The Butcher of Gadobhra

Chapter 292: Going for Silver

Chapter 292: Going for Silver

Suzette was still thinking about the strange class that the even stranger woman had offered her. Their meeting had been brief, but pleasant. She and Ozzy had talked about it some before she returned to the tavern, and he took a load of ribs up to Gadobhra. He was in favor of whatever she wanted to do. When she glared at him, he took his wagon and started jogging to Gadobhra.

Betty had food ready for a meal when she got to the tavern, and hungry people were waiting to eat. Ten workers were around a table, and a team of six adventurers had walked all the way from Northguard to use the dungeons. They looked tired after that long walk, and she thought they deserved a reward.

"You folks look pretty worn out. How about I serve you up a nice lunch, on the house. You don't want to head into the Bunny Barrow on an empty stomach." That cheered them up. So did her smile and a little enchantment. They were the only new players to show up in over two weeks, and she wanted to help them have a good first dive into the dungeon. She filled the table with food and served them each a meat and potato pie, sliced apples, boiled eggs, and a big chunk of cheese. Hot bread, butter, and a crock of honey were set out, and they began eating and laughing. She spent some time telling about the dangers in the first level of each dungeon and what to expect. They had heard about the chance to get a pet in the Bunny Barrow and had many questions. She sent them off to do all the small quests that seemed to trigger "Squirmie fell down the well." Since Rolly wasn't around, they had to find Lyle, the half-crazed druid, out in the fields herding sedge beasts.

Suzette pondered how much she liked having the tavern. It was complicated playing mayor and dungeon keeper, but the town centered on the tavern, and she got to see nearly everyone as they wandered through for a meal, drink, or talk. It made her think about the strange class she'd been offered.

Her pondering was interrupted by the door to the tavern opening, with two gnomish guards flanking the door, followed by the entrance of Prince Rupert, the two senior bankers, Banker Coppertwist, and two appraisers. The guards had played rock/paper/scissors for who stayed to guard the bank. Suzette smiled at them all. "Just in time for lunch. Let me set the table for you here in the back. Would you like something to drink? Or just here for lunch?"

Cornelius started to say, "We are here about..." when Prince Rupert sat on a stool and said, "The darkest ale you have and two servings of that meat pie I can smell." Cornelius and the others followed his lead: dark ale and a meat pie for everyone. As Suzette scurried around to serve everyone, Cornelius and Ganderwallow appraised the building with experienced eyes. The tavern was well-made, not 'well-made for a human,' but well-made by gnomish standards. The stones were laid tight with barely a need for mortar. This was good work by master craftsmen. The walls were decorated with two dozen magical items, which curiously had prices on them.

Tiberius saw the looks. "The tavern keeper controls a set of dungeons below this tavern and takes a cut of the loot recovered there. A very lucrative business, or so I'm told. There are more dungeons to the north in the old city of Gadobhra. The Baron has made it his life's work to rebuild the ancient city."

Prince Rupert took a tentative taste of his ale. Human beer was never tasty enough; they skimped on the mana needed to give it a good zing. He was pleasantly surprised by the smoky, dark ale that poured down his throat. "By my father's stockings! What brew is this?"

Tiberius was sipping his mug. He'd enjoyed this ale many times in the evenings over discussions with other patrons. "This is Blud Extra-Dark. I've heard they soak the barrels in dark mana from the city while it ferments. It is very popular, as are the other varieties of beer, ale, and wine Sedgewick producing."

"Do you have plans to stay here, Tiberius? It seems to be a good place to grow a bank. You've earned your Silver Key, and I will ensure the request goes through in record time. I'd encourage you to build the business and go for Gold."

That statement made the new banker's heart race. When senior management makes a statement of encouragement like that, it speaks well for your future. "I thank you for your advice, Sir. The area has many unique business opportunities. And where there is business, a bank prospers."

Prince Rupert ordered another round of beer. "What else do they have going here? The village seems small but busy."

Tiberius listed the items he knew of. "The Baron is building a Fortress for the Legion using over a hundred high-tier artisans. Stone flows like water from the mountains, and they harvested an oak forest to supply the wood. Once that fortress is complete, the Legion will increase the local garrison four-fold. I've offered to make visits to the keep to sign up new recruits for bank accounts so the Legion can make a direct deposit to the bank for their pay. Centurion Marcus seems to approve of that."

"That local Butcher you saw is making Mage's Delight and Apocalypse Ham. The sale of those to adventurers and the Academies will bring a strong flow of coin. I've also heard talk of the Baron taking over the sausage industry in the northern barony. He is training dozens of butchers."

"The Baron has trade routes to the Fae Realms and the Smoke. I have spoken to hidden Fae Lords of Captains from the smoke at this very table." He paused to take a sip of his ale. "Sixty-two farming families set up accounts with me over the last week. The Baron fought a war to drive out the gophers and reclaim the land. They expect multiple harvests each year, due to the proximity of unicorns brought here by the Summer Lord as a sign of friendship."

"And, adventurers are slowly learning of the dungeons and venturing into them. Strange to see such a concentration in one place, but very profitable. I have seen Fae Hunting parties come through town to battle against the beasts in one of them. There is probably more that I miss. Things are very busy here."

The Senior Bankers looked at each other, and then to young Tiberius. He seemed excited but not stressed. Many other Copper-Key Bankers would be sweating and ringing their hands after a day like today. The Coppertwist Clan was a hearty bunch. "We will need a full report on the area, young Coppertwist. Silver may not be enough for this area. And, I must say, I'm glad it's one of the old and established families setting up here. The amount you deposited today will have His Majesty dancing a jig for a week straight." They continued to eat, drink, and listen to the conversation around them, picking up colorful bits of information, then deposited payment and a large tip from Prince Rupert. Taking full mugs for dessert, they went to tour the town. They had heard mention of a smoking demon and a flying ship.

After the Prince's group departed, a weary Banker Coppertwist returned to the tavern to talk to Suzette. She brought him a plate of Betty's cookies and tea for both of them. "You have news for me?"

He nodded. "I do indeed. My superiors have given me probationary approval for a Silver Key, with the understanding that once the artifacts generously deposited by Butcher Ozzy are appraised and verified, it will be permanent. It comes with a much larger bank and expanded powers. As you know, I took in a large deposit today from the local Butcher. Large enough that my bank can now offer its services to Gadobhra, Rowan Keep, and the hamlets of Unicorn Vale. This should make doing business much easier for you."

Suzette had some ideas about that business. "Let me propose a hypothetical situation. If I were to store items near the teleporter to Rowan Keep, and those items were listed at a shop in one of the larger cities, those items could be instantly bought and delivered to customers?"

The Banker clarified some points. "Yes, but the distance from storage to teleporter is limited to fifty feet for a Tier two stone. Fees must be paid to the Legion or the mana supplied. The price of your item will appear in your account minus your listing fee and 1% for banking fees. The rest goes to you. The item will be teleported to the city it was listed in, and a runner from that store will deliver it to your customer. This means that the best shops to list your goods are close to the teleport stone in the city. More expensive, but less problems and well worth it.

Tiberius continued, "The Baron had mentioned he was interested in a bank for Gadobhra. I have been approved to open a branch office there when he feels ready. Could you convey that message to him? I must admit that wandering into that city by myself is not something I am up for."

"I'd be happy to. It will give me great joy to let the Baron, and of course, the Baroness."

Tiberius thanked her profusely and left the tavern. The Silver Key jingled in his pocket. When he turned it in the lock of his bank, the building doubled in width and depth and added three more stories to its height. Clocks on the sixth floor were visible from all four sides. Entering his establishment, the tired banker remembered to write his mother and pay a messenger to express his note and her answer. He was anxious to see who she picked out for him.

After hours in the tavern, Suzette sat and pondered her options if she chose Mourninglade's Apprentice.

What if she started with the Name and focus from Lonely Barmaid? That should keep her here at the tavern, and she loved the part about confusing her enemies. The benefits she could gain would be much better this way, advantages stolen from other classes. She could take the expanded spell list from Road of Shadows out of Charming Assassin. She skipped the spells from the mage guild. She had the gold to buy them if there was anything there.

'Choose a class from any of your tiers' implied she could also use the options from Tier 2. She was doubtful anything good was there, but she looked to be sure.


You have aided a powerful and terrible creature, shown you can manage at level 1 dungeon, cooked meat muffins and new brews, poisoned friends, mixed your alchemy with your beer, seen the Light of Ra, and heard the Laughter of Hermes. You may progress to the second Tier.

Possible Classes include:

Contract Worker - Apprentice Barmaid

More of the same: Serve drinks and make people happy while polishing your drink-making skills.

+1 AGI, +1 DEX, +1 CHR, and 2 stats of your choice.

Contract Worker - Priestess of Hermes, God of all things Cool

Bring knowledge, inspire by doing odds things, do interesting things.

+1 INT, +1 WIS

Gain: An aspect of magic and +5 stats to toss wherever you think is cool.

Contract Worker - Sorceress of the Light

Glow with inner light, fight the dark, and learn to fly! (wings not included).

+2 RAD, +2 CHR, +2 INT

Charming Assassin Contract Worker - Tavern Keeper

More of the same, only you're the boss.

+2 DEX, +2 CHR, +2 AG,

Contract Worker - Apprentice Alchemist

Potions, poisons, and more potions.

+3 DEX, +3 Con

Gain: Increased chance of gaining resistances.

Gain: knowledge: Chemistry

Succubus of Gadobhra

The position is open; why not apply?

+5 CHR, +5 AGI, +5 COR

Gain: Skill: Arcane Seduction

Arcane Seduction was out! Again she wondered if the system was trolling her sometimes. Resistances and Chemistry were nothing great. But the Priestess of Hermes was odd. She hadn't considered the class after she learned about Charming Assassin. What she thought was a line for extra stats was worded strangely.

'Gain: An aspect of magic and +5 stats to toss wherever you think is cool.' That wasn't just Hermes phrasing things differently. She could add +5 radiance on top of +1 to all stats if that were an actual benefit. Another branch of magic didn't hurt, even if she could buy those with CSP.

She pondered what else to take. The benefits from Hermes were neat, but she felt spread thin now with alchemy, brewing, magic, and a taste of stealth skills. Ozzy was getting better and better. She needed to keep up with him. It meant taking something from Shadow Assassin, but she wanted the skills it offered. It was a gamble, but she wasn't taking the whole class.

She brought up the description of Mourninglade's Apprentice and saw that it allowed her to select the benefits she wanted. And what she wanted seemed to work.

Mourninglade's Apprentice

Lady Mourninglade was a member of the Court of Elficleos, the father of the current king of the Fae. She was rumored to be many things, none of which were ever confirmed.

Some feared her as an assassin; others claimed she was nothing more than his majesty's paramour. The truth was far stranger: She did whatever she wanted and refused to be defined. A paradox by fae standards, who strive to excel and be known for their prowess. She has noticed you and seen that you don't play by the rules set down by others. And she approves.

Lonely Barmaid

Continue your role of the Loneliest Barmaid in Sedgewick. Confuse your enemies and use the role to hide your other activities and abilities.

Gain: Expanded skill list dealing in stealth, disguise, and combat.

Gain: Expanded spells from the Road of Shadows

Gain: An aspect of magic and +5 stats to toss wherever you think is cool.

+1 to all Stats.

Become Mourninglade's Apprentice? Y/N?

Taking a deep breath, she accepted.

Welcome to Tier 3.Things have become Strange...

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