The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 142

Death Calling Names, Part 14 – Defeat, and

“You’re lying…”

“Duh, what’s going on…”

Uti, who kept doing healing magic on Nia in the rear, leaks the word and Nia reacts to it. Although Nia stopped bleeding and calmed down somewhat, she was still roaring in pain, and every time she fainted, her consciousness was repeatedly drawn back by severe pain. Was it her instinct as a warrior to try to check the state of war even in such a state, and also her willingness not to pull her legs?

But Kazas cares about her like that.

“Nia, you better not move yet.”

“Don’t worry, Kazas. Run if you have to… ugly.”

Nia, who almost woke up her body, nods in pain. Lisa also unexpectedly reaches out.

“Nia, you can’t do this yet”

“Lisa… are the Alfies safe?

Lisa’s reaction to the words Nia relegated to squeeze out is dull.

“Alive, I am. But…”

There’s no need for Lisa to have a bad tooth cut. In front of you, the alphilis crawl to the ground. No, only Miranda was tightened to lifeless, like strangling her.

Above all, everyone was surprised that Lifeless boasted considerable skill in fighting. To a unilateral development, it was also decided to use the help of Aerial along the way, but the Alphilis maneuver, which sought to create a gap in Aerial’s ability to fight, collapsed even more brittle than the full calculation that Lifeless would do until the melee. He is a magician, but also a first-rate fighter. That is the man who was once called the King of Heroes, the Lifeless.

Alphilis lying on the ground groans with regret.

“I can’t believe you… cross more than one another with Aerie.”

“The most troubling thing for a sorcerer when in battle is the time to chant. That’s why magicians often form an inmate party with warriors and other proximators, but if you assume to fight alone, it makes sense to train fights. I don’t just fight anything, I do swords, spears, axes, whips… anything. It may be difficult to say that all of the clutter is top notch.”

“I often say…”

What is not top notch about the skill of retreating Aerial in a head-on battle? Most of all, it’s probably because lifeless doesn’t take any damage from an aerial blow.

And Alphilis, crawling to the ground, lags behind, lifeless turning to Miranda.

“Well, shall we hear it again? Woman, name it.”

“Who… says!

Miranda resists diligently as she is strangled. If Lifeless cares about it, I know it will break Miranda’s fine neck in an instant, but to that extent Miranda doesn’t do as much as talk about her real name. Rather, given the importance of my real name, I couldn’t name it if I changed it to my existence.

But seeing Miranda like that, Lifeless looks a little troubled.

“You can force me to vomit with sorcery… but I’m not good at that hand sorcery any more, and with no preparation, I don’t know if I can hear what I think. But you look strong in pain. [M] Well, what do we do…”

“Whatever they do… they never say!

“I see. Still this?

Lifeless stepped through Aerial’s right arm lying at his feet. Cockroaches, and unpleasant noises, Aerial’s arms broken, Aerial screaming without a voice.

“Gu… Ah, uh…”

“Do what!

Miranda makes a sad scream.

“Okay, here’s the deal. If you vomit honestly, I’ll vouch for these guys’ lives. But if you don’t talk…”

Lifeless stepped on Aerial’s left arm, this time gradually weighing in. The squeaky and unpleasant noise sounds and the sweat seeps out of Aerial’s forehead. Aerial’s failure to try to scream one more time broke Miranda’s heart on the contrary.

“… it’s Worth.”


“Miranda, don’t say it!

Alphilis screams, but Miranda had already decided on her belly.

“My last name is Ravenworth!

“Oh my God.”

Lifeless opens its eyes. And look seriously at Miranda’s face with emotion. Miranda wonders how it is.

“You know what?

“Naturally. As a family of pharmacists, no one knew them at the time. At a time when healing magic was not widespread, their medication was invaluable. The leaders of all nations, even the Demon King, craved their medicine. Especially since Elixir was brilliant. I was close to your family, too.”


Now Miranda’s eyes are opened. A lifeless person who speaks of that fact even naturally.

“Of course not? I was powerful enough to be called the King of Heroes at the time. I came here to sell from them. You paid me in advance before I became king. It was quite a cunning clan.”

“Are you making fun of me!?

An exasperating Miranda.

“No, no, I’m rather complimenting you. By making deals with the Demon King, they sought the survival and prosperity of the clan. Good hands inside. I’m so sorry to hear it’s all gone.”

“Didn’t you do it!?

Lifeless waved at Miranda staring at Lifeless.

“Too bad it’s not me. I’d rather know who the crazy guy is who does that, too. Even the demon kings were wondering. I don’t think there’s anyone out there who could have killed the Ravenworth clan.”

Watch Miranda shut up and Lifeless laughs thinly.

“Well. Let’s get back to it, if you’re a Ravenworth clan, there’s a certain degree of convergence that you’re immortal. Besides immortality, your knowledge is valuable. Why don’t you come with me?”

“If you take Atashi, why don’t you give Alfi and the others a hand?

Miranda looks straight into Lifeless eyes. With that eye staring, Lifeless responded instantly.

“Though I don’t want to either, I was called a king for once. I don’t grab the word” deal “in jokes. If that’s what you want, then I’ll keep my word. Exchange terms are the basis of the deal.”

“… okay. Let’s follow you.”

“No, Miranda!!

Alphilis screams, but Miranda just looked sad. Lifeless, on the other hand, smiles satisfactorily and lowers Miranda to the ground.

“Alfi, this is the best way. Atashi doesn’t want to lose you.”

“Stop joking!

“I’m not kidding. Atashi couldn’t help his lover back in the day. I’m sorry to hear that. If I can help you now, I don’t care what happens to Atashi…”

“What about me to be left!?


Seeing Miranda’s sad face, Alphilis tries to squeeze her full strength and stand up, but it doesn’t work. Her body had already reached its limits with a series of sorceries and lifeless beatings of damage.

Lifeless staring chilly at how such an alphilis looks.

“Alphilis, Miranda’s judgment is hard, okay? I will win no matter how much you raise me on this occasion, and even if Miranda doesn’t shake her head vertically, I will kill you all and I will take this woman. Even if this woman doesn’t cooperate with my experiments again, there are as many ways to get her mouth to crack. Especially since my people are familiar with that sort of thing.

But if Miranda is cooperative, let’s at least promise to prepare a humane treatment. Most of the time in the course of the experiment, you’ll have to fall apart alive a few times. ”

Life less that speaks horribly, even naturally, pale. Nothing, Lifeless has not regarded the Alphilis and the others as eligible creatures since the beginning. It was just a tool for all organisms to fulfill their purpose and was an experimental subject. I don’t treat people equally. In that sense, he would have been very much a ‘king’.

But even if it turns out that, Alphilis couldn’t just give up.

“Still… I won’t let you do it”

“Bad forelife. So, what do we do?

“Use my life, but…”

Alphilis breaks the clothes on his left arm. From that torn garment comes another curse. A little surprised by that fact Lifeless.

“Well… can we still do it”

“Be prepared, lifeless. If I use this power, you’re sure to blow without a trace.”

“Stop it, Alfie!

Lifeless grabs his arm and stops Miranda from inadvertently trying to rush over to Alphilis.

“Funny… you think I can take him down as long as he’s gone?

“Shall we try?

When Alphilis starts whining about something, the curse marks on his left hand start to move. The seal is about to be unsealed.

Lifeless stares at the way the chick hatches with exhilaration as if she sees an egg before it hatches. And the moment Lifeless concentrated his whole nerve on Alphilis, Alphilis laughed niggardly.


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