So... Draconia, was it?" Krul broke the silence first.

"Ah, yes, Miss Master Village Chief." Draconia sat straight up and replied.

"You truly intend on living in this forest, do you?" Krul questioned.

"Y-Yes! Zat is correct, umm... Can I?" Draconia asked meekly, looking Krul in the eyes, who sighs and averted her gaze away.

"Well, it's not my place to say no..." remarked Krul. "Besides, Lucy has already welcomed you and Yasil told me that you mean no harm, so I guess it's fine." she added, putting a sense of relief on Draconia's mind.

"However..." Krul then continued, removing that feeling instantly. "Just because these two here accepted you, doesn't mean I have. That of course, includes the rest of us in my village as well." she said, glaring intently at the Black Dragon in spite of the fear she has.

"You see, unlike Lucy, Yasil and everyone else in my village, I have explored the world outside of the forest in my younger days. And I know how much of a danger the Black Dragons are." Krul stated with stern gaze to Draconia, who understood what she meant by those words.

"The Black Dragons... They are notorious for causing countless deaths and destructions throughout the world. And I have seen it; I bore witness to one of those destructions your kin have created. Which is why it will be hard for me to trust you at all. Even if my friend and disciple were to say otherwise."


Draconia kept her silence. For she understands Krul's distrust in her.

Dragons are creatures that follows their nature according to their instincts. The Black Dragons are one of the most infamous kinds of Dragons that follows their nature of chaos, madness and destruction. Thus, giving them a terrible reputation as stated by Krul.

Draconia, however, is a rare case who doesn't follow her nature as a Black Dragon. But even if she were to say that, there was no way for Krul or anyone else in the Dark Elf Village to believe her.

As she ponders on what to say next, Krul continued.

"So tell me, Draconia, how will you make me trust you?"

"Uh, I...."

Draconia was lost for words; she didn't know what to say. Seeing the clear distrust in Krul's eyes, Draconia recalls the many times where people expressed similar faces to her in the past, simply because of her race.

Draconia is a Black Dragon. And Black Dragons are feared and hated by all. Knowing that for a fact, there was only one thing Draconia can say in response to Krul's question.

"I vill prove it to you... zat I am different from ze others." she said. "Zat's vhy, please vatch me, Miss Master Village Chief! I vill show you zrough my actions zat I am my own dragon!" Draconia announced proudly to Krul, who sees the burning determination in her eyes.

"Very well." Krul acknowledged the dragon's declaration, turning her head to the side next. "Yasil, I'm assigning you to be her Observer." she said. "In addition to your Caretaker duties, you are to watch this dragon closely and report her every action to me, understand?"

"Yes, Master. I understand." Yasil answered, while thinking to himself how much of a pain his job will become after this.

With a satisfied nod, Krul stood up. "Now then, if you will excuse me, I shall be returning to my village now." she said, waving goodbye to the table and promptly heading for door to leave the premise. "Oh, and one more thing, Draconia. Just call me Chief from now on." she added, before closing the door behind her.

Unbeknownst to Yasil and Draconia, while known to Lucy, Krul's legs had collapsed to the ground once she had closed the door behind her.

The fear that she had towards Draconia has finally reached its peak. Resulting in her collapse on the ground as Krul is unable to move her legs at the moment.

"That was scary!" she yelled out, but not loud enough for Yasil and the others to hear her on the other side.

"What was I thinking, having such an attitude towards a Black Dragon!? Good thing I left the matter to Yasil and left as soon as possible. Otherwise, who knows how long I could have hold on for."

Krul then got up. Her knees were still trembling but her consciousness told her that she doesn't want to be near Lucy's place any longer.

"Sorry Lucy, but I'm not going to come back for a while. I know you're watching so please keep it a secret that I was acting like that earlier. I don't want anyone to find out about how I normally am."

"Sure thing, Krul. Anything for a friend. Fufu~"

And so, Krul returned to her village while Draconia now has to prove herself under Yasil's supervision.

With that being said, it is almost time for lunch. Which means that it is also time for Yasil to perform his Caretaker duties again.

So as Yasil and Lucy head upstairs, Draconia followed them from behind.

"Umm, Draconia? Why are you following us?"

"You're going to do your Caretaker duties, right, Yaya? Let me help you out!"

"Uhh... I don't think you would want to do that..."

"I vill do good, I promise! So please, let me help you out!"

"No, that's not what I—"

"Ara ara~ Why don't we let her, cutie? I'm sure she will be really helpful." Lucy cuts in, covering Yasil's mouth with her hand.

"Draconia, the task will be somewhat difficult for you. Will you still be helping out, hm?"

"Of course, Lulu! I, Draconia, vill do my best!"

"Great. Then let us go to cutie's room right away." Lucy said with a mischievous smirk written on her face. Unaware of what she's scheming, however, Draconia enthusiastically follows the Dryad, who drags Yasil along as the three of them enter his room.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

What the Dryad planning, hm? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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