The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 141

The Name Calling for Death, Part 13 – The King’s Word

“Were you… even called the King of Heroes, and not on the side of man?

Fit and lifeless stop the leg.

“You mean that? Unfortunately, I’m not on the side of humans. It just so happens that the opponent who is worth the fight was a demon. If humans were stronger, they would have told me I was the Demon King. In fact, there was a demon king.”

“Then why did you make a kingdom or something!?

“That’s what the people who followed me on their own worship did. I don’t know. Besides, don’t you play board games? It’s gonna be a pretty good time.”

Niyali and Lifeless laugh. Truly, this man thinks only of human life as a tool. But knowing that was the case, Alphilis kept asking further questions.

“… the legend tells me that when you went to the last battle, your army was wiped out with the Demon King. Is that true?

“Oh, it’s a fact. Anyway, I wiped out all the demon kings.”


Flat, Lifeless answered with a face where nothing was going to go wrong. Alphilis stunned by that answer.

“How many thousands of lives have you sacrificed?

“The Alliance of Demon Kings has roughly 200,000. This one is more or less 100,000. About 200,000 inhabitants of the town caught up in it. That’s half a million dollars.”

“How could you… do that”

“I wanted to try it”

“How powerful would it be if I unleashed magic in full bloom?”

When I heard that, I shook my head sideways so that Alphilis was frightened.

“You… are insane.”

“What is sanity? At the time, power was the whole world. If you’re weak, you lose everything, and if you’re strong, you get everything. It was supposed to be slaughter, but it was a very simple dish. At first I wondered if that was such a dish because demons and humans are in contention, but once humans took over the sovereignty of the continent, didn’t humans start doing the same thing with each other? Even the servant demon kings did not kill their fellow countrymen, but the humans kill their fellow countrymen fine. Let me tell you something, the humans are crazier.

Instead, as much as I regret now why I didn’t kill more humans then. More like maggots in a little while, and I don’t do anything to waste my life, but humans can kill people who separated themselves from their blood with laughter. There is no other brutal race like this. You’d know better when you’re watching Doom, wouldn’t you? Well, I like how others get hit by helplessness, too. Don’t you guys feel superior when you find out you’re better than others?

Lifeless asked the Alphilis and the others the other way around. But if I only asked at the end, I certainly wasn’t convinced either.


“If you’re better than people, you naturally feel superior. It’s only natural that you want to be rewarded for your efforts. But human beings are too emotional. Resentment, jealousy, jealousy… humans kill their fellow human beings flat out with such disgusting emotions. The point is, people are swinging at their emotions. Most importantly, that’s no exception to Seekers and Elves. Fenna there, was it? like my ancestors.”

Lifeless points to Fenna. There was Fenna, who still had an unfocused eye.

But in the case of her daughter, it’s called karma.

“What did Fenna do!?

The alphilis is fierce, but the lifeless returned it flat.

“Even if he didn’t do anything, Rosenworks’ blood used to be a big sin.”


A faint light returns to Fenna’s eyes.

“What did our clan do?

“… a long time ago a family of Sconers developed the practice of magic. But the demon king, who had served them, tried to occupy the sorcery alone. That’s why they betrayed the demon king and surrendered to the Seeker who was cooperating on the human side… killing everyone in the opposite clan.”

To his dismay words, Fenna’s emotions come back like he cut a weir.


“I’m not lying. Have you ever wondered why only the Rosenworks people live far away? Plus, they pressed a seal on Huge Trent. If it’s more or less the magic of the Seeker, it doesn’t matter when you’re in Huge Trent. Why do we have to keep sealing it up for the most part?

It’s a shackle against you. Don’t be rebellious, don’t say. So once in a few years, a watch would have come in the name of AC from Mutrio? And while you are royal, you have never set foot in this settlement. Didn’t I? ”


Fenna was thrilled when she was told what she thought. Sure, Lifeless is right, Fenna had a visit to the mutlio with her parents, but only they were always inside. Fenna was always waiting outside. Fenna didn’t think deeply about that at the time, but now that she thinks about it, she can’t even flatter herself that she’s making a welcome, such as letting the royal family wait outside without even entering the settlement.

Lifeless goes on even further, looking at Fenna, who I can’t argue with.

“It may seem like we’re doing something cruel to you, but in the long run, it’s all karma.”

“Do you have such an unscrupulous story for yourself!

“It’s not impotent or anything. More or less, why are the Seekers here moving apart from the South Forest mob? You don’t think there were any other creatures in this mutlio that migrated to it? The Seekers here are kicking out the warcraft, demons and natives who were in the woods when they migrated in exercising their powers. A lot of creatures are dead. Where is the legitimacy of this act?


“The creature is always alive while killing something. You can’t live without eating. But are human beings guilty, or are they out of conscience again… or do they want to forget about it, but they created the concept of ‘justice’ to justify their actions? As a form of defensive instinct, you can’t blame yourself for that, but the word” justice “is the only word that walks alone, and you will still kill each other today based on the word” justice “. Absolutely. It’s a hard foolishness.”

Lifeless sent his scornful gaze to the Alphilis and the others. I guess that’s what he thinks from the core. But Alphilis argues.

“Then what are you doing this for!?

“For the world.”

Everyone was stunned by the lifeless who answered instantly. No one could say anything to an answer that was too unexpected.

“The world, of…?

“That’s right. In the long run, we’re talking about. I don’t deny that brutality is also committed in it, but it’s all necessary evil”

“That’s the trick. You just changed the language you shake, and it won’t change what you’re doing.”

Point it out as Lisa points to Lifeless. But Lifeless just laughed thinly.

“What about the reason you killed your men in the last fight? Isn’t that what you did for fun?

“I don’t deny that I enjoyed it. But what I did that far was a theory of the consequences of freeing up magic, and honestly, it was more powerful than I expected. I didn’t care about the life and death of my allies, the lives and deaths of my residents, but I didn’t even dare to get involved. It would be up to the commander to sacrifice efficiently to achieve the best results. But if I hadn’t killed them there, it would have been a civil conflict involving all the countries of the east.”

“Based on what!

“It was happening, for sure. I didn’t have a single person to share the blood with. Because of that, my men were rubbing in a successor fight. The Demon King Crusade. That’s the way he kept saying that about who’s going to be the next king. If I had left it that way, I wouldn’t have been at the Demon King’s anymore. Let’s not go down there.”

Lifeless has a distant eye. Many of Graham’s men were legendary. When you hear about it, the masses are courageous. When Lisa made the fairy tale read to the child, Ruth was often treated to hero Tan. That’s why I bought all sorts of stories, but Lisa also liked that the heroes’ stories seemed to get brave.

But she was very disappointed to learn that those heroes were throwing themselves into a feud that never came down.

“… such an idiot”

“That’s the stupid thing that happened. It would have been slight or too much to kill even the inhabitants, but I’ll take as much punishment as I want later. But if you ask me, it’s just that the townspeople are guilty again.”

“Just kidding! What sins are there for residents who don’t join the fight!?

Miranda stepped on the ground and raged. I hear my anger outweighed my fright. Lifeless looking at Miranda like that with cold eyes.

“I am guilty. Soldiers moisturize with the weapons and food they provide, and they kill their enemies. You can die like polishing your weapon and giving it to a soldier without knowing about it. Don’t you think it’s the toughest thing to do, such as someone who just isn’t getting his hands on it directly and can’t imagine what the consequences of his actions will be? It’s troublesome, those guys. You don’t really feel like you’re killing people.”


“Because I was king only in form, I saw things rot around there. Have you ever seen an enemy mother crying beside that wreck with a weapon she gave to a soldier that killed her daughter? In the honor of their country, the human beings of their enemies are forced to commit unspeakable massacres. That too, just for the sake of the name of a mere middling. Do you know what sights will unfold the moment you say ‘Allow looting’ to the soldiers on the battlefield?

He who kills all the inhabitants of the store to eat one loaf of bread. The one who beats and kills an old woman to steal gold objects. Or those who deliberately offend their wives and daughters in front of their husbands just because they prefer to look. It was heartfelt ugly, man. You’ve lived a long time, too, haven’t you? Have you ever been through anything like that?

Miranda shut up. He who, when he began his journey alone, came near with a kind face, and defiled himself. If you’re on a pilgrimage again, you watch as much as you say you don’t like the dirty parts of humans. Still, Miranda wanted to believe in humans.


“You’re young to say that. You’re both foolish and envious. If you could have said the same words when you went just like me, you could have listened to me for a little while.

But it doesn’t start now when I tell you about it. Anyway, we can’t stop now. And if you commit atrocities, there’s only one reason why they should do so. Of course, only me and a few others know about it. Most of all, Doom’s abalone is just purely enjoying… ”

Dragreo is not brainy enough to figure that out, and Onei is just loyal to the mission. As for anomaly, I can’t help but look forward to getting hit back. Most of all, Master and Hidun, Silence seems to know the circumstances. Bradymaria, the princess, I don’t know the other boy.

“… okay. That’s why the selection of prey is almost at my disposal. And you’re going to thank us for what we’re doing. Definitely.”

“What are you kidding about? For what the hell reason…”

“Unfortunately, I can’t tell you that. Well, I’m tired of chatting too. It’s time to kill him, okay?

Lifeless enters the fighting posture again. Miranda grips the sleeve of the alphilis that sets it up again.


“Miranda, let’s fight. Even if he’s right, he can’t be killed without knowing. And.”


“I’m not giving Miranda to that guy.”

“… you say it! It’s going to be powerful.”

“Let me fight too”

Fenna was behind the Alphilis at some point. The light is weak in its eyes, but it is back.

“Even I… I don’t want to die knowing anything!

“Yeah, I’d rather have you help me.”

“Alfie, I am.”

Aerial also comes by, but Alphilis shook his head.

“Aerie protects Nia and Kazas, as well as Lisa. Lisa keeps detecting holes in the junction with the sensors. Because we manage to damage the lifeless and scratch the junction, I want you to open that up in an aerial way. That’s the only way.”

“… ok”

Good luck, gentlemen.

Lisa did a moment of prayerful fitting and went right back down. Lifeless made sure of that. One word.

“Hmm, are you motivated? Otherwise it’s not funny. If you’re going to fight, you’re going crazy to death, fragile people.”

“You don’t have to tell me!

“(A little more, if you can buy some time…)”

Alphilis had noticed while fighting. A wish, but now I want to bet on it. And Alphilis and the others were slaughtered lifelessly.


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