The Breeding Goblin Has Reincarnated

Chapter 4: Machinations

Not all people lived with ‘strong emotions’. There were some that could quickly adapt to the circumstances while keeping their minds intact. The kind of people who weren’t below accepting the bright side of reality. Hell was only a place to stay.

This was the kind of person that ‘Silvia’ was…

She could not remember how long it had been since she’d been captured. When was it that she had submitted the goblins as their plaything? This was a thought rolling around her head while giving a dirty toothed goblin a kiss. Lovingly holding it to her level.

Her body was a piece of meat used to satisfy the many types of goblins she served. They were stupid and did not care about her well-being, but they knew how to reward a slave that served well. She had gone from being a breeding tool to their ‘Greatest Treasure’. Someone who had watched their father’s die and was passed down like a family heirloom.

Distinctly feeling the difference with time spent.

However, she also knew there was no future here.

After using up their stamina, they left her alone.

A rare lack of fear towards her remaining strength.

Silvia had managed to find some time for herself in the bathing facility. Using her hand to wipe away the dried semen that stuck to her lower body. There was no despair in her eyes. Only the silent thoughts of a woman that was waiting for an opportunity to come.

She waited for a ‘change’.

Wearing the torn and skimpy clothes that she’d been gifted by her many ‘masters’. Her white panties still stinking of her own juices. After having a bath, she stood up straight and wore the layers of broken clothes. This was despite knowing they’d be ruined.

“Too bad.” Silvia knew they’d tear it off her again.

These creatures did not know how to treat someone or ‘train’ them. She had been trying to enjoy the act of pleasuring them, yet giving it out didn’t feel as good as being given pleasure. Their wimpy little rods couldn’t satisfy her cravings like ‘real men’ could do.

“Should I try to escape?” This thought would hit her every so often. Life here had dulled her ability to feel shame. She did not feel bad for having enjoyed some parts of what she did. Seeing the foolish faces of the goblins twist with arousal was fun at a certain level.

With her current mental state, she’d easily be able to cast off what she’d experienced here and return to society. Even though there were some who would shame her for having been raped by goblins, she was not someone who took other’s opinions to heart.

So why didn’t she?

She’d contracted a Fire Spirit and was able to use magic. Knowing the layout of the cave as well as the holes in the cave’s defences. I’d be easy for her to escape if she put her mind to it. There wasn’t any reason for her to continue to be tormented here.

“No, I can’t leave alone.” Despite having experienced the horrors of this place, Silvia had a heart that could not watch this society continue. If she tried to fight against the scavengers or escaped, the chance of survival for those held captive would lessen further.

She didn’t want to be the only one to make it out.

That would be too selfish.

“May the spirits bless me.” Silvia strengthened her resolve to continue to search for an opportunity. An insightful yet patient look appeared in her eyes while thinking of how to ‘nudge’ this society. She needed to eventually give them a reason to all leave for battle.

That would be the only way to save the captives.

She wasn’t sure if they had the hearts to live on after what they’d experienced. Most humans and living beings in general wouldn’t be able to live ‘healthy’ in body or mind in this cave. Time would corrode them until they became ACTUAL toys shaped as people.

Silvia had witnessed many had given up on themselves. They’d became similar to her in a certain sense, but under a delusion that they ‘gained control’ of their lives by submitting to the goblins. Doing what they were told without thinking of escaping.

Those without traits like her own didn’t last long.

Their bodies becoming meat given to a butcher.

[An opportunity has presented itself.]

These words made Silvia stop where she was going.

She’d originally intended to pleasure this cave’s one and only Goblin Mage and steal some resources. She had been preparing herself to get close to him, and had serviced many Goblin Brutes in order to lower their guard. Enough to get closer to the cave’s VIP.

Goblin Mages were special. They only appeared once every so often and were essential to the group. A lot of Goblin Elders were insistent on keeping him away from dangers. Not even allowing the ‘smart’ goblin to visit the breeding facility in fear of those inside.

Fights among goblins were common, after all.

Still, did the system say the opportunity was HERE?

Silvia looked around carefully. Her pointed ears were twitching. It took a moment for her to see that there was something happening nearby. It made her curious enough to sneak closer. Seeing what was this rare sound of satisfaction from a woman came from.

That’s when she saw ‘him’.

This goblin looked different from the others. It may be smaller than a scavenger, but it had smoother skin and more symmetrical facial features. There was a hint of handsomeness on his face. Those eyes seemingly contained intelligence and experience.

[Your superior senses and affinity with spirits has found a mutant. You find that this creature smells of blood of his own kind, and from what you know… It is also an ‘Infant’ goblin. Taming or subjugating this goblin could assist in bringing down the entire cave.]

[The choice you make will impact the future.]

There were no options. The worldly system had merely given her recognition of an opportunity. How ahead would make use of that opportunity would be entirely up to her. Seduction, taming, killing, or even raising it herself were a few routes she could take.

But none of them seemed appealing right now.

Silvia narrowed her eyes and watched the goblin that was ‘servicing’ the woman in front of him. She didn’t know what relation they had, or if there was even one to begin with. The only thing she could figure out was that this ‘Infant’ contracted an Evil Spirit.

Maybe that’s why it could show sexual intelligence.

Knowing that its thrusts would be nothing more than trying to shove a small rod in a big hole, it was using its hands to give pleasure. Such an act was extremely significant in her eyes. There was this strong feeling of interest rising in her mellow eyes.

“Is the spirit possessing him?” She had to wonder.

If that was true, then she might be able to use her spiritual arts to ‘tame’ him… but could an infant goblin really make the change she was looking for in this place? Was it worth giving up the chance she had to grow closer to this cave’s only Goblin Mage?

Soon, she witnessed his desires put out on display.

He suckled on what she believed was his ‘mother’ and drank her milk with a hungry heart. There was a sudden burst of enthusiasm on his end. Looking like he had found a real ‘treasure’. To her, it was the actions of an infant that had discovered breast milk.

There was greed in the infant’s eyes. A simple and easy to manipulate emotion. Maybe she didn’t have to take risks in trying to ‘tame’ him. A small nudge in the right direction is all he needed. This would be enough to start a domino effect in the goblin society.

Silvia continued to stalk the variable she found.

Using her spirit to watch him from a good distance.

She saw him stop in front of a terrifying incident.

A woman with both her arms and legs tied with several layers struggled. The bindings made tearing sounds as she crawled towards any enemy that was nearby. She crawled on her elbows and knees while eating up her own offspring like a ferocious animal.

Like a lion eating its own cubs to regain strength.

Her tail whipped around while she was moving.

It made her look desperate.

The ropes tying her were at their limits.

She was like a bull. Those braver goblins that tried to stop her were impaled on her horns. All becoming helpless in front of this woman. It was a scene that should’ve been great in Silvia’s eyes, but she was too familiar with the methods that these goblins used.

Starting to sense that the goblins grabbed their tools.

“Hah…” Silvia sighed in disappointment. There was no use in this type of meaningless struggle with low odds of success. Though the goblins were weak, the fast cooperation granted by ‘Group Mentality’ and numbers would overwhelm her like it’d done before.

They would subdue her again.

This likely wouldn’t end well for anyone.

It was at that point she noticed a change.

One that even the foolish scavengers noticed.

The beastly woman made eye-contact with the infant goblin she’d followed. She suddenly stopped being violent and was calming down. There was suspicion in the cow woman’s eyes, but it slowly started to turn into that of understanding of the other’s intentions.

No one knew what they were talking about like this.

What conversations could their gazes be holding?

The scavengers stopped when they saw their captive had sat back down. The ferociousness of earlier was nowhere to be seen. She leaned back on the wall and allowed the goblin to come closer. Silvia’s eyes were focused entirely on what would happen after this.

Was this all a trick?

The infant goblin was acting way too bold.

His bulging hands reached out towards the woman.

A dangerous look in his beady little eyes.

“What in the world?” Silvia’s eyes widened when she saw the goblin tear off the vicious woman’s thick restraint. Using both arms to rip away the thick ropes by aiming at their flaws. Unraveling them to the extent that the woman personally broke out.

Both her legs and arms were untied before him.

This was the perfect opportunity for her to revolt.

The cow woman stood up. Her gigantic shadow looked over the small goblin before her. Only to be met by the scared gaze of another next to it. That innocent-looking slave woman quickly hugged her child protectively. Scared that he might get hurt.

Silvia noticed the large woman make a toothy grin.

She aimed for the infant goblin’s mother. Grabbing her by the arm and pulling her close, then sat back down with both of them on her lap. Seemingly happy to ‘adopt’ both the mother and son under her shaky position. Uncaring of her surroundings whatsoever.

“What is even happening?” Silvia raised a brow.

The cow woman pushed her udder-like breast into the infant goblin’s mouth. Forcibly feeding him her milk. She seemed to be the one in control. Grabbing the other woman and planting a deep kiss. Tongue wiggling down the mouth of the goblin’s mother.

“Did they get sacrificed?” She couldn’t understand it.

Not even the scavengers could figure out what was going on. All they understood was that she wasn’t planning on leaving. That much was enough. What the infant child and his ‘mothers’ got up to was none of their business. They had a breeding facility to use.

Silvia struggled to make a decision after seeing this incident unfold. It was only after carefully weighing her options did she decide to leave them be. That original plan to ‘twist’ the Goblin Mage into a helpful direction was a better option. She made her decision.

…But there was no need to NOT sow some karma.

Silvia thought for a moment. She didn’t need to really ‘control’ this variable. It was better to activate it as soon as possible. Give it a way to sow discord among its own species. Since it was contracted to a spirit like she did, there was a good method to use.

“Phew…” She let out a deep breath after congealing her energy into a blessing. Giving it to the goblin.

Awaiting the chaos that would unfold from it.

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