The Breeding Goblin Has Reincarnated

Chapter 5: Goals

A rare but not uncommon scene was unfolding in the den of the rapist species. The cow woman tongued her new partner overbearingly. The innocent girl in her arms tried to struggle, but she was too weak. It felt familiarly rough, but was somehow exciting.

“W-why are you doing this?” The girl coughed while turning her head away as best she could. Trying to resist this new kind of pleasure that was creeping into her heart. This felt so different than what she’d experienced before. Saliva dripping down her lip.

The cow woman smiled with a toothy grin.

“What is your name?” Her voice was dominating.

Squeezing the woman’s arms in her embrace.

Restraining her with the difference in their physique.

“…Seria.” Fill’s mother cried out after feeling the grip on her arms tighten. She felt no love or intimacy in this situation. Only being treated more like a slave than ever before. She simply couldn’t understand why a fellow woman was treating her this horribly.

“Seria, you are the cutest thing I’ve seen in a while. I will take care of you from now on. Don’t resist... This is simply how we Beastkin express our feelings.” The cow woman spoke before once again gagging her with her lips. It seemed she had seriously fallen for Fill’s mother. Seria’s own opinion didn’t matter.

[Your mother has found a partner forcefully. Those who live in the goblin society’s environment for too long become twisted with longing. After taking advantage of this, you have tied a bond between your new parents. A ‘mother’ influences your growth.]

[You are drinking ‘Breast Milk’.]

[‘Growth Correction— Bullkin Influence’ added.]

There was a cunning smile on Fill’s face while lavishly enjoying the breast milk of these ‘Mothers’ he had attained. After seeing his father, he had been planning to give his mother a new partner. Finding this cow woman was an unexpected opportunity.

As for what he’d promised? That was a secret.

Fill sacrificed Seria to seal the deal between them.

Alternating between their breasts. Assisting the cow woman in ‘opening up’ his mother. His hands had shared the carnal joys he was capable of, but it didn’t seem like the cow woman needed any help. She was already aware of how to satisfy a fellow woman.

Seeing that her new partner secretly enjoyed this.

The cow woman knew living in this place could greatly lower one’s standards. She herself was only able to find enjoyment in this after experiencing sex without satisfaction for a while. Speaking no lies when she said Seria was a ‘cute’ woman to her.

She wanted to mess her up so badly. 

Her eyes were filled with an animalistic craziness.

She laid Seria down. Holding he down by the arms.

Looking at her partner’s appearance.

She was a defiled woman just like herself. Her skin was still soft, and she had this fresh scent around her as if she’d taken a bath. Female pheromones had lingered on her body. Reacting sensitively when the infant goblin between them started to suck on her.

The cow woman’s large shadow loomed over Seria.

Her hand traced the innocent beauty’s leg.

The tenseness of the situation caused her some grief.

Seria felt the wooden plug in her ass distinctly.

“How lovely~” The cow woman laughed at her pain.

Grabbing the stake-like anal plug and ripping it out of Seria’s ass. A strong scent attracted the nearby scavengers. Looking between the duo. One of them carefully moved closer to them. Desiring to eat the extra meal being presented. To lick her asshole.

The cow woman noticed this change in atmosphere.

Blushing, she pulled out her own anal plug and waved her ass suggestively. Her tail looking harmless in the eyes of the scavengers. Forgetting the scene from earlier when she’d killed a few infants. Many of them started to close in on the ‘fragile’ slave women.

Unlike how Seria felt, the cow woman enjoyed this.

Being ‘cleaned’ was better than being fucked.

She looked at the stake she’d pulled out intently.

Smelling the horrid stench from her own body.

Then looked at the talkative partner underneath her.

“W-wait…! I’m not ready for this. I’ve only given birth earlier. Please don’t do this- Umph?” Seria felt something that tasted horrible being shoved into her mouth. Tears streamed down her face when she tried to scream, but the son she’d loved had stopped her.

Stopping his sucking of her breasts to look at her.

For the first time, she noticed his cruel expression towards her. Those eyes had deceived her. Making it seem like they could be close… but the real reason he had done anything was for himself. Realisation of that fact grew this feeling of betrayal in her heart.

“Stop struggling.” Fill’s eyes seemed to say.

Her body lost its strength. Feeling him grab her jaw to slide the wooden plug up and down her throat viciously. The cow woman staring from behind had a crazy look she was familiar with. It was obsession that was similar to the Goblin Brute from before.

Except there was no wariness in the woman’s eyes.

Only sadistic pleasure in seeing her be defiled.

The other plug in the cow woman’s hand aimed low.

“Ugh!” Seria tried to kick the cow in the stomach.

Only to have her legs grabbed by the sadistic creep looming above. She twisted Seria’s body and had positioned her on her side. Grabbing the nearby brute’s fertile rod while using the face of the one eating her out as a seat. Uncaring of her weight.

What happened next was the cruelest of tortures.

Fill and the cow woman jointly filled all of her ‘holes’ at once. Her senses were overloading. Feeling that the ‘soft’ end of the wooden stake, covered in her intestine juice, was entering forbidden territory. The masochism awakening within her forced pleasure.

If not pure pain, she had to delusion herself.

Pretending that this felt good.

The brute had low stamina. His seeds acting like a lube that made her asshole slippery. However, it wasn’t in a goblin’s nature to let things be after one ejaculation. They did not stop simply because she was tired or in pain. Increasing her spite of them.

The proof of piety above their head turning redder.

Fill enjoyed himself to the fullest while watching this happen. Ready to take care of the aftermath in his own twisted way. Indulging himself in the pleasures of having his body’s potential altered. It would likely be rare for an infant like him to stockpile resources.

However, he knew that this also wasn’t enough.

His goal was not being the best of goblins. If he wanted to see his lover again, he must evolve past that of a mere ‘goblin’. He had to become an entity that could use magic. An entity that could live for a long time. Survive even harsher environments.

Living in a dark cave like this wasn’t his dream…

[You have been blessed by a higher species that is loved by the spirits. The dormant Evil Spirit within you starts to stir. ‘Growth Correction— Succubus Influence’ has become deeper. Spiritual power flows through you for the first time. A synergy is formed.]


1. Become one and devour the Evil Spirit (Evolution Upgrade: Lust Demon Spirit Ancestry)

2. Imbue the Evil Spirit and feed it your Spiritual Power (Skill: Indulgent Mark)

3. Infuse the Evil Spirit into another (Event: Spirit Bounded Demonic Servant)]

The first option absolutely could not be chosen. He didn’t care about gaining power if it meant a life without his companion. The third option seemed good, but it might end with the ‘other person’ devouring his lover’s spirit if they’re strong enough.

That made the second option his only choice.

[Innate Skill: Indulgent Mark

Description: The condition to use this mark is the target be in the middle of sexual activity. This curse lessens pain and discomfort. The amplification of pleasure while dropping intelligence depending on the level of stimulation. Mark can be cancelled.]

“This is a good ability.” Full thought while quickly finding himself two targets for this ability. He could finally rest easy. Applying the mask to his mother and the cow woman. Seeing them gradually getting more comfortable. The atmosphere was changing.

The cow woman was at first trying to intricately balance her hatred and lust. Arousing herself with sadistic acts in hopes to try and forget about the ugly creatures eating out her ass. However, a purple mark below met belly button cut her string of reason.

No longer feeling complex feelings.

His mother was similar. The mark had made the deep discomfort turn into pleasure. Stimulation without pain that made her ‘turned off’ caused her body to heat up. Feeling sensations of pleasure that shouldn’t be possible. It made her lose her mind.

“Ah… Ahh~” Seria turned into a doll in their grasp.

Her eyes became empty. The only thing that could be seen in them was endless ‘hunger’. A foolish smile on her face while accepting the domination she’d once opposed. It was a good scene. Fill felt at ease so long as his two ‘mothers’ did not think about it too much.

Staying still without thinking up any big ideas.

That would lessen the variables.

He started to ponder his next actions bow he didn’t need to be wary of these two. The mark placed on them would make it so they could never stop trying to indulge in this depravity. Tired or hungry they might become later on, the others would handle it.

Slaves did not die easily due to the group’s efforts.

Even though Fill could probably completely erase the intelligence of the brethren touching his two mothers, he did not stop them. As long as they did not kill them, he didn’t care of his brethren enjoyed themselves. Only caring about his ‘First Evolution’.

What now?

Fill first tried to deduce who had ‘Blessed’ him.

The one involved was obvious.

It was definitely a slave.

If the goblins here were capable of giving a blessing like this, they would not be lesser species. Fill did not believe that this was done out of ‘love’. There was no way real love could be born in such a horrible environment. Therefore, it was done to sow chaos.

A smile bloomed on his green little face.

His pearly white teeth different from his brethren.

A plan was concocted in his head, and he slowly made each step towards his master plan. There was pawns he had to utilise perfectly for this plan to pan out, and for him to get closer to his ‘real goals’. Fill first decided to get closer with his partner-in-crime.

He turned towards his strong, untamed, crazy and uncontrollable ‘second mother’. Looking her in the eye to exchange unspoken words. They had talked about his plan when they first met, and although she was enjoying herself… she did not truly ‘indulge’.

Already aware that this change was Fill’s power.

Rather than trying to control this woman, he was fine with giving her what she wanted in return for what he wanted. They both made a trade as equals despite their positions. Different from what one might expect from a sex slave and an infant goblin.

When they were done, Fill started his altered plan.

The goal hasn’t changed, but the methods did.

Fill walked away from the cow woman and left his first mother in her hands. Sure that they could survive until he came back. Now that he had such a convenient ability, he needed to use this power to the fullest. Grasping at the god given opportunity.

Ironically speaking…

He walked his little feet towards the breeding facility for the first time. It was a part of the cave that was sealed off. Only one exit and entrance. There were guards posted on both sides. Extreme caution was taken despite this being a place for ‘enjoyment’.

He saw many different types of women tied to the walls. Some were on the verge of death, and others were being dragged out after they really died. The goblins here were not only scavengers. There were even types he hadn’t seen before enjoying their life.

Groans of pains could be heard with forced moans.

Those trying to delude themselves into feeling good.

“Let’s see if this works.” Fill thought while walking up to the first ‘test subject’. He saw a woman with a gag and blindfold tightly restricting her senses. Her ability to communicate sealed. Unable to stop the scavenger from planting his seeds into her womb.

Her lower body dripping with white fluids.

Fill’s hand hovered over her body. His touch had brought her a kind of salvation. That discomfort she had been feeling all this time was erased, and she was finally able to ‘lose her mind’ just as she’d desired all this time. The opposite of ‘that woman’.

This environment probably evoked such a feeling.

Those who didn’t were just plain crazy or strange.

Seeing that his slave was suddenly becoming hotter and wetter, the scavenger looked at him. Fill’s eyes only asked one favour from the goblin, but the creature was not too sure about the deal. Unable to make a choice. This indecision did not last long.

Over the course of a month, the whole breeding facility had changed from the ground up. There was no longer any fear or wariness in the goblin’s eyes after taking the blindfold and bindings off of their captives. Only the gags became much more thicker.

They were having an orgy with the human women.

This time, both parties were enjoying the sex.

His mark had erased their physical discomforts.

Even the ‘elf’ of this place was under his influence.

Being raped by several Goblin Elders at once.

Time passed, and the cave started to thrive. There were many battles in that time, but this place deep in the goblin’s cave was untouched. No adventurer of low rank willing to risk their lives to exterminate them entirely. Going deep into enemy territory.

In the span of a year, a few generations had passed.

‘Rapid Ageing’ for more strength from the adults and quick maturity of infants allowed Fill have a lot of data to sort. He was aware that became aware that having too many Growth Corrections could be more detrimental than helpful. A lost of ‘Brutes’ were that.

They did not inherit any particular trait of their mothers. Only from their fathers. Even if they did drink the same kind of breast milk he did, those infants would almost always choose their father’s influence. This was simply a tragedy in his eyes.

“Why stay like this?” Fill inwardly hated this place.

It was a stagnant society. They stayed in one place and did not reap the benefits they could out of a misguided sense of superiority. Believing that their victory as goblins over a ‘higher species’ meant they were stronger. Their foolishness was contagious.

“They are all useless.” Even if he could, Fill did not want to become king of these worms. They were so foolish that it was even a detriment to himself to try using them as pawns. It made him feel nothing at all when the final day before his ‘birthday’ arrived.

The plan set in motion.

Fill visited his mother. Seeing her weakly leaning on the cow woman’s body. Unable to stop the tall and strong woman from humiliating her. Rubbing her chest while plunging her fingers. Sitting on the cow’s lap like a doll and played with like she was a tool.

She looked at Fill’s eyes.

“Watch me show you ‘piety’.” His eyes seemed to say.

Then, a horrific scene unfolded.

For once, it wasn’t towards the slaves.

Flames started to erupt. Many goblins had suddenly bursted into flames on the spot. Unable to figure out what was happening. None, no matter how strong they were… could understand this tragedy. Warily looking at their slaves, but found them obedient.

Their slaves weren’t the problem.

“You guys shouldn’t have indulged so much.” Fill thought while rolling his eyes. There was a mark that was put on them as well, but this wasn’t the same Indulgent Mark that was given to the slaves. He had got someone special to help him create these marks.

That woman was still mindlessly fucking the Goblin Mage she had tried seducing. Her mind a mix of indulgence and fear. Knowing that she had created a monster due to one mistake. Giving power to a creature that should have never attained it at all.

Magical bindings from the Goblin Mage stopped her from going anywhere. She was stuck in this tent with a goblin that had the same Indulgent Mark etched into her body. Even as his comrades screamed, the goblin didn’t seem to hear their shouts for help.

Completely focusing on her beauty.

After a good while, not even charred corpses were left of the goblins. Their bodies turning into smoke that was gathered in one spot. Their souls and body remnants being devoured by the Evil Spirit inside of Fill. He had managed to fulfil his mother’s desire.

So why didn’t the quest completion message pop up?

It was then he noticed the fear and hatred in his mother’s eyes. She looked at him. Those eyes were not the same they were nearly a year ago. They had changed to become fearful of him. Having witnessed all that he had done and all that he was planning.

Fill looked above his head. A red marker hovered above him silently. Telling him suicide was ‘piety’.

He genuinely smiled at his mother for the first time.

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